MEDIUM: tools: support specifying explicit address families in str2sa_range()

This change allows one to force the address family in any address parsed
by str2sa_range() by specifying it as a prefix followed by '@' then the
address. Currently supported address prefixes are 'ipv4@', 'ipv6@', 'unix@'.
This also helps forcing resolving for host names (when getaddrinfo is used),
and force the family of the empty address (eg: 'ipv4@' = while
'ipv6@' = ::).

The main benefits is that unix sockets can now get a local name without
being forced to begin with a slash. This is useful during development as
it is no longer necessary to have stats socket sent to /tmp.
diff --git a/doc/configuration.txt b/doc/configuration.txt
index 195f330..4d57585 100644
--- a/doc/configuration.txt
+++ b/doc/configuration.txt
@@ -1609,6 +1609,13 @@
                   listen on. If unset, all IPv4 addresses of the system will be
                   listened on. The same will apply for '*' or the system's
                   special address "". The IPv6 equivalent is '::'.
+                  Optionally, an address family prefix may be used before the
+                  address to force the family regardless of the address format,
+                  which can be useful to specify a path to a unix socket with
+                  no slash ('/'). Currently supported prefixes are :
+                    - 'ipv4@'  -> address is always IPv4
+                    - 'ipv6@'  -> address is always IPv6
+                    - 'unix@'  -> address is a path to a local unix socket
     <port_range>  is either a unique TCP port, or a port range for which the
                   proxy will accept connections for the IP address specified
@@ -1660,6 +1667,11 @@
             bind :80
             bind :443 ssl crt /etc/haproxy/site.pem
+        listen http_https_proxy_explicit
+            bind ipv6@:80
+            bind ipv4@public_ssl:443 ssl crt /etc/haproxy/site.pem
+            bind unix@ssl-frontend.sock user root mode 600 accept-proxy
   See also : "source", "option forwardfor", "unix-bind" and the PROXY protocol
              documentation, and section 5 about bind options.
@@ -5072,7 +5084,13 @@
               intercepted and haproxy must forward to the original destination
               address. This is more or less what the "transparent" keyword does
               except that with a server it's possible to limit concurrency and
-              to report statistics.
+              to report statistics. Optionally, an address family prefix may be
+              used before the address to force the family regardless of the
+              address format, which can be useful to specify a path to a unix
+              socket with no slash ('/'). Currently supported prefixes are :
+                    - 'ipv4@'  -> address is always IPv4
+                    - 'ipv6@'  -> address is always IPv6
+                    - 'unix@'  -> address is a path to a local unix socket
     <port>    is an optional port specification. If set, all connections will
               be sent to this port. If unset, the same port the client
@@ -5087,6 +5105,7 @@
   Examples :
         server first cookie first  check inter 1000
         server second cookie second check inter 1000
+        server transp ipv4@
   See also: "default-server", "http-send-name-header" and section 5 about
              server options
@@ -5101,8 +5120,16 @@
   Arguments :
     <addr>    is the IPv4 address HAProxy will bind to before connecting to a
               server. This address is also used as a source for health checks.
               The default value of means that the system will select
-              the most appropriate address to reach its destination.
+              the most appropriate address to reach its destination. Optionally
+              an address family prefix may be used before the address to force
+              the family regardless of the address format, which can be useful
+              to specify a path to a unix socket with no slash ('/'). Currently
+              supported prefixes are :
+                - 'ipv4@' -> address is always IPv4
+                - 'ipv6@' -> address is always IPv6
+                - 'unix@' -> address is a path to a local unix socket
     <port>    is an optional port. It is normally not needed but may be useful
               in some very specific contexts. The default value of zero means
diff --git a/include/common/standard.h b/include/common/standard.h
index 318e10f..f9f21b0 100644
--- a/include/common/standard.h
+++ b/include/common/standard.h
@@ -212,17 +212,6 @@
 extern const char *invalid_domainchar(const char *name);
- * converts <str> to a struct sockaddr_storage* provided by the caller. The
- * string is assumed to contain only an address, no port. The address can be a
- * dotted IPv4 address, an IPv6 address, a host name, or empty or "*" to
- * indicate INADDR_ANY. NULL is returned if the host part cannot be resolved.
- * The return address will only have the address family and the address set,
- * all other fields remain zero. The string is not supposed to be modified.
