[BUILD] report commit date and not author's date as build date

By default, when building from a git tree, haproxy's release date is
set to the last commit's date. But it was the wrong date which was
used, the initial patch's date, which can cause time jumps in the
past when an old patch gets merged. What we want is the commit date,
which reflects the correct code history.
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index d5bd2fd..e790fe8 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -268,8 +268,8 @@
 VERSION := $(shell [ -d .git/. ] && ref=`(git-describe --tags) 2>/dev/null` && ref=$${ref%-g*} && echo "$${ref\#v}")
 ifneq ($(VERSION),)
 # OK git is there and works.
-SUBVERS := $(shell comms=`git-log --no-merges v$(VERSION).. 2>/dev/null |grep -c ^commit `; [ $$comms -gt 0 ] && echo "-$$comms" )
-VERDATE := $(shell date +%Y/%m/%d -d "`git-log HEAD^.. 2>/dev/null | sed -ne '/^Date:/{s/\(^[^ ]*:\)\|\( [-+].*\)//gp;q}'`" )
+SUBVERS := $(shell comms=`git log --no-merges v$(VERSION).. 2>/dev/null |grep -c ^commit `; [ $$comms -gt 0 ] && echo "-$$comms" )
+VERDATE := $(shell date +%Y/%m/%d -d "`git log --pretty=fuller HEAD^.. 2>/dev/null | sed -ne '/^CommitDate:/{s/\(^[^ ]*:\)\|\( [-+].*\)//gp;q}'`" )