BUILD: makefile: build the features list dynamically

The BUILD_FEATURES string was created too early to inherit implicit
additions. This could make the features list report that some features
were disabled while they had later been enabled. Better make it a macro
that is interpreted where needed based on the current state of each
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index c6fec6a..1d3fe26 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -514,7 +514,11 @@
 # is used to report a list of all flags which were used to build this version.
 # Do not assign anything to it.
 BUILD_OPTIONS  := $(foreach opt,$(use_opts),$(call ignore_implicit,$(opt)))
-BUILD_FEATURES := $(foreach opt,$(patsubst USE_%,%,$(use_opts)),$(if $(USE_$(opt)),+$(opt),-$(opt)))
+# Make a list of all known features with +/- prepended depending on their
+# activation status. Must be a macro so that dynamically enabled ones are
+# evaluated with their current status.
+BUILD_FEATURES  = $(foreach opt,$(patsubst USE_%,%,$(use_opts)),$(if $(USE_$(opt)),+$(opt),-$(opt)))
 # All USE_* options have their equivalent macro defined in the code (some might
 # possibly be unused though)