DOC: add the "management" documentation

This doc explains how to start/stop haproxy, what signals are used
and a few debugging tricks. It's far from being complete but should
already help a number of users.

The stats part will be taken from the config doc.
diff --git a/doc/management.txt b/doc/management.txt
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+                             ------------------------
+                             HAProxy Management Guide
+                             ------------------------
+                                   version 1.6
+This document describes how to start, stop, manage, and troubleshoot HAProxy,
+as well as some known limitations and traps to avoid. It does not describe how
+to configure it (for this please read configuration.txt).
+Note to documentation contributors :
+    This document is formatted with 80 columns per line, with even number of
+    spaces for indentation and without tabs. Please follow these rules strictly
+    so that it remains easily printable everywhere. If you add sections, please
+    update the summary below for easier searching.
+1.    Prerequisites
+2.    Quick reminder about HAProxy's architecture
+3.    Starting HAProxy
+4.    Stopping and restarting HAProxy
+5.    File-descriptor limitations
+6.    Memory management
+7.    CPU usage
+8.    Logging
+9.    Statistics and monitoring
+10.   Tricks for easier configuration management
+11.   Well-known traps to avoid
+12.   Debugging and performance issues
+13.   Security considerations
+1. Prerequisites
+In this document it is assumed that the reader has sufficient administration
+skills on a UNIX-like operating system, uses the shell on a daily basis and is
+familiar with troubleshooting utilities such as strace and tcpdump.
+2. Quick reminder about HAProxy's architecture
+HAProxy is a single-threaded, event-driven, non-blocking daemon. This means is
+uses event multiplexing to schedule all of its activities instead of relying on
+the system to schedule between multiple activities. Most of the time it runs as
+a single process, so the output of "ps aux" on a system will report only one
+"haproxy" process, unless a soft reload is in progress and an older process is
+finishing its job in parallel to the new one. It is thus always easy to trace
+its activity using the strace utility.
+HAProxy is designed to isolate itself into a chroot jail during startup, where
+it cannot perform any file-system access at all. This is also true for the
+libraries it depends on (eg: libc, libssl, etc). The immediate effect is that
+a running process will not be able to reload a configuration file to apply
+changes, instead a new process will be started using the updated configuration
+file. Some other less obvious effects are that some timezone files or resolver
+files the libc might attempt to access at run time will not be found, though
+this should generally not happen as they're not needed after startup. A nice
+consequence of this principle is that the HAProxy process is totally stateless,
+and no cleanup is needed after it's killed, so any killing method that works
+will do the right thing.
+HAProxy doesn't write log files, but it relies on the standard syslog protocol
+to send logs to a remote server (which is often located on the same system).
+HAProxy uses its internal clock to enforce timeouts, that is derived from the
+system's time but where unexpected drift is corrected. This is done by limiting
+the time spent waiting in poll() for an event, and measuring the time it really
+took. In practice it never waits more than one second. This explains why, when
+running strace over a completely idle process, periodic calls to poll() (or any
+of its variants) surrounded by two gettimeofday() calls are noticed. They are
+normal, completely harmless and so cheap that the load they imply is totally
+undetectable at the system scale, so there's nothing abnormal there. Example :
+  16:35:40.002320 gettimeofday({1442759740, 2605}, NULL) = 0
+  16:35:40.002942 epoll_wait(0, {}, 200, 1000) = 0
+  16:35:41.007542 gettimeofday({1442759741, 7641}, NULL) = 0
+  16:35:41.007998 gettimeofday({1442759741, 8114}, NULL) = 0
+  16:35:41.008391 epoll_wait(0, {}, 200, 1000) = 0
+  16:35:42.011313 gettimeofday({1442759742, 11411}, NULL) = 0
+HAProxy is a TCP proxy, not a router. It deals with established connections that
+have been validated by the kernel, and not with packets of any form nor with
+sockets in other states (eg: no SYN_RECV nor TIME_WAIT), though their existence
+may prevent it from binding a port. It relies on the system to accept incoming
+connections and to initiate outgoing connections. An immediate effect of this is
+that there is no relation between packets observed on the two sides of a
+forwarded connection, which can be of different size, numbers and even family.
+Since a connection may only be accepted from a socket in LISTEN state, all the
+sockets it is listening to are necessarily visible using the "netstat" utility
+to show listening sockets. Example :
+  # netstat -ltnp
+  Active Internet connections (only servers)
+  Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address   Foreign Address   State    PID/Program name
+  tcp        0      0*         LISTEN   1629/sshd
+  tcp        0      0*         LISTEN   2847/haproxy
+  tcp        0      0*         LISTEN   2847/haproxy
+3. Starting HAProxy
+HAProxy is started by invoking the "haproxy" program with a number of arguments
+passed on the command line. The actual syntax is :
+  $ haproxy [<options>]*
+where [<options>]* is any number of options. An option always starts with '-'
+followed by one of more letters, and possibly followed by one or multiple extra
+arguments. Without any option, HAProxy displays the help page with a reminder
+about supported options. Available options may vary slightly based on the
+operating system. A fair number of these options overlap with an equivalent one
+if the "global" section. In this case, the command line always has precedence
+over the configuration file, so that the command line can be used to quickly
+enforce some settings without touching the configuration files. The current
+list of options is :
+  -- <cfgfile>* : all the arguments following "--" are paths to configuration
+    file to be loaded and processed in the declaration order. It is mostly
+    useful when relying on the shell to load many files that are numerically
+    ordered. See also "-f". The difference between "--" and "-f" is that one
+    "-f" must be placed before each file name, while a single "--" is needed
+    before all file names. Both options can be used together, the command line
+    ordering still applies. When more than one file is specified, each file
+    must start on a section boundary, so the first keyword of each file must be
+    one of "global", "defaults", "peers", "listen", "frontend", "backend", and
+    so on. A file cannot contain just a server list for example.
+  -f <cfgfile> : adds <cfgfile> to the list of configuration files to be
+    loaded. Configuration files are loaded and processed in their declaration
+    order. This option may be specified multiple times to load multiple files.
+    See also "--". The difference between "--" and "-f" is that one "-f" must
+    be placed before each file name, while a single "--" is needed before all
+    file names. Both options can be used together, the command line ordering
+    still applies. When more than one file is specified, each file must start
+    on a section boundary, so the first keyword of each file must be one of
+    "global", "defaults", "peers", "listen", "frontend", "backend", and so
+    on. A file cannot contain just a server list for example.
+  -C <dir> : changes to directory <dir> before loading configuration
+    files. This is useful when using relative paths. Warning when using
+    wildcards after "--" which are in fact replaced by the shell before
+    starting haproxy.
+  -D : start as a daemon. The process detaches from the current terminal after
+    forking, and errors are not reported anymore in the terminal. It is
+    equivalent to the "daemon" keyword in the "global" section of the
+    configuration. It is recommended to always force it in any init script so
+    that a faulty configuration doesn't prevent the system from booting.
+  -Ds : work in systemd mode. Only used by the systemd wrapper.
