Initial revision
diff --git a/board/siemens/CCM/ccm.c b/board/siemens/CCM/ccm.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..079f38f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/siemens/CCM/ccm.c
@@ -0,0 +1,440 @@
+ * (C) Copyright 2001
+ * Wolfgang Denk, DENX Software Engineering,
+ *
+ * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <mpc8xx.h>
+#include <commproc.h>
+#include <command.h>
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+static long int dram_size (long int, long int *, long int);
+void can_driver_enable (void);
+void can_driver_disable (void);
+int fpga_init(void);
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#define	_NOT_USED_	0xFFFFFFFF
+const uint sdram_table[] =
+	/*
+	 * Single Read. (Offset 0 in UPMA RAM)
+	 */
+	0x1F0DFC04, 0xEEAFBC04, 0x11AF7C04, 0xEFBAFC00,
+	0x1FF5FC47, /* last */
+	/*
+	 * SDRAM Initialization (offset 5 in UPMA RAM)
+	 *
+	 * This is no UPM entry point. The following definition uses
+	 * the remaining space to establish an initialization
+	 * sequence, which is executed by a RUN command.
+	 *
+	 */
+		    0x1FF5FC34, 0xEFEABC34, 0x1FB57C35, /* last */
+	/*
+	 * Burst Read. (Offset 8 in UPMA RAM)
+	 */
+	0x1F0DFC04, 0xEEAFBC04, 0x10AF7C04, 0xF0AFFC00,
+	0xF0AFFC00, 0xF1AFFC00, 0xEFBAFC00, 0x1FF5FC47, /* last */
+	/*
+	 * Single Write. (Offset 18 in UPMA RAM)
+	 */
+	0x1F0DFC04, 0xEEABBC00, 0x01B27C04, 0x1FF5FC47, /* last */
+	/*
+	 * Burst Write. (Offset 20 in UPMA RAM)
+	 */
+	0x1F0DFC04, 0xEEABBC00, 0x10A77C00, 0xF0AFFC00,
+	0xF0AFFC00, 0xE1BAFC04, 0x1FF5FC47, /* last */
+					    _NOT_USED_,
+	/*
+	 * Refresh  (Offset 30 in UPMA RAM)
+	 */
+	0x1FFD7C84, 0xFFFFFC04, 0xFFFFFC04, 0xFFFFFC04,
+	0xFFFFFC84, 0xFFFFFC07, /* last */
+				_NOT_USED_, _NOT_USED_,
+	/*
+	 * Exception. (Offset 3c in UPMA RAM)
+	 */
+	0x7FFFFC07, /* last */
+		    _NOT_USED_, _NOT_USED_, _NOT_USED_,
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * Check Board Identity:
+ *
+ * Always return 1 (no second DRAM bank since based on TQM8xxL module)
+ */
+int checkboard (void)
+    unsigned char *s;
+    unsigned char buf[64];
+    s = (getenv_r ("serial#", buf, sizeof(buf)) > 0) ? buf : NULL;
+    puts ("Board: Siemens CCM");
+    if (s) {
+	    puts (" (");
+	    for (; *s; ++s) {
+		if (*s == ' ')
+		    break;
+		putc (*s);
+	    }
+	    putc (')');
+    }
+    putc ('\n');
+    return (0);
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * If Power-On-Reset switch off the Red and Green LED: At reset, the
+ * data direction registers are cleared and must therefore be restored.
+ */
+#define RSR_CSRS	0x08000000
+int power_on_reset(void)
+    /* Test Reset Status Register */
+    return ((volatile immap_t *)CFG_IMMR)->im_clkrst.car_rsr & RSR_CSRS ? 0:1;
+#define PB_LED_GREEN	0x10000		/* red LED is on PB.15 */
+#define PB_LED_RED	0x20000		/* red LED is on PB.14 */
+static void init_leds (void)
+    volatile immap_t *immap  = (immap_t *)CFG_IMMR;
+    immap->im_cpm.cp_pbpar &= ~PB_LEDS;
+    immap->im_cpm.cp_pbodr &= ~PB_LEDS;
+    immap->im_cpm.cp_pbdir |=  PB_LEDS;
+    /* Check stop reset status */
+    if (power_on_reset()) {
+	    immap->im_cpm.cp_pbdat &= ~PB_LEDS;
+    }
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+long int initdram (int board_type)
+    volatile immap_t     *immap  = (immap_t *)CFG_IMMR;
+    volatile memctl8xx_t *memctl = &immap->im_memctl;
+    long int size8, size9;
+    long int size = 0;
+    unsigned long reg;
+    upmconfig(UPMA, (uint *)sdram_table, sizeof(sdram_table)/sizeof(uint));
+    /*
+     * Preliminary prescaler for refresh (depends on number of
+     * banks): This value is selected for four cycles every 62.4 us
+     * with two SDRAM banks or four cycles every 31.2 us with one
+     * bank. It will be adjusted after memory sizing.
