Initial revision
diff --git a/tools/bddb/defs.php b/tools/bddb/defs.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0393dbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/bddb/defs.php
@@ -0,0 +1,663 @@
+<?php // php pages made with phpMyBuilder <> ?>
+	// (C) Copyright 2001
+	// Murray Jensen <>
+	// CSIRO Manufacturing Science and Technology, Preston Lab
+	// contains mysql user id and password - keep secret
+	require("config.php");
+	if (isset($logout)) {
+		Header("status: 401 Unauthorized");
+		Header("HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized");
+		Header("WWW-authenticate: basic realm=\"$bddb_label\"");
+		echo "<html><head><title>" .
+			"Access to '$bddb_label' Denied" .
+			"</title></head>\n";
+		echo "<body bgcolor=#ffffff><br></br><br></br><center><h1>" .
+			"You must be an Authorised User " .
+			"to access the '$bddb_label'" .
+			"</h1>\n</center></body></html>\n";
+		exit;
+	}
+	// contents of the various enumerated types - if first item is
+	// empty ('') then the enum is allowed to be null (ie "not null"
+	// is not set on the column)
+	// all column names in the database table
+	$columns = array(
+		'serno','ethaddr','date','batch',
+		'type','rev','location','comments',
+		'sdram0','sdram1','sdram2','sdram3',
+		'flash0','flash1','flash2','flash3',
+		'zbt0','zbt1','zbt2','zbt3','zbt4','zbt5','zbt6','zbt7',
+		'zbt8','zbt9','zbta','zbtb','zbtc','zbtd','zbte','zbtf',
+		'xlxtyp0','xlxtyp1','xlxtyp2','xlxtyp3',
+		'xlxspd0','xlxspd1','xlxspd2','xlxspd3',
+		'xlxtmp0','xlxtmp1','xlxtmp2','xlxtmp3',
+		'xlxgrd0','xlxgrd1','xlxgrd2','xlxgrd3',
+		'cputyp','cpuspd','cpmspd','busspd',
+		'hstype','hschin','hschout'
+	);
+	// board type
+	$type_vals = array('IO','CLP','DSP','INPUT','ALT-INPUT','DISPLAY');
+	// sdram sizes (nbits array is for write into eeprom config file)
+	$sdram_vals = array('','32M','64M','128M','256M');
+	$sdram_nbits = array(0,25,26,27,28);
+	// flash sizes (nbits array is for write into eeprom config file)
+	$flash_vals = array('','4M','8M','16M','32M','64M');
+	$flash_nbits = array(0,22,23,24,25,26);
+	// zbt ram sizes (nbits array is for write into eeprom config file)
+	$zbt_vals = array('','512K','1M','2M','4M');
+	$zbt_nbits = array(0,19,20,21,22);
+	// Xilinx attributes
+	$xlxtyp_vals = array('','XCV300E','XCV400E','XCV600E');
+	$xlxspd_vals = array('','6','7','8');
+	$xlxtmp_vals = array('','COM','IND');
+	$xlxgrd_vals = array('','NORMAL','ENGSAMP');
+	// processor attributes
+	$cputyp_vals = array('','MPC8260');
+	$clk_vals = array('','33MHZ','66MHZ','100MHZ','133MHZ','166MHZ','200MHZ');
+	// high-speed serial attributes
+	$hstype_vals = array('','AMCC-S2064A');
+	$hschin_vals = array('0','1','2','3','4');
+	$hschout_vals = array('0','1','2','3','4');
+	// value filters - used when outputting html
+	function rev_filter($num) {
+		if ($num == 0)
+			return "001";
+		else
+			return sprintf("%03d", $num);
+	}
+	function text_filter($str) {
+		return urldecode($str);
+	}
+	mt_srand(time() | getmypid());
+	// set up MySQL connection
+	mysql_connect("", $mysql_user, $mysql_pw) || die("cannot connect");
+	mysql_select_db($mysql_db) || die("cannot select db");
+	// page header
+	function pg_head($title)
+	{
+		echo "<html>\n<head>\n";
+		echo "<link rel=stylesheet href=\"bddb.css\" type=\"text/css\" title=\"style sheet\"></link>\n";
+		echo "<title>$title</title>\n";
+		echo "</head>\n";
+		echo "<body>\n";
+		echo "<center><h1>$title</h1></center>\n";
+		echo "<hr></hr>\n";
+	}
+	// page footer
+	function pg_foot()
+	{
+		echo "<hr></hr>\n";
+		echo "<table width=\"100%\"><tr><td align=left>\n<address>" .
