test/py: efi_secboot: add test for intermediate certificates

In this test case, an image may have a signature with additional
intermediate certificates. A chain of trust will be followed and all
the certificates in the middle of chain must be verified before loading.

Signed-off-by: AKASHI Takahiro <takahiro.akashi@linaro.org>
diff --git a/test/py/tests/test_efi_secboot/conftest.py b/test/py/tests/test_efi_secboot/conftest.py
index 70a0b91..bf27d99 100644
--- a/test/py/tests/test_efi_secboot/conftest.py
+++ b/test/py/tests/test_efi_secboot/conftest.py
@@ -124,3 +124,119 @@
         yield image_path
         call('rm -f %s' % image_path, shell=True)
+# Fixture for UEFI secure boot test of intermediate certificates
+def efi_boot_env_intca(request, u_boot_config):
+    """Set up a file system to be used in UEFI secure boot test
+    of intermediate certificates.
+    Args:
+        request: Pytest request object.
+        u_boot_config: U-boot configuration.
+    Return:
+        A path to disk image to be used for testing
+    """
+    image_path = u_boot_config.persistent_data_dir
+    image_path = image_path + '/test_efi_secboot_intca.img'
+    try:
+        mnt_point = u_boot_config.persistent_data_dir + '/mnt_efi_secboot_intca'
+        check_call('rm -rf {}'.format(mnt_point), shell=True)
+        check_call('mkdir -p {}'.format(mnt_point), shell=True)
+        # Create signature database
+        # PK
+        check_call('cd %s; openssl req -x509 -sha256 -newkey rsa:2048 -subj /CN=TEST_PK/ -keyout PK.key -out PK.crt -nodes -days 365'
+                   % mnt_point, shell=True)
+        check_call('cd %s; %scert-to-efi-sig-list -g %s PK.crt PK.esl; %ssign-efi-sig-list -c PK.crt -k PK.key PK PK.esl PK.auth'
+                   % (mnt_point, EFITOOLS_PATH, GUID, EFITOOLS_PATH),
+                   shell=True)
+        # KEK
+        check_call('cd %s; openssl req -x509 -sha256 -newkey rsa:2048 -subj /CN=TEST_KEK/ -keyout KEK.key -out KEK.crt -nodes -days 365'
+                   % mnt_point, shell=True)
+        check_call('cd %s; %scert-to-efi-sig-list -g %s KEK.crt KEK.esl; %ssign-efi-sig-list -c PK.crt -k PK.key KEK KEK.esl KEK.auth'
+                   % (mnt_point, EFITOOLS_PATH, GUID, EFITOOLS_PATH),
+                   shell=True)
+        # We will have three-tier hierarchy of certificates:
+        #   TestRoot: Root CA (self-signed)
+        #   TestSub: Intermediate CA (signed by Root CA)
+        #   TestCert: User certificate (signed by Intermediate CA, and used
+        #             for signing an image)
+        #
+        # NOTE:
+        # I consulted the following EDK2 document for certificate options:
+        #     BaseTools/Source/Python/Pkcs7Sign/Readme.md
+        # Please not use them as they are in product system. They are
+        # for test purpose only.