+  -L <name> : change the local peer name to <name>, which defaults to the local
+    hostname. This is used only with peers replication.
+  -N <limit> : sets the default per-proxy maxconn to <limit> instead of the
+    builtin default value (usually 2000). Only useful for debugging.
+  -V : enable verbose mode (disables quiet mode). Reverts the effect of "-q" or
+    "quiet".
+  -c : only performs a check of the configuration files and exits before trying
+    to bind. The exit status is zero if everything is OK, or non-zero if an
+    error is encountered.
+  -d : enable debug mode. This disables daemon mode, forces the process to stay
+    in foreground and to show incoming and outgoing events. It is equivalent to
+    the "global" section's "debug" keyword. It must never be used in an init
+    script.
+  -dG : disable use of getaddrinfo() to resolve host names into addresses. It
+    can be used when suspecting that getaddrinfo() doesn't work as expected.
+    This option was made available because many bogus implementations of
+    getaddrinfo() exist on various systems and cause anomalies that are
+    difficult to troubleshoot.
+  -dM[<byte>] : forces memory poisonning, which means that each and every
+    memory region allocated with malloc() or pool_alloc2() will be filled with
+    <byte> before being passed to the caller. When <byte> is not specified, it
+    defaults to 0x50 ('P'). While this slightly slows down operations, it is
+    useful to reliably trigger issues resulting from missing initializations in
+    the code that cause random crashes. Note that -dM0 has the effect of
+    turning any malloc() into a calloc(). In any case if a bug appears or
+    disappears when using this option it means there is a bug in haproxy, so
+    please report it.
+  -dS : disable use of the splice() system call. It is equivalent to the
+    "global" section's "nosplice" keyword. This may be used when splice() is
+    suspected to behave improperly or to cause performance issues, or when
+    using strace to see the forwarded data (which do not appear when using
+    splice()).
+  -dV : disable SSL verify on the server side. It is equivalent to having
+    "ssl-server-verify none" in the "global" section. This is useful when
+    trying to reproduce production issues out of the production
+    environment. Never use this in an init script as it degrades SSL security
+    to the servers.
+  -db : disable background mode and multi-process mode. The process remains in
+    foreground. It is mainly used during development or during small tests, as
+    Ctrl-C is enough to stop the process. Never use it in an init script.
+  -de : disable the use of the "epoll" poller. It is equivalent to the "global"
+    section's keyword "noepoll". It is mostly useful when suspecting a bug
+    related to this poller. On systems supporting epoll, the fallback will
+    generally be the "poll" poller.
+  -dk : disable the use of the "kqueue" poller. It is equivalent to the
+    "global" section's keyword "nokqueue". It is mostly useful when suspecting
+    a bug related to this poller. On systems supporting kqueue, the fallback
+    will generally be the "poll" poller.
+  -dp : disable the use of the "poll" poller. It is equivalent to the "global"
+    section's keyword "nopoll". It is mostly useful when suspecting a bug
+    related to this poller. On systems supporting poll, the fallback will
+    generally be the "select" poller, which cannot be disabled and is limited
+    to 1024 file descriptors.
+  -m <limit> : limit the total allocatable memory to <limit> megabytes per
+    process. This may cause some connection refusals or some slowdowns
+    depending on the amount of memory needed for normal operations. This is
+    mostly used to force the process to work in a constrained resource usage
+    scenario.
+  -n <limit> : limits the per-process connection limit to <limit>. This is
+    equivalent to the global section's keyword "maxconn". It has precedence
+    over this keyword. This may be used to quickly force lower limits to avoid
+    a service outage on systems where resource limits are too low.
+  -p <file> : write all processes' pids into <file> during startup. This is
+    equivalent to the "global" section's keyword "pidfile". The file is opened
+    before entering the chroot jail, and after doing the chdir() implied by
+    "-C". Each pid appears on its own line.
+  -q : set "quiet" mode. This disables some messages during the configuration
+    parsing and during startup. It can be used in combination with "-c" to
+    just check if a configuration file is valid or not.
+  -sf <pid>* : send the "finish" signal (SIGUSR1) to older processes after boot
+    completion to ask them to finish what they are doing and to leave. <pid>
+    is a list of pids to signal (one per argument). The list ends on any
+    option starting with a "-". It is not a problem if the list of pids is
+    empty, so that it can be built on the fly based on the result of a command
+    like "pidof" or "pgrep".
+  -st <pid>* : send the "terminate" signal (SIGTERM) to older processes after
+    boot completion to terminate them immediately without finishing what they
+    were doing. <pid> is a list of pids to signal (one per argument). The list
+    is ends on any option starting with a "-". It is not a problem if the list
+    of pids is empty, so that it can be built on the fly based on the result of
+    a command like "pidof" or "pgrep".
+  -v : report the version and build date.
+  -vv : display the version, build options, libraries versions and usable
+    pollers. This output is systematically requested when filing a bug report.
+A safe way to start HAProxy from an init file consists in forcing the deamon
+mode, storing existing pids to a pid file and using this pid file to notify
+older processes to finish before leaving :
+   haproxy -f /etc/haproxy.cfg \
+           -D -p /var/run/ -sf $(cat /var/run/
+When the configuration is split into a few specific files (eg: tcp vs http),
+it is recommended to use the "-f" option :
+   haproxy -f /etc/haproxy/global.cfg -f /etc/haproxy/stats.cfg \
+           -f /etc/haproxy/default-tcp.cfg -f /etc/haproxy/tcp.cfg \
+           -f /etc/haproxy/default-http.cfg -f /etc/haproxy/http.cfg \
+           -D -p /var/run/ -sf $(cat /var/run/
+When an unknown number of files is expected, such as customer-specific files,
+it is recommended to assign them a name starting with a fixed-size sequence
+number and to use "--" to load them, possibly after loading some defaults :
+   haproxy -f /etc/haproxy/global.cfg -f /etc/haproxy/stats.cfg \
+           -f /etc/haproxy/default-tcp.cfg -f /etc/haproxy/tcp.cfg \
+           -f /etc/haproxy/default-http.cfg -f /etc/haproxy/http.cfg \
+           -D -p /var/run/ -sf $(cat /var/run/ \
+           -f /etc/haproxy/default-customers.cfg -- /etc/haproxy/customers/*
+Sometimes a failure to start may happen for whatever reason. Then it is
+important to verify if the version of HAProxy you are invoking is the expected
+version and if it supports the features you are expecting (eg: SSL, PCRE,
+compression, Lua, etc). This can be verified using "haproxy -vv". Some
+important information such as certain build options, the target system and
+the versions of the libraries being used are reported there. It is also what
+you will systematically be asked for when posting a bug report :
+  $ haproxy -vv
+  HA-Proxy version 1.6-dev7-a088d3-4 2015/10/08
+  Copyright 2000-2015 Willy Tarreau <>
+  Build options :
+    TARGET  = linux2628
+    CPU     = generic
+    CC      = gcc
+    CFLAGS  = -pg -O0 -g -fno-strict-aliasing -Wdeclaration-after-statement \
+              -DBUFSIZE=8030 -DMAXREWRITE=1030 -DSO_MARK=36 -DTCP_REPAIR=19
+  Default settings :
+    maxconn = 2000, bufsize = 8030, maxrewrite = 1030, maxpollevents = 200
+  Encrypted password support via crypt(3): yes
+  Built with zlib version : 1.2.6
+  Compression algorithms supported : identity("identity"), deflate("deflate"), \
+                                     raw-deflate("deflate"), gzip("gzip")
+  Built with OpenSSL version : OpenSSL 1.0.1o 12 Jun 2015
+  Running on OpenSSL version : OpenSSL 1.0.1o 12 Jun 2015
+  OpenSSL library supports TLS extensions : yes
+  OpenSSL library supports SNI : yes
+  OpenSSL library supports prefer-server-ciphers : yes
+  Built with PCRE version : 8.12 2011-01-15
+  PCRE library supports JIT : no (USE_PCRE_JIT not set)
+  Built with Lua version : Lua 5.3.1
+  Built with transparent proxy support using: IP_TRANSPARENT IP_FREEBIND
+  Available polling systems :
+        epoll : pref=300,  test result OK
+         poll : pref=200,  test result OK
+       select : pref=150,  test result OK
+  Total: 3 (3 usable), will use epoll.