+			"If you have any problems, email " .
+			"<a href=\"\">" .
+			"Murray Jensen" .
+			"</a></address>\n" .
+			"</td><td align=right>\n" .
+			"<a href=\"index.php?logout=true\">logout</a>\n" .
+			"</td></tr></table>\n";
+		echo "<p><small><i>Made with " .
+		    "<a href=\"\">" .
+		    "Kyber phpMyBuilder</a></i></small></p>\n";
+		echo "</body>\n";
+		echo "</html>\n";
+	}
+	// some support functions
+	if (!function_exists('array_search')) {
+		function array_search($needle, $haystack, $strict = false) {
+			if (is_array($haystack) && count($haystack)) {
+				$ntype = gettype($needle);
+				foreach ($haystack as $key => $value) {
+					if ($value == $needle && (!$strict ||
+					    gettype($value) == $ntype))
+						return $key;
+				}
+			}
+			return false;
+		}
+	}
+	if (!function_exists('in_array')) {
+		function in_array($needle, $haystack, $strict = false) {
+			if (is_array($haystack) && count($haystack)) {
+				$ntype = gettype($needle);
+				foreach ($haystack as $key => $value) {
+					if ($value == $needle && (!$strict ||
+					    gettype($value) == $ntype))
+						return true;
+				}
+			}
+			return false;
+		}
+	}
+	function key_in_array($key, $array) {
+		return in_array($key, array_keys($array), true);
+	}
+	function enum_to_index($name, $vals) {
+		$index = array_search($GLOBALS[$name], $vals);
+		if ($vals[0] != '')
+		        $index++;
+		return $index;
+	}
+	// fetch a value from an array - return empty string is not present
+	function get_key_value($key, $array) {
+		if (key_in_array($key, $array))
+			return $array[$key];
+		else
+			return '';
+	}
+	function fprintf() {
+		$n = func_num_args();
+		if ($n < 2)
+			return FALSE;
+		$a = func_get_args();
+		$fp = array_shift($a);
+		$x = "\$s = sprintf";
+		$sep = '(';
+		foreach ($a as $z) {
+			$x .= "$sep'$z'";
+			$sep = ',';
+		}
+		$x .= ');';
+		eval($x);
+		$l = strlen($s);
+		$r = fwrite($fp, $s, $l);
+		if ($r != $l)
+			return FALSE;
+		else
+			return TRUE;
+	}
+	// functions to display (print) a database table and its columns
+	function begin_table($ncols) {
+		global $table_ncols;
+		$table_ncols = $ncols;
+		echo "<table align=center width=\"100%\""
+			. " border=1 cellpadding=4 cols=$table_ncols>\n";
+	}
+	function begin_field($name, $span = 0) {
+		global $table_ncols;
+		echo "<tr valign=top>\n";
+		echo "\t<th align=center>$name</th>\n";
+		if ($span <= 0)
+			$span = $table_ncols - 1;
+		if ($span > 1)
+			echo "\t<td colspan=$span>\n";
+		else
+			echo "\t<td>\n";
+	}
+	function cont_field($span = 1) {
+		echo "\t</td>\n";
+		if ($span > 1)
+			echo "\t<td colspan=$span>\n";
+		else
+			echo "\t<td>\n";
+	}
+	function end_field() {
+		echo "\t</td>\n";
+		echo "</tr>\n";
+	}
+	function end_table() {
+		echo "</table>\n";
+	}
+	function print_field($name, $array, $size = 0, $filt='') {
+		begin_field($name);
+		if (key_in_array($name, $array))
+			$value = $array[$name];
+		else
+			$value = '';
+		if ($filt != '')
+			$value = $filt($value);
+		echo "\t\t<input name=$name value=\"$value\"";
+		if ($size > 0)
+			echo " size=$size maxlength=$size";
+		echo "></input>\n";
+		end_field();
+	}
+	function print_field_multiline($name, $array, $cols, $rows, $filt='') {
+		begin_field($name);
+		if (key_in_array($name, $array))
+			$value = $array[$name];
+		else
+			$value = '';
+		if ($filt != '')
+			$value = $filt($value);
+		echo "\t\t<textarea name=$name " .
