BUG/MINOR: peers: remove useless table check if initial resync is finished

The old process checked each table resync status even if
the resync process is finished. This behavior had no known impact
except useless processing and was discovered during debugging on
an other issue.

This patch could be backported in all supported branches (v >= 1.6)
but once again, it has no impact except avoid useless processing.
diff --git a/src/peers.c b/src/peers.c
index b7ea415..d8f0b74 100644
--- a/src/peers.c
+++ b/src/peers.c
@@ -2223,7 +2223,7 @@
 				HA_SPIN_UNLOCK(STK_TABLE_LOCK, &st->table->lock);
-			else {
+			else if (!(peer->flags & PEER_F_TEACH_FINISHED)) {
 				if (!(st->flags & SHTABLE_F_TEACH_STAGE1)) {
 					repl = peer_send_teach_stage1_msgs(appctx, peer, st);
 					if (repl <= 0)