DOC: coding-style: update a few rules about pointers

It's really annoying to see that in 2020 we're still facing bugs caused
by dangling pointers in the code that result from poorly written rules
about how these pointers are supposed to be handled, set and reset. Let's
add a few supposedly obvious (but apparently not) rules about how pointers
have to be used through out the code in hope to make such bad practices
disappear (or at least have something to point the authors to after
reviewing their code).
diff --git a/doc/coding-style.txt b/doc/coding-style.txt
index 5f4faee..87cc477 100644
--- a/doc/coding-style.txt
+++ b/doc/coding-style.txt
@@ -1262,3 +1262,305 @@
   |         return result;
   | }
+13) Pointers
+A lot could be said about pointers, there's enough to fill entire books. Misuse
+of pointers is one of the primary reasons for bugs in haproxy, and this rate
+has significantly increased with the use of threads. Moreover, bogus pointers
+cause the hardest to analyse bugs, because usually they result in modifications
+to reassigned areas or accesses to unmapped areas, and in each case, bugs that
+strike very far away from where they were located. Some bugs have already taken
+up to 3 weeks of full time analysis, which has a severe impact on the project's
+ability to make forward progress on important features. For this reason, code
+that doesn't look robust enough or that doesn't follow some of the rules below
+will be rejected, and may even be reverted after being merged if the trouble is
+detected late!
+13.1) No test before freeing
+All platforms where haproxy is supported have a well-defined and documented
+behavior for free(NULL), which is to do nothing at all. In other words, free()
+does test for the pointer's nullity. As such, there is no point in testing
+if a pointer is NULL or not before calling free(). And further, you must not
+do it, because it adds some confusion to the reader during debugging sessions,
+making one think that the code's authors weren't very sure about what they
+were doing. This will not cause a bug but will result in your code to get
+Wrong call to free :
+  | static inline int blah_free(struct blah *blah)
+  | {
+  |         if (blah->str1)
+  |                 free(blah->str1);
+  |         if (blah->str2)
+  |                 free(blah->str2);
+  |         free(blah);
+  | }
+Correct call to free :
+  | static inline int blah_free(struct blah *blah)
+  | {
+  |         free(blah->str1);
+  |         free(blah->str2);
+  |         free(blah);
+  | }
+13.2) No dangling pointers
+Pointers are very commonly used as booleans: if they're not NULL, then the
+area they point to is valid and may be used. This is convenient for many things
+and is even emphasized with threads where they can atomically be swapped with
+another value (even NULL), and as such provide guaranteed atomic resource
+allocation and sharing.
+The problem with this is when someone forgets to delete a pointer when an area
+is no longer valid, because this may result in the pointer being accessed later
+and pointing to a wrong location, one that was reallocated for something else
+and causing all sort of nastiness like crashes or memory corruption. Moreover,
+thanks to the memory pools, it is extremely likely that a just released pointer
+will be reassigned to a similar object with comparable values (flags etc) at
+the same positions, making tests apparently succeed for a while. Some such bugs
+have gone undetected for several years.
+The rule is pretty simple:
+   +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+   +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+By "reachable pointer", here we mean a pointer that is accessible from a
+reachable structure or a global variable. This means that any pointer found
+anywhere in any structure in the code may always be dereferenced. This can
+seem obvious but this is not always enforced.
+This means that when freeing an area, the pointer that was used to find that
+area must be overwritten with NULL, and all other such pointers must as well
+if any. It is one case where one can find more convenient to write the NULL
+on the same line as the call to free() to make things easier to check. Be
+careful about any potential "if" when doing this.
+Wrong use of free :
+  | static inline int blah_recycle(struct blah *blah)
+  | {
+  |         free(blah->str1);
+  |         free(blah->str2);
+  | }
+Correct use of free :
+  | static inline int blah_recycle(struct blah *blah)
+  | {
+  |         free(blah->str1); blah->str1 = NULL;
+  |         free(blah->str2); blah->str2 = NULL;
+  | }
+Sometimes the code doesn't permit this to be done. It is not a matter of code
+but a matter of architecture. Example:
+  | static struct foo *foo_init()
+  | {
+  |         struct foo *foo;
+  |         struct bar *bar;
+  |
+  |         foo = pool_alloc(foo_head);
+  |         bar = pool_alloc(bar_head);
+  |         if (!foo || !bar)
+  |                goto fail;
+  |         foo->bar = bar;
+  |         ...