+			"cols=$cols rows=$rows wrap=off>\n";
+		echo "$value";
+		echo "</textarea>\n";
+		end_field();
+	}
+	// print a mysql ENUM as an html RADIO INPUT
+	function print_enum($name, $array, $vals, $def = -1) {
+		begin_field($name);
+		if (key_in_array($name, $array))
+			$chk = array_search($array[$name], $vals, FALSE);
+		else
+			$chk = $def;
+		$nval = count($vals);
+		for ($i = 0; $i < $nval; $i++) {
+			$val = $vals[$i];
+			if ($val == '')
+				$pval = "none";
+			else
+				$pval = "$val";
+			printf("\t\t<input type=radio name=$name"
+				. " value=\"$val\"%s>$pval</input>\n",
+				$i == $chk ? " checked" : "");
+		}
+		end_field();
+	}
+	// print a group of mysql ENUMs (e.g. name0,name1,...) as an html SELECT
+	function print_enum_multi($base, $array, $vals, $cnt, $defs, $grp = 0) {
+		global $table_ncols;
+		if ($grp <= 0)
+			$grp = $cnt;
+		$ncell = $cnt / $grp;
+		$span = ($table_ncols - 1) / $ncell;
+		begin_field($base, $span);
+		$nval = count($vals);
+		for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++) {
+			if ($i > 0 && ($i % $grp) == 0)
+				cont_field($span);
+			$name = sprintf("%s%x", $base, $i);
+			echo "\t\t<select name=$name>\n";
+			if (key_in_array($name, $array))
+				$ai = array_search($array[$name], $vals, FALSE);
+			else {
+				if (key_in_array($i, $defs))
+					$ai = $defs[$i];
+				else
+					$ai = 0;
+			}
+			for ($j = 0; $j < $nval; $j++) {
+				$val = $vals[$j];
+				if ($val == '')
+					$pval = "&nbsp;";
+				else
+					$pval = "$val";
+				printf("\t\t\t<option " .
+					"value=\"%s\"%s>%s</option>\n",
+					$val,
+					$j == $ai ? " selected" : "",
+					$pval);
+			}
+			echo "\t\t</select>\n";
+		}
+		end_field();
+	}
+	// functions to handle the form input
+	// fetch all the parts of an "enum_multi" into a string suitable
+	// for a MySQL query
+	function gather_enum_multi_query($base, $cnt) {
+		$retval = '';
+		for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++) {
+			$name = sprintf("%s%x", $base, $i);
+			if (isset($GLOBALS[$name])) {
+				$retval .= sprintf(", %s='%s'",
+					$name, $GLOBALS[$name]);
+			}
+		}
+		return $retval;
+	}
+	// fetch all the parts of an "enum_multi" into a string suitable
+	// for a display e.g. in an html table cell
+	function gather_enum_multi_print($base, $cnt, $array) {
+		$retval = '';
+		for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++) {
+			$name = sprintf("%s%x", $base, $i);
+			if ($array[$name] != '') {
+				if ($retval != '')
+					$retval .= ',';
+				$retval .= $array[$name];
+			}
+		}
+		return $retval;
+	}
+	// fetch all the parts of an "enum_multi" into a string suitable
+	// for writing to the eeprom data file
+	function gather_enum_multi_write($base, $cnt, $vals, $xfrm = array()) {
+		$retval = '';
+		for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++) {
+			$name = sprintf("%s%x", $base, $i);
+			if ($GLOBALS[$name] != '') {
+				if ($retval != '')
+					$retval .= ',';
+				$index = enum_to_index($name, $vals);
+				if ($xfrm != array())
+					$retval .= $xfrm[$index];
+				else
+					$retval .= $index;
+			}
+		}
+		return $retval;
+	}
+	// count how many parts of an "enum_multi" are actually set
+	function count_enum_multi($base, $cnt) {
+		$retval = 0;
+		for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++) {
+			$name = sprintf("%s%x", $base, $i);
+			if (isset($GLOBALS[$name]))
+				$retval++;
+		}
+		return $retval;
+	}
+	// ethernet address functions
+	// generate a (possibly not unique) random vendor ethernet address
+	// (setting bit 6 in the ethernet address - motorola wise i.e. bit 0
+	// is the most significant bit - means it is not an assigned ethernet
+	// address). Also, make sure it is NOT a multicast ethernet address.
