BUILD: improve the makefile's support for libpcre

Currently when cross-compiling, it's generally necessary to force
PCREDIR which the Makefile automatically appends /include and /lib to.
Unfortunately on most 64-bit linux distros, the lib path is instead
/lib64, which is really annoying to fix in the makefile.

So now we're computing PCRE_INC and PCRE_LIB from PCREDIR and using
these ones instead. If one wants to force paths individually, it is
possible to set them instead of setting PCREDIR. The old behaviour
of not passing anything to the compiler when PCREDIR is forced to blank
is conserved.
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index ca9e1b2..a78e9d9 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -64,6 +64,8 @@
 #   DLMALLOC_SRC   : build with dlmalloc, indicate the location of dlmalloc.c.
 #   DLMALLOC_THRES : should match PAGE_SIZE on every platform (default: 4096).
 #   PCREDIR        : force the path to libpcre.
+#   PCRE_LIB       : force the lib path to libpcre (defaults to $PCREDIR/lib).
+#   PCRE_INC       : force the include path to libpcre ($PCREDIR/inc)
 #   IGNOREGIT      : ignore GIT commit versions if set.
 #   VERSION        : force haproxy version reporting.
 #   SUBVERS        : add a sub-version (eg: platform, model, ...).
@@ -519,30 +521,32 @@
-ifneq ($(USE_PCRE),)
-# PCREDIR is the directory hosting include/pcre.h and lib/libpcre.*. It is
-# automatically detected but can be forced if required. Forcing it to an empty
-# string will result in search only in the default paths.
-ifeq ($(PCREDIR),)
+# PCREDIR is used to automatically construct the PCRE_INC and PCRE_LIB paths,
+# by appending /include and /lib respectively. If your system does not use the
+# same sub-directories, simply force these variables instead of PCREDIR. It is
+# automatically detected but can be forced if required (for cross-compiling).
+# Forcing PCREDIR to an empty string will let the compiler use the default
+# locations.
 PCREDIR	        := $(shell pcre-config --prefix 2>/dev/null || echo /usr/local)
+ifneq ($(PCREDIR),)
+PCRE_INC        := $(PCREDIR)/include
+PCRE_LIB        := $(PCREDIR)/lib
 ifeq ($(USE_STATIC_PCRE),)
-OPTIONS_LDFLAGS += $(if $(PCREDIR),-L$(PCREDIR)/lib) -lpcreposix -lpcre
+# dynamic PCRE
+OPTIONS_LDFLAGS += $(if $(PCRE_LIB),-L$(PCRE_LIB)) -lpcreposix -lpcre
 BUILD_OPTIONS   += $(call ignore_implicit,USE_PCRE)
-ifneq ($(USE_STATIC_PCRE),)
-# PCREDIR is the directory hosting include/pcre.h and lib/libpcre.*. It is
-# automatically detected but can be forced if required.
-ifeq ($(PCREDIR),)
-PCREDIR         := $(shell pcre-config --prefix 2>/dev/null || echo /usr/local)
-OPTIONS_LDFLAGS += $(if $(PCREDIR),-L$(PCREDIR)/lib) -Wl,-Bstatic -lpcreposix -lpcre -Wl,-Bdynamic
+# static PCRE
+OPTIONS_LDFLAGS += $(if $(PCRE_LIB),-L$(PCRE_LIB)) -Wl,-Bstatic -lpcreposix -lpcre -Wl,-Bdynamic
 BUILD_OPTIONS   += $(call ignore_implicit,USE_STATIC_PCRE)
 # This one can be changed to look for ebtree files in an external directory
 EBTREE_DIR := ebtree