Blackfin: cm-bf548: convert to portmux framework

Rather than bang MMRs directly, use the new portmux framework to handle
the details.

Signed-off-by: Mike Frysinger <>
diff --git a/board/cm-bf548/cm-bf548.c b/board/cm-bf548/cm-bf548.c
index 3627586..90ce4c3 100644
--- a/board/cm-bf548/cm-bf548.c
+++ b/board/cm-bf548/cm-bf548.c
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
 #include <command.h>
 #include <netdev.h>
 #include <asm/blackfin.h>
+#include <asm/portmux.h>
@@ -23,53 +24,13 @@
 int board_early_init_f(void)
-	/* Port H: PH8 - PH13 == A4 - A9
-	 * address lines of the parallel asynchronous memory interface
-	 */
-	/************************************************
-	* configure GPIO 				*
-	* set port H function enable register		*
-	*  configure PH8-PH13 as peripheral (not GPIO) 	*
-	*************************************************/
-	bfin_write_PORTH_FER(0x3F03);
-	/************************************************
-	* set port H MUX to configure PH8-PH13		*
-	*  1st Function (MUX = 00) (bits 16-27 == 0)	*
-	*  Set to address signals A4-A9 		*
-	*************************************************/
-	bfin_write_PORTH_MUX(0);
-	/************************************************
-	* set port H direction register			*
-	*  enable PH8-PH13 as outputs			*
-	*************************************************/
-	bfin_write_PORTH_DIR_SET(0x3F00);
-	/* Port I: PI0 - PH14 == A10 - A24
-	 * address lines of the parallel asynchronous memory interface
-	 */
-	/************************************************
-	* set port I function enable register		*
-	*  configure PI0-PI14 as peripheral (not GPIO) 	*
-	*************************************************/
-	bfin_write_PORTI_FER(0x7fff);
-	/**************************************************
-	* set PORT I MUX to configure PI14-PI0 as	  *
-	* 1st Function (MUX=00) - address signals A10-A24 *
-	***************************************************/
-	bfin_write_PORTI_MUX(0);
-	/****************************************
-	* set PORT I direction register		*
-	*  enable PI0 - PI14 as outputs		*
-	*****************************************/
-	bfin_write_PORTI_DIR_SET(0x7fff);
-	return 0;
+	/* Set async addr lines as peripheral */
+	const unsigned short pins[] = {
+		P_A4, P_A5, P_A6, P_A7, P_A8, P_A9, P_A10, P_A11, P_A12,
+		P_A13, P_A14, P_A15, P_A16, P_A17, P_A18, P_A19, P_A20,
+		P_A21, P_A22, P_A23, P_A24, 0
+	};
+	return peripheral_request_list(pins, "async");
 int board_eth_init(bd_t *bis)
diff --git a/board/cm-bf548/video.c b/board/cm-bf548/video.c
index 4097f09..d43f5a1 100644
--- a/board/cm-bf548/video.c
+++ b/board/cm-bf548/video.c
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
 #include <config.h>
 #include <malloc.h>
 #include <asm/blackfin.h>
+#include <asm/gpio.h>
+#include <asm/portmux.h>
 #include <asm/mach-common/bits/dma.h>
 #include <i2c.h>
 #include <linux/types.h>
@@ -174,28 +176,21 @@
 void Init_Ports(void)
-	*pPORTF_MUX = 0x00000000;
-	*pPORTF_FER |= 0xFFFF;	/* PPI0..15 */
-	*pPORTG_MUX &=
-	    ~(PORT_x_MUX_0_MASK | PORT_x_MUX_1_MASK | PORT_x_MUX_2_MASK |
-	      PORT_x_MUX_3_MASK | PORT_x_MUX_4_MASK);
-	*pPORTG_FER |= PG0 | PG1 | PG2 | PG3 | PG4;	/* CLK, FS1, FS2, PPI16..17  */
+	const unsigned short pins[] = {
+		P_PPI0_D0, P_PPI0_D1, P_PPI0_D2, P_PPI0_D3, P_PPI0_D4,
+		P_PPI0_D5, P_PPI0_D6, P_PPI0_D7, P_PPI0_D8, P_PPI0_D9,
+		P_PPI0_D10, P_PPI0_D11, P_PPI0_D12, P_PPI0_D13, P_PPI0_D14,
+		P_PPI0_D15, P_PPI0_D16, P_PPI0_D17,
 #if !defined(CONFIG_VIDEO_RGB666)
-	*pPORTD_MUX &=
-	    ~(PORT_x_MUX_0_MASK | PORT_x_MUX_1_MASK | PORT_x_MUX_2_MASK |
-	      PORT_x_MUX_3_MASK | PORT_x_MUX_4_MASK | PORT_x_MUX_5_MASK);
-	*pPORTD_MUX |=
-	    (PORT_x_MUX_0_FUNC_4 | PORT_x_MUX_1_FUNC_4 | PORT_x_MUX_2_FUNC_4 |
-	     PORT_x_MUX_3_FUNC_4 | PORT_x_MUX_4_FUNC_4 | PORT_x_MUX_5_FUNC_4);
-	*pPORTD_FER |= PD0 | PD1 | PD2 | PD3 | PD4 | PD5;	/* PPI18..23  */
+		P_PPI0_D18, P_PPI0_D19, P_PPI0_D20, P_PPI0_D21, P_PPI0_D22,
+		P_PPI0_D23,
-	*pPORTE_FER &= ~PE3;	/* DISP */
-	*pPORTE_SET = PE3;
+		P_PPI0_CLK, P_PPI0_FS1, P_PPI0_FS2, 0,
+	};
+	peripheral_request_list(pins, "lcd");
+	gpio_request(GPIO_PE3, "lcd-disp");
+	gpio_direction_output(GPIO_PE3, 1);
 void EnableDMA(void)