arm: add support for SoC s5p4418 (cpu) / nanopi2 board

Changes in relation to FriendlyARM's U-Boot nanopi2-v2016.01:
- SPL not supported yet --> no spl-dir in arch/arm/cpu/armv7/s5p4418/.
  Appropriate line in Makefile removed.
- cpu.c: '#include <cpu_func.h>' added.
- arch/arm/cpu/armv7/s5p4418/ removed, is not required
- "obj-$(CONFIG_ARCH_NEXELL) += s5p-common/" added to
  arch/arm/cpu/armv7/Makefile since s5p-common/pwm.c is used instead
  of drivers/pwm/pwm-nexell.c.
- s5p4418.dtsi: '#include "../../../include/generated/autoconf.h"'
  removed, is not necessary, error at out-of-tree building.
  '#ifdef CONFIG_CPU_NXP4330'-blocks (2x) removed. Some minor changes
  regarding mmc. 'u-boot,dm-pre-reloc' added to dp0 because of added
  DM_VIDEO support.
- board/s5p4418/ renamed to board/friendlyarm/
- All s5p4418-boards except nanopi2 removed because there is no
  possibility to test the other boards.
- Kconfig: Changes to have a structure like mach-bcm283x (RaspberryPi),
  e.g. "config ..." entries moved from/to other Kconfig.
- "CONFIG_" removed from several s5p4418/nanopi2 specific defines
  because the appropriate values do not need to be configurable.
- nanopi2/board.c: All getenv(), getenv_ulong(), setenv() and saveenv()
  renamed to env_get(), env_get_ulong(), env_set() and env_save(),
  respectively. MACH_TYPE_S5P4418 is not defined anymore, therefore
  appropriate code removed (not necessary for DT-kernels).
- nanopi2/onewire.c: All crc8() renamed to crc8_ow() because crc8() is
  already defined in lib/crc8.c (with different parameters).
- dts: "nexell,s5pxx18-i2c" used instead of "i2c-gpio", i2c0 and
  i2c1 added. gmac-, ehci- and dwc2otg-entries removed because the
  appropriate functionality is not supported yet. New mmc-property
  "mmcboost" added.
  s5p4418-pinctrl.dtsi: gmac-entries removed, mmc- and i2c-entries
- '#ifdef CONFIG...' changed to 'if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG...))' where
  possible (and similar).

Signed-off-by: Stefan Bosch <>
diff --git a/board/friendlyarm/nanopi2/onewire.h b/board/friendlyarm/nanopi2/onewire.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f6d7cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/board/friendlyarm/nanopi2/onewire.h
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) Guangzhou FriendlyARM Computer Tech. Co., Ltd.
+ * (
+ */
+#ifndef __ONE_WIRE_H__
+#define __ONE_WIRE_H__
+extern void onewire_init(void);
+extern int  onewire_get_info(unsigned char *lcd, unsigned short *fw_ver);
+extern int  onewire_get_lcd_id(void);
+extern int  onewire_set_backlight(int brightness);
+#endif /* __ONE_WIRE_H__ */