+     */
+    memctl->memc_mptpr = CFG_MPTPR_2BK_8K;
+    memctl->memc_mar  = 0x00000088;
+    /*
+     * Map controller banks 2 and 3 to the SDRAM banks 2 and 3 at
+     * preliminary addresses - these have to be modified after the
+     * SDRAM size has been determined.
+     */
+    memctl->memc_or2 = CFG_OR2_PRELIM;
+    memctl->memc_br2 = CFG_BR2_PRELIM;
+    memctl->memc_mamr = CFG_MAMR_8COL & (~(MAMR_PTAE)); /* no refresh yet */
+    udelay(200);
+    /* perform SDRAM initializsation sequence */
+    memctl->memc_mcr  = 0x80004105;	/* SDRAM bank 0 */
+    udelay(1);
+    memctl->memc_mcr  = 0x80004230;	/* SDRAM bank 0 - execute twice */
+    udelay(1);
+    memctl->memc_mamr |= MAMR_PTAE;	/* enable refresh */
+    udelay (1000);
+    /*
+     * Check Bank 0 Memory Size for re-configuration
+     *
+     * try 8 column mode
+     */
+    size8 = dram_size (CFG_MAMR_8COL, (ulong *)SDRAM_BASE2_PRELIM, SDRAM_MAX_SIZE);
+    udelay (1000);
+    /*
+     * try 9 column mode
+     */
+    size9 = dram_size (CFG_MAMR_9COL, (ulong *)SDRAM_BASE2_PRELIM, SDRAM_MAX_SIZE);
+    if (size8 < size9) {		/* leave configuration at 9 columns	*/
+	size = size9;
+/*	debug ("SDRAM in 9 column mode: %ld MB\n", size >> 20);	*/
+    } else {				/* back to 8 columns			*/
+	size = size8;
+	memctl->memc_mamr = CFG_MAMR_8COL;
+	udelay(500);
+/*	debug ("SDRAM in 8 column mode: %ld MB\n", size >> 20);	*/
+    }
+    udelay (1000);
+    /*
+     * Adjust refresh rate depending on SDRAM type
+     * For types > 128 MBit leave it at the current (fast) rate
+     */
+    if (size < 0x02000000) {
+	/* reduce to 15.6 us (62.4 us / quad) */
+	memctl->memc_mptpr = CFG_MPTPR_2BK_4K;
+	udelay(1000);
+    }
+    /*
+     * Final mapping
+     */
+    memctl->memc_or2 = ((-size) & 0xFFFF0000) | CFG_OR_TIMING_SDRAM;
+    memctl->memc_br2 = (CFG_SDRAM_BASE & BR_BA_MSK) | BR_MS_UPMA | BR_V;
+    /* adjust refresh rate depending on SDRAM type, one bank */
+    reg = memctl->memc_mptpr;
+    reg >>= 1;	/* reduce to CFG_MPTPR_1BK_8K / _4K */
+    memctl->memc_mptpr = reg;
+    can_driver_enable ();
+    init_leds ();
+    udelay(10000);
+    return (size);
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * Warning - both the PUMA load mode and the CAN driver use UPM B,
+ * so make sure only one of both is active.