+The relevant information that many non-developer users can verify here are :
+  - the version : 1.6-dev7-a088d3-4 above means the code is currently at commit
+    ID "a088d3" which is the 4th one after after official version "1.6-dev7".
+    Version 1.6-dev7 would show as "1.6-dev7-8c1ad7". What matters here is in
+    fact "1.6-dev7". This is the 7th development version of what will become
+    version 1.6 in the future. A development version not suitable for use in
+    production (unless you know exactly what you are doing). A stable version
+    will show as a 3-numbers version, such as "1.5.14-16f863", indicating the
+    14th level of fix on top of version 1.5. This is a production-ready version.
+  - the release date : 2015/10/08. It is represented in the universal
+    year/month/day format. Here this means August 8th, 2015. Given that stable
+    releases are issued every few months (1-2 months at the beginning, sometimes
+    6 months once the product becomes very stable), if you're seeing an old date
+    here, it means you're probably affected by a number of bugs or security
+    issues that have since been fixed and that it might be worth checking on the
+    official site.
+  - build options : they are relevant to people who build their packages
+    themselves, they can explain why things are not behaving as expected. For
+    example the development version above was built for Linux 2.6.28 or later,
+    targetting a generic CPU (no CPU-specific optimizations), and lacks any
+    code optimization (-O0) so it will perform poorly in terms of performance.
+  - libraries versions : zlib version is reported as found in the library
+    itself. In general zlib is considered a very stable product and upgrades
+    are almost never needed. OpenSSL reports two versions, the version used at
+    build time and the one being used, as found on the system. These ones may
+    differ by the last letter but never by the numbers. The build date is also
+    reported because most OpenSSL bugs are security issues and need to be taken
+    seriously, so this library absolutely needs to be kept up to date. Seeing a
+    4-months old version here is highly suspicious and indeed an update was
+    missed. PCRE provides very fast regular expressions and is highly
+    recommended. Certain of its extensions such as JIT are not present in all
+    versions and still young so some people prefer not to build with them,
+    which is why the biuld status is reported as well. Regarding the Lua
+    scripting language, HAProxy expects version 5.3 which is very young since
+    it was released a little time before HAProxy 1.6. It is important to check
+    on the Lua web site if some fixes are proposed for this branch.
+  - Available polling systems will affect the process's scalability when
+    dealing with more than about one thousand of concurrent connections. These
+    ones are only available when the correct system was indicated in the TARGET
+    variable during the build. The "epoll" mechanism is highly recommended on
+    Linux, and the kqueue mechanism is highly recommended on BSD. Lacking them
+    will result in poll() or even select() being used, causing a high CPU usage
+    when dealing with a lot of connections.
+4. Stopping and restarting HAProxy
+HAProxy supports a graceful and a hard stop. The hard stop is simple, when the
+SIGTERM signal is sent to the haproxy process, it immediately quits and all
+established connections are closed. The graceful stop is triggered when the
+SIGUSR1 signal is sent to the haproxy process. It consists in only unbinding
+from listening ports, but continue to process existing connections until they
+close. Once the last connection is closed, the process leaves.
+The hard stop method is used for the "stop" or "restart" actions of the service
+management script. The graceful stop is used for the "reload" action which
+tries to seamlessly reload a new configuration in a new process.
+Both of these signals may be sent by the new haproxy process itself during a
+reload or restart, so that they are sent at the latest possible moment and only
+if absolutely required. This is what is performed by the "-st" (hard) and "-sf"
+(graceful) options respectively.
+To understand better how these signals are used, it is important to understand
+the whole restart mechanism.
+First, an existing haproxy process is running. The administrator uses a system
+specific command such as "/etc/init.d/haproxy reload" to indicate he wants to
+take the new configuration file into effect. What happens then is the following.
+First, the service script (/etc/init.d/haproxy or equivalent) will verify that
+the configuration file parses correctly using "haproxy -c". After that it will
+try to start haproxy with this configuration file, using "-st" or "-sf".
+Then HAProxy tries to bind to all listening ports. If some fatal errors happen
+(eg: address not present on the system, permission denied), the process quits
+with an error. If a socket binding fails because a port is already in use, then
+the process will first send a SIGTTOU signal to all the pids specified in the
+"-st" or "-sf" pid list. This is what is called the "pause" signal. It instructs
+all existing haproxy processes to temporarily stop listening to their ports so
+that the new process can try to bind again. During this time, the old process
+continues to process existing connections. If the binding still fails (because
+for example a port is shared with another daemon), then the new process sends a
+SIGTTIN signal to the old processes to instruct them to resume operations just
+as if nothing happened. The old processes will then restart listening to the
+ports and continue to accept connections. Not that this mechanism is system
+dependant and some operating systems may not support it in multi-process mode.
+If the new process manages to bind correctly to all ports, then it sends either
+the SIGTERM (hard stop in case of "-st") or the SIGUSR1 (graceful stop in case
+of "-sf") to all processes to notify them that it is now in charge of operations
+and that the old processes will have to leave, either immediately or once they
+have finished their job.
+It is important to note that during this timeframe, there are two small windows
+of a few milliseconds each where it is possible that a few connection failures
+will be noticed during high loads. Typically observed failure rates are around
+1 failure during a reload operation every 10000 new connections per second,
+which means that a heavily loaded site running at 30000 new connections per
+second may see about 3 failed connection upon every reload. The two situations
+where this happens are :
+  - if the new process fails to bind due to the presence of the old process,
+    it will first have to go through the SIGTTOU+SIGTTIN sequence, which
+    typically lasts about one millisecond for a few tens of frontends, and
+    during which some ports will not be bound to the old process and not yet
+    bound to the new one. HAProxy works around this on systems that support the
+    SO_REUSEPORT socket options, as it allows the new process to bind without
+    first asking the old one to unbind. Most BSD systems have been supporting
+    this almost forever. Linux has been supporting this in version 2.0 and
+    dropped it around 2.2, but some patches were floating around by then. It
+    was reintroduced in kernel 3.9, so if you are observing a connection
+    failure rate above the one mentionned above, please ensure that your kernel
+    is 3.9 or newer, or that relevant patches were backported to your kernel
+    (less likely).
