MEDIUM: protocol: sockpair protocol

This protocol is based on the uxst one, but it uses socketpair and FD
passing insteads of a connect()/accept().

The "sockpair@" prefix has been implemented for both bind and server

When HAProxy wants to connect through a sockpair@, it creates 2 new
sockets using the socketpair() syscall and pass one of the socket
through the FD specified on the server line.

On the bind side, haproxy will receive the FD, and will use it like it
was the FD of an accept() syscall.

This protocol was designed for internal communication within HAProxy
between the master and the workers, but it's possible to use it
externaly with a wrapper and pass the FD through environment variabls.
diff --git a/src/standard.c b/src/standard.c
index 04df94e..ae1f54e 100644
--- a/src/standard.c
+++ b/src/standard.c
@@ -894,7 +894,22 @@
 		ss.ss_family = AF_UNSPEC;
-	if (ss.ss_family == AF_UNSPEC && strncmp(str2, "fd@", 3) == 0) {
+	if (ss.ss_family == AF_UNSPEC && strncmp(str2, "sockpair@", 9) == 0) {
+		char *endptr;
+		str2 += 9;
+		((struct sockaddr_in *)&ss)->sin_addr.s_addr = strtol(str2, &endptr, 10);
+		if (!*str2 || *endptr) {
+			memprintf(err, "file descriptor '%s' is not a valid integer in '%s'\n", str2, str);
+			goto out;
+		}
+		ss.ss_family = AF_CUST_SOCKPAIR;
+	}
+	else if (ss.ss_family == AF_UNSPEC && strncmp(str2, "fd@", 3) == 0) {
 		char *endptr;
 		str2 += 3;