[MEDIUM] Add pattern fetch management types and functions
diff --git a/src/pattern.c b/src/pattern.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4270cde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pattern.c
@@ -0,0 +1,569 @@
+ * Patterns management functions.
+ *
+ * Copyright 2009-2010 EXCELIANCE, Emeric Brun <ebrun@exceliance.fr>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
+ * 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ */
+#include <string.h>
+#include <arpa/inet.h>
+#include <types/stick_table.h>
+#include <proto/pattern.h>
+#include <common/standard.h>
+/* static structure used on pattern_process if <p> is NULL*/
+static struct pattern spattern;
+/* trash chunk used for pattern conversions */
+static struct chunk trash_chunk;
+/* trash buffers used or pattern conversions */
+static char pattern_trash_buf1[BUFSIZE];
+static char pattern_trash_buf2[BUFSIZE];
+/* pattern_trash_buf point on used buffer*/
+static char *pattern_trash_buf = pattern_trash_buf1;
+/* static structure used to returns builded table key from a pattern*/
+static struct stktable_key stable_key;
+/* list head of all known pattern fetch keywords */
+static struct pattern_fetch_kw_list pattern_fetches = {
+	.list = LIST_HEAD_INIT(pattern_fetches.list)
+/* list head of all known pattern format conversion keywords */
+static struct pattern_conv_kw_list pattern_convs = {
+	.list = LIST_HEAD_INIT(pattern_convs.list)
+ * Registers the pattern fetch keyword list <kwl> as a list of valid keywords for next
+ * parsing sessions.
+ */
+void pattern_register_fetches(struct pattern_fetch_kw_list *pfkl)
+	LIST_ADDQ(&pattern_fetches.list, &pfkl->list);
+ * Registers the pattern format coverstion keyword list <pckl> as a list of valid keywords for next
+ * parsing sessions.
+ */
+void pattern_register_convs(struct pattern_conv_kw_list *pckl)
+	LIST_ADDQ(&pattern_convs.list, &pckl->list);
+ * Returns the pointer on pattern fetch keyword structure identified by
+ * string of <len> in buffer <kw>.
+ *
+ */
+struct pattern_fetch *find_pattern_fetch(const char *kw, int len)
+	int index;
+	struct pattern_fetch_kw_list *kwl;
+	list_for_each_entry(kwl, &pattern_fetches.list, list) {
+		for (index = 0; kwl->kw[index].kw != NULL; index++) {
+			if (strncmp(kwl->kw[index].kw, kw, len) == 0 &&
+			    kwl->kw[index].kw[len] == '\0')
+				return &kwl->kw[index];
+		}
+	}
+	return NULL;
+ * Returns the pointer on pattern format conversion keyword structure identified by
+ * string of <len> in buffer <kw>.
+ *
+ */
+struct pattern_conv *find_pattern_conv(const char *kw, int len)
+	int index;
+	struct pattern_conv_kw_list *kwl;
+	list_for_each_entry(kwl, &pattern_convs.list, list) {
+		for (index = 0; kwl->kw[index].kw != NULL; index++) {
+			if (strncmp(kwl->kw[index].kw, kw, len) == 0 &&
+			    kwl->kw[index].kw[len] == '\0')
+				return &kwl->kw[index];
+		}
+	}
+	return NULL;
+* Returns a static trash struct chunk to use in pattern casts or format conversions
+* Swiths the 2 available trash buffers to protect data during convert
+static struct chunk *get_trash_chunk(void)
+	if (pattern_trash_buf == pattern_trash_buf1)
+		pattern_trash_buf = pattern_trash_buf2;
+	else
+		pattern_trash_buf = pattern_trash_buf1;
+	trash_chunk.str = pattern_trash_buf;
+	trash_chunk.len = 0;
+	trash_chunk.size = BUFSIZE;
+	return &trash_chunk;
+* Used to set pattern data from a struct chunk, could be the trash struct chunk
+static void pattern_data_setstring(union pattern_data *data, struct chunk *c)
+	data->str.str = c->str;
+	data->str.len = c->len;
+	data->str.size = c->size;
+/*          Pattern casts functions                               */
+static int c_ip2int(union pattern_data *data)
+	data->integer = ntohl(data->ip.s_addr);
+	return 1;
+static int c_ip2str(union pattern_data *data)
+	struct chunk *trash = get_trash_chunk();
+	if (!inet_ntop(AF_INET, (void *)&data->ip, trash->str, trash->size))
+		return 0;
+	trash->len = strlen(trash->str);
+	pattern_data_setstring(data, trash);
+	return 1;
+static int c_int2ip(union pattern_data *data)
+	data->ip.s_addr = htonl(data->integer);
+	return 1;
+/* Convert a fixed-length string to an IP address. Returns 0 in case of error,
+ * or the number of chars read in case of success.
