[DOC] document all req* and rsp* keywords.
diff --git a/doc/configuration.txt b/doc/configuration.txt
index 2d6081c..84ebc0e 100644
--- a/doc/configuration.txt
+++ b/doc/configuration.txt
@@ -2238,6 +2238,350 @@
   See also : "option redispatch"
+reqadd  <string>
+  Add a header at the end of the HTTP request
+  May be used in sections :   defaults | frontend | listen | backend
+                                 no    |    yes   |   yes  |   yes
+  Arguments :
+    <string>  is the complete line to be added. Any space or known delimiter
+              must be escaped using a backslash ('\'). Please refer to section
+              2.6 about HTTP header manipulation for more information.
+  A new line consisting in <string> followed by a line feed will be added after
+  the last header of an HTTP request.
+  Header transformations only apply to traffic which passes through HAProxy,
+  and not to traffic generated by HAProxy, such as health-checks or error
+  responses.
+  See also: "rspadd" and section 2.6 about HTTP header manipulation
+reqallow  <search>
+reqiallow <search>  (ignore case)
+  Definitely allow an HTTP request if a line matches a regular expression
+  May be used in sections :   defaults | frontend | listen | backend
+                                 no    |    yes   |   yes  |   yes
+  Arguments :
+    <search>  is the regular expression applied to HTTP headers and to the
+              request line. This is an extended regular expression. Parenthesis
+              grouping is supported and no preliminary backslash is required.
+              Any space or known delimiter must be escaped using a backslash
+              ('\'). The pattern applies to a full line at a time. The
+              "reqallow" keyword strictly matches case while "reqiallow"
+              ignores case.
+  A request containing any line which matches extended regular expression
+  <search> will mark the request as allowed, even if any later test would
+  result in a deny. The test applies both to the request line and to request
+  headers. Keep in mind that URLs in request line are case-sensitive while
+  header names are not. 
+  It is easier, faster and more powerful to use ACLs to write access policies.
+  Reqdeny, reqallow and reqpass should be avoided in new designs.
+  Example :
+     # allow www.* but refuse *.local
+     reqiallow ^Host:\ www\.
+     reqideny  ^Host:\ .*\.local
+  See also: "reqdeny", "acl", "block" and section 2.6 about HTTP header
+            manipulation
+reqdel  <search>
+reqidel <search>  (ignore case)
+  Delete all headers matching a regular expression in an HTTP request
+  May be used in sections :   defaults | frontend | listen | backend
+                                 no    |    yes   |   yes  |   yes
+  Arguments :
+    <search>  is the regular expression applied to HTTP headers and to the
+              request line. This is an extended regular expression. Parenthesis
+              grouping is supported and no preliminary backslash is required.
+              Any space or known delimiter must be escaped using a backslash
+              ('\'). The pattern applies to a full line at a time. The "reqdel"
+              keyword strictly matches case while "reqidel" ignores case.
+  Any header line matching extended regular expression <search> in the request
+  will be completely deleted. Most common use of this is to remove unwanted
+  and/or dangerous headers or cookies from a request before passing it to the
+  next servers.
+  Header transformations only apply to traffic which passes through HAProxy,
+  and not to traffic generated by HAProxy, such as health-checks or error
+  responses. Keep in mind that header names are not case-sensitive.
+  Example :
+     # remove X-Forwarded-For header and SERVER cookie
+     reqidel ^X-Forwarded-For:.*
+     reqidel ^Cookie:.*SERVER=
+  See also: "reqadd", "reqrep", "rspdel" and section 2.6 about HTTP header
+            manipulation
+reqdeny  <search>
+reqideny <search>  (ignore case)
+  Deny an HTTP request if a line matches a regular expression
+  May be used in sections :   defaults | frontend | listen | backend
+                                 no    |    yes   |   yes  |   yes
+  Arguments :
+    <search>  is the regular expression applied to HTTP headers and to the
+              request line. This is an extended regular expression. Parenthesis
+              grouping is supported and no preliminary backslash is required.
+              Any space or known delimiter must be escaped using a backslash
+              ('\'). The pattern applies to a full line at a time. The
+              "reqdeny" keyword strictly matches case while "reqideny" ignores
+              case.
+  A request containing any line which matches extended regular expression
+  <search> will mark the request as denied, even if any later test would
+  result in an allow. The test applies both to the request line and to request
+  headers. Keep in mind that URLs in request line are case-sensitive while
+  header names are not. 
+  It is easier, faster and more powerful to use ACLs to write access policies.
+  Reqdeny, reqallow and reqpass should be avoided in new designs.
+  Example :
+     # refuse *.local, then allow www.*
+     reqideny  ^Host:\ .*\.local
+     reqiallow ^Host:\ www\.