+  - when the old processes close the listening ports, the kernel may not always
+    redistribute any pending connection that was remaining in the socket's
+    backlog. Under high loads, a SYN packet may happen just before the socket
+    is closed, and will lead to an RST packet being sent to the client. In some
+    critical environments where even one drop is not acceptable, these ones are
+    sometimes dealt with using firewall rules to block SYN packets during the
+    reload, forcing the client to retransmit. This is totally system-dependent,
+    as some systems might be able to visit other listening queues and avoid
+    this RST. A second case concerns the ACK from the client on a local socket
+    that was in SYN_RECV state just before the close. This ACK will lead to an
+    RST packet while the haproxy process is still not aware of it. This one is
+    harder to get rid of, though the firewall filtering rules mentionned above
+    will work well if applied one second or so before restarting the process.
+For the vast majority of users, such drops will never ever happen since they
+don't have enough load to trigger the race conditions. And for most high traffic
+users, the failure rate is still fairly within the noise margin provided that at
+least SO_REUSEPORT is properly supported on their systems.
+5. File-descriptor limitations
+In order to ensure that all incoming connections will successfully be served,
+HAProxy computes at load time the total number of file descriptors that will be
+needed during the process's life. A regular Unix process is generally granted
+1024 file descriptors by default, and a privileged process can raise this limit
+itself. This is one reason for starting HAProxy as root and letting it adjust
+the limit. The default limit of 1024 file descriptors roughly allow about 500
+concurrent connections to be processed. The computation is based on the global
+maxconn parameter which limits the total number of connections per process, the
+number of listeners, the number of servers which have a health check enabled,
+the agent checks, the peers, the loggers and possibly a few other technical
+requirements. A simple rough estimate of this number consists in simply
+doubling the maxconn value and adding a few tens to get the approximate number
+of file descriptors needed.
+Originally HAProxy did not know how to compute this value, and it was necessary
+to pass the value using the "ulimit-n" setting in the global section. This
+explains why even today a lot of configurations are seen with this setting
+present. Unfortunately it was often miscalculated resulting in connection
+failures when approaching maxconn instead of throttling incoming connection
+while waiting for the needed resources. For this reason it is important to
+remove any vestigal "ulimit-n" setting that can remain from very old versions.
+Raising the number of file descriptors to accept even moderate loads is
+mandatory but comes with some OS-specific adjustments. First, the select()
+polling system is limited to 1024 file descriptors. In fact on Linux it used
+to be capable of handling more but since certain OS ship with excessively
+restrictive SELinux policies forbidding the use of select() with more than
+1024 file descriptors, HAProxy now refuses to start in this case in order to
+avoid any issue at run time. On all supported operating systems, poll() is
+available and will not suffer from this limitation. It is automatically picked
+so there is nothing ot do to get a working configuration. But poll's becomes
+very slow when the number of file descriptors increases. While HAProxy does its
+best to limit this performance impact (eg: via the use of the internal file
+descriptor cache and batched processing), a good rule of thumb is that using
+poll() with more than a thousand concurrent connections will use a lot of CPU.
+For Linux systems base on kernels 2.6 and above, the epoll() system call will
+be used. It's a much more scalable mechanism relying on callbacks in the kernel
+that guarantee a constant wake up time regardless of the number of registered
+monitored file descriptors. It is automatically used where detected, provided
+that HAProxy had been built for one of the Linux flavors. Its presence and
+support can be verified using "haproxy -vv".
+For BSD systems which support it, kqueue() is available as an alternative. It
+is much faster than poll() and even slightly faster than epoll() thanks to its
+batched handling of changes. At least FreeBSD and OpenBSD support it. Just like
+with Linux's epoll(), its support and availability are reported in the output
+of "haproxy -vv".
+Having a good poller is one thing, but it is mandatory that the process can
+reach the limits. When HAProxy starts, it immediately sets the new process's
+file descriptor limits and verifies if it succeeds. In case of failure, it
+reports it before forking so that the administrator can see the problem. As
+long as the process is started by as root, there should be no reason for this
+setting to fail. However, it can fail if the process is started by an
+unprivileged user. If there is a compelling reason for *not* starting haproxy
+as root (eg: started by end users, or by a per-application account), then the
+file descriptor limit can be raised by the system administrator for this
+specific user. The effectiveness of the setting can be verified by issuing
+"ulimit -n" from the user's command line. It should reflect the new limit.
+Warning: when an unprivileged user's limits are changed in this user's account,
+it is fairly common that these values are only considered when the user logs in
+and not at all in some scripts run at system boot time nor in crontabs. This is
+totally dependent on the operating system, keep in mind to check "ulimit -n"
+before starting haproxy when running this way. The general advice is never to
+start haproxy as an unprivileged user for production purposes. Another good
+reason is that it prevents haproxy from enabling some security protections.
+Once it is certain that the system will allow the haproxy process to use the
+requested number of file descriptors, two new system-specific limits may be
+encountered. The first one is the system-wide file descriptor limit, which is
+the total number of file descriptors opened on the system, covering all
+processes. When this limit is reached, accept() or socket() will typically
+return ENFILE. The second one is the per-process hard limit on the number of
+file descriptors, it prevents setrlimit() from being set higher. Both are very
+dependent on the operating system. On Linux, the system limit is set at boot
+based on the amount of memory. It can be changed with the "fs.file-max" sysctl.
+And the per-process hard limit is set to 1048576 by default, but it can be
+changed using the "fs.nr_open" sysctl.
+File descriptor limitations may be observed on a running process when they are
+set too low. The strace utility will report that accept() and socket() return
+"-1 EMFILE" when the process's limits have been reached. In this case, simply
+raising the "ulimit-n" value (or removing it) will solve the problem. If these
+system calls return "-1 ENFILE" then it means that the kernel's limits have
+been reached and that something must be done on a system-wide parameter. These
+trouble must absolutely be addressed, as they result in high CPU usage (when
+accept() fails) and failed connections that are generally visible to the user.
+One solution also consists in lowering the global maxconn value to enforce
+serialization, and possibly to disable HTTP keep-alive to force connections
+to be released and reused faster.
+6. Memory management
+HAProxy uses a simple and fast pool-based memory management. Since it relies on
+a small number of different object types, it's much more efficient to pick new
+objects from a pool which already contains objects of the appropriate size than
+to call malloc() for each different size. The pools are organized as a stack or
+LIFO, so that newly allocated objects are taken from recently released objects
+still hot in the CPU caches. Pools of similar sizes are merged together, in
+order to limit memory fragmentation.