+ */
+void can_driver_enable (void)
+    volatile immap_t     *immap  = (immap_t *)CFG_IMMR;
+    volatile memctl8xx_t *memctl = &immap->im_memctl;
+    /* Initialize MBMR */
+    memctl->memc_mbmr = MAMR_GPL_B4DIS;	/* GPL_B4 ouput line Disable */
+    /* Initialize UPMB for CAN: single read */
+    memctl->memc_mdr = 0xFFFFC004;
+    memctl->memc_mcr = 0x0100 | UPMB;
+    memctl->memc_mdr = 0x0FFFD004;
+    memctl->memc_mcr = 0x0101 | UPMB;
+    memctl->memc_mdr = 0x0FFFC000;
+    memctl->memc_mcr = 0x0102 | UPMB;
+    memctl->memc_mdr = 0x3FFFC004;
+    memctl->memc_mcr = 0x0103 | UPMB;
+    memctl->memc_mdr = 0xFFFFDC05;
+    memctl->memc_mcr = 0x0104 | UPMB;
+    /* Initialize UPMB for CAN: single write */
+    memctl->memc_mdr = 0xFFFCC004;
+    memctl->memc_mcr = 0x0118 | UPMB;
+    memctl->memc_mdr = 0xCFFCD004;
+    memctl->memc_mcr = 0x0119 | UPMB;
+    memctl->memc_mdr = 0x0FFCC000;
+    memctl->memc_mcr = 0x011A | UPMB;
+    memctl->memc_mdr = 0x7FFCC004;
+    memctl->memc_mcr = 0x011B | UPMB;
+    memctl->memc_mdr = 0xFFFDCC05;
+    memctl->memc_mcr = 0x011C | UPMB;
+    /* Initialize OR3 / BR3 for CAN Bus Controller */
+    memctl->memc_or3 = CFG_OR3_CAN;
+    memctl->memc_br3 = CFG_BR3_CAN;
+void can_driver_disable (void)
+    volatile immap_t     *immap  = (immap_t *)CFG_IMMR;
+    volatile memctl8xx_t *memctl = &immap->im_memctl;
+    /* Reset OR3 / BR3 to disable  CAN Bus Controller */
+    memctl->memc_br3 = 0;
+    memctl->memc_or3 = 0;
+    memctl->memc_mbmr = 0;
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ * Check memory range for valid RAM. A simple memory test determines
+ * the actually available RAM size between addresses `base' and
+ * `base + maxsize'. Some (not all) hardware errors are detected:
+ * - short between address lines
+ * - short between data lines
+ */
+static long int dram_size (long int mamr_value, long int *base, long int maxsize)
+    volatile immap_t     *immap  = (immap_t *)CFG_IMMR;
+    volatile memctl8xx_t *memctl = &immap->im_memctl;
+    volatile long int	 *addr;
+    ulong		  cnt, val;
+    ulong		  save[32];	/* to make test non-destructive */
+    unsigned char	  i = 0;
+    memctl->memc_mamr = mamr_value;
+    for (cnt = maxsize/sizeof(long); cnt > 0; cnt >>= 1) {
+	addr = base + cnt;	/* pointer arith! */
+	save[i++] = *addr;
+	*addr = ~cnt;
+    }
+    /* write 0 to base address */
+    addr = base;
+    save[i] = *addr;
+    *addr = 0;
+    /* check at base address */
+    if ((val = *addr) != 0) {
+	*addr = save[i];
+	return (0);
+    }
+    for (cnt = 1; cnt <= maxsize/sizeof(long); cnt <<= 1) {
+	addr = base + cnt;	/* pointer arith! */
+	val = *addr;
+	*addr = save[--i];
+	if (val != (~cnt)) {
+	    return (cnt * sizeof(long));
+	}
+    }
+    return (maxsize);
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+void	reset_phy(void)
+	immap_t *immr = (immap_t *)CFG_IMMR;
+	ulong value;
+	/* Configure all needed port pins for GPIO */
+	immr->im_ioport.iop_padat |=   CFG_PA_ETH_MDDIS;
+	immr->im_ioport.iop_padat &= ~(CFG_PA_ETH_MDDIS | CFG_PA_ETH_RESET);	/* Set low */
+	immr->im_ioport.iop_papar &= ~(CFG_PA_ETH_MDDIS | CFG_PA_ETH_RESET);	/* GPIO */
+	immr->im_ioport.iop_paodr &= ~(CFG_PA_ETH_MDDIS | CFG_PA_ETH_RESET);	/* active output */
+	immr->im_ioport.iop_padir |=   CFG_PA_ETH_MDDIS | CFG_PA_ETH_RESET;	/* output */
+	immr->im_cpm.cp_pbpar &= ~(ETH_ALL_BITS);	/* GPIO */
