SCRIPTS: git-show-backports: emit the shell command to backport a commit

It's cumbersome to copy-paste a commit ID into another window after having
typed "git cherry-pick -sx", so let's have the suggested output format of
git-show prepare this line just before the subject line, it remains at a
stable position on the terminal when searching for "/^commit". One just
has to copy-paste the line into another terminal will result in the commit
being properly picked.
diff --git a/scripts/git-show-backports b/scripts/git-show-backports
index d01f92c..4ac4110 100755
--- a/scripts/git-show-backports
+++ b/scripts/git-show-backports
@@ -251,13 +251,13 @@
 		echo "In order to show and/or apply all leftmost commits to current branch :"
-		echo "   git show ${left_commits[@]}"
+		echo "   git show --pretty=format:'%C(yellow)commit  %H%C(normal)%nAuthor: %an <%ae>%nDate:   %aD%n%n%C(green)%C(bold)git cherry-pick -sx %h%n%n%w(72,4,4)%B%N' ${left_commits[@]}"
 		echo "   git cherry-pick -sx ${left_commits[@]}"
 		if [ "${left_commits[*]}" != "${right_commits[*]}" ]; then
 			echo "In order to show and/or apply all rightmost commits to current branch :"
-			echo "   git show ${right_commits[@]}"
+			echo "   git show --pretty=format:'%C(yellow)commit  %H%C(normal)%nAuthor: %an <%ae>%nDate:   %aD%n%n%C(green)%C(bold)git cherry-pick -sx %h%n%n%w(72,4,4)%B%N' ${right_commits[@]}"
 			echo "   git cherry-pick -sx ${right_commits[@]}"