+  | }
+Scheduled task 1:
+  | static inline int foo_timeout(struct foo *foo)
+  | {
+  |         free(foo->bar);
+  |         free(foo);
+  | }
+Scheduled task 2:
+  | static inline int bar_timeout(struct bar *bar)
+  | {
+  |         free(bar);
+  | }
+Here it's obvious that if "bar" times out, it will be freed but its pointer in
+"foo" will remain here, and if foo times out just after, it will lead to a
+double free. Or worse, if another instance allocates a pointer and receives bar
+again, when foo times out, it will release the old bar pointer which now points
+to a new object, and the code using that new object will crash much later, or
+even worse, will share the same area as yet another instance having inherited
+that pointer again.
+Here this simply means that the data model is wrong. If bar may be freed alone,
+it MUST have a pointer to foo so that bar->foo->bar is set to NULL to let foo
+finish its life peacefully. This also means that the code dealing with foo must
+be written in a way to support bar's leaving.
+13.3) Don't abuse pointers as booleans
+Given the common use of a pointer to know if the area it points to is valid,
+there is a big incentive in using such pointers as booleans to describe
+something a bit higher level, like "is the user authenticated". This must not
+be done. The reason stems from the points above. Initially this perfectly
+matches and the code is simple. Then later some extra options need to be added,
+and more pointers are needed, all allocated together. At this point they all
+start to become their own booleans, supposedly always equivalent, but if that
+were true, they would be a single area with a single pointer. And things start
+to fall apart with some code areas relying on one pointer for the condition and
+other ones relying on other pointers. Pointers may be substituted with "flags"
+or "present in list" etc here. And from this point, things quickly degrade with
+pointers needing to remain set even if pointing to wrong areas, just for the
+sake of not being NULL and not breaking some assumptions. At this point the
+bugs are already there and the code is not trustable anymore.
+The only way to avoid this is to strictly respect this rule: pointers do not
+represent a functionality but a storage area. Of course it is very frequent to
+consider that if an optional string is not set, a feature is not enabled. This
+can be fine to some extents. But as soon as any slightest condition is added
+anywhere into the mux, the code relying on the pointer must be replaced with
+something else so that the pointer may live its own life and be released (and
+reset) earlier if needed.
+13.4) Mixing const and non-const
+Something often encountered, especially when assembling error messages, is
+functions that collect strings, assemble them into larger messages and free
+everything. The problem here is that if strings are defined as variables, there
+will rightfully be build warnings when reporting string constants such as bare
+keywords or messages, and if strings are defined as constants, it is not
+possible to free them. The temptation is sometimes huge to force some free()
+calls on casted strings. Do not do that! It will inevitably lead to someone
+getting caught passing a constant string that will make the process crash (if
+lucky). Document the expectations, indicate that all arguments must be freeable
+and that the caller must be capable of strdup(), and make your function support
+NULLs and docuemnt it (so that callers can deal with a failing strdup() on
+allocation error).
+One valid alternative is to use a secondary channel to indicate whether the
+message may be freed or not. A flag in a complex structure can be used for this
+purpose, for example. If you are certain that your strings are aligned to a
+certain number of bytes, it can be possible to instrument the code to use the
+lowest bit to indicate the need to free (e.g. by always adding one to every
+const string). But such a solution will require good enough instrumentation so
+that it doesn't constitute a new set of traps.
+13.5) No pointer casts
+Except in rare occasions caused by legacy APIs (e.g. sockaddr) or special cases
+which explicitly require a form of aliasing, there is no valid reason for
+casting pointers, and usually this is used to hide other problems that will
+strike later. The only suitable type of cast is the cast from the generic void*
+used to store a context for example. But in C, there is no need to cast to nor
+from void*, so this is not required. However those coming from C++ tend to be
+used to this practice, and others argue that it makes the intent more visible.