+	immr->im_cpm.cp_pbodr &= ~(ETH_ALL_BITS);	/* active output */
+	value  = immr->im_cpm.cp_pbdat;
+	/* Assert Powerdown and Reset signals */
+	/* PHY configuration includes MDDIS and CFG1 ... CFG3 */
+	value |=   CFG_PB_ETH_CFG1;
+	value &= ~(CFG_PB_ETH_CFG1);
+	value |=   CFG_PB_ETH_CFG2;
+	value &= ~(CFG_PB_ETH_CFG2);
+	value |=   CFG_PB_ETH_CFG3;
+	value &= ~(CFG_PB_ETH_CFG3);
+	/* Drive output signals to initial state */
+	immr->im_cpm.cp_pbdat  = value;
+	immr->im_cpm.cp_pbdir |= ETH_ALL_BITS;
+	udelay (10000);
+	/* De-assert Ethernet Powerdown */
+	immr->im_cpm.cp_pbdat &= ~(CFG_PB_ETH_POWERDOWN); /* Enable PHY power */
+	udelay (10000);
+	/* de-assert RESET signal of PHY */
+	immr->im_ioport.iop_padat |= CFG_PA_ETH_RESET;
+	udelay (1000);
+int misc_init_r (void)
+	fpga_init();
+	return (0);
+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
diff --git a/board/siemens/CCM/fpga_ccm.c b/board/siemens/CCM/fpga_ccm.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..292387b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/siemens/CCM/fpga_ccm.c
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+ * (C) Copyright 2002
+ * Wolfgang Grandegger, DENX Software Engineering,
+ *
+ * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <mpc8xx.h>
+#include <commproc.h>
+#include <common.h>
+#include "../common/fpga.h"
+fpga_t fpga_list[] = {
+    { "PUMA" , PUMA_CONF_BASE ,
+int fpga_count = sizeof(fpga_list) / sizeof(fpga_t);
+void can_driver_enable (void);
+void can_driver_disable (void);
+#define	_NOT_USED_	0xFFFFFFFF
+ * PUMA access using UPM B
+ */
+const uint puma_table[] =
+	/*
+	 * Single Read. (Offset 0 in UPM RAM)
+	 */
+	/*
+	 * Precharge and MRS
+	 */
+		    _NOT_USED_, _NOT_USED_, _NOT_USED_,
+	/*
+	 * Burst Read. (Offset 8 in UPM RAM)
+	 */
+	/*
+	 * Single Write. (Offset 18 in UPM RAM)
+	 */
+	0x0FFCF804, 0x0FFCF400, 0x3FFDFC47, /* last */
+					    _NOT_USED_,
+	/*
+	 * Burst Write. (Offset 20 in UPM RAM)
+	 */
+	/*
+	 * Refresh  (Offset 30 in UPM RAM)
+	 */
+	/*
+	 * Exception. (Offset 3c in UPM RAM)
+	 */
+	0x7FFFFC07, /* last */
+		    _NOT_USED_, _NOT_USED_, _NOT_USED_,
+ulong fpga_control (fpga_t* fpga, int cmd)
+    volatile immap_t     *immr  = (immap_t *)CFG_IMMR;
+    volatile memctl8xx_t *memctl = &immr->im_memctl;
+    switch (cmd) {
+    case FPGA_INIT_IS_HIGH:
+	immr->im_ioport.iop_pcdir &= ~fpga->init_mask; /* input */
+	return (immr->im_ioport.iop_pcdat & fpga->init_mask) ? 1:0;
+    case FPGA_INIT_SET_LOW:
+	immr->im_ioport.iop_pcdir |=  fpga->init_mask; /* output */
+	immr->im_ioport.iop_pcdat &= ~fpga->init_mask;
+	break;
+	immr->im_ioport.iop_pcdir |= fpga->init_mask; /* output */
+	immr->im_ioport.iop_pcdat |= fpga->init_mask;
+	break;
+    case FPGA_PROG_SET_LOW:
+	immr->im_ioport.iop_pcdat &= ~fpga->prog_mask;
+	break;
+	immr->im_ioport.iop_pcdat |= fpga->prog_mask;
+	break;
+    case FPGA_DONE_IS_HIGH:
+	return (immr->im_ioport.iop_pcdat & fpga->done_mask) ? 1:0;
+    case FPGA_READ_MODE:
+	/* disable FPGA in memory controller */
+	memctl->memc_br4 = 0;
+	memctl->memc_or4 = PUMA_CONF_OR_READ;
+	memctl->memc_br4 = PUMA_CONF_BR_READ;
+	/* (re-) enable CAN drivers */
+	can_driver_enable ();
+	break;
+    case FPGA_LOAD_MODE:
+	/* disable FPGA in memory controller */
+	memctl->memc_br4 = 0;
+	/*
+	 * We must disable the CAN drivers first because
+	 * they use UPM B, too.
