MEDIUM: h2: use the normalized URI encoding for absolute form requests

H2 strongly recommends that clients exclusively use the absolute form
for requests, which contains a scheme, an authority and a path, instead
of the old format involving the Host header and a path. Thus there is
no way to distinguish between a request intended for a proxy and an
origin request, and as such proxied requests are lost.

This patch makes sure to keep the encoding of all absolute form requests
so that the URI is kept end-to-end. If the scheme is http or https, there
is an uncertainty so the request is tagged as a normalized URI so that
the other end (H1) can decide to emit it in origin form as this is by far
the most commonly expected one, and it's certain that quite a number of
H1 setups are not ready to cope with absolute URIs.

There is a direct visible impact of this change, which is that the uri
sample fetch will now return absolute URIs (as they really come on the
wire) whenever these are used. It also means that default http logs will
report absolute URIs.

If a situation is once met where a client uses H2 to join an H1 proxy
with haproxy in the middle, then it will be trivial to add an option to
ask the H1 output to use absolute encoding for such requests.

Later we may be able to consider that the normalized URI is the default
output format and stop sending them in origin form unless an option is

Now chaining multiple instances keeps the semantics as far as possible
along the whole chain :

 1) H1 to H1
  H1:"GET /"       --> H1:"GET /"       # log: /
  H1:"GET http://" --> H1:"GET http://" # log: http://
  H1:"GET ftp://"  --> H1:"GET ftp://"  # log: ftp://

 2) H2 to H1
  H2:"GET /"       --> H1:"GET /"       # log: /
  H2:"GET http://" --> H1:"GET /"       # log: http://
  H2:"GET ftp://"  --> H1:"GET ftp://"  # log: ftp://

 3) H1 to H2 to H2 to H1
  H1:"GET /"       --> H2:"GET /"       --> H2:"GET /"       --> H1:"GET /"
  H1:"GET http://" --> H2:"GET http://" --> H2:"GET http://" --> H1:"GET /"
  H1:"GET ftp://"  --> H2:"GET ftp://"  --> H2:"GET ftp://"  --> H1:"GET ftp://"

Thus there is zero loss on H1->H1, H1->H2 nor H2->H2, and H2->H1 is
normalized in origin format if ambiguous.
1 file changed