+  See also: "reqallow", "rspdeny", "acl", "block" and section 2.6 about HTTP
+            header manipulation
+reqpass  <search>
+reqipass <search>  (ignore case)
+  Ignore any HTTP request line matching a regular expression in next rules
+  May be used in sections :   defaults | frontend | listen | backend
+                                 no    |    yes   |   yes  |   yes
+  Arguments :
+    <search>  is the regular expression applied to HTTP headers and to the
+              request line. This is an extended regular expression. Parenthesis
+              grouping is supported and no preliminary backslash is required.
+              Any space or known delimiter must be escaped using a backslash
+              ('\'). The pattern applies to a full line at a time. The
+              "reqpass" keyword strictly matches case while "reqipass" ignores
+              case.
+  A request containing any line which matches extended regular expression
+  <search> will skip next rules, without assigning any deny or allow verdict.
+  The test applies both to the request line and to request headers. Keep in
+  mind that URLs in request line are case-sensitive while header names are not.
+  It is easier, faster and more powerful to use ACLs to write access policies.
+  Reqdeny, reqallow and reqpass should be avoided in new designs.
+  Example :
+     # refuse *.local, then allow www.*, but ignore "www.private.local"
+     reqipass  ^Host:\ www.private\.local
+     reqideny  ^Host:\ .*\.local
+     reqiallow ^Host:\ www\.
+  See also: "reqallow", "reqdeny", "acl", "block" and section 2.6 about HTTP
+            header manipulation
+reqrep  <search> <string>
+reqirep <search> <string>   (ignore case)
+  Replace a regular expression with a string in an HTTP request line
+  May be used in sections :   defaults | frontend | listen | backend
+                                 no    |    yes   |   yes  |   yes
+  Arguments :
+    <search>  is the regular expression applied to HTTP headers and to the
+              request line. This is an extended regular expression. Parenthesis
+              grouping is supported and no preliminary backslash is required.
+              Any space or known delimiter must be escaped using a backslash
+              ('\'). The pattern applies to a full line at a time. The "reqrep"
+              keyword strictly matches case while "reqirep" ignores case.
+    <string>  is the complete line to be added. Any space or known delimiter
+              must be escaped using a backslash ('\'). References to matched
+              pattern groups are possible using the common \N form, with N
+              being a single digit between 0 and 9. Please refer to section
+              2.6 about HTTP header manipulation for more information.
+  Any line matching extended regular expression <search> in the request (both
+  the request line and header lines) will be completely replaced with <string>.
+  Most common use of this is to rewrite URLs or domain names in "Host" headers.
+  Header transformations only apply to traffic which passes through HAProxy,
+  and not to traffic generated by HAProxy, such as health-checks or error
+  responses. Note that for increased readability, it is suggested to add enough
+  spaces between the request and the response. Keep in mind that URLs in
+  request line are case-sensitive while header names are not.
+  Example :
+     # replace "/static/" with "/" at the beginning of any request path.
+     reqrep ^([^\ ]*)\ /static/(.*)     \1\ /\2
+     # replace "www.mydomain.com" with "www" in the host name.
+     reqirep ^Host:\ www.mydomain.com   Host:\ www
+  See also: "reqadd", "reqdel", "rsprep" and section 2.6 about HTTP header
+            manipulation
+reqtarpit  <search>
+reqitarpit <search>  (ignore case)
+  Tarpit an HTTP request containing a line matching a regular expression
+  May be used in sections :   defaults | frontend | listen | backend
+                                 no    |    yes   |   yes  |   yes
+  Arguments :
+    <search>  is the regular expression applied to HTTP headers and to the
+              request line. This is an extended regular expression. Parenthesis
+              grouping is supported and no preliminary backslash is required.
+              Any space or known delimiter must be escaped using a backslash
+              ('\'). The pattern applies to a full line at a time. The
+              "reqtarpit" keyword strictly matches case while "reqitarpit"
+              ignores case.
+  A request containing any line which matches extended regular expression
+  <search> will be tarpitted, which means that it will connect to nowhere, will
+  be kept open for a pre-defined time, then will return an HTTP error 500. The
+  delay is defined by "timeout tarpit", or "timeout connect" if the former is
+  not set.
+  The goal of the tarpit is to slow down robots attacking servers with
+  identifiable requests. Many robots limit their outgoing number of connections
+  and stay connected waiting for a reply which can take several minutes to
+  come. Depending on the environment and attack, it may be particularly
+  efficient at reducing the load on the network and firewalls.
+  Example :
+     # ignore user-agents reporting any flavour of "Mozilla" or "MSIE", but
+     # block all others.
+     reqipass   ^User-Agent:\.*(Mozilla|MSIE)
+     reqitarpit ^User-Agent:
+  See also: "reqallow", "reqdeny", "reqpass", and section 2.6 about HTTP header
+            manipulation
+rspadd <string>
+  Add a header at the end of the HTTP response
+  May be used in sections :   defaults | frontend | listen | backend
+                                 no    |    yes   |   yes  |   yes
+  Arguments :
+    <string>  is the complete line to be added. Any space or known delimiter
+              must be escaped using a backslash ('\'). Please refer to section
+              2.6 about HTTP header manipulation for more information.
