* Code cleanup:
  - remove trailing white space, trailing empty lines, C++ comments, etc.
  - split cmd_boot.c (separate cmd_bdinfo.c and cmd_load.c)

* Patches by Kenneth Johansson, 25 Jun 2003:
  - major rework of command structure
    (work done mostly by Michal Cendrowski and Joakim Kristiansen)
diff --git a/include/asm-mips/inca-ip.h b/include/asm-mips/inca-ip.h
index 0c5f1d7..e787a1d 100644
--- a/include/asm-mips/inca-ip.h
+++ b/include/asm-mips/inca-ip.h
@@ -2,41 +2,41 @@
        Copyright (c) 2002, Infineon Technologies.  All rights reserved.
-                               No Warranty
-   Because the program is licensed free of charge, there is no warranty for 
-   the program, to the extent permitted by applicable law.  Except when     
-   otherwise stated in writing the copyright holders and/or other parties   
-   provide the program "as is" without warranty of any kind, either         
-   expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied         
-   warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The  
-   entire risk as to the quality and performance of the program is with     
-   you.  should the program prove defective, you assume the cost of all     
-   necessary servicing, repair or correction.                               
-   In no event unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing    
-   will any copyright holder, or any other party who may modify and/or      
-   redistribute the program as permitted above, be liable to you for        
-   damages, including any general, special, incidental or consequential     
-   damages arising out of the use or inability to use the program           
-   (including but not limited to loss of data or data being rendered        
-   inaccurate or losses sustained by you or third parties or a failure of   
-   the program to operate with any other programs), even if such holder or  
-   other party has been advised of the possibility of such damages. 
+			       No Warranty
+   Because the program is licensed free of charge, there is no warranty for
+   the program, to the extent permitted by applicable law.  Except when
+   otherwise stated in writing the copyright holders and/or other parties
+   provide the program "as is" without warranty of any kind, either
+   expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied
+   warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The
+   entire risk as to the quality and performance of the program is with
+   you.  should the program prove defective, you assume the cost of all
+   necessary servicing, repair or correction.
+   In no event unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing
+   will any copyright holder, or any other party who may modify and/or
+   redistribute the program as permitted above, be liable to you for
+   damages, including any general, special, incidental or consequential
+   damages arising out of the use or inability to use the program
+   (including but not limited to loss of data or data being rendered
+   inaccurate or losses sustained by you or third parties or a failure of
+   the program to operate with any other programs), even if such holder or
+   other party has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
 /*  Module      :  WDT register address and bits                       */
 #define INCA_IP_WDT                          (0xB8000000)
-/***Reset Status Register Power On***/ 
+/***Reset Status Register Power On***/
 #define INCA_IP_WDT_RST_SR                       ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_WDT+ 0x0014))
-/***Reset Request Register***/ 
+/***Reset Request Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_WDT_RST_REQ                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_WDT+ 0x0010))
 #define INCA_IP_WDT_RST_REQ_SWBOOT                        (1 << 24)
 #define INCA_IP_WDT_RST_REQ_SWCFG                          (1 << 16)
@@ -46,37 +46,37 @@
 #define INCA_IP_WDT_RST_REQ_RREXT                          (1 << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_WDT_RST_REQ_RRDSP                          (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_WDT_RST_REQ_RRCPU                          (1 << 0)
-/***NMI Status Register***/ 
+/***NMI Status Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_WDT_NMISR                        ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_WDT+ 0x002C))
 #define INCA_IP_WDT_NMISR_NMIWDT                        (1 << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_WDT_NMISR_NMIPLL                        (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_WDT_NMISR_NMIEXT                        (1 << 0)
-/***Manufacturer Identification Register***/ 
+/***Manufacturer Identification Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_WDT_MANID                        ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_WDT+ 0x0070))
 #define INCA_IP_WDT_MANID_MANUF (value)              (((( 1 << 11) - 1) & (value)) << 5)
-/***Chip Identification Register***/ 
+/***Chip Identification Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_WDT_CHIPID                       ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_WDT+ 0x0074))
 #define INCA_IP_WDT_CHIPID_VERSION (value)            (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 28)
 #define INCA_IP_WDT_CHIPID_PART_NUMBER (value)        (((( 1 << 16) - 1) & (value)) << 12)
 #define INCA_IP_WDT_CHIPID_MANID (value)              (((( 1 << 11) - 1) & (value)) << 1)
-/***Redesign Tracing Identification Register***/ 
+/***Redesign Tracing Identification Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_WDT_RTID                         ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_WDT+ 0x0078))
 #define INCA_IP_WDT_RTID_LC                              (1 << 15)
 #define INCA_IP_WDT_RTID_RIX (value)                (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Watchdog Timer Control Register 0***/ 
+/***Watchdog Timer Control Register 0***/
 #define INCA_IP_WDT_WDT_CON0                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_WDT+ 0x0020))
-/***Watchdog Timer Control Register 1***/ 
+/***Watchdog Timer Control Register 1***/
 #define INCA_IP_WDT_WDT_CON1                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_WDT+ 0x0024))
 #define INCA_IP_WDT_WDT_CON1_WDTDR                          (1 << 3)
 #define INCA_IP_WDT_WDT_CON1_WDTIR                          (1 << 2)
-/***Watchdog Timer Status Register***/ 