+By default, since the focus is set on performance, each released object is put
+back into the pool it came from, and allocated objects are never freed since
+they are expected to be reused very soon.
+On the CLI, it is possible to check how memory is being used in pools thanks to
+the "show pools" command :
+  > show pools
+  Dumping pools usage. Use SIGQUIT to flush them.
+    - Pool pipe (32 bytes) : 5 allocated (160 bytes), 5 used, 3 users [SHARED]
+    - Pool hlua_com (48 bytes) : 0 allocated (0 bytes), 0 used, 1 users [SHARED]
+    - Pool vars (64 bytes) : 0 allocated (0 bytes), 0 used, 2 users [SHARED]
+    - Pool task (112 bytes) : 5 allocated (560 bytes), 5 used, 1 users [SHARED]
+    - Pool session (128 bytes) : 1 allocated (128 bytes), 1 used, 2 users [SHARED]
+    - Pool http_txn (272 bytes) : 0 allocated (0 bytes), 0 used, 1 users [SHARED]
+    - Pool connection (352 bytes) : 2 allocated (704 bytes), 2 used, 1 users [SHARED]
+    - Pool hdr_idx (416 bytes) : 0 allocated (0 bytes), 0 used, 1 users [SHARED]
+    - Pool stream (864 bytes) : 1 allocated (864 bytes), 1 used, 1 users [SHARED]
+    - Pool requri (1024 bytes) : 0 allocated (0 bytes), 0 used, 1 users [SHARED]
+    - Pool buffer (8064 bytes) : 3 allocated (24192 bytes), 2 used, 1 users [SHARED]
+  Total: 11 pools, 26608 bytes allocated, 18544 used.
+The pool name is only indicative, it's the name of the first object type using
+this pool. The size in parenthesis is the object size for objects in this pool.
+Object sizes are always rounded up to the closest multiple of 16 bytes. The
+number of objects currently allocated and the equivalent number of bytes is
+reported so that it is easy to know which pool is responsible for the highest
+memory usage. The number of objects currently in use is reported as well in the
+"used" field. The difference between "allocated" and "used" corresponds to the
+objects that have been freed and are available for immediate use.
+It is possible to limit the amount of memory allocated per process using the
+"-m" command line option, followed by a number of megabytes. It covers all of
+the process's addressable space, so that includes memory used by some libraries
+as well as the stack, but it is a reliable limit when building a resource
+constrained system. It works the same way as "ulimit -v" on systems which have
+it, or "ulimit -d" for the other ones.
+If a memory allocation fails due to the memory limit being reached or because
+the system doesn't have any enough memory, then haproxy will first start to
+free all available objects from all pools before attempting to allocate memory
+again. This mechanism of releasing unused memory can be triggered by sending
+the signal SIGQUIT to the haproxy process. When doing so, the pools state prior
+to the flush will also be reported to stderr when the process runs in
+During a reload operation, the process switched to the graceful stop state also
+automatically performs some flushes after releasing any connection so that all
+possible memory is released to save it for the new process.
+7. CPU usage
+HAProxy normally spends most of its time in the system and a smaller part in
+userland. A finely tuned 3.5 GHz CPU can sustain a rate about 80000 end-to-end
+connection setups and closes per second at 100% CPU on a single core. When one
+core is saturated, typical figures are :
+  - 95% system, 5% user for long TCP connections or large HTTP objects
+  - 85% system and 15% user for short TCP connections or small HTTP objects in
+    close mode
+  - 70% system and 30% user for small HTTP objects in keep-alive mode
+The amount of rules processing and regular expressions will increase the user
+land part. The presence of firewall rules, connection tracking, complex routing
+tables in the system will instead increase the system part.
+On most systems, the CPU time observed during network transfers can be cut in 4
+parts :
+  - the interrupt part, which concerns all the processing performed upon I/O
+    receipt, before the target process is even known. Typically Rx packets are
+    accounted for in interrupt. On some systems such as Linux where interrupt
+    processing may be deferred to a dedicated thread, it can appear as softirq,
+    and the thread is called ksoftirqd/0 (for CPU 0). The CPU taking care of
+    this load is generally defined by the hardware settings, though in the case
+    of softirq it is often possible to remap the processing to another CPU.
+    This interrupt part will often be perceived as parasitic since it's not
+    associated with any process, but it actually is some processing being done
+    to prepare the work for the process.
+  - the system part, which concerns all the processing done using kernel code
+    called from userland. System calls are accounted as system for example. All
+    synchronously delivered Tx packets will be accounted for as system time. If
+    some packets have to be deferred due to queues filling up, they may then be
+    processed in interrupt context later (eg: upon receipt of an ACK opening a
+    TCP window).
+  - the user part, which exclusively runs application code in userland. HAProxy
+    runs exclusively in this part, though it makes heavy use of system calls.
+    Rules processing, regular expressions, compression, encryption all add to
+    the user portion of CPU consumption.
+  - the idle part, which is what the CPU does when there is nothing to do. For
+    example HAProxy waits for an incoming connection, or waits for some data to
+    leave, meaning the system is waiting for an ACK from the client to push
+    these data.
+In practice regarding HAProxy's activity, it is in general reasonably accurate
+(but totally inexact) to consider that interrupt/softirq are caused by Rx
+processing in kernel drivers, that user-land is caused by layer 7 processing
+in HAProxy, and that system time is caused by network processing on the Tx
+Since HAProxy runs around an event loop, it waits for new events using poll()
+(or any alternative) and processes all these events as fast as possible before
+going back to poll() waiting for new events. It measures the time spent waiting
+in poll() compared to the time spent doing processing events. The ratio of
+polling time vs total time is called the "idle" time, it's the amount of time
+spent waiting for something to happen. This ratio is reported in the stats page
+on the "idle" line, or "Idle_pct" on the CLI. When it's close to 100%, it means
+the load is extremely low. When it's close to 0%, it means that there is
+constantly some activity. While it cannot be very accurate on an overloaded
+system due to other processes possibly preempting the CPU from the haproxy
+process, it still provides a good estimate about how HAProxy considers it is
+working : if the load is low and the idle ratio is low as well, it may indicate
+that HAProxy has a lot of work to do, possibly due to very expensive rules that
+have to be processed. Conversely, if HAProxy indicates the idle is close to
+100% while things are slow, it means that it cannot do anything to speed things
+up because it is already waiting for incoming data to process. In the example
+below, haproxy is completely idle :
+  $ echo "show info" | socat - /var/run/haproxy.sock | grep ^Idle
+  Idle_pct: 100
+When the idle ratio starts to become very low, it is important to tune the
+system and place processes and interrupts correctly to save the most possible
+CPU resources for all tasks. If a firewall is present, it may be worth trying
+to disable it or to tune it to ensure it is not responsible for a large part
+of the performance limitation. It's worth noting that unloading a stateful
+firewall generally reduces both the amount of interrupt/softirq and of system
+usage since such firewalls act both on the Rx and the Tx paths. On Linux,
+unloading the nf_conntrack and ip_conntrack modules will show whether there is
+anything to gain. If so, then the module runs with default settings and you'll
+have to figure how to tune it for better performance. In general this consists
+in considerably increasing the hash table size. On FreeBSD, "pfctl -d" will
+disable the "pf" firewall and its stateful engine at the same time.
