ARM: imx: cm_fx6: env: use standard variables

In preparation for supporting the distro boot command, introduce the
standard variables for specifying load addresses, which are documented
in README and doc/README.distro, and replace the custom variables
used so far with them.

Since the current address layout disregards an address for an initramfs,
also switch to the load addresses used and proven by other imx6 boards
(e.g. the wandboard and nitrogen6x), instead of going on with our own

Signed-off-by: Christopher Spinrath <>
Reviewed-by: Fabio Estevam <>
diff --git a/include/configs/cm_fx6.h b/include/configs/cm_fx6.h
index 5195610..f511bc2 100644
--- a/include/configs/cm_fx6.h
+++ b/include/configs/cm_fx6.h
@@ -63,6 +63,13 @@
 #define CONFIG_ENV_OFFSET		(768 * 1024)
+	"fdt_high=0xffffffff\0" \
+	"initrd_high=0xffffffff\0" \
+	"fdt_addr_r=0x18000000\0" \
+	"ramdisk_addr_r=0x13000000\0" \
+	"kernel_addr_r=" __stringify(CONFIG_LOADADDR) "\0" \
+	"pxefile_addr_r=" __stringify(CONFIG_LOADADDR) "\0" \
+	"scriptaddr=" __stringify(CONFIG_LOADADDR) "\0" \
 	"stdin=serial,usbkbd\0" \
 	"stdout=serial,vga\0" \
 	"stderr=serial,vga\0" \
@@ -73,22 +80,19 @@
 	"kernel=uImage-cm-fx6\0" \
 	"script=boot.scr\0" \
 	"dtb=cm-fx6.dtb\0" \
-	"bootm_low=18000000\0" \
-	"loadaddr=0x10800000\0" \
-	"fdtaddr=0x11000000\0" \
 	"console=ttymxc3,115200\0" \
 	"ethprime=FEC0\0" \
 	"video_hdmi=mxcfb0:dev=hdmi,1920x1080M-32@50,if=RGB32\0" \
 	"video_dvi=mxcfb0:dev=dvi,1280x800M-32@50,if=RGB32\0" \
-	"doboot=bootm ${loadaddr}\0" \
+	"doboot=bootm ${kernel_addr_r}\0" \
 	"doloadfdt=false\0" \
 	"mtdids=" CONFIG_MTDIDS_DEFAULT "\0" \
 	"mtdparts=" CONFIG_MTDPARTS_DEFAULT "\0" \
 	"setboottypez=setenv kernel ${zImage};" \
-		"setenv doboot bootz ${loadaddr} - ${fdtaddr};" \
+		"setenv doboot bootz ${kernel_addr_r} - ${fdt_addr_r};" \
 		"setenv doloadfdt true;\0" \
 	"setboottypem=setenv kernel ${uImage};" \
-		"setenv doboot bootm ${loadaddr};" \
+		"setenv doboot bootm ${kernel_addr_r};" \
 		"setenv doloadfdt false;\0"\
 	"mmcroot=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rw rootwait\0" \
 	"sataroot=/dev/sda2 rw rootwait\0" \
@@ -112,13 +116,13 @@
 	"run_eboot=echo Starting EBOOT ...; "\
 		"mmc dev 2 && " \
 		"mmc rescan && mmc read 10042000 a 400 && go 10042000\0" \
-	"loadscript=load ${storagetype} ${storagedev} ${loadaddr} ${script};\0"\
-	"loadkernel=load ${storagetype} ${storagedev} ${loadaddr} ${kernel};\0"\
-	"loadfdt=load ${storagetype} ${storagedev} ${fdtaddr} ${dtb};\0" \
+	"loadscript=load ${storagetype} ${storagedev} ${scriptaddr} ${script};\0"\
+	"loadkernel=load ${storagetype} ${storagedev} ${kernel_addr_r} ${kernel};\0"\
+	"loadfdt=load ${storagetype} ${storagedev} ${fdt_addr_r} ${dtb};\0" \
 	"bootscript=echo Running bootscript from ${storagetype} ...;" \
-		   "source ${loadaddr};\0" \
-	"nandloadkernel=nand read ${loadaddr} 0 780000;\0" \
-	"nandloadfdt=nand read ${fdtaddr} 780000 80000;\0" \
+		   "source ${scriptaddr};\0" \
+	"nandloadkernel=nand read ${kernel_addr_r} 0 780000;\0" \
+	"nandloadfdt=nand read ${fdt_addr_r} 780000 80000;\0" \
 	"setupmmcboot=setenv storagetype mmc; setenv storagedev 2;\0" \
 	"setupsataboot=setenv storagetype sata; setenv storagedev 0;\0" \
 	"setupnandboot=setenv storagetype nand;\0" \