[TESTS] added test-acl.cfg to test some ACL combinations

various rules constructions can be tested with this test case.
diff --git a/tests/test-acl.cfg b/tests/test-acl.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6de842a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test-acl.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# This sample configuration tests multiple ACL combinations. It requires
+# HAProxy version 1.3.15 minimum.
+	maxconn 100
+frontend http-in
+	bind       :8000-8003
+	mode       http
+	clitimeout 30000
+	acl p1     dst_port 8001
+	acl p2     dst_port 8002
+	acl p3     dst_port 8003
+	acl d1     dst
+	acl d2     dst
+	acl d3     dst
+	redirect location d1&p2|d2&p1   if      d1  p2  or  d2 p1
+	redirect location d1&p1         if      d1  p1
+	redirect location !(d2|d3)      unless  d2      or  d3
+	redirect location d2&!p1        if      d2 !p1
+	redirect location !d2&p1        if     !d2  p1
+	redirect location !!d2          unless !d2
+	block if d3