+/***Watchdog Timer Status Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_WDT_WDT_SR                       ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_WDT+ 0x0028))
 #define INCA_IP_WDT_WDT_SR_WDTTIM (value)             (((( 1 << 16) - 1) & (value)) << 16)
 #define INCA_IP_WDT_WDT_SR_WDTPR                          (1 << 5)
@@ -84,66 +84,66 @@
 #define INCA_IP_WDT_WDT_SR_WDTDS                          (1 << 3)
 #define INCA_IP_WDT_WDT_SR_WDTIS                          (1 << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_WDT_WDT_SR_WDTOE                          (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_WDT_WDT_SR_WDTAE                          (1 << 0)		
+#define INCA_IP_WDT_WDT_SR_WDTAE                          (1 << 0)
 /*  Module      :  CGU register address and bits                       */
 #define INCA_IP_CGU                          (0xBF107000)
-/***CGU PLL1 Control Register***/ 
+/***CGU PLL1 Control Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_PLL1CR                   ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_CGU+ 0x0008))
 #define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_PLL1CR_SWRST                          (1 << 31)
 #define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_PLL1CR_EN                              (1 << 30)
 #define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_PLL1CR_NDIV (value)               (((( 1 << 6) - 1) & (value)) << 16)
 #define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_PLL1CR_MDIV (value)               (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***CGU PLL0 Control Register***/ 
+/***CGU PLL0 Control Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_PLL0CR                   ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_CGU+ 0x0000))
 #define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_PLL0CR_SWRST                          (1 << 31)
 #define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_PLL0CR_EN                              (1 << 30)
 #define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_PLL0CR_NDIV (value)               (((( 1 << 6) - 1) & (value)) << 16)
 #define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_PLL0CR_MDIV (value)               (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***CGU PLL0 Status Register***/ 
+/***CGU PLL0 Status Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_PLL0SR                   ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_CGU+ 0x0004))
 #define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_PLL0SR_LOCK                            (1 << 31)
 #define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_PLL0SR_RCF                              (1 << 29)
 #define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_PLL0SR_PLLBYP                        (1 << 15)
-/***CGU PLL1 Status Register***/ 
+/***CGU PLL1 Status Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_PLL1SR                   ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_CGU+ 0x000C))
 #define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_PLL1SR_LOCK                            (1 << 31)
 #define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_PLL1SR_RCF                              (1 << 29)
 #define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_PLL1SR_PLLBYP                        (1 << 15)
-/***CGU Divider Control Register***/ 
+/***CGU Divider Control Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_DIVCR                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_CGU+ 0x0010))
-/***CGU Multiplexer Control Register***/ 
+/***CGU Multiplexer Control Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_MUXCR                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_CGU+ 0x0014))
 #define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_MUXCR_SWRST                          (1 << 31)
 #define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_MUXCR_MUXII                          (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_MUXCR_MUXI                            (1 << 0)
-/***CGU Fractional Divider Control Register***/ 
+/***CGU Fractional Divider Control Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_FDCR                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_CGU+ 0x0018))
 #define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_FDCR_FDEN                            (1 << 31)
 #define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_FDCR_INTEGER (value)            (((( 1 << 12) - 1) & (value)) << 16)
-#define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_FDCR_FRACTION (value)          (((( 1 << 16) - 1) & (value)) << 0)		
+#define INCA_IP_CGU_CGU_FDCR_FRACTION (value)          (((( 1 << 16) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
 /*  Module      :  PMU register address and bits                       */
 #define INCA_IP_PMU                          (0xBF102000)
-/***PM Global Enable Register***/ 
+/***PM Global Enable Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_GEN                       ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_PMU+ 0x0000))
 #define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_GEN_EN16                            (1 << 16)
 #define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_GEN_EN15                            (1 << 15)
@@ -161,8 +161,8 @@
 #define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_GEN_EN3                              (1 << 3)
 #define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_GEN_EN2                              (1 << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_GEN_EN0                              (1 << 0)
-/***PM Power Down Enable Register***/ 
+/***PM Power Down Enable Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_PDEN                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_PMU+ 0x0008))
 #define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_PDEN_EN16                            (1 << 16)
 #define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_PDEN_EN15                            (1 << 15)
@@ -179,8 +179,8 @@
 #define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_PDEN_EN3                              (1 << 3)
 #define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_PDEN_EN2                              (1 << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_PDEN_EN0                              (1 << 0)
-/***PM Wake-Up from Power Down Register***/ 
+/***PM Wake-Up from Power Down Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_WUP                       ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_PMU+ 0x0010))