+	 */
+	can_driver_disable ();
+	/*
+	 * Configure UPMB for FPGA
+	 */
+	upmconfig(UPMB,(uint *)puma_table,sizeof(puma_table)/sizeof(uint));
+	memctl->memc_or4 = PUMA_CONF_OR_LOAD;
+	memctl->memc_br4 = PUMA_CONF_BR_LOAD;
+	break;
+    case FPGA_GET_ID:
+	return *(volatile ulong *)fpga->conf_base;
+    case FPGA_INIT_PORTS:
+	immr->im_ioport.iop_pcpar &= ~fpga->init_mask; /* INIT I/O */
+	immr->im_ioport.iop_pcso  &= ~fpga->init_mask;
+	immr->im_ioport.iop_pcdir &= ~fpga->init_mask;
+	immr->im_ioport.iop_pcpar &= ~fpga->prog_mask; /* PROG Output */
+	immr->im_ioport.iop_pcso  &= ~fpga->prog_mask;
+	immr->im_ioport.iop_pcdir |=  fpga->prog_mask;
+	immr->im_ioport.iop_pcpar &= ~fpga->done_mask; /* DONE Input */
+	immr->im_ioport.iop_pcso  &= ~fpga->done_mask;
+	immr->im_ioport.iop_pcdir &= ~fpga->done_mask;
+	break;
+    }
+    return 0;
diff --git a/board/siemens/SCM/fpga_scm.c b/board/siemens/SCM/fpga_scm.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b93794
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/siemens/SCM/fpga_scm.c
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+ * (C) Copyright 2002
+ * Wolfgang Grandegger, DENX Software Engineering,
+ *
+ * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <mpc8260.h>
+#include <common.h>
+#include "../common/fpga.h"
+fpga_t fpga_list[] = {
+    { "FIOX" , CFG_FIOX_BASE ,
+int fpga_count = sizeof(fpga_list) / sizeof(fpga_t);
+ulong fpga_control (fpga_t* fpga, int cmd)
+    volatile immap_t *immr  = (immap_t *)CFG_IMMR;
+    switch (cmd) {
+    case FPGA_INIT_IS_HIGH:
+	immr->im_ioport.iop_pdird &= ~fpga->init_mask; /* input */
+	return (immr->im_ioport.iop_pdatd & fpga->init_mask) ? 1:0;
+    case FPGA_INIT_SET_LOW:
+	immr->im_ioport.iop_pdird |=  fpga->init_mask; /* output */
+	immr->im_ioport.iop_pdatd &= ~fpga->init_mask;
+	break;
+	immr->im_ioport.iop_pdird |= fpga->init_mask; /* output */
+	immr->im_ioport.iop_pdatd |= fpga->init_mask;
+	break;
+    case FPGA_PROG_SET_LOW:
+	immr->im_ioport.iop_pdatd &= ~fpga->prog_mask;
+	break;
+	immr->im_ioport.iop_pdatd |= fpga->prog_mask;
+	break;
+    case FPGA_DONE_IS_HIGH:
+	return (immr->im_ioport.iop_pdatd & fpga->done_mask) ? 1:0;
+    case FPGA_READ_MODE:
+	break;
+    case FPGA_LOAD_MODE:
+	break;
+    case FPGA_GET_ID:
+	if (fpga->conf_base == CFG_FIOX_BASE) {
+	    ulong ver = *(volatile ulong *)(fpga->conf_base + 0x10);
+	    return ((ver >> 10) & 0xf) + ((ver >> 2) & 0xf0);
+	}
+	else if (fpga->conf_base == CFG_FDOHM_BASE) {