- * The IPv6 '::' address is IN6ADDR_ANY.
- */
-struct sockaddr_storage *str2ip(const char *str, struct sockaddr_storage *sa);
  * converts <str> to a locally allocated struct sockaddr_storage *, and a
  * port range consisting in two integers. The low and high end are always set
  * even if the port is unspecified, in which case (0,0) is returned. The low
diff --git a/src/cfgparse.c b/src/cfgparse.c
index 2c8faad..3821edb 100644
--- a/src/cfgparse.c
+++ b/src/cfgparse.c
@@ -1928,7 +1928,7 @@
 		if (warnifnotcap(curproxy, PR_CAP_FE, file, linenum, args[0], NULL))
 			err_code |= ERR_WARN;
-		if ( *(args[1]) != '/' && strchr(args[1], ':') == NULL) {
+		if (!*(args[1])) {
 			Alert("parsing [%s:%d] : '%s' expects {<path>|[addr1]:port1[-end1]}{,[addr]:port[-end]}... as arguments.\n",
 			      file, linenum, args[0]);
 			err_code |= ERR_ALERT | ERR_FATAL;
diff --git a/src/standard.c b/src/standard.c
index c491534..c670be0 100644
--- a/src/standard.c
+++ b/src/standard.c
@@ -505,6 +505,10 @@
  * converts <str> to a struct sockaddr_storage* provided by the caller. The
+ * caller must have zeroed <sa> first, and may have set sa->ss_family to force
+ * parse a specific address format. If the ss_family is 0 or AF_UNSPEC, then
+ * the function tries to guess the address family from the syntax. If the
+ * family is forced and the format doesn't match, an error is returned. The
  * string is assumed to contain only an address, no port. The address can be a
  * dotted IPv4 address, an IPv6 address, a host name, or empty or "*" to
  * indicate INADDR_ANY. NULL is returned if the host part cannot be resolved.
@@ -512,32 +516,36 @@
  * all other fields remain zero. The string is not supposed to be modified.
  * The IPv6 '::' address is IN6ADDR_ANY.
-struct sockaddr_storage *str2ip(const char *str, struct sockaddr_storage *sa)
+static struct sockaddr_storage *str2ip(const char *str, struct sockaddr_storage *sa)
 	struct hostent *he;
-	memset(sa, 0, sizeof(sa));
 	/* Any IPv6 address */
 	if (str[0] == ':' && str[1] == ':' && !str[2]) {
-		sa->ss_family = AF_INET6;
+		if (!sa->ss_family || sa->ss_family == AF_UNSPEC)
+			sa->ss_family = AF_INET6;
+		else if (sa->ss_family != AF_INET6)
+			goto fail;
 		return sa;
-	/* Any IPv4 address */
+	/* Any address for the family, defaults to IPv4 */
 	if (!str[0] || (str[0] == '*' && !str[1])) {
-		sa->ss_family = AF_INET;
+		if (!sa->ss_family || sa->ss_family == AF_UNSPEC)
+			sa->ss_family = AF_INET;
 		return sa;
 	/* check for IPv6 first */
-	if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, str, &((struct sockaddr_in6 *)sa)->sin6_addr)) {
+	if ((!sa->ss_family || sa->ss_family == AF_UNSPEC || sa->ss_family == AF_INET6) &&
+	    inet_pton(AF_INET6, str, &((struct sockaddr_in6 *)sa)->sin6_addr)) {
 		sa->ss_family = AF_INET6;
 		return sa;
 	/* then check for IPv4 */
-	if (inet_pton(AF_INET, str, &((struct sockaddr_in *)sa)->sin_addr)) {
+	if ((!sa->ss_family || sa->ss_family == AF_UNSPEC || sa->ss_family == AF_INET) &&
+	    inet_pton(AF_INET, str, &((struct sockaddr_in *)sa)->sin_addr)) {
 		sa->ss_family = AF_INET;
 		return sa;
@@ -545,7 +553,11 @@
 	/* try to resolve an IPv4/IPv6 hostname */
 	he = gethostbyname(str);
 	if (he) {
-		sa->ss_family = he->h_addrtype;
+		if (!sa->ss_family || sa->ss_family == AF_UNSPEC)
+			sa->ss_family = he->h_addrtype;
+		else if (sa->ss_family != he->h_addrtype)
+			goto fail;
