BUILD: makefile: make sure LUA_INC and LUA_LIB are always initialized
While LUA_INC is sometimes set in the makefile (only when LUA_LIB_NAME
is not set), LUA_LIB is never pre-initialized and faces the risk of
being accidently inherited from the environment. Let's make sure both
are properly reset first when not explicitly set. For this we always
set LUA_INC based on the autodetection if it's not set, and always
pre-initialize LUA_LIB to empty. This also helps make that block
slightly less difficult to understand.
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 803eb14..4be5408 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -596,21 +596,20 @@
ifneq ($(USE_LUA),)
-check_lua_lib = $(shell echo "int main(){}" | $(CC) -o /dev/null -x c - $(2) -l$(1) 2>/dev/null && echo $(1))
check_lua_inc = $(shell if [ -d $(2)$(1) ]; then echo $(2)$(1); fi;)
+LUA_INC := $(firstword $(foreach lib,lua5.4 lua54 lua5.3 lua53 lua,$(call check_lua_inc,$(lib),"/usr/include/")))
+check_lua_lib = $(shell echo "int main(){}" | $(CC) -o /dev/null -x c - $(2) -l$(1) 2>/dev/null && echo $(1))
LUA_LD_FLAGS := -Wl,$(if $(EXPORT_SYMBOL),$(EXPORT_SYMBOL),--export-dynamic) $(if $(LUA_LIB),-L$(LUA_LIB))
ifeq ($(LUA_LIB_NAME),)
# Try to automatically detect the Lua library
LUA_LIB_NAME := $(firstword $(foreach lib,lua5.4 lua54 lua5.3 lua53 lua,$(call check_lua_lib,$(lib),$(LUA_LD_FLAGS))))
ifeq ($(LUA_LIB_NAME),)
$(error unable to automatically detect the Lua library name, you can enforce its name with LUA_LIB_NAME=<name> (where <name> can be lua5.4, lua54, lua, ...))
-LUA_INC := $(firstword $(foreach lib,lua5.4 lua54 lua5.3 lua53 lua,$(call check_lua_inc,$(lib),"/usr/include/")))
-ifneq ($(LUA_INC),)