 #define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_WUP_WUP16                          (1 << 16)
 #define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_WUP_WUP15                          (1 << 15)
@@ -197,31 +197,31 @@
 #define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_WUP_WUP3                            (1 << 3)
 #define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_WUP_WUP2                            (1 << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_WUP_WUP0                            (1 << 0)
-/***PM Control Register***/ 
+/***PM Control Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_CR                        ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_PMU+ 0x0014))
 #define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_CR_AWEN                            (1 << 31)
 #define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_CR_SWRST                          (1 << 30)
 #define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_CR_SWCR                            (1 << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_CR_CRD (value)                (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 0)		
+#define INCA_IP_PMU_PM_CR_CRD (value)                (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
 /*  Module      :  BCU register address and bits                       */
 #define INCA_IP_BCU                          (0xB8000100)
-/***BCU Control Register (0010H)***/ 
+/***BCU Control Register (0010H)***/
 #define INCA_IP_BCU_BCU_CON                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_BCU+ 0x0010))
 #define INCA_IP_BCU_BCU_CON_SPC (value)                (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 24)
 #define INCA_IP_BCU_BCU_CON_SPE                              (1 << 19)
 #define INCA_IP_BCU_BCU_CON_PSE                              (1 << 18)
 #define INCA_IP_BCU_BCU_CON_DBG                              (1 << 16)
 #define INCA_IP_BCU_BCU_CON_TOUT (value)               (((( 1 << 16) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***BCU Error Control Capture Register (0020H)***/ 
+/***BCU Error Control Capture Register (0020H)***/
 #define INCA_IP_BCU_BCU_ECON                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_BCU+ 0x0020))
 #define INCA_IP_BCU_BCU_ECON_TAG (value)                (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 24)
 #define INCA_IP_BCU_BCU_ECON_RDN                              (1 << 23)
@@ -233,31 +233,31 @@
 #define INCA_IP_BCU_BCU_ECON_TOUT                            (1 << 16)
 #define INCA_IP_BCU_BCU_ECON_ERRCNT (value)             (((( 1 << 16) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
 #define INCA_IP_BCU_BCU_ECON_OPC (value)                (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 28)
-/***BCU Error Address Capture Register (0024 H)***/ 
+/***BCU Error Address Capture Register (0024 H)***/
 #define INCA_IP_BCU_BCU_EADD                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_BCU+ 0x0024))
-/***BCU Error Data Capture Register (0028H)***/ 
+/***BCU Error Data Capture Register (0028H)***/
 #define INCA_IP_BCU_BCU_EDAT                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_BCU+ 0x0028))
 /*  Module      :  MBC register address and bits                       */
 #define INCA_IP_MBC                          (0xBF103000)
-/***Mailbox CPU Configuration Register***/ 
+/***Mailbox CPU Configuration Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_CFG                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0080))
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_CFG_SWAP (value)               (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 6)
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_CFG_RES                              (1 << 5)
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_CFG_FWID (value)               (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_CFG_SIZE                            (1 << 0)
-/***Mailbox CPU Interrupt Status Register***/ 
+/***Mailbox CPU Interrupt Status Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_ISR                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0084))
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_ISR_B3DA                            (1 << 31)
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_ISR_B2DA                            (1 << 30)
@@ -265,8 +265,8 @@
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_ISR_B0E                              (1 << 28)
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_ISR_WDT                              (1 << 27)
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_ISR_DS260 (value)             (((( 1 << 27) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Mailbox CPU Mask Register***/ 
+/***Mailbox CPU Mask Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_MSK                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0088))
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_MSK_B3DA                            (1 << 31)
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_MSK_B2DA                            (1 << 30)
@@ -274,8 +274,8 @@
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_MSK_B0E                              (1 << 28)
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_MSK_WDT                              (1 << 27)
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_MSK_DS260 (value)             (((( 1 << 27) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Mailbox CPU Mask 01 Register***/ 
+/***Mailbox CPU Mask 01 Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_MSK01                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x008C))
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_MSK01_B3DA                            (1 << 31)
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_MSK01_B2DA                            (1 << 30)
@@ -283,8 +283,8 @@
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_MSK01_B0E                              (1 << 28)
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_MSK01_WDT                              (1 << 27)
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_MSK01_DS260 (value)             (((( 1 << 27) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Mailbox CPU Mask 10 Register***/ 
+/***Mailbox CPU Mask 10 Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_MSK10                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0090))