+	function gen_eth_addr($serno) {
+		$ethaddr_high = (mt_rand(0, 65535) & 0xfeff) | 0x0200;
+		$ethaddr_low = mt_rand(0, 4294967295);
+		return sprintf("%02lx:%02lx:%02lx:%02lx:%02lx:%02lx",
+			$ethaddr_high >> 8, $ethaddr_high & 0xff,
+			$ethaddr_low >> 24, ($ethaddr_low >> 16) & 0xff,
+			($ethaddr_low >> 8) & 0xff, $ethaddr_low & 0xff);
+	}
+	// check that an ethernet address is valid
+	function eth_addr_is_valid($ethaddr) {
+		$ethbytes = split(':', $ethaddr);
+		if (count($ethbytes) != 6)
+			return FALSE;
+		for ($i = 0; $i < 6; $i++) {
+			$ethbyte = $ethbytes[$i];
+			if (!ereg('^[0-9a-f][0-9a-f]$', $ethbyte))
+				return FALSE;
+		}
+		return TRUE;
+	}
+	// write a simple eeprom configuration file
+	function write_eeprom_cfg_file() {
+		global $sernos, $nsernos, $bddb_cfgdir, $numerrs, $cfgerrs;
+		global $date, $batch, $type_vals, $rev;
+		global $sdram_vals, $sdram_nbits;
+		global $flash_vals, $flash_nbits;
+		global $zbt_vals, $zbt_nbits;
+		global $xlxtyp_vals, $xlxspd_vals, $xlxtmp_vals, $xlxgrd_vals;
+		global $cputyp, $cputyp_vals, $clk_vals;
+		global $hstype, $hstype_vals, $hschin, $hschout;
+		$numerrs = 0;
+		$cfgerrs = array();
+		for ($i = 0; $i < $nsernos; $i++) {
+			$serno = sprintf("%010d", $sernos[$i]);
+			$wfp = @fopen($bddb_cfgdir . "/$serno.cfg", "w");
+			if (!$wfp) {
+				$cfgerrs[$i] = 'file create fail';
+				$numerrs++;
+				continue;
+			}
+			set_file_buffer($wfp, 0);
+			if (!fprintf($wfp, "serno=%d\n", $sernos[$i])) {
+				$cfgerrs[$i] = 'cfg wr fail (serno)';
+				fclose($wfp);
+				$numerrs++;
+				continue;
+			}
+			if (!fprintf($wfp, "date=%s\n", $date)) {
+				$cfgerrs[$i] = 'cfg wr fail (date)';
+				fclose($wfp);
+				$numerrs++;
+				continue;
+			}
+			if ($batch != '') {
+				if (!fprintf($wfp, "batch=%s\n", $batch)) {
+					$cfgerrs[$i] = 'cfg wr fail (batch)';
+					fclose($wfp);
+					$numerrs++;
+					continue;
+				}
+			}
+			$typei = enum_to_index("type", $type_vals);
+			if (!fprintf($wfp, "type=%d\n", $typei)) {
+				$cfgerrs[$i] = 'cfg wr fail (type)';
+				fclose($wfp);
+				$numerrs++;
+				continue;
+			}
+			if (!fprintf($wfp, "rev=%d\n", $rev)) {
+				$cfgerrs[$i] = 'cfg wr fail (rev)';
+				fclose($wfp);
+				$numerrs++;
+				continue;
+			}
+			$s = gather_enum_multi_write("sdram", 4,
+				$sdram_vals, $sdram_nbits);
+			if ($s != '') {
+				$b = fprintf($wfp, "sdram=%s\n", $s);
+				if (!$b) {
+					$cfgerrs[$i] = 'cfg wr fail (sdram)';
+					fclose($wfp);
+					$numerrs++;
