Add PPC4xx-HCU4 and HCU5 boards: READMEs

Signed-off-by: Niklaus Giger <>
diff --git a/board/netstal/hcu4/README.txt b/board/netstal/hcu4/README.txt
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index 0000000..1e9c64a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/netstal/hcu4/README.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+HCU4 Configuration Details
+Memory Bank 0 -- Flash chip
+0xfff00000 - 0xffffffff
+The flash chip is really only 512Kbytes, but the high address bit of
+the 1Meg region is ignored, so the flash is replicated through the
+region. Thus, this is consistent with a flash base address 0xfff80000.
+The placement at the end is to be consistent with reset behavior,
+where the processor itself initially uses this bus to load the branch
+vector and start running.
+On-Chip Memory
+0xf4000000 - 0xf4000fff
+The 405GPr includes a 4K on-chip memory that can be placed however
+software chooses. I choose to place the memory at this address, to
+keep it out of the cachable areas.
+Internal Peripherals
+0xef600300 - 0xef6008ff
+These are scattered various peripherals internal to the PPC405GPr
+Chip-Select 2: Flash Memory
+Chip-Select 3: CAN Interface
+Chip-Select 4: IMC-bus standard
+Our IO-Bus (slow version)
+Chip-Select 5: IMC-bus fast (inactive)
+Our IO-Bus (fast, but not yet use)
+Memory Bank 1 -- SDRAM
+0x00000000 - 0x1ffffff   # Default 32 MB
diff --git a/board/netstal/hcu5/README.txt b/board/netstal/hcu5/README.txt
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index 0000000..3118da9
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+++ b/board/netstal/hcu5/README.txt
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+HCU5 configuration details and startup sequence
+(C) Copyright 2007 Netstal Maschinen AG
+    Niklaus Giger (
+- Fix error: Waiting for PHY auto negotiation to complete..... TIMEOUT !
+     - Does not occur if both EMAC are connected
+- Fix RTS/CTS problem (HW?)
+  Switching to interrupt driven serial input mode
+- Make vxWorks start from u-boot. Possible reasons
+    - Does vxWorks need an entry for the Machine Check interrupt like this
+      tlbentry( 0x40000000, SZ_256M, 0, 1, AC_R|AC_W|AC_X|SA_G|SA_I ) ?
+Errata CHIP_8: Incorrect Write to DDR SDRAM. (was not applied to sequoia.c)
+see hcu5.c.
+Memory Bank 0 -- Flash chip
+0xfff00000 - 0xffffffff
+The flash chip is really only 512Kbytes, but the high address bit of
+the 1Meg region is ignored, so the flash is replicated through the
+region. Thus, this is consistent with a flash base address 0xfff80000.
+The placement at the end is to be consistent with reset behavior,
+where the processor itself initially uses this bus to load the branch
+vector and start running.
+On-Chip Memory
+0xe0010000- 0xe0013fff   CFG_OCM_BASE
+The 440EPx includes a 16K on-chip memory that can be placed however
+software chooses.
+Internal Peripherals
+0xef600300 - 0xef6008ff
+These are scattered various peripherals internal to the PPC440EPX
+Chip-Select 2: Flash Memory
+Not used
+Chip-Select 3: CAN Interface
+0xc800000: 2 Intel 82527 CAN-Controller
+Chip-Select 4: IMC-bus standard
+0xcc00000: Netstal specific IO-Bus
+Chip-Select 5: IMC-bus fast (inactive)
+0xce00000: Netstal specific IO-Bus (fast, but not yet used)
+Memory Bank 1 -- DDR2
+0x00000000 - 0xfffffff   # Default 256 MB
+PCI ??
+USB ??
+Only USB_STORAGE is enabled to load vxWorks
+from a memory stick.
+System-LEDs ??? (Analog zu HCU4 ???)
+Startup sequence
+depending on configs option
+call _start_440 _start_pci oder _start
+	initialize register like
+	CCR0
+	debug
+	setup interrupt vectors
+	configure cache regions
+	clear and setup TLB
+	enable internal RAM
+	jump start_ram
+	which in turn will jump to start
+	Clear and set up some registers.
+	Debug setup
+	Setup the internal SRAM
+	Setup the stack in internal SRAM
+    setup stack pointer (r1)
+    setup GOT
+	call cpu_init_f	/* run low-level CPU init code	   (from Flash) */
+    call cpu_init_f
+    board_init_f: (lib_ppc\board.c)
+	init_sequence defines a list of function to be called
+	    board_early_init_f: (board/netstal/hcu5/hcu5.c)
+		We are using Bootstrap-Option A
+		if CPR0_ICFG_RLI_MASK == 0 then set some registers and reboot
+		Setup the GPIO pins
+		Setup the interrupt controller polarities, triggers, etc.
+		Ethernet, PCI, USB enable
+		setup BOOT FLASH (Chip timing)
+	    init_baudrate,
+	    serial_init
+	    checkcpu
+	    misc_init_f #ifdef
+	    init_func_i2c #ifdef
+	    post_init_f  #ifdef
+	    init_func_ram -> calls init_dram board/netstal/hcu5/sdram.c
+		(EYE function removed!!)
+	    test_dram call
+	 * Reserve memory at end of RAM for (top down in that order):
+	 *  - kernel log buffer
+	 *  - protected RAM
+	 *  - LCD framebuffer
+	 *  - monitor code
+	 *  - board info struct
+	Save local variables to board info struct
+	call relocate_code() does not return
+	relocate_code: (cpu/ppc4xx/start.S)
+From now on our copy is in RAM and we will run from there,
+	starting with board_init_r
+    board_init_r: (lib_ppc\board.c)
+	setup bd function pointers
+	trap_init
+	flash_init: (board/netstal/hcu5/flash.c)
+		/* setup for u-boot erase, update */
+	setup bd flash info
+	cpu_init_r: (cpu/ppc4xx/cpu_init.c)
+	    peripheral chip select in using defines like
+	    CFG_EBC_PB0A, CFG_EBC_PB0C from hcu5.h
+	mem_malloc_init
+	malloc_bin_reloc
+	spi_init (r or f)??? (CFG_ENV_IS_IN_EEPROM)
+	env_relocated
+	misc_init_r(bd): (board/netstal/hcu5.c)
+	    ethaddr mit serial number ergänzen
+    Then we will somehow go into the command loop
+Most of the HW specific code for the HCU5 may be found in
+Drivers for serial etc are found under drivers/
+Don't ask question if you did not look at the README !!
+Most CFG_* and CONFIG_* switches are mentioned/explained there.