+ */
+static int buf2ip(const char *buf, size_t len, struct in_addr *dst)
+	const char *addr;
+	int saw_digit, octets, ch;
+	u_char tmp[4], *tp;
+	const char *cp = buf;
+	saw_digit = 0;
+	octets = 0;
+	*(tp = tmp) = 0;
+	for (addr = buf; addr - buf < len; addr++) {
+		unsigned char digit = (ch = *addr) - '0';
+		if (digit > 9 && ch != '.')
+			break;
+		if (digit <= 9) {
+			u_int new = *tp * 10 + digit;
+			if (new > 255)
+				return 0;
+			*tp = new;
+			if (!saw_digit) {
+				if (++octets > 4)
+					return 0;
+				saw_digit = 1;
+			}
+		} else if (ch == '.' && saw_digit) {
+			if (octets == 4)
+				return 0;
+			*++tp = 0;
+			saw_digit = 0;
+		} else
+			return 0;
+	}
+	if (octets < 4)
+		return 0;
+	memcpy(&dst->s_addr, tmp, 4);
+	return addr - cp;
+static int c_str2ip(union pattern_data *data)
+	if (!buf2ip(data->str.str, data->str.len, &data->ip))
+		return 0;
+	return 1;
+static int c_int2str(union pattern_data *data)
+	struct chunk *trash = get_trash_chunk();
+	char *pos;
+	pos = ultoa_r(data->integer, trash->str, trash->size);
+	if (!pos)
+		return 0;
+	trash->str = pos;
+	trash->len = strlen(pos);
+	pattern_data_setstring(data, trash);
+	return 1;
+static int c_donothing(union pattern_data *data)
+	return 1;
+static int c_str2int(union pattern_data *data)
+	int i;
+	uint32_t ret = 0;
+	for (i = 0; i < data->str.len; i++) {
+		uint32_t val = data->str.str[i] - '0';
+		if (val > 9)
+			break;
+		ret = ret * 10 + val;
+	}
+	data->integer = ret;
+	return 1;
+/*      Pattern casts matrix:                                    */
+/*           pattern_casts[from type][to type]                   */
+/*           NULL pointer used for impossible pattern casts      */
+typedef int (*pattern_cast)(union pattern_data *data);
+static pattern_cast pattern_casts[PATTERN_TYPES][PATTERN_TYPES] = { { c_donothing, c_ip2int, c_ip2str  },
+								    { c_int2ip, c_donothing, c_int2str },
+								    { c_str2ip, c_str2int, c_donothing } };
+/*    typed pattern to typed table key functions                 */
+static void *k_int2int(union pattern_data *pdata, union stktable_key_data *kdata, size_t *len)
+	return (void *)&pdata->integer;
+static void *k_ip2ip(union pattern_data *pdata, union stktable_key_data *kdata, size_t *len)
+	return (void *)&pdata->ip.s_addr;
+static void *k_ip2int(union pattern_data *pdata, union stktable_key_data *kdata, size_t *len)
+	kdata->integer = ntohl(pdata->ip.s_addr);
+	return (void *)&kdata->integer;
+static void *k_int2ip(union pattern_data *pdata, union stktable_key_data *kdata, size_t *len)
+	kdata->ip.s_addr = htonl(pdata->integer);
+	return (void *)&kdata->ip.s_addr;
+static void *k_str2str(union pattern_data *pdata, union stktable_key_data *kdata, size_t *len)
+	*len = pdata->str.len;
+	return (void *)pdata->str.str;
+static void *k_ip2str(union pattern_data *pdata, union stktable_key_data *kdata, size_t *len)
+	if (!inet_ntop(AF_INET, &pdata->ip, kdata->buf, sizeof(kdata->buf)))
+		return NULL;
+	*len = strlen((const char *)kdata->buf);
+	return (void *)kdata->buf;
+static void *k_int2str(union pattern_data *pdata, union stktable_key_data *kdata, size_t *len)
+	void *key;
+	key = (void *)ultoa_r(pdata->integer,  kdata->buf,  sizeof(kdata->buf));
+	if (!key)
+		return NULL;
+	*len = strlen((const char *)key);
+	return key;