+        # TestRoot
+        check_call('cp %s/test/py/tests/test_efi_secboot/openssl.cnf %s'
+                   % (u_boot_config.source_dir, mnt_point), shell=True)
+        check_call('cd %s; export OPENSSL_CONF=./openssl.cnf; openssl genrsa -out TestRoot.key 2048; openssl req -extensions v3_ca -new -x509 -days 365 -key TestRoot.key -out TestRoot.crt -subj "/CN=TEST_root/"; touch index.txt; touch index.txt.attr'
+                   % mnt_point, shell=True)
+        # TestSub
+        check_call('cd %s; touch serial.new; export OPENSSL_CONF=./openssl.cnf; openssl genrsa -out TestSub.key 2048; openssl req -new -key TestSub.key -out TestSub.csr -subj "/CN=TEST_sub/"; openssl ca -in TestSub.csr -out TestSub.crt -extensions v3_int_ca -days 365 -batch -rand_serial -cert TestRoot.crt -keyfile TestRoot.key'
+                   % mnt_point, shell=True)
+        # TestCert
+        check_call('cd %s; touch serial.new; export OPENSSL_CONF=./openssl.cnf; openssl genrsa -out TestCert.key 2048; openssl req -new -key TestCert.key -out TestCert.csr -subj "/CN=TEST_cert/"; openssl ca -in TestCert.csr -out TestCert.crt -extensions usr_cert -days 365 -batch -rand_serial -cert TestSub.crt -keyfile TestSub.key'
+                   % mnt_point, shell=True)
+        # db
+        #  for TestCert
+        check_call('cd %s; %scert-to-efi-sig-list -g %s TestCert.crt TestCert.esl; %ssign-efi-sig-list -c KEK.crt -k KEK.key db TestCert.esl db_a.auth'
+                   % (mnt_point, EFITOOLS_PATH, GUID, EFITOOLS_PATH),
+                   shell=True)
+        #  for TestSub
+        check_call('cd %s; %scert-to-efi-sig-list -g %s TestSub.crt TestSub.esl; %ssign-efi-sig-list -t "2020-07-16" -c KEK.crt -k KEK.key db TestSub.esl db_b.auth'
+                   % (mnt_point, EFITOOLS_PATH, GUID, EFITOOLS_PATH),
+                   shell=True)
+        #  for TestRoot
+        check_call('cd %s; %scert-to-efi-sig-list -g %s TestRoot.crt TestRoot.esl; %ssign-efi-sig-list -t "2020-07-17" -c KEK.crt -k KEK.key db TestRoot.esl db_c.auth'
+                   % (mnt_point, EFITOOLS_PATH, GUID, EFITOOLS_PATH),
+                   shell=True)
+        ## dbx (hash of certificate with revocation time)
+        #  for TestCert
+        check_call('cd %s; %scert-to-efi-hash-list -g %s -t "2020-07-20" -s 256 TestCert.crt TestCert.crl; %ssign-efi-sig-list -c KEK.crt -k KEK.key dbx TestCert.crl dbx_a.auth'
+                   % (mnt_point, EFITOOLS_PATH, GUID, EFITOOLS_PATH),
+                   shell=True)
+        #  for TestSub
+        check_call('cd %s; %scert-to-efi-hash-list -g %s -t "2020-07-21" -s 256 TestSub.crt TestSub.crl; %ssign-efi-sig-list -t "2020-07-18" -c KEK.crt -k KEK.key dbx TestSub.crl dbx_b.auth'
+                   % (mnt_point, EFITOOLS_PATH, GUID, EFITOOLS_PATH),
+                   shell=True)
+        #  for TestRoot
+        check_call('cd %s; %scert-to-efi-hash-list -g %s -t "2020-07-22" -s 256 TestRoot.crt TestRoot.crl; %ssign-efi-sig-list -t "2020-07-19" -c KEK.crt -k KEK.key dbx TestRoot.crl dbx_c.auth'
+                   % (mnt_point, EFITOOLS_PATH, GUID, EFITOOLS_PATH),
+                   shell=True)
+        # Sign image
+        # additional intermediate certificates may be included
+        # in SignedData
+        check_call('cp %s/lib/efi_loader/helloworld.efi %s' %
+                   (u_boot_config.build_dir, mnt_point), shell=True)
+        # signed by TestCert
+        check_call('cd %s; %ssbsign --key TestCert.key --cert TestCert.crt --out helloworld.efi.signed_a helloworld.efi'
+                   % (mnt_point, SBSIGN_PATH), shell=True)
+        # signed by TestCert with TestSub in signature
+        check_call('cd %s; %ssbsign --key TestCert.key --cert TestCert.crt --addcert TestSub.crt --out helloworld.efi.signed_ab helloworld.efi'
+                   % (mnt_point, SBSIGN_PATH), shell=True)
+        # signed by TestCert with TestSub and TestRoot in signature
+        check_call('cd %s; cat TestSub.crt TestRoot.crt > TestSubRoot.crt; %ssbsign --key TestCert.key --cert TestCert.crt --addcert TestSubRoot.crt --out helloworld.efi.signed_abc helloworld.efi'
+                   % (mnt_point, SBSIGN_PATH), shell=True)
+        check_call('virt-make-fs --partition=gpt --size=+1M --type=vfat {} {}'.format(mnt_point, image_path), shell=True)
+        check_call('rm -rf {}'.format(mnt_point), shell=True)
+    except CalledProcessError as e:
+        pytest.skip('Setup failed: %s' % e.cmd)
+        return
+    else:
+        yield image_path
+    finally:
+        call('rm -f %s' % image_path, shell=True)