* released 1.1.21
* changed the debug output format so that it now includes the session unique
  ID followed by the instance name at the beginning of each line.
* in debug mode, accept now shows the client's IP and port.
* added one 3 small debugging scripts to search and pretty print debug output
* changed the default health check request to "OPTIONS /" instead of
  "OPTIONS *" since not all servers implement the later one.
* "option httpchk" now accepts an optional parameter allowing the user to
  specify and URI other than '/' during health-checks.
* made Makefile more robust to pcre-config errors
* added 3 new pretty-print scripts : debug2ansi, debug2html and debugfind
* upgraded Formilux package to haproxy-1.1.21-flx.1.pkg
* removed the now obsolete haproxy2html.sh
diff --git a/examples/debugfind b/examples/debugfind
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88e9760
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/debugfind
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
+	echo "Usage: $0 regex debug_file > extracted_file"
+	exit 1
+exec grep $(for i in $(grep $word $file |cut -f1 -d: | sort -u ) ; do echo -n '\('$i':\)\|'; done; echo '^$') $file