+	    return (*(volatile ushort *)fpga->conf_base) & 0xff;
+	}
+	else {
+	    return *(volatile ulong *)fpga->conf_base;
+	}
+    case FPGA_INIT_PORTS:
+	immr->im_ioport.iop_ppard &= ~fpga->init_mask; /* INIT I/O */
+	immr->im_ioport.iop_psord &= ~fpga->init_mask;
+	immr->im_ioport.iop_pdird &= ~fpga->init_mask;
+	immr->im_ioport.iop_ppard &= ~fpga->prog_mask; /* PROG Output */
+	immr->im_ioport.iop_psord &= ~fpga->prog_mask;
+	immr->im_ioport.iop_pdird |=  fpga->prog_mask;
+	immr->im_ioport.iop_ppard &= ~fpga->done_mask; /* DONE Input */
+	immr->im_ioport.iop_psord &= ~fpga->done_mask;
+	immr->im_ioport.iop_pdird &= ~fpga->done_mask;
+	break;
+    }
+    return 0;
diff --git a/board/siemens/common/README b/board/siemens/common/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d781903
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/siemens/common/README
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+CCM/SCM-Ergaenzungen fuer U-Boot und Linux:
+Es gibt nun ein gemeinsames Kommando zum Laden der FPGAs:
+  => help fpga
+  fpga fpga status [name] - print FPGA status
+  fpga reset  [name] - reset FPGA
+  fpga load [name] addr - load FPGA configuration data
+Der Name kann beim CCM-Module auch weggelassen werden.
+Die Laengenangabe und damit "puma_len" ist nicht mehr
+  => fpga load puma 40600000
+  FPGA load PUMA: addr 40600000: (00000005)... done
+Die MTD-Partitionierung kann nun mittels "bootargs" ueber-
+geben werden:
+  => printenv addmtd
+  addmtd=setenv bootargs $(bootargs)
+    mtdparts=0:256k(U-Boot)ro,768k(Kernel),-(Rest)\;1:-(myJFFS2)
+Die Portierung auf SMC ist natuerlich noch nicht getestet.
+Wolfgang Grandegger (04.06.2002)
diff --git a/board/siemens/common/fpga.c b/board/siemens/common/fpga.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a17de5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/siemens/common/fpga.c
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+ * (C) Copyright 2002
+ * Wolfgang Grandegger, DENX Software Engineering,
+ *
+ * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <command.h>
+#include <linux/ctype.h>
+#include <common.h>
+#include <cmd_boot.h>
+#include <cmd_bsp.h>
+#include "fpga.h"
+int  power_on_reset(void);
+/* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . */
+static int fpga_get_version(fpga_t* fpga, char* name)
+    char vname[12];
+    /*
+     * Net-list string format:
+     *     "vvvvvvvvddddddddn...".
+     *     Version Date    Name
+     *     "0000000322042002PUMA" = PUMA version 3 from 22.04.2002.