+As a corollary, do not abuse void*. Placing void* everywhere to avoid casting
+is a bad practice as well. The use of void* is only for generic functions or
+structures which do not have a limited set of types supported. When only a few
+types are supported, generally their type can be passed using a side channel,
+and the void* can be turned into a union that makes the code more readable and
+more verifiable.
+An alternative in haproxy is to use a pointer to an obj_type enum. Usually it
+is placed at the beginning of a structure. It works like a void* except that
+the type is read directly from the object. This is convenient when a small set
+of remote objects may be attached to another one because a single of them will
+match a non-null pointer (e.g. a connection or an applet).
+  | static inline int blah_free(struct blah *blah)
+  | {
+  |         /* only one of them (at most) will not be null */
+  |         pool_free(pool_head_connection, objt_conn(blah->target));
+  |         pool_free(pool_head_appctx,     objt_appctx(blah->target));
+  |         pool_free(pool_head_stream,     objt_stream(blah->target));
+  |         blah->target = NULL;
+  | }
+13.6) Extreme caution when using non-canonical pointers
+It can be particularly convenient to embed some logic in the unused bits or
+code points of a pointer. Indeed, when it is known by design that a given
+pointer will always follow a certain alignment, a few lower bits will always
+remain zero, and as such may be used as optional flags. For example, the ebtree
+code uses the lowest bit to differentiate left/right attachments to the parent
+and node/leaf in branches. It is also known that values very close to NULL will
+never represent a valid pointer, and the thread-safe MT_LIST code uses this to
+lock visited pointers.
+There are a few rules to respect in order to do this:
+  - the deviations from the canonical pointers must be exhaustively documented
+    where the pointer type is defined, and the whole control logic with its
+    implications and possible and impossible cases must be enumerated as well ;
+  - make sure that the operations will work on every supported platform, which
+    includes 32-bit platforms where structures may be aligned on as little as
+    32-bit. 32-bit alignment leaves only two LSB available. When doing so, make
+    sure the target structures are not labelled with the "packed" attribute, or
+    that they're always perfectly aligned. All platforms where haproxy runs
+    have their NULL pointer mapped at address zero, and use page sizes at least
+    4096 bytes large, leaving all values form 1 to 4095 unused. Anything
+    outside of this is unsafe. In particular, never use negative numbers to
+    represent a supposedly invalid address. On 32-bits platforms it will often
+    correspond to a system address or a special page. Always try a variety of
+    platforms when doing such a thing.
+  - the code must not use such pointers as booleans anymore even if it is known
+    that "it works" because that keeps a doubt open for the reviewer. Only the
+    canonical pointer may be tested. There can be a rare exception which is if
+    this is on a critical path where severe performance degradation may result
+    from this. In this case, *each* of the checks must be duly documented and
+    the equivalent BUG_ON() instances must be placed to prove the claim.
+  - some inline functions (or macros) must be used to turn the pointers to/from
+    their canonical form so that the regular code doesn't have to see the
+    operations, and so that the representation may be easily adjusted in the
+    future. A few comments indicating to a human how to turn a pointer back and
+    forth from inside a debugger will be appreciated, as macros often end up
+    not being trivially readable nor directly usable.
+  - do not use int types to cast the pointers, this will only work on 32-bit
+    platforms. While "long" is usually fine, it is not recommended anymore due
+    to the Windows platform being LLP64 and having it set to 32 bits. And
+    "long long" isn't good either for always being 64 bits. More suitable types
+    are ptrdiff_t or size_t. Note that while those were not available everywhere
+    in the early days of hparoxy, size_t is now heavily used and known to work
+    everywhere. And do not perform the operations on the pointers, only on the
+    integer types (and cast back again). Some compilers such as gcc are
+    extremely picky about this and wil often emit wrong code when they see
+    equality conditions they believe is impossible and decide to optimize them
+    away.
+13.7) Pointers in unions
+Before placing multiple aliasing pointers inside a same union, there MUST be a
+SINGLE well-defined way to figure them out from each other. It may be thanks to
+a side-channel information (as done in the samples with a defined type), it may
+be based on in-area information (as done using obj_types), or any other trusted
+solution. In any case, if pointers are mixed with any other type (integer or
+float) in a union, there must be a very simple way to distinguish them, and not
+a platform-dependent nor compiler-dependent one.