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_MSK10_B3DA                            (1 << 31)
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_MSK10_B2DA                            (1 << 30)
@@ -292,167 +292,167 @@
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_MSK10_B0E                              (1 << 28)
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_MSK10_WDT                              (1 << 27)
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_MSK10_DS260 (value)             (((( 1 << 27) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Mailbox CPU Short Command Register***/ 
+/***Mailbox CPU Short Command Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_CMD                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0094))
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_CMD_CS270 (value)             (((( 1 << 28) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Mailbox CPU Input Data of Buffer 0***/ 
+/***Mailbox CPU Input Data of Buffer 0***/
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_ID0                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0000))
-/***Mailbox CPU Input Data of Buffer 1***/ 
+/***Mailbox CPU Input Data of Buffer 1***/
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_ID1                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0020))
-/***Mailbox CPU Output Data of Buffer 2***/ 
+/***Mailbox CPU Output Data of Buffer 2***/
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_OD2                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0040))
-/***Mailbox CPU Output Data of Buffer 3***/ 
+/***Mailbox CPU Output Data of Buffer 3***/
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_OD3                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0060))
-/***Mailbox CPU Control Register of Buffer 0***/ 
+/***Mailbox CPU Control Register of Buffer 0***/
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_CR0                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0004))
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_CR0_RDYABTFLS (value)          (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Mailbox CPU Control Register of Buffer 1***/ 
+/***Mailbox CPU Control Register of Buffer 1***/
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_CR1                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0024))
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_CR1_RDYABTFLS (value)          (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Mailbox CPU Control Register of Buffer 2***/ 
+/***Mailbox CPU Control Register of Buffer 2***/
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_CR2                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0044))
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_CR2_RDYABTFLS (value)          (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Mailbox CPU Control Register of Buffer 3***/ 
+/***Mailbox CPU Control Register of Buffer 3***/
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_CR3                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0064))
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_CR3_RDYABTFLS (value)          (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Mailbox CPU Free Space of Buffer 0***/ 
+/***Mailbox CPU Free Space of Buffer 0***/
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_FS0                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0008))
-/***Mailbox CPU Free Space of Buffer 1***/ 
+/***Mailbox CPU Free Space of Buffer 1***/
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_FS1                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0028))
-/***Mailbox CPU Free Space of Buffer 2***/ 
+/***Mailbox CPU Free Space of Buffer 2***/
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_FS2                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0048))
-/***Mailbox CPU Free Space of Buffer 3***/ 
+/***Mailbox CPU Free Space of Buffer 3***/
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_FS3                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0068))
-/***Mailbox CPU Data Available in Buffer 0***/ 
+/***Mailbox CPU Data Available in Buffer 0***/
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_DA0                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x000C))
-/***Mailbox CPU Data Available in Buffer 1***/ 
+/***Mailbox CPU Data Available in Buffer 1***/
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_DA1                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x002C))
-/***Mailbox CPU Data Available in Buffer 2***/ 
+/***Mailbox CPU Data Available in Buffer 2***/
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_DA2                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x004C))
-/***Mailbox CPU Data Available in Buffer 3***/ 
+/***Mailbox CPU Data Available in Buffer 3***/
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_DA3                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x006C))
-/***Mailbox CPU Input Absolute Pointer of Buffer 0***/ 
+/***Mailbox CPU Input Absolute Pointer of Buffer 0***/
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_IABS0                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0010))
-/***Mailbox CPU Input Absolute Pointer of Buffer 1***/ 
+/***Mailbox CPU Input Absolute Pointer of Buffer 1***/
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_IABS1                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0030))
-/***Mailbox CPU Input Absolute Pointer of Buffer 2***/ 
+/***Mailbox CPU Input Absolute Pointer of Buffer 2***/
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_IABS2                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0050))
-/***Mailbox CPU Input Absolute Pointer of Buffer 3***/ 
+/***Mailbox CPU Input Absolute Pointer of Buffer 3***/
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_IABS3                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0070))
-/***Mailbox CPU Input Temporary Pointer of Buffer 0***/ 
+/***Mailbox CPU Input Temporary Pointer of Buffer 0***/
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_ITMP0                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0014))
-/***Mailbox CPU Input Temporary Pointer of Buffer 1***/ 
+/***Mailbox CPU Input Temporary Pointer of Buffer 1***/
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_ITMP1                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0034))