+     */
+    if (strlen(name) < (16 + strlen(fpga->name)))
+	goto failure;
+    /* Check FPGA name */
+    if (strcmp(&name[16], fpga->name) != 0)
+	goto failure;
+    /* Get version number */
+    memcpy(vname, name, 8);
+    vname[8] = '\0';
+    return simple_strtoul(vname, NULL, 16);
+ failure:
+    printf("Image name %s is invalid\n", name);
+    return -1;
+/* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . */
+static fpga_t* fpga_get(char* fpga_name)
+    char name[FPGA_NAME_LEN];
+    int i;
+    if (strlen(fpga_name) >= FPGA_NAME_LEN)
+	goto failure;
+    for (i = 0; i < strlen(fpga_name); i++)
+	name[i] = toupper(fpga_name[i]);
+    name[i] = '\0';
+    for (i = 0; i < fpga_count; i++) {
+	if (strcmp(name, fpga_list[i].name) == 0)
+	    return &fpga_list[i];
+    }
+ failure:
+    printf("FPGA: name %s is invalid\n", fpga_name);
+    return NULL;
+/* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . */
+static void fpga_status (fpga_t* fpga)
+    /* Check state */
+    if (fpga_control(fpga, FPGA_DONE_IS_HIGH))
+	printf ("%s is loaded (%08lx)\n",
+		fpga->name, fpga_control(fpga, FPGA_GET_ID));
+    else
+	printf ("%s is NOT loaded\n", fpga->name);
+/* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . */
+#define FPGA_RESET_TIMEOUT 100 /* = 10 ms */
+static int fpga_reset (fpga_t* fpga)
+    int i;
+    /* Set PROG to low and wait til INIT goes low */
+    fpga_control(fpga, FPGA_PROG_SET_LOW);
+    for (i = 0; i < FPGA_RESET_TIMEOUT; i++) {
+	udelay (100);
+	if (!fpga_control(fpga, FPGA_INIT_IS_HIGH))
+	    break;
+    }
+    if (i == FPGA_RESET_TIMEOUT)
+	goto failure;
+    /* Set PROG to high and wait til INIT goes high */
+    fpga_control(fpga, FPGA_PROG_SET_HIGH);
+    for (i = 0; i < FPGA_RESET_TIMEOUT; i++) {
+	udelay (100);
+	if (fpga_control(fpga, FPGA_INIT_IS_HIGH))
+	    break;
+    }
+    if (i == FPGA_RESET_TIMEOUT)
+	goto failure;
+    return 0;
+ failure:
+    return 1;
+/* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . */
+#define FPGA_LOAD_TIMEOUT 100 /* = 10 ms */
+static int fpga_load (fpga_t* fpga, ulong addr, int checkall)
+    volatile uchar *fpga_addr = (volatile uchar *)fpga->conf_base;
+    image_header_t hdr;
+    ulong len, checksum;
+    uchar *data = (uchar *)&hdr;
+    char *s, msg[32];
+    int verify, i;
+    /*
+     * Check the image header and data of the net-list
+     */
+    memcpy (&hdr, (char *)addr, sizeof(image_header_t));
+    if (hdr.ih_magic != IH_MAGIC) {
+	strcpy (msg, "Bad Image Magic Number");
+        goto failure;
+    }
+    len  = sizeof(image_header_t);
+    checksum = hdr.ih_hcrc;
+    hdr.ih_hcrc = 0;
+    if (crc32 (0, data, len) != checksum) {
+	strcpy (msg, "Bad Image Header CRC");
+	goto failure;
+    }
+    data = (uchar*)(addr + sizeof(image_header_t));
+    len  = hdr.ih_size;
+    s = getenv ("verify");
+    verify = (s && (*s == 'n')) ? 0 : 1;
+    if (verify) {
+	if (crc32 (0, data, len) != hdr.ih_dcrc) {
+	    strcpy (msg, "Bad Image Data CRC");
+	    goto failure;
+	}
+    }
+    if (checkall && fpga_get_version(fpga, hdr.ih_name) < 0)
+	return 1;
+    /* align length */
+    if (len & 1)
+	++len;
+    /*
+     * Reset FPGA and wait for completion
+     */
+    if (fpga_reset(fpga)) {
+	strcpy (msg, "Reset Timeout");
+	goto failure;
+    }
+    printf ("(%s)... ", hdr.ih_name);
+    /*
+     * Copy data to FPGA
+     */
+    fpga_control (fpga, FPGA_LOAD_MODE);
