MINOR: dict: Add dictionary new data structure.

This patch adds minimalistic definitions to implement dictionary new data structure
which is an ebtree of ebpt_node structs with strings as keys. Note that this has nothing
to see with real dictionary data structure (maps of keys in association with values).
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index cf4a3d9..6695974 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -788,7 +788,7 @@
        src/xxhash.o src/hpack-enc.o src/h2.o src/freq_ctr.o src/lru.o         \
        src/protocol.o src/arg.o src/hpack-huff.o src/hdr_idx.o src/base64.o   \
        src/hash.o src/mailers.o src/activity.o src/http_msg.o src/version.o   \
-       src/mworker.o src/mworker-prog.o src/debug.o src/wdt.o
+       src/mworker.o src/mworker-prog.o src/debug.o src/wdt.o src/dict.o
 EBTREE_OBJS = $(EBTREE_DIR)/ebtree.o $(EBTREE_DIR)/eb32sctree.o \
               $(EBTREE_DIR)/eb32tree.o $(EBTREE_DIR)/eb64tree.o \