-/***Mailbox CPU Input Temporary Pointer of Buffer 2***/ 
+/***Mailbox CPU Input Temporary Pointer of Buffer 2***/
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_ITMP2                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0054))
-/***Mailbox CPU Input Temporary Pointer of Buffer 3***/ 
+/***Mailbox CPU Input Temporary Pointer of Buffer 3***/
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_ITMP3                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0074))
-/***Mailbox CPU Output Absolute Pointer of Buffer 0***/ 
+/***Mailbox CPU Output Absolute Pointer of Buffer 0***/
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_OABS0                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0018))
-/***Mailbox CPU Output Absolute Pointer of Buffer 1***/ 
+/***Mailbox CPU Output Absolute Pointer of Buffer 1***/
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_OABS1                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0038))
-/***Mailbox CPU Output Absolute Pointer of Buffer 2***/ 
+/***Mailbox CPU Output Absolute Pointer of Buffer 2***/
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_OABS2                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0058))
-/***Mailbox CPU Output Absolute Pointer of Buffer 3***/ 
+/***Mailbox CPU Output Absolute Pointer of Buffer 3***/
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_OABS3                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x0078))
-/***Mailbox CPU Output Temporary Pointer of Buffer 0***/ 
+/***Mailbox CPU Output Temporary Pointer of Buffer 0***/
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_OTMP0                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x001C))
-/***Mailbox CPU Output Temporary Pointer of Buffer 1***/ 
+/***Mailbox CPU Output Temporary Pointer of Buffer 1***/
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_OTMP1                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x003C))
-/***Mailbox CPU Output Temporary Pointer of Buffer 2***/ 
+/***Mailbox CPU Output Temporary Pointer of Buffer 2***/
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_OTMP2                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x005C))
-/***Mailbox CPU Output Temporary Pointer of Buffer 3***/ 
+/***Mailbox CPU Output Temporary Pointer of Buffer 3***/
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_MBC_OTMP3                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x007C))
-/***DSP Control Register***/ 
+/***DSP Control Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_DCTRL                        ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x00A0))
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_DCTRL_BA                              (1 << 0)
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_DCTRL_BMOD (value)               (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_DCTRL_IDL                              (1 << 4)
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_DCTRL_RES                              (1 << 15)
-/***DSP Status Register***/ 
+/***DSP Status Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_DSTA                         ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x00A4))
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_DSTA_IDLE                            (1 << 0)
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_DSTA_PD                              (1 << 1)
-/***DSP Test 1 Register***/ 
+/***DSP Test 1 Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_DTST1                        ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_MBC+ 0x00A8))
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_DTST1_ABORT                          (1 << 0)
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_DTST1_HWF32                          (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_MBC_DTST1_HWF4M                          (1 << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_MBC_DTST1_HWFOP                          (1 << 3)		
+#define INCA_IP_MBC_DTST1_HWFOP                          (1 << 3)
 /*  Module      :  Switch register address and bits                    */
 #define INCA_IP_Switch                       (0xBF104000)
-/***Unknown Destination Register***/ 
+/***Unknown Destination Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_UN_DEST                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0000))
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_UN_DEST_CB                              (1 << 8)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_UN_DEST_LB                              (1 << 7)
@@ -463,8 +463,8 @@
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_UN_DEST_CU                              (1 << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_UN_DEST_LU                              (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_UN_DEST_PU                              (1 << 0)
-/***VLAN Control Register***/ 
+/***VLAN Control Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_VLAN_CTRL                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0004))
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_VLAN_CTRL_SC                              (1 << 6)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_VLAN_CTRL_SL                              (1 << 5)
@@ -473,23 +473,23 @@
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_VLAN_CTRL_TL                              (1 << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_VLAN_CTRL_TP                              (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_VLAN_CTRL_VA                              (1 << 0)
-/***PC VLAN Configuration Register***/ 
+/***PC VLAN Configuration Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PC_VLAN                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0008))
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PC_VLAN_PRI (value)                (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 12)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PC_VLAN_VLAN_ID (value)            (((( 1 << 12) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***LAN VLAN Configuration Register***/ 
+/***LAN VLAN Configuration Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_LAN_VLAN                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x000C))