+    while (len--) {
+	*fpga_addr = *data++;
+    }
+    fpga_control (fpga, FPGA_READ_MODE);
+    /*
+     * Wait for completion and check error status if timeout
+     */
+    for (i = 0; i < FPGA_LOAD_TIMEOUT; i++) {
+	udelay (100);
+	if (fpga_control (fpga, FPGA_DONE_IS_HIGH))
+	    break;
+    }
+    if (i == FPGA_LOAD_TIMEOUT) {
+	if (fpga_control(fpga, FPGA_INIT_IS_HIGH))
+	    strcpy(msg, "Invalid Size");
+	else
+	    strcpy(msg, "CRC Error");
+	goto failure;
+    }
+    printf("done\n");
+    return 0;
+ failure:
+    printf("ERROR: %s\n", msg);
+    return 1;
+/* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . */
+int do_fpga (cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp, int flag, int argc, char *argv[])
+    ulong addr = 0;
+    int i;
+    fpga_t* fpga;
+    if (argc < 2)
+	goto failure;
+    if (strncmp(argv[1], "stat", 4) == 0) {		/* status */
+	if (argc == 2) {
+	    for (i = 0; i < fpga_count; i++) {
+		fpga_status (&fpga_list[i]);
+	    }
+	}
+	else if (argc == 3) {
+	    if ((fpga = fpga_get(argv[2])) == 0)
+		goto failure;
+	    fpga_status (fpga);
+	}
+	else
+	    goto failure;
+    }
+    else if (strcmp(argv[1],"load") == 0) {		/* load */
+	if (argc == 3 && fpga_count == 1) {
+	    fpga = &fpga_list[0];
+	}
+	else if (argc == 4) {
+	    if ((fpga = fpga_get(argv[2])) == 0)
+		goto failure;
+	}
+	else
+	    goto failure;
+	addr = simple_strtoul(argv[argc-1], NULL, 16);
+	printf ("FPGA load %s: addr %08lx: ",
+		fpga->name, addr);
+	fpga_load (fpga, addr, 1);
+    }
+    else if (strncmp(argv[1], "rese", 4) == 0) {	/* reset */
+	if (argc == 2 && fpga_count == 1) {
+	    fpga = &fpga_list[0];
+	}
+	else if (argc == 3) {
+	    if ((fpga = fpga_get(argv[2])) == 0)
+		goto failure;
+	}
+	else
+	    goto failure;
+	printf ("FPGA reset %s: ", fpga->name);
+	if (fpga_reset(fpga))
+	    printf ("ERROR: Timeout\n");
+	else
+	    printf ("done\n");
+    }
+    else
+	goto failure;
+    return 0;
+ failure:
+    printf ("Usage:\n%s\n", cmdtp->usage);
+    return 1;
+/* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . */
+int fpga_init (void)
+    ulong addr;
+    ulong new_id, old_id = 0;
+    image_header_t *hdr;
+    fpga_t* fpga;
+    int do_load, i, j;
+    char name[16], *s;
+    /*
+     *  Port setup for FPGA control
+     */
+    for (i = 0; i < fpga_count; i++) {
+	fpga_control(&fpga_list[i], FPGA_INIT_PORTS);
+    }
+    /*
+     * Load FPGA(s): a new net-list is loaded if the FPGA is
+     * empty, Power-on-Reset or the old one is not up-to-date
+     */
+    for (i = 0; i < fpga_count; i++) {
+	fpga = &fpga_list[i];
+	printf ("%s:  ", fpga->name);
+	for (j = 0; j < strlen(fpga->name); j++)
+	    name[j] = tolower(fpga->name[j]);
+	name[j] = '\0';
+	sprintf(name, "%s_addr", name);
+	addr = 0;
+	if ((s = getenv(name)) != NULL)
+	    addr = simple_strtoul(s, NULL, 16);
+	if (!addr) {
+	    printf ("env. variable %s undefined\n", name);
+	    return 1;
+	}
+	hdr = (image_header_t *)addr;
+	if ((new_id = fpga_get_version(fpga, hdr->ih_name)) == -1)
+	    return 1;
+	do_load = 1;
+	if (!power_on_reset() && fpga_control(fpga, FPGA_DONE_IS_HIGH)) {
+	    old_id = fpga_control(fpga, FPGA_GET_ID);
+	    if (new_id == old_id)
+		do_load = 0;
+	}
+	if (do_load) {
+	    printf ("loading ");
+	    fpga_load (fpga, addr, 0);
+	} else {
+	    printf ("loaded (%08lx)\n", old_id);
+	}
+    }
+    return 0;