BUILD: Makefile: Add Lua 5.4 autodetect

This patch is based on:
Thanks to Callum Farmer!

Signed-off-by: Christian Ruppert <>
diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL
index 96936ea..9269051 100644
@@ -324,9 +324,9 @@
 advanced scripting capabilities. Only versions 5.3 and above are supported.
 In order to enable Lua support, please specify "USE_LUA=1" on the command line.
 Some systems provide this library under various names to avoid conflicts with
-previous versions. By default, HAProxy looks for "lua5.3", "lua53", "lua". If
-your system uses a different naming, you may need to set the library name in
-the "LUA_LIB_NAME" variable.
+previous versions. By default, HAProxy looks for "lua5.4", "lua54", "lua5.3",
+"lua53", "lua". If your system uses a different naming, you may need to set the
+library name in the "LUA_LIB_NAME" variable.
 If Lua is not provided on your system, it can be very simply built locally. It
 can be downloaded from, extracted and built, for example :
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 8148371..85f6c63 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
 #   LUA_LIB        : force the lib path to lua
 #   LUA_INC        : force the include path to lua
 #   LUA_LIB_NAME   : force the lib name (or automatically evaluated, by order of
-#                                        priority : lua5.3, lua53, lua).
+#                                        priority : lua5.4, lua54, lua5.3, lua53, lua).
 #   OT_DEBUG       : compile the OpenTracing filter in debug mode
 #   OT_INC         : force the include path to libopentracing-c-wrapper
 #   OT_LIB         : force the lib path to libopentracing-c-wrapper
@@ -648,11 +648,11 @@
 LUA_LD_FLAGS := -Wl,$(if $(EXPORT_SYMBOL),$(EXPORT_SYMBOL),--export-dynamic) $(if $(LUA_LIB),-L$(LUA_LIB))
 ifeq ($(LUA_LIB_NAME),)
 # Try to automatically detect the Lua library
-LUA_LIB_NAME := $(firstword $(foreach lib,lua5.3 lua53 lua,$(call check_lua_lib,$(lib),$(LUA_LD_FLAGS))))
+LUA_LIB_NAME := $(firstword $(foreach lib,lua5.4 lua54 lua5.3 lua53 lua,$(call check_lua_lib,$(lib),$(LUA_LD_FLAGS))))
 ifeq ($(LUA_LIB_NAME),)
-$(error unable to automatically detect the Lua library name, you can enforce its name with LUA_LIB_NAME=<name> (where <name> can be lua5.3, lua53, lua, ...))
+$(error unable to automatically detect the Lua library name, you can enforce its name with LUA_LIB_NAME=<name> (where <name> can be lua5.4, lua54, lua, ...))
-LUA_INC := $(firstword $(foreach lib,lua5.3 lua53 lua,$(call check_lua_inc,$(lib),"/usr/include/")))
+LUA_INC := $(firstword $(foreach lib,lua5.4 lua54 lua5.3 lua53 lua,$(call check_lua_inc,$(lib),"/usr/include/")))
 ifneq ($(LUA_INC),)