* Patches by Robert Schwebel, 26 Jun 2003:
  - logdl
  - csb226
  - innokom

* Patch by Pantelis Antoniou, 25 Jun 2003:
  update NetVia with V2 board support
diff --git a/drivers/serial_max3100.c b/drivers/serial_max3100.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbe212b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/serial_max3100.c
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+ * (C) Copyright 2003
+ *
+ * Pantelis Antoniou <panto@intracom.gr>
+ * Intracom S.A.
+ *
+ * See file CREDITS for list of people who contributed to this
+ * project.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
+ * MA 02111-1307 USA
+ */
+#include <common.h>
+#include <watchdog.h>
+/* convienient macros */
+#define MAX3100_SPI_RXD() (MAX3100_SPI_RXD_PORT & MAX3100_SPI_RXD_BIT)
+#define MAX3100_SPI_TXD(x) \
+	do { \
+		if (x) \
+			MAX3100_SPI_TXD_PORT |=  MAX3100_SPI_TXD_BIT; \
+		else \
+			MAX3100_SPI_TXD_PORT &= ~MAX3100_SPI_TXD_BIT; \
+	} while(0)
+#define MAX3100_SPI_CLK(x) \
+	do { \
+		if (x) \
+			MAX3100_SPI_CLK_PORT |=  MAX3100_SPI_CLK_BIT; \
+		else \
+			MAX3100_SPI_CLK_PORT &= ~MAX3100_SPI_CLK_BIT; \
+	} while(0)
+#define MAX3100_CS(x) \
+	do { \
+		if (x) \
+			MAX3100_CS_PORT |=  MAX3100_CS_BIT; \
+		else \
+			MAX3100_CS_PORT &= ~MAX3100_CS_BIT; \
+	} while(0)
+/* MAX3100 definitions */
+#define MAX3100_WC	(3 << 14)		/* write configuration */
+#define MAX3100_RC	(1 << 14)		/* read  configuration */
+#define MAX3100_WD	(2 << 14)		/* write data          */
+#define MAX3100_RD	(0 << 14)		/* read  data          */
+/* configuration register bits */
+#define MAX3100_FEN	(1 << 13)		/* FIFO enable           */
+#define MAX3100_SHDN    (1 << 12)		/* shutdown bit          */
+#define MAX3100_TM	(1 << 11)		/* T bit irq mask        */
+#define MAX3100_RM	(1 << 10)		/* R bit irq mask        */
+#define MAX3100_PM	(1 <<  9)		/* P bit irq mask        */
+#define MAX3100_RAM	(1 <<  8)		/* mask for RA/FE bit    */
+#define MAX3100_IR	(1 <<  7)		/* IRDA timing mode      */
+#define MAX3100_ST	(1 <<  6)		/* transmit stop bit     */
+#define MAX3100_PE	(1 <<  5)		/* parity enable bit     */
+#define MAX3100_L	(1 <<  4)		/* Length bit            */
+#define MAX3100_B_MASK	(0x000F)		/* baud rate bits mask   */
+#define MAX3100_B(x)	((x) & 0x000F)	/* baud rate select bits */
+/* data register bits (write) */
+#define MAX3100_TE	(1 << 10)		/* transmit enable bit (active low)        */
+#define MAX3100_RTS	(1 <<  9)		/* request-to-send bit (inverted ~RTS pin) */
+/* data register bits (read) */
+#define MAX3100_RA	(1 << 10)		/* receiver activity when in shutdown mode */
+#define MAX3100_FE	(1 << 10)		/* framing error when in normal mode       */
+#define MAX3100_CTS	(1 <<  9)		/* clear-to-send bit (inverted ~CTS pin)   */
+/* data register bits (both directions) */
+#define MAX3100_R 	(1 << 15)		/* receive bit    */
+#define MAX3100_T	(1 << 14)		/* transmit bit   */
+#define MAX3100_P	(1 <<  8)		/* parity bit     */
+#define MAX3100_D_MASK	0x00FF                  /* data bits mask */
+#define MAX3100_D(x)	((x) & 0x00FF)		/* data bits      */
+/* these definitions are valid only for fOSC = 3.6864MHz */
+#define MAX3100_B_230400        MAX3100_B(0)
+#define MAX3100_B_115200        MAX3100_B(1)
