MEDIUM: checks: Support matching on headers for http-check expect rules

It is now possible to add http-check expect rules matching HTTP header names and
values. Here is the format of these rules:

  http-check expect header name [ -m <meth> ] <name> [log-format] \
                           [ value [ -m <meth> ] <value> [log-format] [full] ]

the name pattern (name ...) is mandatory but the value pattern (value ...) is
optionnal. If not specified, only the header presence is verified. <meth> is the
matching method, applied on the header name or the header value. Supported
matching methods are:

  * "str" (exact match)
  * "beg" (prefix match)
  * "end" (suffix match)
  * "sub" (substring match)
  * "reg" (regex match)

If not specified, exact matching method is used. If the "log-format" option is
used, the pattern (<name> or <value>) is evaluated as a log-format string. This
option cannot be used with the regex matching method. Finally, by default, the
header value is considered as comma-separated list. Each part may be tested. The
"full" option may be used to test the full header line. Note that matchings are
case insensitive on the header names.
diff --git a/include/types/checks.h b/include/types/checks.h
index 4809285..927dada 100644
--- a/include/types/checks.h
+++ b/include/types/checks.h
@@ -248,17 +248,34 @@
 	TCPCHK_EXPECT_STRING,            /* Matches a string. */
 	TCPCHK_EXPECT_REGEX,             /* Matches a regular pattern. */
 	TCPCHK_EXPECT_REGEX_BINARY,      /* Matches a regular pattern on a hex-encoded text. */
-	TCPCHK_EXPECT_BINARY,            /* Matches a binary sequence. */
+	TCPCHK_EXPECT_BINARY,            /* Matches a binary sequence on a hex-encoded text. */
 	TCPCHK_EXPECT_CUSTOM,            /* Execute a custom function. */
-	TCPCHK_EXPECT_HTTP_STATUS,       /* Matches a string */
-	TCPCHK_EXPECT_HTTP_REGEX_STATUS, /* Matches a regular pattern */
-	TCPCHK_EXPECT_HTTP_BODY,         /* Matches a string */
-	TCPCHK_EXPECT_HTTP_REGEX_BODY,   /* Matches a regular pattern */
+	TCPCHK_EXPECT_HTTP_STATUS,       /* Matches a list of codes on the HTTP status */
+	TCPCHK_EXPECT_HTTP_REGEX_STATUS, /* Matches a regular pattern on the HTTP status */
+	TCPCHK_EXPECT_HTTP_HEADER,       /* Matches on HTTP headers */
+	TCPCHK_EXPECT_HTTP_BODY,         /* Matches a string oa the HTTP payload */
+	TCPCHK_EXPECT_HTTP_REGEX_BODY,   /* Matches a regular pattern on a HTTP payload */
 /* tcp-check expect flags */
-#define TCPCHK_EXPT_FL_INV    0x0001 /* Matching is inversed */
+#define TCPCHK_EXPT_FL_INV             0x0001 /* Matching is inversed */
+#define TCPCHK_EXPT_FL_HTTP_HNAME_STR  0x0002 /* Exact match on the HTTP header name */
+#define TCPCHK_EXPT_FL_HTTP_HNAME_BEG  0x0004 /* Prefix match on the HTTP header name */
+#define TCPCHK_EXPT_FL_HTTP_HNAME_END  0x0008 /* Suffix match on the HTTP header name */
+#define TCPCHK_EXPT_FL_HTTP_HNAME_SUB  0x0010 /* Substring match on the HTTP header name */
+#define TCPCHK_EXPT_FL_HTTP_HNAME_REG  0x0020 /* Regex match on the HTTP header name */
+#define TCPCHK_EXPT_FL_HTTP_HNAME_FMT  0x0040 /* The HTTP header name is a log-format string */
+#define TCPCHK_EXPT_FL_HTTP_HVAL_NONE  0x0080 /* No match on the HTTP header value */
+#define TCPCHK_EXPT_FL_HTTP_HVAL_STR   0x0100 /* Exact match on the HTTP header value */
+#define TCPCHK_EXPT_FL_HTTP_HVAL_BEG   0x0200 /* Prefix match on the HTTP header value */
+#define TCPCHK_EXPT_FL_HTTP_HVAL_END   0x0400 /* Suffix match on the HTTP header value */
+#define TCPCHK_EXPT_FL_HTTP_HVAL_SUB   0x0800 /* Substring match on the HTTP header value */
+#define TCPCHK_EXPT_FL_HTTP_HVAL_REG   0x1000 /* Regex match on the HTTP header value*/
+#define TCPCHK_EXPT_FL_HTTP_HVAL_FMT   0x2000 /* The HTTP header value is a log-format string */
+#define TCPCHK_EXPT_FL_HTTP_HVAL_FULL  0x4000 /* Match the full header value ( no stop on commas ) */
+#define TCPCHK_EXPT_FL_HTTP_HNAME_TYPE 0x003E /* Mask to get matching method on header name */
+#define TCPCHK_EXPT_FL_HTTP_HVAL_TYPE  0x1F00 /* Mask to get matching method on header value */
 struct tcpcheck_expect {
 	enum tcpcheck_expect_type type;   /* Type of pattern used for matching. */
 	unsigned int flags;               /* TCPCHK_EXPT_FL_* */
@@ -266,6 +283,19 @@
 		struct ist data;             /* Matching a literal string / binary anywhere in the response. */
 		struct my_regex *regex;      /* Matching a regex pattern. */
 		struct tcpcheck_codes codes; /* Matching a list of codes */
+		struct {
+			union {
+				struct ist name;
+				struct list name_fmt;
+				struct my_regex *name_re;
+			};
+			union {
+				struct ist value;
+				struct list value_fmt;
+				struct my_regex *value_re;
+			};
+		} hdr;                       /* Matching a header pattern */
 		/* custom function to eval epxect rule */
 		enum tcpcheck_eval_ret (*custom)(struct check *, struct tcpcheck_rule *, int);