usb: kbd: Also accept keyboards with Interrupt OUT endpoint
The OUT endpoint can just be ignored as it is not used, just as the
corresponding Set_Report request for IN-only interfaces. E.g. the
Linux gadget hid keyboard also provides an interrupt endpoint.
Also cleanup confusing debug messages like "found set protocol", which
is printed when a keyboard device is found, while the Set_Protocol request
is issued quite some time later.
Signed-off-by: Stefan Brüns <>
diff --git a/common/usb_kbd.c b/common/usb_kbd.c
index 60c6027..afad260 100644
--- a/common/usb_kbd.c
+++ b/common/usb_kbd.c
@@ -443,6 +443,7 @@
struct usb_interface *iface;
struct usb_endpoint_descriptor *ep;
struct usb_kbd_pdata *data;
+ int epNum;
if (dev->descriptor.bNumConfigurations != 1)
return 0;
@@ -458,19 +459,21 @@
if (iface->desc.bInterfaceProtocol != USB_PROT_HID_KEYBOARD)
return 0;
- if (iface->desc.bNumEndpoints != 1)
- return 0;
+ for (epNum = 0; epNum < iface->desc.bNumEndpoints; epNum++) {
+ ep = &iface->ep_desc[epNum];
- ep = &iface->ep_desc[0];
+ /* Check if endpoint is interrupt IN endpoint */
+ if ((ep->bmAttributes & 3) != 3)
+ continue;
- /* Check if endpoint 1 is interrupt endpoint */
- if (!(ep->bEndpointAddress & 0x80))
- return 0;
+ if (ep->bEndpointAddress & 0x80)
+ break;
+ }
- if ((ep->bmAttributes & 3) != 3)
+ if (epNum == iface->desc.bNumEndpoints)
return 0;
- debug("USB KBD: found set protocol...\n");
+ debug("USB KBD: found interrupt EP: 0x%x\n", ep->bEndpointAddress);
data = malloc(sizeof(struct usb_kbd_pdata));
if (!data) {
@@ -498,13 +501,15 @@
data->last_report = -1;
/* We found a USB Keyboard, install it. */
+ debug("USB KBD: set boot protocol\n");
usb_set_protocol(dev, iface->desc.bInterfaceNumber, 0);
- debug("USB KBD: found set idle...\n");
+ debug("USB KBD: set idle interval...\n");
usb_set_idle(dev, iface->desc.bInterfaceNumber, REPEAT_RATE / 4, 0);
+ debug("USB KBD: set idle interval=0...\n");
usb_set_idle(dev, iface->desc.bInterfaceNumber, 0, 0);