ARM: dts: stm32: Migrate U-boot nodes to U-boot DT files for stm32f7

In order to prepare and ease future DT synchronization with kernel
DT, migrate all U-boot specific nodes/properties/addons to
U-boot DT files.

Migrate also DT nodes which are not yet available on kernel DT side
as ethernet, ltdc and qspi nodes.

Fix ethernet_mii pins and add missing qspi_pins for stm32746g-eval

Signed-off-by: Patrice Chotard <>
diff --git a/arch/arm/dts/stm32f746-disco-u-boot.dtsi b/arch/arm/dts/stm32f746-disco-u-boot.dtsi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ceab5e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/dts/stm32f746-disco-u-boot.dtsi
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
+#include <stm32f7-u-boot.dtsi>
+	chosen {
+		bootargs = "root=/dev/ram rdinit=/linuxrc";
+	};
+	aliases {
+		/* Aliases for gpios so as to use sequence */
+		gpio0 = &gpioa;
+		gpio1 = &gpiob;
+		gpio2 = &gpioc;
+		gpio3 = &gpiod;
+		gpio4 = &gpioe;
+		gpio5 = &gpiof;
+		gpio6 = &gpiog;
+		gpio7 = &gpioh;
+		gpio8 = &gpioi;
+		gpio9 = &gpioj;
+		gpio10 = &gpiok;
+		mmc0 = &sdio;
+		spi0 = &qspi;
+	};
+	backlight: backlight {
+		compatible = "gpio-backlight";
+		gpios = <&gpiok 3 0>;
+		status = "okay";
+	};
+	button1 {
+		compatible = "st,button1";
+		button-gpio = <&gpioi 11 0>;
+	};
+	led1 {
+		compatible = "st,led1";
+		led-gpio = <&gpioi 1 0>;
+	};
+	panel-rgb@0 {
+		compatible = "simple-panel";
+		backlight = <&backlight>;
+		enable-gpios = <&gpioi 12 0>;
+		status = "okay";
+		display-timings {
+			timing@0 {
+				clock-frequency = <9000000>;
+				hactive = <480>;
+				vactive = <272>;
+				hfront-porch = <2>;
+				hback-porch = <2>;
+				hsync-len = <41>;
+				vfront-porch = <2>;
+				vback-porch = <2>;
+				vsync-len = <10>;
+				hsync-active = <0>;
+				vsync-active = <0>;
+				de-active = <0>;
+				pixelclk-active = <1>;
+			};
+		};
+	};
+	soc {
+		ltdc: display-controller@40016800 {
+			compatible = "st,stm32-ltdc";
+			reg = <0x40016800 0x200>;
+			resets = <&rcc STM32F7_APB2_RESET(LTDC)>;
+			clocks = <&rcc 0 STM32F7_APB2_CLOCK(LTDC)>;
+			pinctrl-0 = <&ltdc_pins>;
+			status = "okay";
+			u-boot,dm-pre-reloc;
+		};
+	};
+&clk_hse {
+	u-boot,dm-pre-reloc;
+&fmc {
+	/* Memory configuration from sdram datasheet MT48LC_4M32_B2B5-6A */
+	bank1: bank@0 {
+		u-boot,dm-pre-reloc;
+		st,sdram-control = /bits/ 8 <NO_COL_8
+					     NO_ROW_12
+					     MWIDTH_16
+					     BANKS_4
+					     CAS_3
+					     SDCLK_2
+					     RD_BURST_EN
+					     RD_PIPE_DL_0>;
+		st,sdram-timing = /bits/ 8 <TMRD_2
+					    TXSR_6
+					    TRAS_4
+					    TRC_6
+					    TWR_2
+					    TRP_2
+					    TRCD_2>;
+		/* refcount = (64msec/total_row_sdram)*freq - 20 */
+		st,sdram-refcount = < 1542 >;
+	};
+&pinctrl {
+	ethernet_mii: mii@0 {
+		pins {
+			pinmux = <STM32F746_PG13_FUNC_ETH_MII_TXD0_ETH_RMII_TXD0>,
+				 <STM32F746_PA2_FUNC_ETH_MDIO>,
+				 <STM32F746_PC1_FUNC_ETH_MDC>,
+			slew-rate = <2>;
+		};
+	};
+	fmc_pins: fmc@0 {
+		u-boot,dm-pre-reloc;
+		pins {
+			u-boot,dm-pre-reloc;
+			pinmux = <STM32F746_PD10_FUNC_FMC_D15>,
+				 <STM32F746_PD9_FUNC_FMC_D14>,
+				 <STM32F746_PD8_FUNC_FMC_D13>,