+#define MAX3100_B_57600         MAX3100_B(2)
+#define MAX3100_B_38400         MAX3100_B(9)
+#define MAX3100_B_19200         MAX3100_B(10)
+#define MAX3100_B_9600          MAX3100_B(11)
+#define MAX3100_B_4800          MAX3100_B(12)
+#define MAX3100_B_2400          MAX3100_B(13)
+#define MAX3100_B_1200          MAX3100_B(14)
+#define MAX3100_B_600           MAX3100_B(15)
+static inline unsigned int max3100_transfer(unsigned int val)
+	unsigned int rx;
+	int b;
+	MAX3100_SPI_CLK(0);
+	MAX3100_CS(0);
+	rx = 0; b = 16;
+	while (--b >= 0) {
+		MAX3100_SPI_TXD(val & 0x8000);
+		val <<= 1;
+		udelay(1);
+		rx <<= 1;
+		if (MAX3100_SPI_RXD())
+			rx |= 1;
+		udelay(1);
+	}
+	MAX3100_SPI_CLK(1);
+	MAX3100_CS(1);
+	return rx;
+/* must be power of 2 */
+#define RXFIFO_SZ	16
+static int rxfifo_cnt;
+static int rxfifo_in;
+static int rxfifo_out;
+static unsigned char rxfifo_buf[16];
+static void max3100_putc(int c)
+	unsigned int rx;
+	while (((rx = max3100_transfer(MAX3100_RC)) & MAX3100_T) == 0)
+	rx = max3100_transfer(MAX3100_WD | (c & 0xff));
+	if ((rx & MAX3100_RD) != 0 && rxfifo_cnt < RXFIFO_SZ) {
+		rxfifo_cnt++;
+		rxfifo_buf[rxfifo_in++] = rx & 0xff;
+		rxfifo_in &= RXFIFO_SZ - 1;
+	}
+static int max3100_getc(void)
+	int c;
+	unsigned int rx;
+	while (rxfifo_cnt == 0) {
+		rx = max3100_transfer(MAX3100_RD);
+		if ((rx & MAX3100_R) != 0) {
+			do {
+				rxfifo_cnt++;
+				rxfifo_buf[rxfifo_in++] = rx & 0xff;
+				rxfifo_in &= RXFIFO_SZ - 1;
+				if (rxfifo_cnt >= RXFIFO_SZ)
+					break;
+			} while (((rx = max3100_transfer(MAX3100_RD)) & MAX3100_R) != 0);
+		}
+	}
+	rxfifo_cnt--;
+	c = rxfifo_buf[rxfifo_out++];
+	rxfifo_out &= RXFIFO_SZ - 1;
+	return c;
+static int max3100_tstc(void)
+	unsigned int rx;
+	if (rxfifo_cnt > 0)
+		return 1;
+	rx = max3100_transfer(MAX3100_RD);
+	if ((rx & MAX3100_R) == 0)
+		return 0;
+	do {
+		rxfifo_cnt++;
+		rxfifo_buf[rxfifo_in++] = rx & 0xff;
+		rxfifo_in &= RXFIFO_SZ - 1;
+		if (rxfifo_cnt >= RXFIFO_SZ)
+			break;
+	} while (((rx = max3100_transfer(MAX3100_RD)) & MAX3100_R) != 0);
+	return 1;
+int serial_init(void)
+	unsigned int wconf, rconf;
+	int i;
+	wconf = 0;
+	/* Set baud rate */
+	switch (gd->baudrate) {
+		case 1200:
+			wconf = MAX3100_B_1200;
+			break;
+		case 2400:
+			wconf = MAX3100_B_2400;
+			break;
+		case 4800:
+			wconf = MAX3100_B_4800;
+			break;
+		case 9600:
+			wconf = MAX3100_B_9600;
+			break;
+		case 19200:
+			wconf = MAX3100_B_19200;
+			break;
+		case 38400:
+			wconf = MAX3100_B_38400;
+			break;
+		case 57600:
+			wconf = MAX3100_B_57600;
+			break;
+		default:
+		case 115200:
+			wconf = MAX3100_B_115200;
+			break;
+		case 230400:
+			wconf = MAX3100_B_230400;
+			break;
+	}
+	/* try for 10ms, with a 100us gap */
+	for (i = 0; i < 10000; i += 100) {
+		max3100_transfer(MAX3100_WC | wconf);
+		rconf = max3100_transfer(MAX3100_RC) & 0x3fff;
+		if (rconf == wconf)
+			break;
+		udelay(100);
+	}
+	rxfifo_in = rxfifo_out = rxfifo_cnt = 0;
+	return (0);
+void serial_putc(const char c)
+	if (c == '\n')
+		max3100_putc('\r');
+	max3100_putc(c);
+void serial_puts(const char *s)
+	while (*s)
+		serial_putc (*s++);
+int serial_getc(void)
+	return max3100_getc();
+int serial_tstc(void)
+	return max3100_tstc();
+/* XXX WTF? */
+void serial_setbrg(void)