Patch by Martin Krause, 27 Oct 2004:
- add support for "STK52xx" board (including PS/2 multiplexer)
- add hardware detection for TQM5200
diff --git a/board/tqm5200/Makefile b/board/tqm5200/Makefile
index bf83292..50ef578 100644
--- a/board/tqm5200/Makefile
+++ b/board/tqm5200/Makefile
@@ -25,7 +25,8 @@
 LIB	= lib$(BOARD).a
-OBJS	:= $(BOARD).o flash.o
+#OBJS	:= $(BOARD).o flash.o
+OBJS	:= $(BOARD).o
 $(LIB):	$(OBJS) $(SOBJS)
 	$(AR) crv $@ $(OBJS)
diff --git a/board/tqm5200/tqm5200.c b/board/tqm5200/tqm5200.c
index 6383d9d..40f5a7d 100644
--- a/board/tqm5200/tqm5200.c
+++ b/board/tqm5200/tqm5200.c
@@ -36,6 +36,9 @@
 #include "mt48lc16m16a2-75.h"
+void ps2mult_early_init(void);
 #ifndef CFG_RAMBOOT
 static void sdram_start (int hi_addr)
@@ -244,13 +247,17 @@
 #if defined (CONFIG_TQM5200_AA)
 	puts ("Board: TQM5200-AA (TQ-Systems GmbH)\n");
-#if defined (CONFIG_TQM5200_AB)
+#elif defined (CONFIG_TQM5200_AB)
 	puts ("Board: TQM5200-AB (TQ-Systems GmbH)\n");
-#if defined (CONFIG_TQM5200_AC)
+#elif defined (CONFIG_TQM5200_AC)
 	puts ("Board: TQM5200-AC (TQ-Systems GmbH)\n");
+#elif defined (CONFIG_TQM5200)
+	puts ("Board: TQM5200 (TQ-Systems GmbH)\n");
+#if defined (CONFIG_STK52XX)
+	puts ("       on a STK52XX baseboard\n");
 	return 0;
@@ -383,5 +390,114 @@
 	return *save_addr;
+int board_early_init_r (void)
+	ps2mult_early_init();
+	return (0);
+#endif /* CONFIG_PS2MULT */
+#if defined(CONFIG_CS_AUTOCONF)
+int last_stage_init (void)
+	/*
+	 * auto scan for really existing devices and re-set chip select
+	 * configuration.
+	 */
+	u16 save, tmp;
+	int restore;
+	/*
+	 * Check for SRAM and SRAM size
+	 */
+	/* save origianl SRAM content  */
+	save = *(volatile u16 *)CFG_CS2_START;
+	restore = 1;
+	/* write test pattern to SRAM */
+	*(volatile u16 *)CFG_CS2_START = 0xA5A5;
+	__asm__ volatile ("sync");
+	/*
+	 * Put a different pattern on the data lines: otherwise they may float
+	 * long enough to read back what we wrote.
+	 */
+	tmp = *(volatile u16 *)CFG_FLASH_BASE;
+	if (tmp == 0xA5A5)
+		puts ("!! possible error in SRAM detection\n");
+	if (*(volatile u16 *)CFG_CS2_START != 0xA5A5) {
+		/* no SRAM at all, disable cs */
+		*(vu_long *)MPC5XXX_ADDECR &= ~(1 << 18);
+		*(vu_long *)MPC5XXX_CS2_START = 0x0000FFFF;
+		*(vu_long *)MPC5XXX_CS2_STOP = 0x0000FFFF;
+		restore = 0;
+		__asm__ volatile ("sync");
+	}
+	else if (*(volatile u16 *)(CFG_CS2_START + (1<<19)) == 0xA5A5) {
+		/* make sure that we access a mirrored address */
+		*(volatile u16 *)CFG_CS2_START = 0x1111;
+		__asm__ volatile ("sync");
+		if (*(volatile u16 *)(CFG_CS2_START + (1<<19)) == 0x1111) {
+			/* SRAM size = 512 kByte */
+			*(vu_long *)MPC5XXX_CS2_STOP = STOP_REG(CFG_CS2_START, 
+								0x80000);
+			__asm__ volatile ("sync");
+			puts ("SRAM:  512 kB\n");
+		}
+		else
+			puts ("!! possible error in SRAM detection\n");	
+	}
+	else {
+		puts ("SRAM:  1 MB\n");	
+	}
+	/* restore origianl SRAM content  */
+	if (restore) {
+		*(volatile u16 *)CFG_CS2_START = save;
+		__asm__ volatile ("sync");
+	}
+	/* 
+	 * Check for Grafic Controller
+	 */
+	/* save origianl FB content  */
+	save = *(volatile u16 *)CFG_CS1_START;
+	restore = 1;
+	/* write test pattern to FB memory */
+	*(volatile u16 *)CFG_CS1_START = 0xA5A5;
+	__asm__ volatile ("sync");
+	/*
+	 * Put a different pattern on the data lines: otherwise they may float
+	 * long enough to read back what we wrote.
+	 */
+	tmp = *(volatile u16 *)CFG_FLASH_BASE;
+	if (tmp == 0xA5A5)
+		puts ("!! possible error in grafic controller detection\n");
+	if (*(volatile u16 *)CFG_CS1_START != 0xA5A5) {
+		/* no grafic controller at all, disable cs */
+		*(vu_long *)MPC5XXX_ADDECR &= ~(1 << 17);
+		*(vu_long *)MPC5XXX_CS1_START = 0x0000FFFF;
+		*(vu_long *)MPC5XXX_CS1_STOP = 0x0000FFFF;
+		restore = 0;
+		__asm__ volatile ("sync");
+	}
+	else {
+		puts ("VGA:   SMI501 (Voyager) with 8 MB\n");	
+	}
+	/* restore origianl FB content  */
+	if (restore) {
+		*(volatile u16 *)CFG_CS1_START = save;
+		__asm__ volatile ("sync");
+	}
+	return 0;
+#endif /* CONFIG_CS_AUTOCONF */