+				 <STM32F746_PE15_FUNC_FMC_D12>,
+				 <STM32F746_PE14_FUNC_FMC_D11>,
+				 <STM32F746_PE13_FUNC_FMC_D10>,
+				 <STM32F746_PE12_FUNC_FMC_D9>,
+				 <STM32F746_PE11_FUNC_FMC_D8>,
+				 <STM32F746_PE10_FUNC_FMC_D7>,
+				 <STM32F746_PE9_FUNC_FMC_D6>,
+				 <STM32F746_PE8_FUNC_FMC_D5>,
+				 <STM32F746_PE7_FUNC_FMC_D4>,
+				 <STM32F746_PD1_FUNC_FMC_D3>,
+				 <STM32F746_PD0_FUNC_FMC_D2>,
+				 <STM32F746_PD15_FUNC_FMC_D1>,
+				 <STM32F746_PD14_FUNC_FMC_D0>,
+				 <STM32F746_PE1_FUNC_FMC_NBL1>,
+				 <STM32F746_PE0_FUNC_FMC_NBL0>,
+				 <STM32F746_PG5_FUNC_FMC_A15_FMC_BA1>,
+				 <STM32F746_PG4_FUNC_FMC_A14_FMC_BA0>,
+				 <STM32F746_PG1_FUNC_FMC_A11>,
+				 <STM32F746_PG0_FUNC_FMC_A10>,
+				 <STM32F746_PF15_FUNC_FMC_A9>,
+				 <STM32F746_PF14_FUNC_FMC_A8>,
+				 <STM32F746_PF13_FUNC_FMC_A7>,
+				 <STM32F746_PF12_FUNC_FMC_A6>,
+				 <STM32F746_PF5_FUNC_FMC_A5>,
+				 <STM32F746_PF4_FUNC_FMC_A4>,
+				 <STM32F746_PF3_FUNC_FMC_A3>,
+				 <STM32F746_PF2_FUNC_FMC_A2>,
+				 <STM32F746_PF1_FUNC_FMC_A1>,
+				 <STM32F746_PF0_FUNC_FMC_A0>,
+				 <STM32F746_PH3_FUNC_FMC_SDNE0>,
+				 <STM32F746_PH5_FUNC_FMC_SDNWE>,
+				 <STM32F746_PF11_FUNC_FMC_SDNRAS>,
+				 <STM32F746_PG15_FUNC_FMC_SDNCAS>,
+				 <STM32F746_PC3_FUNC_FMC_SDCKE0>,
+				 <STM32F746_PG8_FUNC_FMC_SDCLK>;
+			slew-rate = <2>;
+		};
+	};
+	ltdc_pins: ltdc@0 {
+		pins {
+			pinmux = <STM32F746_PE4_FUNC_LCD_B0>,
+				 <STM32F746_PG12_FUNC_LCD_B4>,
+				 <STM32F746_PI9_FUNC_LCD_VSYNC>,
+				 <STM32F746_PI10_FUNC_LCD_HSYNC>,
+				 <STM32F746_PI14_FUNC_LCD_CLK>,
+				 <STM32F746_PI15_FUNC_LCD_R0>,
+				 <STM32F746_PJ0_FUNC_LCD_R1>,
+				 <STM32F746_PJ1_FUNC_LCD_R2>,
+				 <STM32F746_PJ2_FUNC_LCD_R3>,
+				 <STM32F746_PJ3_FUNC_LCD_R4>,
+				 <STM32F746_PJ4_FUNC_LCD_R5>,
+				 <STM32F746_PJ5_FUNC_LCD_R6>,
+				 <STM32F746_PJ6_FUNC_LCD_R7>,
+				 <STM32F746_PJ7_FUNC_LCD_G0>,
+				 <STM32F746_PJ8_FUNC_LCD_G1>,
+				 <STM32F746_PJ9_FUNC_LCD_G2>,
+				 <STM32F746_PJ10_FUNC_LCD_G3>,
+				 <STM32F746_PJ11_FUNC_LCD_G4>,
+				 <STM32F746_PJ13_FUNC_LCD_B1>,
+				 <STM32F746_PJ14_FUNC_LCD_B2>,
+				 <STM32F746_PJ15_FUNC_LCD_B3>,
+				 <STM32F746_PK0_FUNC_LCD_G5>,
+				 <STM32F746_PK1_FUNC_LCD_G6>,
+				 <STM32F746_PK2_FUNC_LCD_G7>,
+				 <STM32F746_PK4_FUNC_LCD_B5>,
+				 <STM32F746_PK5_FUNC_LCD_B6>,
+				 <STM32F746_PK6_FUNC_LCD_B7>,
+				 <STM32F746_PK7_FUNC_LCD_DE>;
+			slew-rate = <2>;
+		};
+	};
+	qspi_pins: qspi@0 {
+		pins {
+			pinmux = <STM32F746_PB2_FUNC_QUADSPI_CLK>,
+				<STM32F746_PD11_FUNC_QUADSPI_BK1_IO0>,
+				<STM32F746_PD12_FUNC_QUADSPI_BK1_IO1>,
+				<STM32F746_PD13_FUNC_QUADSPI_BK1_IO3>,
+				<STM32F746_PE2_FUNC_QUADSPI_BK1_IO2>;
+			slew-rate = <2>;
+		};
+	};
+	usart1_pins_a: usart1@0	{
+		u-boot,dm-pre-reloc;
+		pins1 {
+			u-boot,dm-pre-reloc;
+		};
+		pins2 {
+			u-boot,dm-pre-reloc;
+		};
+	};
+&pwrcfg {
+	u-boot,dm-pre-reloc;
+&qspi {
+	qflash0: n25q128a {
+		#address-cells = <1>;
+		#size-cells = <1>;
+		compatible = "micron,n25q128a13", "jedec,spi-nor";
+		spi-max-frequency = <108000000>;
+		spi-tx-bus-width = <1>;
+		spi-rx-bus-width = <1>;
+		memory-map = <0x90000000 0x1000000>;
+		reg = <0>;
+	};
+&timer5 {
+	u-boot,dm-pre-reloc;