MEDIUM: session: add a pointer to a struct task in the session

The session may need to enforce a timeout when waiting for a handshake.
Till now we used a trick to avoid allocating a pointer, we used to set
the connection's owner to the task and set the task's context to the
session, so that it was possible to circle between all of them. The
problem is that we'll really need to pass the pointer to the session
to the upper layers during initialization and that the only place to
store it is conn->owner, which is squatted for this trick.

So this patch moves the struct task* into the session where it should
always have been and ensures conn->owner points to the session until
the data layer is properly initialized.
diff --git a/include/types/connection.h b/include/types/connection.h
index 748af8d..ce43b73 100644
--- a/include/types/connection.h
+++ b/include/types/connection.h
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@
 	const struct xprt_ops *xprt;  /* operations at the transport layer */
 	const struct data_cb  *data;  /* data layer callbacks. Must be set before xprt->init() */
 	void *xprt_ctx;               /* general purpose pointer, initialized to NULL */
-	void *owner;                  /* pointer to upper layer's entity (eg: stream interface) */
+	void *owner;                  /* pointer to upper layer's entity (eg: session, stream interface) */
 	int xprt_st;                  /* transport layer state, initialized to zero */
 	union conn_handle handle;     /* connection handle at the socket layer */
 	enum obj_type *target;        /* the target to connect to (server, proxy, applet, ...) */
diff --git a/include/types/session.h b/include/types/session.h
index 35a17e1..0757c70 100644
--- a/include/types/session.h
+++ b/include/types/session.h
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
 	struct timeval tv_accept;       /* date of the session's accept() in internal date (monotonic) */
 	struct stkctr stkctr[MAX_SESS_STKCTR];  /* stick counters for tcp-connection */
 	struct vars vars;               /* list of variables for the session scope. */
+	struct task *task;              /* handshake timeout processing */
 #endif /* _TYPES_SESSION_H */