[BUILD] remove haproxy-small.spec

This one is not used and causes trouble to people using rpmbuild.
diff --git a/examples/haproxy-small.spec b/examples/haproxy-small.spec
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e2728f..0000000
--- a/examples/haproxy-small.spec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-Summary: HA-Proxy is a TCP/HTTP reverse proxy for high availability environments
-Name: haproxy
-Version: 1.3.16
-Release: 1
-License: GPL
-Group: System Environment/Daemons
-URL: http://haproxy.1wt.eu/
-Source0: http://haproxy.1wt.eu/download/1.3/src/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
-BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
-BuildRequires: pcre-devel
-Requires: /sbin/chkconfig, /sbin/service
-HA-Proxy is a TCP/HTTP reverse proxy which is particularly suited for high
-availability environments. Indeed, it can:
-- route HTTP requests depending on statically assigned cookies
-- spread the load among several servers while assuring server persistence
-  through the use of HTTP cookies
-- switch to backup servers in the event a main one fails
-- accept connections to special ports dedicated to service monitoring
-- stop accepting connections without breaking existing ones
-- add/modify/delete HTTP headers both ways
-- block requests matching a particular pattern
-It needs very little resource. Its event-driven architecture allows it to easily
-handle thousands of simultaneous connections on hundreds of instances without
-risking the system's stability.
-%setup -q
-%{__make} REGEX="pcre" "COPTS.pcre=-DUSE_PCRE $(pcre-config --cflags)" DEBUG="" TARGET=linux24e SMALL_OPTS="-DBUFSIZE=8030 -DMAXREWRITE=1030 -DSYSTEM_MAXCONN=1024" DEBUG="" LIBS.pcre="-L\$(PCREDIR)/lib -Wl,-Bstatic -lpcreposix -lpcre -Wl,-Bdynamic"
-[ "%{buildroot}" != "/" ] && %{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}
-%{__install} -d %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}
-%{__install} -d %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/rc.d/init.d
-%{__install} -d %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/%{name}
-%{__install} -s %{name} %{buildroot}%{_sbindir}/
-%{__install} -c -m 644 examples/%{name}.cfg %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/
-%{__install} -c -m 755 examples/%{name}.init %{buildroot}%{_sysconfdir}/rc.d/init.d/%{name}
-[ "%{buildroot}" != "/" ] && %{__rm} -rf %{buildroot}
-/sbin/chkconfig --add %{name}
-if [ $1 = 0 ]; then
-  /sbin/service %{name} stop >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
-  /sbin/chkconfig --del %{name}
-if [ "$1" -ge "1" ]; then
-  /sbin/service %{name} condrestart >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
-%doc CHANGELOG TODO examples doc/haproxy-en.txt doc/haproxy-fr.txt doc/architecture.txt examples/url-switching.cfg
-%attr(0755,root,root) %{_sbindir}/%{name}
-%dir %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}
-%attr(0644,root,root) %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/%{name}.cfg
-%attr(0755,root,root) %config %{_sysconfdir}/rc.d/init.d/%{name}
-* Sun Mar 22 2008 Willy Tarreau <w@1wt.eu>
-- updated to 1.3.16
-* Sat Apr 19 2008 Willy Tarreau <w@1wt.eu>
-- updated to 1.3.15
-* Wed Dec  5 2007 Willy Tarreau <w@1wt.eu>
-- updated to 1.3.14
-* Thu Oct 18 2007 Willy Tarreau <w@1wt.eu>
-- updated to 1.3.13
-* Sun Jun 17 2007 Willy Tarreau <w@1wt.eu>
-- updated to 1.3.12
-* Sun Jun  3 2007 Willy Tarreau <w@1wt.eu>
-- updated to
-* Mon May 14 2007 Willy Tarreau <w@1wt.eu>
-- updated to
-* Mon May 14 2007 Willy Tarreau <w@1wt.eu>
-- updated to
-* Mon May 14 2007 Willy Tarreau <w@1wt.eu>
-- updated to
-* Mon May 14 2007 Willy Tarreau <w@1wt.eu>
-- updated to 1.3.11
-* Thu May 10 2007 Willy Tarreau <w@1wt.eu>
-- updated to
-* Tue May 09 2007 Willy Tarreau <w@1wt.eu>
-- updated to
-* Tue May 08 2007 Willy Tarreau <w@1wt.eu>
-- updated to 1.3.10
-* Sun Apr 15 2007 Willy Tarreau <w@1wt.eu>
-- updated to 1.3.9
-* Tue Apr 03 2007 Willy Tarreau <w@1wt.eu>
-- updated to
-* Sun Apr 01 2007 Willy Tarreau <w@1wt.eu>
-- updated to
-* Sun Mar 25 2007 Willy Tarreau <w@1wt.eu>
-- updated to 1.3.8
-* Wed Jan 26 2007 Willy Tarreau <w@1wt.eu>
-- updated to 1.3.7
-* Wed Jan 22 2007 Willy Tarreau <w@1wt.eu>
-- updated to 1.3.6
-* Wed Jan 07 2007 Willy Tarreau <w@1wt.eu>
-- updated to 1.3.5
-* Wed Jan 02 2007 Willy Tarreau <w@1wt.eu>
-- updated to 1.3.4
-* Wed Oct 15 2006 Willy Tarreau <w@1wt.eu>
-- updated to 1.3.3
-* Wed Sep 03 2006 Willy Tarreau <w@1wt.eu>
-- updated to 1.3.2
-* Wed Jul 09 2006 Willy Tarreau <w@1wt.eu>
-- updated to 1.3.1
-* Wed May 21 2006 Willy Tarreau <willy@w.ods.org>
-- updated to 1.2.14
-* Wed May 01 2006 Willy Tarreau <willy@w.ods.org>
-- updated to 1.2.13
-* Wed Apr 15 2006 Willy Tarreau <willy@w.ods.org>
-- updated to 1.2.12
-* Wed Mar 30 2006 Willy Tarreau <willy@w.ods.org>
-- updated to
-* Wed Mar 19 2006 Willy Tarreau <willy@w.ods.org>
-- updated to 1.2.10
-* Wed Mar 15 2006 Willy Tarreau <willy@w.ods.org>
-- updated to 1.2.9
-* Sat Jan 22 2005 Willy Tarreau <willy@w.ods.org>
-- updated to 1.2.3 (1.1.30)
-* Sun Nov 14 2004 Willy Tarreau <w@w.ods.org>
-- updated to 1.1.29
-- fixed path to config and init files
-- statically linked PCRE to increase portability to non-pcre systems
-* Sun Jun  6 2004 Willy Tarreau <willy@w.ods.org>
-- updated to 1.1.28
-- added config check support to the init script
-* Tue Oct 28 2003 Simon Matter <simon.matter@invoca.ch>
-- updated to 1.1.27
-- added pid support to the init script
-* Wed Oct 22 2003 Simon Matter <simon.matter@invoca.ch>
-- updated to 1.1.26
-* Thu Oct 16 2003 Simon Matter <simon.matter@invoca.ch>
-- initial build