CLEANUP: htx: fix a typo in an error message of http_str_to_htx
This fixes a typo in an error message about headers in the
http_str_to_htx function.
diff --git a/src/http_htx.c b/src/http_htx.c
index 2978f2e..58b2418 100644
--- a/src/http_htx.c
+++ b/src/http_htx.c
@@ -924,7 +924,7 @@
ret = h1_headers_to_hdr_list(raw.ptr, istend(raw),
hdrs, sizeof(hdrs)/sizeof(hdrs[0]), &h1m, &h1sl);
if (ret <= 0) {
- memprintf(errmsg, "unabled to parse headers (error offset: %d)", h1m.err_pos);
+ memprintf(errmsg, "unable to parse headers (error offset: %d)", h1m.err_pos);
goto error;