MINOR: log-forward: use str2receiver() to parse the dgram-bind address

Thanks to this we don't need to specify "udp@" as it's implicitly a
datagram type listener that is expected, so any AF_INET/AF_INET4 address
will work.
diff --git a/doc/configuration.txt b/doc/configuration.txt
index ce7bdf1..3757a50 100644
--- a/doc/configuration.txt
+++ b/doc/configuration.txt
@@ -2752,10 +2752,10 @@
 dgram-bind <addr> [param*]
   Used to configure a UDP log listener to receive messages to forward. Only UDP
-  listeners are allowed, the address must be prefixed using "udp@", "udp4@" or
-  "udp6@". This supports for some of the "bind" parameters found in 5.1
-  paragraph among which "interface", "namespace" or "transparent", the other
-  ones being silently ignored as irrelevant for UDP/syslog case.
+  listeners are allowed. Addresses must be in IPv4 or IPv6 form,followed by a
+  port. This supports for some of the "bind" parameters found in 5.1 paragraph
+  among which "interface", "namespace" or "transparent", the other ones being
+  silently ignored as irrelevant for UDP/syslog case.
 log global
 log <address> [len <length>] [format <format>] [sample <ranges>:<smp_size>]
diff --git a/src/log.c b/src/log.c
index 8e4606a..ee99870 100644
--- a/src/log.c
+++ b/src/log.c
@@ -3625,7 +3625,7 @@
 		bind_conf = bind_conf_alloc(cfg_log_forward, file, linenum,
 		                            NULL, xprt_get(XPRT_RAW));
-		if (!str2listener(args[1], cfg_log_forward, bind_conf, file, linenum, &errmsg)) {
+		if (!str2receiver(args[1], cfg_log_forward, bind_conf, file, linenum, &errmsg)) {
 			if (errmsg && *errmsg) {
 				indent_msg(&errmsg, 2);
 				ha_alert("parsing [%s:%d] : '%s %s' : %s\n", file, linenum, args[0], args[1], errmsg);
@@ -3638,13 +3638,7 @@
 			goto out;
 		list_for_each_entry(l, &bind_conf->listeners, by_bind) {
-			/* Currently, only UDP handlers are allowed */
-			if (l->rx.proto->sock_domain != AF_CUST_UDP4 && l->rx.proto->sock_domain != AF_CUST_UDP6) {
-				ha_alert("parsing [%s:%d] : '%s %s' : error,  listening address must be prefixed using 'udp@', 'udp4@' or 'udp6@' %s.\n",
-				         file, linenum, args[0], args[1], args[2]);
-				err_code |= ERR_ALERT | ERR_FATAL;
-				goto out;
-			}
+			/* the fact that the sockets are of type dgram is guaranteed by str2receiver() */
 			l->maxaccept = global.tune.maxaccept ? global.tune.maxaccept : 64;