* Patch by Dave Ellis, 22 May 2003:
  Fix problem with only partially cleared .bss segment

* Patch by Rune Torgersen, 12 May 2003:
  get PCI to work on a MPC8266ADS board; incorporate change to
  cpu/mpc8260/pci.c to enable overrides of PCI memory parameters
diff --git a/board/cray/L1/Makefile b/board/cray/L1/Makefile
index 4c09edd..e7dc0a8 100644
--- a/board/cray/L1/Makefile
+++ b/board/cray/L1/Makefile
@@ -25,21 +25,21 @@
 LIB	= lib$(BOARD).a
-OBJS	= $(BOARD).o flash.o bootscript.o
+OBJS	= $(BOARD).o flash.o
 SOBJS	= init.o 
-$(LIB):	$(OBJS) $(SOBJS)
+# HACK: depend needs bootscript.c, which needs tools/mkimage, which is not
+# built in the depend stage.  So... put bootscript.o here, not in OBJS
+$(LIB):	$(OBJS) $(SOBJS) bootscript.o
 	$(AR) crv $@ $^
-	rm -f $(SOBJS) $(OBJS) bootscript.c bootscript.image
+	rm -f $(SOBJS) $(OBJS) bootscript.c bootscript.image bootscript.o
 distclean:	clean
 	rm -f $(LIB) core *.bak .depend
-$(BOARD).o: $(BOARD).c bootscript.o
-bootscript.o: bootscript.c
+$(BOARD).o : $(BOARD).c bootscript.o
 bootscript.c: bootscript.image
 	od -t x1 -v -A x $^ | awk -f x2c.awk > $@