+If it is observed that a lot of time is spent in interrupt/softirq, it is
+important to ensure that they don't run on the same CPU. Most systems tend to
+pin the tasks on the CPU where they receive the network traffic because for
+certain workloads it improves things. But with heavily network-bound workloads
+it is the opposite as the haproxy process will have to fight against its kernel
+counterpart. Pinning haproxy to one CPU core and the interrupts to another one,
+all sharing the same L3 cache tends to sensibly increase network performance
+because in practice the amount of work for haproxy and the network stack are
+quite close, so they can almost fill an entire CPU each. On Linux this is done
+using taskset (for haproxy) or using cpu-map (from the haproxy config), and the
+interrupts are assigned under /proc/irq. Many network interfaces support
+multiple queues and multiple interrupts. In general it helps to spread them
+across a small number of CPU cores provided they all share the same L3 cache.
+Please always stop irq_balance which always does the worst possible thing on
+such workloads.
+For CPU-bound workloads consisting in a lot of SSL traffic or a lot of
+compression, it may be worth using multiple processes dedicated to certain
+tasks, though there is no universal rule here and experimentation will have to
+be performed.
+In order to increase the CPU capacity, it is possible to make HAProxy run as
+several processes, using the "nbproc" directive in the global section. There
+are some limitations though :
+  - health checks are run per process, so the target servers will get as many
+    checks as there are running processes ;
+  - maxconn values and queues are per-process so the correct value must be set
+    to avoid overloading the servers ;
+  - outgoing connections should avoid using port ranges to avoid conflicts
+  - stick-tables are per process and are not shared between processes ;
+  - each peers section may only run on a single process at a time ;
+  - the CLI operations will only act on a single process at a time.
+With this in mind, it appears that the easiest setup often consists in having
+one first layer running on multiple processes and in charge for the heavy
+processing, passing the traffic to a second layer running in a single process.
+This mechanism is suited to SSL and compression which are the two CPU-heavy
+features. Instances can easily be chained over UNIX sockets (which are cheaper
+than TCP sockets and which do not waste ports), adn the proxy protocol which is
+useful to pass client information to the next stage. When doing so, it is
+generally a good idea to bind all the single-process tasks to process number 1
+and extra tasks to next processes, as this will make it easier to generate
+similar configurations for different machines.
+On Linux versions 3.9 and above, running HAProxy in multi-process mode is much
+more efficient when each process uses a distinct listening socket on the same
+IP:port ; this will make the kernel evenly distribute the load across all
+processes instead of waking them all up. Please check the "process" option of
+the "bind" keyword lines in the configuration manual for more information.
+8. Logging
+For logging, HAProxy always relies on a syslog server since it does not perform
+any file-system access. The standard way of using it is to send logs over UDP
+to the log server (by default on port 514). Very commonly this is configured to
+ where the local syslog daemon is running, but it's also used over the
+network to log to a central server. The central server provides additional
+benefits especially in active-active scenarios where it is desirable to keep
+the logs merged in arrival order. HAProxy may also make use of a UNIX socket to
+send its logs to the local syslog daemon, but it is not recommended at all,
+because if the syslog server is restarted while haproxy runs, the socket will
+be replaced and new logs will be lost. Since HAProxy will be isolated inside a
+chroot jail, it will not have the ability to reconnect to the new socket. It
+has also been observed in field that the log buffers in use on UNIX sockets are
+very small and lead to lost messages even at very light loads. But this can be
+fine for testing however.
+It is recommended to add the following directive to the "global" section to
+make HAProxy log to the local daemon using facility "local0" :
+      log local0
+and then to add the following one to each "defaults" section or to each frontend
+and backend section :
+      log global
+This way, all logs will be centralized through the global definition of where
+the log server is.
+Some syslog daemons do not listen to UDP traffic by default, so depending on
+the daemon being used, the syntax to enable this will vary :
+  - on sysklogd, you need to pass argument "-r" on the daemon's command line
+    so that it listens to a UDP socket for "remote" logs ; note that there is
+    no way to limit it to address so it will also receive logs from
+    remote systems ;
+  - on rsyslogd, the following lines must be added to the configuration file :
+      $ModLoad imudp
+      $UDPServerAddress *
+      $UDPServerRun 514
+  - on syslog-ng, a new source can be created the following way, it then needs
+    to be added as a valid source in one of the "log" directives :
+      source s_udp {
+        udp(ip( port(514));
+      };
+Please consult your syslog daemon's manual for more information. If no logs are
+seen in the system's log files, please consider the following tests :
+  - restart haproxy. Each frontend and backend logs one line indicating it's
+    starting. If these logs are received, it means logs are working.
+  - run "strace -tt -s100 -etrace=sendmsg -p <haproxy's pid>" and perform some
+    activity that you expect to be logged. You should see the log messages
+    being sent using sendmsg() there. If they don't appear, restart using
+    strace on top of haproxy. If you still see no logs, it definitely means
+    that something is wrong in your configuration.
+  - run tcpdump to watch for port 514, for example on the loopback interface if
+    the traffic is being sent locally : "tcpdump -As0 -ni lo port 514". If the
+    packets are seen there, it's the proof they're sent then the syslogd daemon
+    needs to be troubleshooted.
+While traffic logs are sent from the frontends (where the incoming connections
+are accepted), backends also need to be able to send logs in order to report a
+server state change consecutive to a health check. Please consult HAProxy's
+configuration manual for more information regarding all possible log settings.
+It is convenient to chose a facility that is not used by other deamons. HAProxy
+examples often suggest "local0" for traffic logs and "local1" for admin logs
+because they're never seen in field. A single facility would be enough as well.
+Having separate logs is convenient for log analysis, but it's also important to
+remember that logs may sometimes convey confidential information, and as such
+they must not be mixed with other logs that may accidently be handed out to
+unauthorized people.
+For in-field troubleshooting without impacting the server's capacity too much,
+it is recommended to make use of the "halog" utility provided with HAProxy.
+This is sort of a grep-like utility designed to process HAProxy log files at
+a very fast data rate. Typical figures range between 1 and 2 GB of logs per
+second. It is capable of extracting only certain logs (eg: search for some
+classes of HTTP status codes, connection termination status, search by response
+time ranges, look for errors only), count lines, limit the output to a number
+of lines, and perform some more advanced statistics such as sorting servers
+by response time or error counts, sorting URLs by time or count, sorting client
+addresses by access count, and so on. It is pretty convenient to quickly spot
+anomalies such as a bot looping on the site, and block them.