+					continue;
+				}
+			}
+			$s = gather_enum_multi_write("flash", 4,
+				$flash_vals, $flash_nbits);
+			if ($s != '') {
+				$b = fprintf($wfp, "flash=%s\n", $s);
+				if (!$b) {
+					$cfgerrs[$i] = 'cfg wr fail (flash)';
+					fclose($wfp);
+					$numerrs++;
+					continue;
+				}
+			}
+			$s = gather_enum_multi_write("zbt", 16,
+				$zbt_vals, $zbt_nbits);
+			if ($s != '') {
+				$b = fprintf($wfp, "zbt=%s\n", $s);
+				if (!$b) {
+					$cfgerrs[$i] = 'cfg wr fail (zbt)';
+					fclose($wfp);
+					$numerrs++;
+					continue;
+				}
+			}
+			$s = gather_enum_multi_write("xlxtyp", 4, $xlxtyp_vals);
+			if ($s != '') {
+				$b = fprintf($wfp, "xlxtyp=%s\n", $s);
+				if (!$b) {
+					$cfgerrs[$i] = 'cfg wr fail (xlxtyp)';
+					fclose($wfp);
+					$numerrs++;
+					continue;
+				}
+			}
+			$s = gather_enum_multi_write("xlxspd", 4, $xlxspd_vals);
+			if ($s != '') {
+				$b = fprintf($wfp, "xlxspd=%s\n", $s);
+				if (!$b) {
+					$cfgerrs[$i] = 'cfg wr fail (xlxspd)';
+					fclose($wfp);
+					$numerrs++;
+					continue;
+				}
+			}
+			$s = gather_enum_multi_write("xlxtmp", 4, $xlxtmp_vals);
+			if ($s != '') {
+				$b = fprintf($wfp, "xlxtmp=%s\n", $s);
+				if (!$b) {
+					$cfgerrs[$i] = 'cfg wr fail (xlxtmp)';
+					fclose($wfp);
+					$numerrs++;
+					continue;
+				}
+			}
+			$s = gather_enum_multi_write("xlxgrd", 4, $xlxgrd_vals);
+			if ($s != '') {
+				$b = fprintf($wfp, "xlxgrd=%s\n", $s);
+				if (!$b) {
+					$cfgerrs[$i] = 'cfg wr fail (xlxgrd)';
+					fclose($wfp);
+					$numerrs++;
+					continue;
+				}
+			}
+			if ($cputyp != '') {
+				$cputypi = enum_to_index("cputyp",$cputyp_vals);
+				$cpuspdi = enum_to_index("cpuspd", $clk_vals);
+				$busspdi = enum_to_index("busspd", $clk_vals);
+				$cpmspdi = enum_to_index("cpmspd", $clk_vals);
+				$b = fprintf($wfp, "cputyp=%d\ncpuspd=%d\n" .
+					"busspd=%d\ncpmspd=%d\n",
+					$cputypi, $cpuspdi, $busspdi, $cpmspdi);
+				if (!$b) {
+					$cfgerrs[$i] = 'cfg wr fail (cputyp)';
+					fclose($wfp);
+					$numerrs++;
+					continue;
+				}
+			}
+			if ($hstype != '') {
+				$hstypei = enum_to_index("hstype",$hstype_vals);
+				$b = fprintf($wfp, "hstype=%d\n" .
+					"hschin=%s\nhschout=%s\n",
+					$hstypei, $hschin, $hschout);
+				if (!$b) {
+					$cfgerrs[$i] = 'cfg wr fail (hstype)';
+					fclose($wfp);
+					$numerrs++;
+					continue;
+				}
+			}
+			if (!fclose($wfp)) {
+				$cfgerrs[$i] = 'file cls fail';
+				$numerrs++;
+			}
+		}
+		return $numerrs;
+	}