+  A new line consisting in <string> followed by a line feed will be added after
+  the last header of an HTTP response.
+  Header transformations only apply to traffic which passes through HAProxy,
+  and not to traffic generated by HAProxy, such as health-checks or error
+  responses.
+  See also: "reqadd" and section 2.6 about HTTP header manipulation
+rspdel  <search>
+rspidel <search>  (ignore case)
+  Delete all headers matching a regular expression in an HTTP response
+  May be used in sections :   defaults | frontend | listen | backend
+                                 no    |    yes   |   yes  |   yes
+  Arguments :
+    <search>  is the regular expression applied to HTTP headers and to the
+              response line. This is an extended regular expression, so
+              parenthesis grouping is supported and no preliminary backslash
+              is required. Any space or known delimiter must be escaped using
+              a backslash ('\'). The pattern applies to a full line at a time.
+              The "rspdel" keyword strictly matches case while "rspidel"
+              ignores case.
+  Any header line matching extended regular expression <search> in the response
+  will be completely deleted. Most common use of this is to remove unwanted
+  and/or sensible headers or cookies from a response before passing it to the
+  client.
+  Header transformations only apply to traffic which passes through HAProxy,
+  and not to traffic generated by HAProxy, such as health-checks or error
+  responses. Keep in mind that header names are not case-sensitive.
+  Example :
+     # remove the Server header from responses
+     reqidel ^Server:.*
+  See also: "rspadd", "rsprep", "reqdel" and section 2.6 about HTTP header
+            manipulation
+rspdeny  <search>
+rspideny <search>  (ignore case)
+  Block an HTTP response if a line matches a regular expression
+  May be used in sections :   defaults | frontend | listen | backend
+                                 no    |    yes   |   yes  |   yes
+  Arguments :
+    <search>  is the regular expression applied to HTTP headers and to the
+              response line. This is an extended regular expression, so
+              parenthesis grouping is supported and no preliminary backslash
+              is required. Any space or known delimiter must be escaped using
+              a backslash ('\'). The pattern applies to a full line at a time.
+              The "rspdeny" keyword strictly matches case while "rspideny"
+              ignores case.
+  A response containing any line which matches extended regular expression
+  <search> will mark the request as denied. The test applies both to the
+  response line and to response headers. Keep in mind that header names are not
+  case-sensitive.
+  Main use of this keyword is to prevent sensitive information leak and to
+  block the response before it reaches the client. If a response is denied,
+  it will be replaced with an HTTP 502 error so that the client never gets
+  the sensitive data.
+  It is easier, faster and more powerful to use ACLs to write access policies.
+  Rspdeny should be avoided in new designs.
+  Example :
+     # Ensure that no content type matching ms-word will leak
+     rspideny  ^Content-type:\.*/ms-word
+  See also: "reqdeny", "acl", "block" and section 2.6 about HTTP header
+            manipulation
+rsprep  <search> <string>
+rspirep <search> <string>  (ignore case)
+  Replace a regular expression with a string in an HTTP response line
+  May be used in sections :   defaults | frontend | listen | backend
+                                 no    |    yes   |   yes  |   yes
+  Arguments :
+    <search>  is the regular expression applied to HTTP headers and to the
+              response line. This is an extended regular expression, so
+              parenthesis grouping is supported and no preliminary backslash
+              is required. Any space or known delimiter must be escaped using
+              a backslash ('\'). The pattern applies to a full line at a time.
+              The "rsprep" keyword strictly matches case while "rspirep"
+              ignores case.
+    <string>  is the complete line to be added. Any space or known delimiter
+              must be escaped using a backslash ('\'). References to matched
+              pattern groups are possible using the common \N form, with N
+              being a single digit between 0 and 9. Please refer to section
+              2.6 about HTTP header manipulation for more information.
+  Any line matching extended regular expression <search> in the response (both
+  the response line and header lines) will be completely replaced with
+  <string>. Most common use of this is to rewrite Location headers.
+  Header transformations only apply to traffic which passes through HAProxy,
+  and not to traffic generated by HAProxy, such as health-checks or error
+  responses. Note that for increased readability, it is suggested to add enough
+  spaces between the request and the response. Keep in mind that header names
+  are not case-sensitive.
+  Example :
+     # replace "Location:" with "Location: www.mydomain.com"
+     rspirep ^Location:\    Location:\ www.mydomain.com
+  See also: "rspadd", "rspdel", "reqrep" and section 2.6 about HTTP header
+            manipulation
 server <name> <address>[:port] [param*]
   Declare a server in a backend
   May be used in sections :   defaults | frontend | listen | backend