+static void *k_str2ip(union pattern_data *pdata, union stktable_key_data *kdata, size_t *len)
+	if (!buf2ip(pdata->str.str, pdata->str.len, &kdata->ip))
+		return NULL;
+	return (void *)&kdata->ip.s_addr;
+static void *k_str2int(union pattern_data *pdata, union stktable_key_data *kdata, size_t *len)
+	int i;
+	kdata->integer = 0;
+	for (i = 0; i < pdata->str.len; i++) {
+		uint32_t val = pdata->str.str[i] - '0';
+		if (val > 9)
+			break;
+		kdata->integer = kdata->integer * 10 + val;
+	}
+	return (void *)&kdata->integer;
+/*      typed pattern to typed table key matrix:                 */
+/*           pattern_keys[from pattern type][to table key type]  */
+/*           NULL pointer used for impossible pattern casts      */
+typedef void *(*pattern_key)(union pattern_data *pdata, union stktable_key_data *kdata, size_t *len);
+static pattern_key pattern_keys[PATTERN_TYPES][STKTABLE_TYPES] = { { k_ip2ip,  k_ip2int,  k_ip2str  },
+                                                                   { k_int2ip, k_int2int, k_int2str },
+                                                                   { k_str2ip, k_str2int, k_str2str } };
+ * Parse a pattern expression configuration:
+ *        fetch keyword followed by format conversion keywords.
+ * Returns a pointer on allocated pattern expression structure.
+ */
+struct pattern_expr *pattern_parse_expr(char **str, int *idx)
+	const char *endw;
+	const char *end;
+	struct pattern_expr *expr;
+	struct pattern_fetch *fetch;
+	struct pattern_conv *conv;
+	unsigned long prev_type;
+	if (!str[*idx])
+		goto out_error;
+	end = str[*idx] + strlen(str[*idx]);
+	endw = strchr(str[*idx], '(');
+	if (!endw)
+		endw = end;
+	else if ((end-1)[0] != ')')
+		goto out_error;
+	fetch = find_pattern_fetch(str[*idx], endw - str[*idx]);
+	if (!fetch)
+		goto out_error;
+	if (fetch->out_type >= PATTERN_TYPES)
+		goto out_error;
+	prev_type = fetch->out_type;
+	expr = calloc(1, sizeof(struct pattern_expr));
+	LIST_INIT(&(expr->conv_exprs));
+	expr->fetch = fetch;
+	if (end != endw) {
+		expr->arg_len = end - endw - 2;
+		expr->arg = malloc(expr->arg_len + 1);
+		expr->arg = memcpy(expr->arg, endw + 1, expr->arg_len);
+		expr->arg[expr->arg_len] = '\0';
+	}
+	for (*idx += 1; *(str[*idx]); (*idx)++) {
+		struct pattern_conv_expr *conv_expr;
+		end = str[*idx] + strlen(str[*idx]);
+		endw = strchr(str[*idx], '(');
+		if (!endw)
+			endw = end;
+		else if ((end-1)[0] != ')')
+			goto out_error;
+		conv = find_pattern_conv(str[*idx], endw - str[*idx]);
+		if (!conv)
+			break;
+		if (conv->in_type >= PATTERN_TYPES ||
+		    conv->out_type >= PATTERN_TYPES)
+			goto out_error;
+		/* If impossible type conversion */
+		if (!pattern_casts[prev_type][conv->in_type])
+			goto out_error;
+		prev_type = conv->out_type;
+		conv_expr = calloc(1, sizeof(struct pattern_conv_expr));
+		LIST_ADDQ(&(expr->conv_exprs), &(conv_expr->list));
+		conv_expr->conv = conv;
+		if (end != endw) {
+			conv_expr->arg_len = end - endw - 2;
+			conv_expr->arg = malloc(conv_expr->arg_len + 1);
+			conv_expr->arg = memcpy(conv_expr->arg, endw + 1, conv_expr->arg_len);
+			conv_expr->arg[expr->arg_len] = '\0';
+		}
+	}
+	return expr;
+	/* TODO: prune_pattern_expr(expr); */
+	return NULL;
+ * Process a fetch + format conversion of defined by the pattern expression <expr>
+ * on request or response considering the <dir> parameter.
