MINOR: http: add support for "httponly" and "secure" cookie attributes

   httponly  This option tells haproxy to add an "HttpOnly" cookie attribute
             when a cookie is inserted. This attribute is used so that a
             user agent doesn't share the cookie with non-HTTP components.
             Please check RFC6265 for more information on this attribute.

   secure    This option tells haproxy to add a "Secure" cookie attribute when
             a cookie is inserted. This attribute is used so that a user agent
             never emits this cookie over non-secure channels, which means
             that a cookie learned with this flag will be presented only over
             SSL/TLS connections. Please check RFC6265 for more information on
             this attribute.
diff --git a/doc/configuration.txt b/doc/configuration.txt
index 1253357..b7ca28d 100644
--- a/doc/configuration.txt
+++ b/doc/configuration.txt
@@ -1891,8 +1891,8 @@
 cookie <name> [ rewrite | insert | prefix ] [ indirect ] [ nocache ]
-              [ postonly ] [ preserve ] [ domain <domain> ]*
-              [ maxidle <idle> ] [ maxlife <life> ]
+              [ postonly ] [ preserve ] [ httponly ] [ secure ]
+              [ domain <domain> ]* [ maxidle <idle> ] [ maxlife <life> ]
   Enable cookie-based persistence in a backend.
   May be used in sections :   defaults | frontend | listen | backend
                                  yes   |    no    |   yes  |   yes
@@ -1990,6 +1990,18 @@
               shutdown because users will definitely leave the server after
               they logout.
+    httponly  This option tells haproxy to add an "HttpOnly" cookie attribute
+              when a cookie is inserted. This attribute is used so that a
+              user agent doesn't share the cookie with non-HTTP components.
+              Please check RFC6265 for more information on this attribute.
+    secure    This option tells haproxy to add a "Secure" cookie attribute when
+              a cookie is inserted. This attribute is used so that a user agent
+              never emits this cookie over non-secure channels, which means
+              that a cookie learned with this flag will be presented only over
+              SSL/TLS connections. Please check RFC6265 for more information on
+              this attribute.
     domain    This option allows to specify the domain at which a cookie is
               inserted. It requires exactly one parameter: a valid domain
               name. If the domain begins with a dot, the browser is allowed to
diff --git a/include/types/proxy.h b/include/types/proxy.h
index 1da0f9d..53dd96d 100644
--- a/include/types/proxy.h
+++ b/include/types/proxy.h
@@ -169,6 +169,8 @@
 #define PR_CK_NOC       0x00000010      /* add a 'Cache-control' header with the cookie */
 #define PR_CK_POST      0x00000020      /* don't insert cookies for requests other than a POST */
 #define PR_CK_PSV       0x00000040      /* cookie ... preserve */
+#define PR_CK_HTTPONLY  0x00000080      /* emit the "HttpOnly" attribute */
+#define PR_CK_SECURE    0x00000100      /* emit the "Secure" attribute */
 /* bits for sticking rules */
 #define STK_IS_MATCH	0x00000001	/* match on request fetch */
diff --git a/src/cfgparse.c b/src/cfgparse.c
index a7aade5..5f8cb96 100644
--- a/src/cfgparse.c
+++ b/src/cfgparse.c
@@ -2161,6 +2161,12 @@
 			else if (!strcmp(args[cur_arg], "prefix")) {
 				curproxy->ck_opts |= PR_CK_PFX;
+			else if (!strcmp(args[cur_arg], "httponly")) {
+				curproxy->ck_opts |= PR_CK_HTTPONLY;
+			}
+			else if (!strcmp(args[cur_arg], "secure")) {
+				curproxy->ck_opts |= PR_CK_SECURE;
+			}
 			else if (!strcmp(args[cur_arg], "domain")) {
 				if (!*args[cur_arg + 1]) {
 					Alert("parsing [%s:%d]: '%s' expects <domain> as argument.\n",
diff --git a/src/proto_http.c b/src/proto_http.c
index 02537ff..7eeb4f6 100644
--- a/src/proto_http.c
+++ b/src/proto_http.c
@@ -5085,6 +5085,12 @@
 			if (t->be->cookie_domain)
 				len += sprintf(trash+len, "; domain=%s", t->be->cookie_domain);
+			if (t->be->ck_opts & PR_CK_HTTPONLY)
+				len += sprintf(trash+len, "; HttpOnly");
+			if (t->be->ck_opts & PR_CK_SECURE)
+				len += sprintf(trash+len, "; Secure");
 			if (unlikely(http_header_add_tail2(&txn->rsp, &txn->hdr_idx, trash, len) < 0))
 				goto return_bad_resp;