+9. Statistics and monitoring
+10. Tricks for easier configuration management
+It is very common that two HAProxy nodes constituting a cluster share exactly
+the same configuration modulo a few addresses. Instead of having to maintain a
+duplicate configuration for each node, which will inevitably diverge, it is
+possible to include environment variables in the configuration. Thus multiple
+configuration may share the exact same file with only a few different system
+wide environment variables. This started in version 1.5 where only addresses
+were allowed to include environment variables, and 1.6 goes further by
+supporting environment variables everywhere. The syntax is the same as in the
+UNIX shell, a variable starts with a dollar sign ('$'), followed by an opening
+curly brace ('{'), then the variable name followed by the closing brace ('}').
+Except for addresses, environment variables are only interpreted in arguments
+surrounded with double quotes (this was necessary not to break existing setups
+using regular expressions involving the dollar symbol).
+Environment variables also make it convenient to write configurations which are
+expected to work on various sites where only the address changes. It can also
+permit to remove passwords from some configs. Example below where the the file
+"site1.env" file is sourced by the init script upon startup :
+  $ cat site1.env
+  CACHE_PFX=192.168.11
+  SERVER_PFX=192.168.22
+  STATSLP=admin:pa$$w0rd
+  ABUSERS=/etc/haproxy/abuse.lst
+  TIMEOUT=10s
+  $ cat haproxy.cfg
+  global
+      log "${LOGGER}:514" local0
+  defaults
+      mode http
+      timeout client "${TIMEOUT}"
+      timeout server "${TIMEOUT}"
+      timeout connect 5s
+  frontend public
+      bind "${LISTEN}:80"
+      http-request reject if { src -f "${ABUSERS}" }
+      stats uri /stats
+      stats auth "${STATSLP}"
+      use_backend cache if { path_end .jpg .css .ico }
+      default_backend server
+  backend cache
+      server cache1 "${CACHE_PFX}.1:18080" check
+      server cache2 "${CACHE_PFX}.2:18080" check
+  backend server
+      server cache1 "${SERVER_PFX}.1:8080" check
+      server cache2 "${SERVER_PFX}.2:8080" check
+11. Well-known traps to avoid
+Once in a while, someone reports that after a system reboot, the haproxy
+service wasn't started, and that once they start it by hand it works. Most
+often, these people are running a clustered IP address mechanism such as
+keepalived, to assign the service IP address to the master node only, and while
+it used to work when they used to bind haproxy to address, it stopped
+working after they bound it to the virtual IP address. What happens here is
+that when the service starts, the virtual IP address is not yet owned by the
+local node, so when HAProxy wants to bind to it, the system rejects this
+because it is not a local IP address. The fix doesn't consist in delaying the
+haproxy service startup (since it wouldn't stand a restart), but instead to
+properly configure the system to allow binding to non-local addresses. This is
+easily done on Linux by setting the net.ipv4.ip_nonlocal_bind sysctl to 1. This
+is also needed in order to transparently intercept the IP traffic that passes
+through HAProxy for a specific target address.
+Multi-process configurations involving source port ranges may apparently seem
+to work but they will cause some random failures under high loads because more
+than one process may try to use the same source port to connect to the same
+server, which is not possible. The system will report an error and a retry will
+happen, picking another port. A high value in the "retries" parameter may hide
+the effect to a certain extent but this also comes with increased CPU usage and
+processing time. Logs will also report a certain number of retries. For this
+reason, port ranges should be avoided in multi-process configurations.
+Since HAProxy uses SO_REUSEPORT and supports having multiple independant
+processes bound to the same IP:port, during troubleshooting it can happen that
+an old process was not stopped before a new one was started. This provides
+absurd test results which tend to indicate that any change to the configuration
+is ignored. The reason is that in fact even the new process is restarted with a
+new configuration, the old one also gets some incoming connections and
+processes them, returning unexpected results. When in doubt, just stop the new
+process and try again. If it still works, it very likely means that an old
+process remains alive and has to be stopped. Linux's "netstat -lntp" is of good
+help here.
+When adding entries to an ACL from the command line (eg: when blacklisting a
+source address), it is important to keep in mind that these entries are not
+synchronized to the file and that if someone reloads the configuration, these
+updates will be lost. While this is often the desired effect (for blacklisting)
+it may not necessarily match expectations when the change was made as a fix for
+a problem. See the "add acl" action of the CLI interface.
+12. Debugging and performance issues
+When HAProxy is started with the "-d" option, it will stay in the foreground
+and will print one line per event, such as an incoming connection, the end of a
+connection, and for each request or response header line seen. This debug
+output is emitted before the contents are processed, so they don't consider the
+local modifications. The main use is to show the request and response without
+having to run a network sniffer. The output is less readable when multiple
+connections are handled in parallel, though the "debug2ansi" and "debug2html"
+scripts found in the examples/ directory definitely help here by coloring the
+If a request or response is rejected because HAProxy finds it is malformed, the
+best thing to do is to connect to the CLI and issue "show errors", which will
+report the last captured faulty request and response for each frontend and
+backend, with all the necessary information to indicate precisely the first
+character of the input stream that was rejected. This is sometimes needed to
+prove to customers or to developers that a bug is present in their code. In
+this case it is often possible to relax the checks (but still keep the
+captures) using "option accept-invalid-http-request" or its equivalent for
+responses coming from the server "option accept-invalid-http-response". Please
+see the configuration manual for more details.
+Example :
+  > show errors
+  Total events captured on [13/Oct/2015:13:43:47.169] : 1
+  [13/Oct/2015:13:43:40.918] frontend HAProxyLocalStats (#2): invalid request
+    backend <NONE> (#-1), server <NONE> (#-1), event #0
+    src, session #0, session flags 0x00000080
+    HTTP msg state 26, msg flags 0x00000000, tx flags 0x00000000
+    HTTP chunk len 0 bytes, HTTP body len 0 bytes
+    buffer flags 0x00808002, out 0 bytes, total 31 bytes
+    pending 31 bytes, wrapping at 8040, error at position 13:
+    00000  GET /invalid request HTTP/1.1\r\n
+The output of "show info" on the CLI provides a number of useful information
+regarding the maximum connection rate ever reached, maximum SSL key rate ever
+reached, and in general all information which can help to explain temporary
+issues regarding CPU or memory usage. Example :
+  > show info
+  Name: HAProxy
+  Version: 1.6-dev7-e32d18-17
+  Release_date: 2015/10/12
+  Nbproc: 1
+  Process_num: 1
+  Pid: 7949
+  Uptime: 0d 0h02m39s
+  Uptime_sec: 159
+  Memmax_MB: 0
+  Ulimit-n: 120032
+  Maxsock: 120032
+  Maxconn: 60000
+  Hard_maxconn: 60000
+  CurrConns: 0
+  CumConns: 3
+  CumReq: 3
+  MaxSslConns: 0
+  CurrSslConns: 0
+  CumSslConns: 0
+  Maxpipes: 0
+  PipesUsed: 0
+  PipesFree: 0
+  ConnRate: 0
+  ConnRateLimit: 0
+  MaxConnRate: 1
+  SessRate: 0
+  SessRateLimit: 0
+  MaxSessRate: 1
+  SslRate: 0
+  SslRateLimit: 0
+  MaxSslRate: 0
+  SslFrontendKeyRate: 0
+  SslFrontendMaxKeyRate: 0
+  SslFrontendSessionReuse_pct: 0
+  SslBackendKeyRate: 0
+  SslBackendMaxKeyRate: 0
+  SslCacheLookups: 0
+  SslCacheMisses: 0
+  CompressBpsIn: 0
+  CompressBpsOut: 0
+  CompressBpsRateLim: 0
+  ZlibMemUsage: 0
+  MaxZlibMemUsage: 0
+  Tasks: 5
+  Run_queue: 1
+  Idle_pct: 100
+  node: wtap
+  description:
+When an issue seems to randomly appear on a new version of HAProxy (eg: every
+second request is aborted, occasional crash, etc), it is worth trying to enable
+memory poisonning so that each call to malloc() is immediately followed by the
+filling of the memory area with a configurable byte. By default this byte is
+0x50 (ASCII for 'P'), but any other byte can be used, including zero (which
+will have the same effect as a calloc() and which may make issues disappear).
