* released 1.1.24
* if a client sent a full request then shut its write connection down, then
  the request was aborted. This case was detected only when using haproxy
  both as health-check client and as a server.
* if 'option httpchk' is used in a 'health' mode server, then responses will
  change from 'OK' to 'HTTP/1.0 200 OK'.
* fixed a Linux-only bug in case of HTTP server health-checks, where a single
  server response followed by a close could be ignored, and the server seen
  as failed.
* renamed 'haproxy.txt' to 'haproxy-fr.txt'
* large documentation and examples cleanups
6 files changed
tree: ad4dd144ea78588dfc5594891462ef71fb95e298
  1. doc/
  2. examples/
  3. tests/
  5. haproxy.c
  6. Makefile
  7. TODO