 		switch (sa->ss_family) {
 		case AF_INET:
 			((struct sockaddr_in *)sa)->sin_addr = *(struct in_addr *) *(he->h_addr_list);
@@ -561,13 +573,17 @@
 		memset(&result, 0, sizeof(result));
 		memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
-		hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC;
+		hints.ai_family = sa->ss_family ? sa->ss_family : AF_UNSPEC;
 		hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_DGRAM;
 		hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE;
 		hints.ai_protocol = 0;
 		if (getaddrinfo(str, NULL, &hints, &result) == 0) {
-			sa->ss_family = result->ai_family;
+			if (!sa->ss_family || sa->ss_family == AF_UNSPEC)
+				sa->ss_family = result->ai_family;
+			else if (sa->ss_family != result->ai_family)
+				goto fail;
 			switch (result->ai_family) {
 			case AF_INET:
 				memcpy((struct sockaddr_in *)sa, result->ai_addr, result->ai_addrlen);
@@ -583,7 +599,7 @@
 	/* unsupported address family */
+ fail:
 	return NULL;
@@ -611,10 +627,16 @@
  *    - "::"        => family will be AF_INET6 and address will be IN6ADDR_ANY
  *    - a host name => family and address will depend on host name resolving.
+ * A prefix may be passed in before the address above to force the family :
+ *    - "ipv4@"  => force address to resolve as IPv4 and fail if not possible.
+ *    - "ipv6@"  => force address to resolve as IPv6 and fail if not possible.
+ *    - "unix@"  => force address to be a path to a UNIX socket even if the
+ *                  path does not start with a '/'
+ *
  * Also note that in order to avoid any ambiguity with IPv6 addresses, the ':'
  * is mandatory after the IP address even when no port is specified. NULL is
  * returned if the address cannot be parsed. The <low> and <high> ports are
- * always initialized if non-null.
+ * always initialized if non-null, even for non-IP families.
  * If <pfx> is non-null, it is used as a string prefix before any path-based
  * address (typically the path to a unix socket).
@@ -623,20 +645,39 @@
 	static struct sockaddr_storage ss;
 	struct sockaddr_storage *ret = NULL;
-	char *str2;
+	char *back, *str2;
 	char *port1, *port2;
 	int portl, porth, porta;
 	portl = porth = porta = 0;
-	str2 = strdup(str);
+	str2 = back = strdup(str);
 	if (str2 == NULL) {
 		memprintf(err, "out of memory in '%s'\n", __FUNCTION__);
 		goto out;
-	if (*str2 == '/') {
-		/* unix socket */
+	memset(&ss, 0, sizeof(ss));
+	if (strncmp(str2, "unix@", 5) == 0) {
+		str2 += 5;
+		ss.ss_family = AF_UNIX;
+	}
+	else if (strncmp(str2, "ipv4@", 5) == 0) {
+		str2 += 5;
+		ss.ss_family = AF_INET;
+	}
+	else if (strncmp(str2, "ipv6@", 5) == 0) {
+		str2 += 5;
+		ss.ss_family = AF_INET6;
+	}
+	else if (*str2 == '/') {
+		ss.ss_family = AF_UNIX;
+	}
+	else
+		ss.ss_family = AF_UNSPEC;
+	if (ss.ss_family == AF_UNIX) {
 		int prefix_path_len;
 		int max_path_len;
@@ -652,8 +693,6 @@
 			goto out;
-		memset(&ss, 0, sizeof(ss));
-		ss.ss_family = AF_UNIX;
 		if (pfx) {
 			memcpy(((struct sockaddr_un *)&ss)->sun_path, pfx, prefix_path_len);
 			strcpy(((struct sockaddr_un *)&ss)->sun_path + prefix_path_len, str2);
@@ -662,7 +701,7 @@
 			strcpy(((struct sockaddr_un *)&ss)->sun_path, str2);
-	else {
+	else { /* IPv4 and IPv6 */
 		port1 = strrchr(str2, ':');
 		if (port1)
 			*port1++ = '\0';
@@ -705,7 +744,7 @@
 		*low = portl;
 	if (high)
 		*high = porth;
-	free(str2);
+	free(back);
 	return ret;