+Memory poisonning is enabled on the command line using the "-dM" option. It
+slightly hurts performance and is not recommended for use in production. If
+an issue happens all the time with it or never happens when poisoonning uses
+byte zero, it clearly means you've found a bug and you definitely need to
+report it. Otherwise if there's no clear change, the problem it is not related.
+When debugging some latency issues, it is important to use both strace and
+tcpdump on the local machine, and another tcpdump on the remote system. The
+reason for this is that there are delays everywhere in the processing chain and
+it is important to know which one is causing latency to know where to act. In
+practice, the local tcpdump will indicate when the input data come in. Strace
+will indicate when haproxy receives these data (using recv/recvfrom). Warning,
+openssl uses read()/write() syscalls instead of recv()/send(). Strace will also
+show when haproxy sends the data, and tcpdump will show when the system sends
+these data to the interface. Then the external tcpdump will show when the data
+sent are really received (since the local one only shows when the packets are
+queued). The benefit of sniffing on the local system is that strace and tcpdump
+will use the same reference clock. Strace should be used with "-tts200" to get
+complete timestamps and report large enough chunks of data to read them.
+Tcpdump should be used with "-nvvttSs0" to report full packets, real sequence
+numbers and complete timestamps.
+In practice, received data are almost always immediately received by haproxy
+(unless the machine has a saturated CPU or these data are invalid and not
+delivered). If these data are received but not sent, it generally is because
+the output buffer is saturated (ie: recipient doesn't consume the data fast
+enough). This can be confirmed by seeing that the polling doesn't notify of
+the ability to write on the output file descriptor for some time (it's often
+easier to spot in the strace output when the data finally leave and then roll
+back to see when the write event was notified). It generally matches an ACK
+received from the recipient, and detected by tcpdump. Once the data are sent,
+they may spend some time in the system doing nothing. Here again, the TCP
+congestion window may be limited and not allow these data to leave, waiting for
+an ACK to open the window. If the traffic is idle and the data take 40 ms or
+200 ms to leave, it's a different issue (which is not an issue), it's the fact
+that the Nagle algorithm prevents empty packets from leaving immediately, in
+hope that they will be merged with subsequent data. HAProxy automatically
+disables Nagle in pure TCP mode and in tunnels. However it definitely remains
+enabled when forwarding an HTTP body (and this contributes to the performance
+improvement there by reducing the number of packets). Some HTTP non-compliant
+applications may be sensitive to the latency when delivering incomplete HTTP
+response messages. In this case you will have to enable "option http-no-delay"
+to disable Nagle in order to work around their design, keeping in mind that any
+other proxy in the chain may similarly be impacted. If tcpdump reports that data
+leave immediately but the other end doesn't see them quickly, it can mean there
+is a congestionned WAN link, a congestionned LAN with flow control enabled and
+preventing the data from leaving, or more commonly that HAProxy is in fact
+running in a virtual machine and that for whatever reason the hypervisor has
+decided that the data didn't need to be sent immediately. In virtualized
+environments, latency issues are almost always caused by the virtualization
+layer, so in order to save time, it's worth first comparing tcpdump in the VM
+and on the external components. Any difference has to be credited to the
+hypervisor and its accompanying drivers.
+When some TCP SACK segments are seen in tcpdump traces (using -vv), it always
+means that the side sending them has got the proof of a lost packet. While not
+seeing them doesn't mean there are no losses, seeing them definitely means the
+network is lossy. Losses are normal on a network, but at a rate where SACKs are
+not noticeable at the naked eye. If they appear a lot in the traces, it is
+worth investigating exactly what happens and where the packets are lost. HTTP
+doesn't cope well with TCP losses, which introduce huge latencies.
+The "netstat -i" command will report statistics per interface. An interface
+where the Rx-Ovr counter grows indicates that the system doesn't have enough
+resources to receive all incoming packets and that they're lost before being
+processed by the network driver. Rx-Drp indicates that some received packets
+were lost in the network stack because the application doesn't process them
+fast enough. This can happen during some attacks as well. Tx-Drp means that
+the output queues were full and packets had to be dropped. When using TCP it
+should be very rare, but will possibly indicte a saturated outgoing link.
+13. Security considerations
+HAProxy is designed to run with very limited privileges. The standard way to
+use it is to isolate it into a chroot jail and to drop its privileges to a
+non-root user without any permissions inside this jail so that if any future
+vulnerability were to be discovered, its compromise would not affect the rest
+of the system.
+In order to perfom a chroot, it first needs to be started as a root user. It is
+pointless to build hand-made chroots to start the process there, these ones are
+painful to build, are never properly maintained and always contain way more
+bugs than the main file-system. And in case of compromise, the intruder can use
+the purposely built file-system. Unfortunately many administrators confuse
+"start as root" and "run as root", resulting in the uid change to be done prior
+to starting haproxy, and reducing the effective security restrictions.
+HAProxy will need to be started as root in order to :
+  - adjust the file descriptor limits
+  - bind to privileged port numbers
+  - bind to a specific network interface
+  - transparently listen to a foreign address
+  - isolate itself inside the chroot jail
+  - drop to another non-privileged UID
+HAProxy may require to be run as root in order to :
+  - bind to an interface for outgoing connections
+  - bind to privileged source ports for outgoing connections
+  - transparently bind to a foreing address for outgoing connections
+Most users will never need the "run as root" case. But the "start as root"
+covers most usages.
+A safe configuration will have :
+  - a chroot statement pointing to an empty location without any access
+    permissions. This can be prepared this way on the UNIX command line :
+      # mkdir /var/empty && chmod 0 /var/empty || echo "Failed"
+    and referenced like this in the HAProxy configuration's global section :
+      chroot /var/empty
+  - both a uid/user and gid/group statements in the global section :
+      user haproxy
+      group haproxy
+  - a stats socket whose mode, uid and gid are set to match the user and/or
+    group allowed to access the CLI so that nobody may access it :
+      stats socket /var/run/haproxy.stat uid hatop gid hatop mode 600