dm: reset: add stm32 reset driver

This driver is adapted from linux drivers/reset/reset-stm32.c
It's compatible with STM32 F4/F7/H7 SoCs.

This driver doesn't implement .of_match as it's binded
by MFD RCC driver.

To add support for each SoC family, a SoC's specific
include/dt-binfings/mfd/stm32xx-rcc.h file must be added.

This patch only includes stm32h7-rcc.h dedicated for STM32H7 SoCs.
Other SoCs support will be added in the future.

Signed-off-by: Patrice Chotard <>
Reviewed-by: Simon Glass <>
diff --git a/include/dt-bindings/mfd/stm32h7-rcc.h b/include/dt-bindings/mfd/stm32h7-rcc.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b96b3c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/dt-bindings/mfd/stm32h7-rcc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+ * This header provides constants for the STM32H7 RCC IP
+ */
+/* AHB3 */
+#define STM32H7_RCC_AHB3_MDMA		0
+#define STM32H7_RCC_AHB3_DMA2D		4
+#define STM32H7_RCC_AHB3_JPGDEC		5
+#define STM32H7_RCC_AHB3_FMC		12
+#define STM32H7_RCC_AHB3_QUADSPI	14
+#define STM32H7_RCC_AHB3_SDMMC1		16
+#define STM32H7_RCC_AHB3_CPU1		31
+#define STM32H7_AHB3_RESET(bit) (STM32H7_RCC_AHB3_##bit + (0x7C * 8))
+/* AHB1 */
+#define STM32H7_RCC_AHB1_DMA1		0
+#define STM32H7_RCC_AHB1_DMA2		1
+#define STM32H7_RCC_AHB1_ADC12		5
+#define STM32H7_RCC_AHB1_ART		14
+#define STM32H7_RCC_AHB1_ETH1MAC	15
+#define STM32H7_RCC_AHB1_USB1OTG	25
+#define STM32H7_RCC_AHB1_USB2OTG	27
+#define STM32H7_RCC_AHB1_CPU2		31
+#define STM32H7_AHB1_RESET(bit) (STM32H7_RCC_AHB1_##bit + (0x80 * 8))
+/* AHB2 */
+#define STM32H7_RCC_AHB2_CAMITF		0
+#define STM32H7_RCC_AHB2_CRYPT		4
+#define STM32H7_RCC_AHB2_HASH		5
+#define STM32H7_RCC_AHB2_RNG		6
+#define STM32H7_RCC_AHB2_SDMMC2		9
+#define STM32H7_AHB2_RESET(bit) (STM32H7_RCC_AHB2_##bit + (0x84 * 8))
+/* AHB4 */
+#define STM32H7_RCC_AHB4_GPIOA		0
+#define STM32H7_RCC_AHB4_GPIOB		1
+#define STM32H7_RCC_AHB4_GPIOC		2
+#define STM32H7_RCC_AHB4_GPIOD		3
+#define STM32H7_RCC_AHB4_GPIOE		4
+#define STM32H7_RCC_AHB4_GPIOF		5
+#define STM32H7_RCC_AHB4_GPIOG		6
+#define STM32H7_RCC_AHB4_GPIOH		7
+#define STM32H7_RCC_AHB4_GPIOI		8
+#define STM32H7_RCC_AHB4_GPIOJ		9
+#define STM32H7_RCC_AHB4_GPIOK		10
+#define STM32H7_RCC_AHB4_CRC		19
+#define STM32H7_RCC_AHB4_BDMA		21
+#define STM32H7_RCC_AHB4_ADC3		24
+#define STM32H7_RCC_AHB4_HSEM		25
+#define STM32H7_AHB4_RESET(bit) (STM32H7_RCC_AHB4_##bit + (0x88 * 8))
+/* APB3 */
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB3_LTDC		3
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB3_DSI		4
+#define STM32H7_APB3_RESET(bit) (STM32H7_RCC_APB3_##bit + (0x8C * 8))
+/* APB1L */
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB1L_TIM2		0
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB1L_TIM3		1
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB1L_TIM4		2
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB1L_TIM5		3
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB1L_TIM6		4
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB1L_TIM7		5
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB1L_TIM12		6
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB1L_TIM13		7
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB1L_TIM14		8
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB1L_LPTIM1	9
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB1L_SPI2		14
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB1L_SPI3		15
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB1L_SPDIF_RX	16
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB1L_USART2	17
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB1L_USART3	18
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB1L_UART4		19
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB1L_UART5		20
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB1L_I2C1		21
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB1L_I2C2		22
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB1L_I2C3		23
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB1L_HDMICEC	27
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB1L_DAC12		29
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB1L_USART7	30
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB1L_USART8	31
+#define STM32H7_APB1L_RESET(bit) (STM32H7_RCC_APB1L_##bit + (0x90 * 8))
+/* APB1H */
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB1H_CRS		1
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB1H_SWP		2
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB1H_OPAMP		4
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB1H_MDIOS		5
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB1H_FDCAN		8
+#define STM32H7_APB1H_RESET(bit) (STM32H7_RCC_APB1H_##bit + (0x94 * 8))
+/* APB2 */
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB2_TIM1		0
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB2_TIM8		1
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB2_USART1		4
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB2_USART6		5
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB2_SPI1		12
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB2_SPI4		13
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB2_TIM15		16
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB2_TIM16		17
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB2_TIM17		18
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB2_SPI5		20
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB2_SAI1		22
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB2_SAI2		23
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB2_SAI3		24
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB2_DFSDM1		28
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB2_HRTIM		29
+#define STM32H7_APB2_RESET(bit) (STM32H7_RCC_APB2_##bit + (0x98 * 8))
+/* APB4 */
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB4_SYSCFG		1
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB4_LPUART1	3
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB4_SPI6		5
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB4_I2C4		7
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB4_LPTIM2		9
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB4_LPTIM3		10
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB4_LPTIM4		11
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB4_LPTIM5		12
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB4_COMP12		14
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB4_VREF		15
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB4_SAI4		21
+#define STM32H7_RCC_APB4_TMPSENS	26
+#define STM32H7_APB4_RESET(bit) (STM32H7_RCC_APB4_##bit + (0x9C * 8))
+#endif /* _DT_BINDINGS_MFD_STM32H7_RCC_H */