rockchip: add a common script for generate fit its
Rockchip release bl31.elf file for armv8 SoCs like rk3399, rk3328,
the elf have more than one section, we need to decode it first and
packed them into u-boot.itb with its file. This script is to generate
the its script.
Need default bl31.elf in root directory of U-Boot source and dtb
as parameter.
Signed-off-by: Kever Yang <>
Acked-by: Philipp Tomsich <>
Reviewed-by: Philipp Tomsich <>
diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-rockchip/ b/arch/arm/mach-rockchip/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7c6dd57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/mach-rockchip/
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+A script to generate FIT image source for rockchip boards
+with ARM Trusted Firmware
+and multiple device trees (given on the command line)
+usage: $0 <dt_name> [<dt_name> [<dt_name] ...]
+import os
+import sys
+import getopt
+# pip install pyelftools
+from elftools.elf.elffile import ELFFile
+from elftools.elf.sections import SymbolTableSection
+from elftools.elf.segments import Segment, InterpSegment, NoteSegment
+ * Copyright (C) 2017 Fuzhou Rockchip Electronics Co., Ltd
+ *
+ * Minimal dts for a SPL FIT image payload.
+ *
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+ X11
+ */
+/ {
+ description = "Configuration to load ATF before U-Boot";
+ #address-cells = <1>;
+ images {
+ uboot@1 {
+ description = "U-Boot (64-bit)";
+ data = /incbin/("u-boot-nodtb.bin");
+ type = "standalone";
+ os = "U-Boot";
+ arch = "arm64";
+ compression = "none";
+ load = <0x%08x>;
+ };
+ };
+def append_atf_node(file, atf_index, phy_addr):
+ """
+ Append ATF DT node to input FIT dts file.
+ """
+ data = 'bl31_0x%08x.bin' % phy_addr
+ print >> file, '\t\tatf@%d {' % atf_index
+ print >> file, '\t\t\tdescription = \"ARM Trusted Firmware\";'
+ print >> file, '\t\t\tdata = /incbin/("%s");' % data
+ print >> file, '\t\t\ttype = "firmware";'
+ print >> file, '\t\t\tarch = "arm64";'
+ print >> file, '\t\t\tos = "arm-trusted-firmware";'
+ print >> file, '\t\t\tcompression = "none";'
+ print >> file, '\t\t\tload = <0x%08x>;' % phy_addr
+ if atf_index == 1:
+ print >> file, '\t\t\tentry = <0x%08x>;' % phy_addr
+ print >> file, '\t\t};'
+ print >> file, ''
+def append_fdt_node(file, dtbs):
+ """
+ Append FDT nodes.
+ """
+ cnt = 1
+ for dtb in dtbs:
+ dtname = os.path.basename(dtb)
+ print >> file, '\t\tfdt@%d {' % cnt
+ print >> file, '\t\t\tdescription = "%s";' % dtname
+ print >> file, '\t\t\tdata = /incbin/("%s");' % dtb
+ print >> file, '\t\t\ttype = "flat_dt";'
+ print >> file, '\t\t\tcompression = "none";'
+ print >> file, '\t\t};'
+ print >> file, ''
+ cnt = cnt + 1
+def append_conf_section(file, cnt, dtname, atf_cnt):
+ print >> file, '\t\tconfig@%d {' % cnt
+ print >> file, '\t\t\tdescription = "%s";' % dtname
+ print >> file, '\t\t\tfirmware = "atf@1";'
+ print >> file, '\t\t\tloadables = "uboot@1",',
+ for i in range(1, atf_cnt):
+ print >> file, '"atf@%d"' % (i+1),
+ if i != (atf_cnt - 1):
+ print >> file, ',',
+ else:
+ print >> file, ';'
+ print >> file, '\t\t\tfdt = "fdt@1";'
+ print >> file, '\t\t};'
+ print >> file, ''
+def append_conf_node(file, dtbs, atf_cnt):
+ """
+ Append configeration nodes.
+ """
+ cnt = 1
+ print >> file, '\tconfigurations {'
+ print >> file, '\t\tdefault = "config@1";'
+ for dtb in dtbs:
+ dtname = os.path.basename(dtb)
+ append_conf_section(file, cnt, dtname, atf_cnt)
+ cnt = cnt + 1
+ print >> file, '\t};'
+ print >> file, ''
+def generate_atf_fit_dts(fit_file_name, bl31_file_name, uboot_file_name, dtbs_file_name):
+ """
+ Generate FIT script for ATF image.
