MINOR: cfgparse: SSL/TLS binding in "peers" sections.

Make "bind" keywork be supported in "peers" sections.
All "bind" settings are supported on this line.
Add "default-bind" option to parse the binding options excepted the bind address.
Do not parse anymore the bind address for local peers on "server" lines.
Do not use anymore list_for_each_entry() to set the "peers" section
listener parameters because there is only one listener by "peers" section.

May be backported to 1.5 and newer.
diff --git a/include/proto/server.h b/include/proto/server.h
index b3a9b87..436ffb5 100644
--- a/include/proto/server.h
+++ b/include/proto/server.h
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 int srv_downtime(const struct server *s);
 int srv_lastsession(const struct server *s);
 int srv_getinter(const struct check *check);
-int parse_server(const char *file, int linenum, char **args, struct proxy *curproxy, struct proxy *defproxy);
+int parse_server(const char *file, int linenum, char **args, struct proxy *curproxy, struct proxy *defproxy, int parse_addr);
 int update_server_addr(struct server *s, void *ip, int ip_sin_family, const char *updater);
 const char *update_server_addr_port(struct server *s, const char *addr, const char *port, char *updater);
 struct server *server_find_by_id(struct proxy *bk, int id);