MAKEALL: fix boards_by_field function

Commit 27af930e changed the boards.cfg format
and it changed boards_by_field() function incorrectly.
For tegra cpus it returned Board Name field,
not Target field.

This commit restores the behavior prior to 27af930e in the right way.

Signed-off-by: Masahiro Yamada <>
Cc: Albert ARIBAUD <>
diff --git a/MAKEALL b/MAKEALL
index 230959c..5859361 100755
@@ -226,17 +226,15 @@
 # Helper funcs for parsing boards.cfg
-	FS="[ \t]+"
-	[ -n "$3" ] && FS="$3"
-	awk \
-		-v field="$1" \
-		-v select="$2" \
-		-F "$FS" \
-		'($1 !~ /^#/ && $field == select) { print $7 }' \
-		boards.cfg
+	field=$1
+	regexp=$2
+	awk '($1 !~ /^#/ && $'"$field"' ~ /^'"$regexp"'$/) { print $7 }' \
+								boards.cfg
 boards_by_arch() { boards_by_field 2 "$@" ; }
-boards_by_cpu()  { boards_by_field 3 "$@" "[: \t]+" ; }
+boards_by_cpu()  { boards_by_field 3 "$@" ; boards_by_field 3 "$@:.*" ; }
 boards_by_soc()  { boards_by_field 4 "$@" ; }