+ """
+ if fit_file_name != sys.stdout:
+ fit_file = open(fit_file_name, "wb")
+ else:
+ fit_file = sys.stdout
+ num_load_seg = 0
+ p_paddr = 0xFFFFFFFF
+ with open(uboot_file_name) as uboot_file:
+ uboot = ELFFile(uboot_file)
+ for i in range(uboot.num_segments()):
+ seg = uboot.get_segment(i)
+ if ('PT_LOAD' == seg.__getitem__(ELF_SEG_P_TYPE)):
+ p_paddr = seg.__getitem__(ELF_SEG_P_PADDR)
+ num_load_seg = num_load_seg + 1
+ assert (p_paddr != 0xFFFFFFFF and num_load_seg == 1)
+ print >> fit_file, DT_HEADER % p_paddr
+ with open(bl31_file_name) as bl31_file:
+ bl31 = ELFFile(bl31_file)
+ for i in range(bl31.num_segments()):
+ seg = bl31.get_segment(i)
+ if ('PT_LOAD' == seg.__getitem__(ELF_SEG_P_TYPE)):
+ paddr = seg.__getitem__(ELF_SEG_P_PADDR)
+ p= seg.__getitem__(ELF_SEG_P_PADDR)
+ append_atf_node(fit_file, i+1, paddr)
+ atf_cnt = i+1
+ append_fdt_node(fit_file, dtbs_file_name)
+ print >> fit_file, '%s' % DT_IMAGES_NODE_END
+ append_conf_node(fit_file, dtbs_file_name, atf_cnt)
+ print >> fit_file, '%s' % DT_END
+ if fit_file_name != sys.stdout:
+ fit_file.close()
+def generate_atf_binary(bl31_file_name):
+ with open(bl31_file_name) as bl31_file:
+ bl31 = ELFFile(bl31_file)
+ num = bl31.num_segments()
+ for i in range(num):
+ seg = bl31.get_segment(i)
+ if ('PT_LOAD' == seg.__getitem__(ELF_SEG_P_TYPE)):
+ paddr = seg.__getitem__(ELF_SEG_P_PADDR)
+ file_name = 'bl31_0x%08x.bin' % paddr
+ with open(file_name, "wb") as atf:
+ atf.write(;
+def get_bl31_segments_info(bl31_file_name):
+ """
+ Get load offset, physical offset, file size
+ from bl31 elf file program headers.
+ """
+ with open(bl31_file_name) as bl31_file:
+ bl31 = ELFFile(bl31_file)
+ num = bl31.num_segments()
+ print 'Number of Segments : %d' % bl31.num_segments()
+ for i in range(num):
+ print 'Segment %d' % i
+ seg = bl31.get_segment(i)
+ ptype = seg[ELF_SEG_P_TYPE]
+ poffset = seg[ELF_SEG_P_OFFSET]
+ pmemsz = seg[ELF_SEG_P_MEMSZ]
+ pfilesz = seg[ELF_SEG_P_FILESZ]
+ print 'type: %s\nfilesz: %08x\nmemsz: %08x\noffset: %08x' % (ptype, pfilesz, pmemsz, poffset)
+ paddr = seg[ELF_SEG_P_PADDR]
+ print 'paddr: %08x' % paddr
+def main():
+ uboot_elf="./u-boot"
+ bl31_elf="./bl31.elf"
+ FIT_ITS=sys.stdout
+ opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "o:u:b:h")
+ for opt, val in opts:
+ if opt == "-o":
+ FIT_ITS=val
+ elif opt == "-u":
+ uboot_elf=val
+ elif opt == "-b":
+ bl31_elf=val
+ elif opt == "-h":
+ print __doc__
+ sys.exit(2)
+ dtbs = args
+ #get_bl31_segments_info("u-boot")
+ #get_bl31_segments_info("bl31.elf")
+ generate_atf_fit_dts(FIT_ITS, bl31_elf, uboot_elf, dtbs)
+ generate_atf_binary(bl31_elf);
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()