imx: ventana: remove several EEPROM config bit dependence

Removed several EEPROM bit dependencies:
 - for dt aliases that don't exist and thus don't ever do anything
 - for features that don't effect bus ordering or have no detrimental affect
   if erroneously enabled when not present (ahci,nand,i2c*)
 - for features that have little to no impact on being erroneously enabled
   but high impact if erroneously disabled (can*, spi*)
 - for features that have an high adverse affect of not being set when they
   should and no adverse affect of being set when they
   shouldn't (ipu*).

Removing these means the following:
 - these no longer are supported with the econfig command
 - these no longer affect the device-tree in any way

Signed-off-by: Tim Harvey <>
diff --git a/board/gateworks/gw_ventana/eeprom.c b/board/gateworks/gw_ventana/eeprom.c
index ba15969..e86c98e 100644
--- a/board/gateworks/gw_ventana/eeprom.c
+++ b/board/gateworks/gw_ventana/eeprom.c
@@ -100,43 +100,12 @@
 /* list of config bits that the bootloader will remove from dtb if not set */
 struct ventana_eeprom_config econfig[] = {
 	{ "eth0", "ethernet0", EECONFIG_ETH0 },
-	{ "eth1", "ethernet1", EECONFIG_ETH1 },
-	{ "sata", "ahci0", EECONFIG_SATA },
-	{ "pcie", NULL, EECONFIG_PCIE},
-	{ "lvds0", NULL, EECONFIG_LVDS0 },
-	{ "lvds1", NULL, EECONFIG_LVDS1 },
 	{ "usb0", NULL, EECONFIG_USB0 },
 	{ "usb1", NULL, EECONFIG_USB1 },
 	{ "mmc0", NULL, EECONFIG_SD0 },
 	{ "mmc1", NULL, EECONFIG_SD1 },
 	{ "mmc2", NULL, EECONFIG_SD2 },
 	{ "mmc3", NULL, EECONFIG_SD3 },
-	{ "uart0", NULL, EECONFIG_UART0 },
-	{ "uart1", NULL, EECONFIG_UART1 },
-	{ "uart2", NULL, EECONFIG_UART2 },
-	{ "uart3", NULL, EECONFIG_UART3 },
-	{ "uart4", NULL, EECONFIG_UART4 },
-	{ "ipu0", NULL, EECONFIG_IPU0 },
-	{ "ipu1", NULL, EECONFIG_IPU1 },
-	{ "i2c0", NULL, EECONFIG_I2C0 },
-	{ "i2c1", NULL, EECONFIG_I2C1 },
-	{ "i2c2", NULL, EECONFIG_I2C2 },
-	{ "vpu", NULL, EECONFIG_VPU },
-	{ "csi0", NULL, EECONFIG_CSI0 },
-	{ "csi1", NULL, EECONFIG_CSI1 },
-	{ "spi0", NULL, EECONFIG_ESPCI0 },
-	{ "spi1", NULL, EECONFIG_ESPCI1 },
-	{ "spi2", NULL, EECONFIG_ESPCI2 },
-	{ "spi3", NULL, EECONFIG_ESPCI3 },
-	{ "spi4", NULL, EECONFIG_ESPCI4 },
-	{ "spi5", NULL, EECONFIG_ESPCI5 },
-	{ "gps", "pps", EECONFIG_GPS },
-	{ "hdmi_in", NULL, EECONFIG_HDMI_IN },
-	{ "hdmi_out", NULL, EECONFIG_HDMI_OUT },
-	{ "cvbs_in", NULL, EECONFIG_VID_IN },
-	{ "cvbs_out", NULL, EECONFIG_VID_OUT },
-	{ "nand", NULL, EECONFIG_NAND },
 	{ /* Sentinel */ }