add test for two 'loadables'

Nothing too fancy.  A simple test that attmpts to load two loadables and
verify that they are properly unpacked in the u-boot sandbox.
Signed-off-by: Karl Apsite <>
Reviewed-by: Simon Glass <>
diff --git a/test/image/ b/test/image/
index e9e756a..d5143cb 100755
--- a/test/image/
+++ b/test/image/
@@ -48,6 +48,15 @@
                         load = <0x40000>;
                         entry = <0x8>;
+                kernel@2 {
+                        data = /incbin/("%(loadables1)s");
+                        type = "kernel";
+                        arch = "sandbox";
+                        os = "linux";
+                        compression = "none";
+                        %(loadables1_load)s
+                        entry = <0x0>;
+                };
                 fdt@1 {
                         description = "snow";
                         data = /incbin/("u-boot.dtb");
@@ -69,6 +78,15 @@
                         compression = "none";
+                ramdisk@2 {
+                        description = "snow";
+                        data = /incbin/("%(loadables2)s");
+                        type = "ramdisk";
+                        arch = "sandbox";
+                        os = "linux";
+                        %(loadables2_load)s
+                        compression = "none";
+                };
         configurations {
                 default = "conf@1";
@@ -76,6 +94,7 @@
                         kernel = "kernel@1";
                         fdt = "fdt@1";
+                        %(loadables_config)s
@@ -103,6 +122,8 @@
 sb save hostfs 0 %(kernel_addr)x %(kernel_out)s %(kernel_size)x
 sb save hostfs 0 %(fdt_addr)x %(fdt_out)s %(fdt_size)x
 sb save hostfs 0 %(ramdisk_addr)x %(ramdisk_out)s %(ramdisk_size)x
+sb save hostfs 0 %(loadables1_addr)x %(loadables1_out)s %(loadables1_size)x
+sb save hostfs 0 %(loadables2_addr)x %(loadables2_out)s %(loadables2_size)x
@@ -188,30 +209,32 @@
         print >>fd, base_fdt
     return fit
-def make_kernel():
+def make_kernel(filename, text):
     """Make a sample kernel with test data
+    Args:
+        filename: the name of the file you want to create
-        Filename of kernel created
+        Full path and filename of the kernel it created
-    fname = make_fname('test-kernel.bin')
+    fname = make_fname(filename)
     data = ''
     for i in range(100):
-        data += 'this kernel %d is unlikely to boot\n' % i
+        data += 'this %s %d is unlikely to boot\n' % (text, i)
     with open(fname, 'w') as fd:
         print >>fd, data
     return fname
-def make_ramdisk():
+def make_ramdisk(filename, text):
     """Make a sample ramdisk with test data
         Filename of ramdisk created
-    fname = make_fname('test-ramdisk.bin')
+    fname = make_fname(filename)
     data = ''
     for i in range(100):
-        data += 'ramdisk %d was seldom used in the middle ages\n' % i
+        data += '%s %d was seldom used in the middle ages\n' % (text, i)
     with open(fname, 'w') as fd:
         print >>fd, data
     return fname
@@ -298,11 +321,15 @@
     # Set up invariant files
     control_dtb = make_dtb()
-    kernel = make_kernel()
-    ramdisk = make_ramdisk()
+    kernel = make_kernel('test-kernel.bin', 'kernel')
+    ramdisk = make_ramdisk('test-ramdisk.bin', 'ramdisk')
+    loadables1 = make_kernel('test-loadables1.bin', 'lenrek')
+    loadables2 = make_ramdisk('test-loadables2.bin', 'ksidmar')
     kernel_out = make_fname('kernel-out.bin')
     fdt_out = make_fname('fdt-out.dtb')
     ramdisk_out = make_fname('ramdisk-out.bin')
+    loadables1_out = make_fname('loadables1-out.bin')
+    loadables2_out = make_fname('loadables2-out.bin')
     # Set up basic parameters with default values
     params = {
@@ -324,6 +351,20 @@
         'ramdisk_size' : filesize(ramdisk),
         'ramdisk_load' : '',
         'ramdisk_config' : '',
+        'loadables1' : loadables1,
+        'loadables1_out' : loadables1_out,
+        'loadables1_addr' : 0x100000,
+        'loadables1_size' : filesize(loadables1),
+        'loadables1_load' : '',
+        'loadables2' : loadables2,
+        'loadables2_out' : loadables2_out,
+        'loadables2_addr' : 0x140000,
+        'loadables2_size' : filesize(loadables2),
+        'loadables2_load' : '',
+        'loadables_config' : '',
     # Make a basic FIT and a script to load it
@@ -378,6 +419,19 @@
     if read_file(ramdisk) != read_file(ramdisk_out):
         fail('Ramdisk not loaded', stdout)
+    # Configuration with some Loadables
+    set_test('Kernel + FDT + Ramdisk load + Loadables')
+    params['loadables_config'] = 'loadables = "kernel@2", "ramdisk@2";'
+    params['loadables1_load'] = 'load = <%#x>;' % params['loadables1_addr']
+    params['loadables2_load'] = 'load = <%#x>;' % params['loadables2_addr']
+    fit = make_fit(mkimage, params)
+    stdout = command.Output(u_boot, '-d', control_dtb, '-c', cmd)
+    debug_stdout(stdout)
+    if read_file(loadables1) != read_file(loadables1_out):
+        fail('Loadables1 (kernel) not loaded', stdout)
+    if read_file(loadables2) != read_file(loadables2_out):
+        fail('Loadables2 (ramdisk) not loaded', stdout)
 def run_tests():
     """Parse options, run the FIT tests and print the result"""
     global base_path, base_dir