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_LAN_VLAN_PRI (value)                (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 12)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_LAN_VLAN_VLAN_ID (value)            (((( 1 << 12) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***CPU VLAN Configuration Register***/ 
+/***CPU VLAN Configuration Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_VLAN                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0010))
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_VLAN_PRI (value)                (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 12)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_VLAN_VLAN_ID (value)            (((( 1 << 12) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Priority CoS Mapping Register***/ 
+/***Priority CoS Mapping Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PRI_CoS                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0014))
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PRI_CoS_P7                              (1 << 7)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PRI_CoS_P6                              (1 << 6)
@@ -499,14 +499,14 @@
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PRI_CoS_P2                              (1 << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PRI_CoS_P1                              (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PRI_CoS_P0                              (1 << 0)
-/***Spanning Tree Port Status Register***/ 
+/***Spanning Tree Port Status Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_ST_PT                        ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0018))
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_ST_PT_CPS (value)                (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 4)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_ST_PT_LPS (value)                (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_ST_PT_PPS (value)                (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***ARL Control Register***/ 
+/***ARL Control Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_ARL_CTL                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x001C))
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_ARL_CTL_CHCC                            (1 << 15)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_ARL_CTL_CHCL                            (1 << 14)
@@ -523,24 +523,24 @@
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_ARL_CTL_MAF                              (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_ARL_CTL_ENL                              (1 << 0)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_ARL_CTL_Res (value)                (((( 1 << 19) - 1) & (value)) << 13)
-/***CPU Access Control Register***/ 
+/***CPU Access Control Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_ACTL                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0020))
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_ACTL_RA                              (1 << 31)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_ACTL_RW                              (1 << 30)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_ACTL_Res (value)                (((( 1 << 21) - 1) & (value)) << 9)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_ACTL_AVA                              (1 << 8)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_ACTL_IDX (value)                (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***CPU Access Data Register 1***/ 
+/***CPU Access Data Register 1***/
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_DATA1                        ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0024))
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_DATA1_Data (value)               (((( 1 << 24) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***CPU Access Data Register 2***/ 
+/***CPU Access Data Register 2***/
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_DATA2                        ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0028))
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_DATA2_Data
-/***CPU Port Control Register***/ 
+/***CPU Port Control Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_PCTL                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x002C))
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_PCTL_DA_PORTS (value)          (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 11)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_PCTL_DAC                              (1 << 10)
@@ -551,85 +551,85 @@
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_PCTL_EML                              (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_PCTL_EDL                              (1 << 0)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_PCTL_Res (value)                (((( 1 << 18) - 1) & (value)) << 14)
-/***DSCP CoS Mapping Register 1***/ 
+/***DSCP CoS Mapping Register 1***/
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_DSCP_COS1                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0030))
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_DSCP_COS1_DSCP
-/***DSCP CoS Mapping Register 1***/ 
+/***DSCP CoS Mapping Register 1***/
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_DSCP_COS2                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0034))
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_DSCP_COS2_DSCP
-/***PC WFQ Control Register***/ 
+/***PC WFQ Control Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PC_WFQ_CTL                   ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0080))
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PC_WFQ_CTL_P1                              (1 << 9)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PC_WFQ_CTL_P0                              (1 << 8)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PC_WFQ_CTL_WT1 (value)                (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 5)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PC_WFQ_CTL_WT0 (value)                (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PC_WFQ_CTL_SCH_SEL (value)            (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***PC TX Control Register***/ 
+/***PC TX Control Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PC_TX_CTL                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0084))