+ * Returns a pointer on a typed pattern structure containing the result or NULL if
+ * pattern is not found or when format conversion failed.
+ *  If <p> is not null, function returns results in structure pointed by <p>.
+ *  If <p> is null, functions returns a pointer on a static pattern structure.
+ */
+struct pattern *pattern_process(struct proxy *px, struct session *l4, void *l7, int dir,
+                                struct pattern_expr *expr, struct pattern *p)
+	struct pattern_conv_expr *conv_expr;
+	if (p == NULL)
+		p = &spattern;
+	if (!expr->fetch->process(px, l4, l7, dir, expr->arg, expr->arg_len, &p->data))
+		return NULL;
+	p->type = expr->fetch->out_type;
+	list_for_each_entry(conv_expr, &expr->conv_exprs, list) {
+		if (!pattern_casts[p->type][conv_expr->conv->in_type](&p->data))
+			return NULL;
+		p->type = conv_expr->conv->in_type;
+		if (!conv_expr->conv->process(conv_expr->arg, expr->arg_len, &p->data))
+			return NULL;
+		p->type = conv_expr->conv->out_type;
+	}
+	return p;
+ *  Process a fetch + format conversion of defined by the pattern expression <expr>
+ *  on request or response considering the <dir> parameter.
+ *  Returns a pointer on a static tablekey  structure of type <table_type> of
+ *  the converted result.
+ */
+struct stktable_key *pattern_process_key(struct proxy *px, struct session *l4, void *l7, int dir,
+                                         struct pattern_expr *expr, unsigned long table_type)
+	struct pattern *ptrn;
+	ptrn = pattern_process(px, l4, l7, dir, expr, NULL);
+	if (!ptrn)
+		return NULL;
+	stable_key.key_len = (size_t)-1;
+	stable_key.key = pattern_keys[ptrn->type][table_type](&ptrn->data, &stable_key.data, &stable_key.key_len);
+	if (!stable_key.key)
+		return NULL;
+	return &stable_key;
+ * Returns 1 if pattern expression <expr> result cannot be converted to table key of
+ * type <table_type> .
+ *
+ * Used in configuration check
+ */
+int pattern_notusable_key(struct pattern_expr *expr, unsigned long table_type)
+	if (table_type >= STKTABLE_TYPES)
+		return 1;
+	if (LIST_ISEMPTY(&expr->conv_exprs)) {
+		if (!pattern_keys[expr->fetch->out_type][table_type])
+			return 1;
+	} else {
+		struct pattern_conv_expr *conv_expr;
+		conv_expr = LIST_PREV(&expr->conv_exprs, typeof(conv_expr), list);
+		if (!pattern_keys[conv_expr->conv->out_type][table_type])
+			return 1;
+	}
+	return 0;
+/*    Pattern format convert functions                           */
+static int pattern_conv_str2lower(const char *arg, int arg_len, union pattern_data *data)
+	int i;
+	for (i = 0; i < data->str.len; i++) {
+		if ((data->str.str[i] >= 'A') && (data->str.str[i] <= 'Z'))
+			data->str.str[i] += 'a' - 'A';
+	}
+	return 1;
+static int pattern_conv_str2upper(const char *arg, int arg_len, union pattern_data *data)
+	int i;
+	for (i = 0; i < data->str.len; i++) {
+		if ((data->str.str[i] >= 'a') && (data->str.str[i] <= 'z'))
+			data->str.str[i] += 'A' - 'a';
+	}
+	return 1;
+/* Note: must not be declared <const> as its list will be overwritten */
+static struct pattern_conv_kw_list pattern_conv_kws = {{ },{
+	{ "upper",       pattern_conv_str2upper, PATTERN_TYPE_STRING, PATTERN_TYPE_STRING },
+	{ "lower",       pattern_conv_str2lower, PATTERN_TYPE_STRING, PATTERN_TYPE_STRING },
+	{ NULL, NULL, 0, 0 },
+static void __pattern_init(void)
+	/* register pattern format convert keywords */
+	pattern_register_convs(&pattern_conv_kws);