Tegra114: Add arch-tegra114 include files

Common Tegra files are in arch-tegra, shared between T20/T30/T114.
Tegra114-specific headers are in arch-tegra114. Note that some of
these will be filled in as more T114 support is added (drivers,
WB/LP0 support, etc.).

Signed-off-by: Tom Warren <twarren@nvidia.com>
Reviewed-by: Stephen Warren <swarren@nvidia.com>
diff --git a/arch/arm/include/asm/arch-tegra/clk_rst.h b/arch/arm/include/asm/arch-tegra/clk_rst.h
index b64aa7d..c754ec7 100644
--- a/arch/arm/include/asm/arch-tegra/clk_rst.h
+++ b/arch/arm/include/asm/arch-tegra/clk_rst.h
@@ -121,16 +121,43 @@
 	uint crc_clk_cpug_cmplx;	/* _CLK_CPUG_CMPLX_0,       0x378 */
 	uint crc_clk_cpulp_cmplx;	/* _CLK_CPULP_CMPLX_0,      0x37C */
 	uint crc_cpu_softrst_ctrl;	/* _CPU_SOFTRST_CTRL_0,     0x380 */
-	uint crc_reserved33[11];	/* _reserved_33,        0x384-3ac */
+	uint crc_cpu_softrst_ctrl1;	/* _CPU_SOFTRST_CTR1L_0,    0x384 */
+	uint crc_cpu_softrst_ctrl2;	/* _CPU_SOFTRST_CTRL2_0,    0x388 */
+	uint crc_reserved33[9];		/* _reserved_33,        0x38c-3ac */
 	uint crc_clk_src_vw[TEGRA_CLK_SOURCES_VW]; /* _G3D2_0..., 0x3b0-0x42c */
 	/* _RST_DEV_V/W_SET_0 0x430 ~ 0x43c */
 	struct clk_set_clr crc_rst_dev_ex_vw[TEGRA_CLK_REGS_VW];
 	/* _CLK_ENB_V/W_CLR_0 0x440 ~ 0x44c */
 	struct clk_set_clr crc_clk_enb_ex_vw[TEGRA_CLK_REGS_VW];
-	uint crc_reserved40[12];	/* _reserved_40,	0x450-47C */
-	uint crc_pll_cfg0;		/* _PLL_CFG0_0,		0x480 */
-	uint crc_pll_cfg1;		/* _PLL_CFG1_0,		0x484 */
-	uint crc_pll_cfg2;		/* _PLL_CFG2_0,		0x488 */
+	/* Additional (T114) registers */
+	uint crc_rst_cpug_cmplx_set;	/* _RST_CPUG_CMPLX_SET_0,  0x450 */
+	uint crc_rst_cpug_cmplx_clr;	/* _RST_CPUG_CMPLX_CLR_0,  0x454 */
+	uint crc_rst_cpulp_cmplx_set;	/* _RST_CPULP_CMPLX_SET_0, 0x458 */
+	uint crc_rst_cpulp_cmplx_clr;	/* _RST_CPULP_CMPLX_CLR_0, 0x45C */
+	uint crc_clk_cpug_cmplx_set;	/* _CLK_CPUG_CMPLX_SET_0,  0x460 */
+	uint crc_clk_cpug_cmplx_clr;	/* _CLK_CPUG_CMPLX_CLR_0,  0x464 */
+	uint crc_clk_cpulp_cmplx_set;	/* _CLK_CPULP_CMPLX_SET_0, 0x468 */
+	uint crc_clk_cpulp_cmplx_clr;	/* _CLK_CPULP_CMPLX_CLR_0, 0x46C */
+	uint crc_cpu_cmplx_status;	/* _CPU_CMPLX_STATUS_0,    0x470 */
+	uint crc_reserved40[1];		/* _reserved_40,        0x474 */
+	uint crc_intstatus;		/* __INTSTATUS_0,       0x478 */
+	uint crc_intmask;		/* __INTMASK_0,         0x47C */
+	uint crc_utmip_pll_cfg0;	/* _UTMIP_PLL_CFG0_0,	0x480 */
+	uint crc_utmip_pll_cfg1;	/* _UTMIP_PLL_CFG1_0,	0x484 */
+	uint crc_utmip_pll_cfg2;	/* _UTMIP_PLL_CFG2_0,	0x488 */
+	uint crc_plle_aux;		/* _PLLE_AUX_0,		0x48C */
+	uint crc_sata_pll_cfg0;		/* _SATA_PLL_CFG0_0,	0x490 */
+	uint crc_sata_pll_cfg1;		/* _SATA_PLL_CFG1_0,	0x494 */
+	uint crc_pcie_pll_cfg0;		/* _PCIE_PLL_CFG0_0,	0x498 */
+	uint crc_prog_audio_dly_clk;	/* _PROG_AUDIO_DLY_CLK_0, 0x49C */
+	uint crc_audio_sync_clk_i2s0;	/* _AUDIO_SYNC_CLK_I2S0_0, 0x4A0 */
+	uint crc_audio_sync_clk_i2s1;	/* _AUDIO_SYNC_CLK_I2S1_0, 0x4A4 */
+	uint crc_audio_sync_clk_i2s2;	/* _AUDIO_SYNC_CLK_I2S2_0, 0x4A8 */
+	uint crc_audio_sync_clk_i2s3;	/* _AUDIO_SYNC_CLK_I2S3_0, 0x4AC */
+	uint crc_audio_sync_clk_i2s4;	/* _AUDIO_SYNC_CLK_I2S4_0, 0x4B0 */
+	uint crc_audio_sync_clk_spdif;	/* _AUDIO_SYNC_CLK_SPDIF_0, 0x4B4 */
@@ -279,4 +306,23 @@
+#define CLR_CPURESET0   (1 << 0)
+#define CLR_CPURESET1   (1 << 1)
+#define CLR_CPURESET2   (1 << 2)
+#define CLR_CPURESET3   (1 << 3)
+#define CLR_DBGRESET0   (1 << 12)
+#define CLR_DBGRESET1   (1 << 13)
+#define CLR_DBGRESET2   (1 << 14)
+#define CLR_DBGRESET3   (1 << 15)
+#define CLR_CORERESET0  (1 << 16)
+#define CLR_CORERESET1  (1 << 17)
+#define CLR_CORERESET2  (1 << 18)
+#define CLR_CORERESET3  (1 << 19)
+#define CLR_CXRESET0    (1 << 20)
+#define CLR_CXRESET1    (1 << 21)
+#define CLR_CXRESET2    (1 << 22)
+#define CLR_CXRESET3    (1 << 23)
+#define CLR_NONCPURESET (1 << 29)
 #endif	/* _TEGRA_CLK_RST_H_ */