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PC_TX_CTL_ELR                              (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PC_TX_CTL_EER                              (1 << 0)
-/***LAN WFQ Control Register***/ 
+/***LAN WFQ Control Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_LAN_WFQ_CTL                  ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0100))
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_LAN_WFQ_CTL_P1                              (1 << 9)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_LAN_WFQ_CTL_P0                              (1 << 8)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_LAN_WFQ_CTL_WT1 (value)                (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 5)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_LAN_WFQ_CTL_WT0 (value)                (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_LAN_WFQ_CTL_SCH_SEL (value)            (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***LAN TX Control Register***/ 
+/***LAN TX Control Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_LAN_TX_CTL                   ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0104))
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_LAN_TX_CTL_ELR                              (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_LAN_TX_CTL_EER                              (1 << 0)
-/***CPU WFQ Control Register***/ 
+/***CPU WFQ Control Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_WFQ_CTL                  ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0180))
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_WFQ_CTL_P1                              (1 << 9)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_WFQ_CTL_P0                              (1 << 8)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_WFQ_CTL_WT1 (value)                (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 5)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_WFQ_CTL_WT0 (value)                (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_WFQ_CTL_SCH_SEL (value)            (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***PM PC RX Watermark Register***/ 
+/***PM PC RX Watermark Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PC_WM                        ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0200))
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PC_WM_RX_WM1 (value)             (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 24)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PC_WM_RX_WM2 (value)             (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 16)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PC_WM_RX_WM3 (value)             (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PC_WM_RX_WM4 (value)             (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***PM LAN RX Watermark Register***/ 
+/***PM LAN RX Watermark Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_LAN_WM                       ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0204))
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_LAN_WM_RX_WM1 (value)             (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 24)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_LAN_WM_RX_WM2 (value)             (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 16)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_LAN_WM_RX_WM3 (value)             (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_LAN_WM_RX_WM4 (value)             (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***PM CPU RX Watermark Register***/ 
+/***PM CPU RX Watermark Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_WM                       ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0208))
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_WM_RX_WM1 (value)             (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 24)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_WM_RX_WM2 (value)             (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 16)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_WM_RX_WM3 (value)             (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_CPU_WM_RX_WM4 (value)             (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***PM CPU RX Watermark Register***/ 
+/***PM CPU RX Watermark Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_GBL_WM                       ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x020C))
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_GBL_WM_GBL_RX_WM1 (value)         (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 24)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_GBL_WM_GBL_RX_WM2 (value)         (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 16)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_GBL_WM_GBL_RX_WM3 (value)         (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_GBL_WM_GBL_RX_WM4 (value)         (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***PM Control Register***/ 
+/***PM Control Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PM_CTL                       ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0210))
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PM_CTL_GDN                              (1 << 3)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PM_CTL_CDN                              (1 << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PM_CTL_LDN                              (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PM_CTL_PDN                              (1 << 0)
-/***PM Header Control Register***/ 
+/***PM Header Control Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PMAC_HD_CTL                  ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0280))
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PMAC_HD_CTL_RL2                              (1 << 21)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PMAC_HD_CTL_RC                              (1 << 20)
@@ -638,38 +638,38 @@
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PMAC_HD_CTL_TYPE_LEN (value)          (((( 1 << 16) - 1) & (value)) << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PMAC_HD_CTL_TAG                              (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PMAC_HD_CTL_ADD                              (1 << 0)
-/***PM Source Address Register 1***/ 
+/***PM Source Address Register 1***/
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PMAC_SA1                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0284))
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PMAC_SA1_SA_47_32 (value)          (((( 1 << 16) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***PM Source Address Register 2***/ 
+/***PM Source Address Register 2***/
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PMAC_SA2                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0288))
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PMAC_SA2_SA_31_0
-/***PM Dest Address Register 1***/ 
+/***PM Dest Address Register 1***/
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PMAC_DA1                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x028C))
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PMAC_DA1_DA_47_32 (value)          (((( 1 << 16) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***PM Dest Address Register 2***/ 
+/***PM Dest Address Register 2***/
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PMAC_DA2                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0290))
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PMAC_DA2_DA_31_0
-/***PM VLAN Register***/ 
+/***PM VLAN Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PMAC_VLAN                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0294))
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PMAC_VLAN_PRI (value)                (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 13)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PMAC_VLAN_CFI                              (1 << 12)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PMAC_VLAN_VLANID (value)             (((( 1 << 12) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***PM TX IPG Counter Register***/ 
+/***PM TX IPG Counter Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PMAC_TX_IPG                  ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0298))
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PMAC_TX_IPG_IPGCNT (value)             (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***PM RX IPG Counter Register***/ 
+/***PM RX IPG Counter Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PMAC_RX_IPG                  ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x029C))
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PMAC_RX_IPG_IPGCNT (value)             (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Mirror Register***/ 
+/***Mirror Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_MRR                          ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0300))
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_MRR_MRR (value)                (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 6)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_MRR_EC                              (1 << 5)
@@ -678,21 +678,21 @@
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_MRR_IC                              (1 << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_MRR_IL                              (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_MRR_IP                              (1 << 0)
-/***Packet Length Register***/ 
+/***Packet Length Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PKT_LEN                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0304))
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PKT_LEN_ADD                              (1 << 11)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PKT_LEN_MAX_PKT_LEN (value)        (((( 1 << 11) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***MDIO Access Register***/ 
+/***MDIO Access Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_MDIO_ACC                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0480))
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_MDIO_ACC_RA                              (1 << 31)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_MDIO_ACC_RW                              (1 << 30)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_MDIO_ACC_PHY_ADDR (value)          (((( 1 << 5) - 1) & (value)) << 21)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_MDIO_ACC_REG_ADDR (value)          (((( 1 << 5) - 1) & (value)) << 16)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_MDIO_ACC_PHY_DATA (value)          (((( 1 << 16) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Ethernet PHY Register***/ 
+/***Ethernet PHY Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_EPHY                         ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0484))
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_EPHY_SL                              (1 << 7)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_EPHY_SP                              (1 << 6)
@@ -702,13 +702,13 @@
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_EPHY_DP                              (1 << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_EPHY_PL                              (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_EPHY_PP                              (1 << 0)
-/***Pause Write Enable Register***/ 
+/***Pause Write Enable Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PWR_EN                       ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0488))
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PWR_EN_PL                              (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_PWR_EN_PP                              (1 << 0)
-/***MDIO Configuration Register***/ 
+/***MDIO Configuration Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_MDIO_CFG                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x048C))
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_MDIO_CFG_MDS (value)                (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 14)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_MDIO_CFG_PHY_LAN_ADDR (value)       (((( 1 << 5) - 1) & (value)) << 9)
@@ -717,24 +717,24 @@
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_MDIO_CFG_PS                              (1 << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_MDIO_CFG_PT                              (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_MDIO_CFG_UMM                              (1 << 0)
-/***Clock Configuration Register***/ 
+/***Clock Configuration Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_CLK_CFG                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Switch+ 0x0500))
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_CLK_CFG_ARL_ID                        (1 << 9)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_CLK_CFG_CPU_ID                        (1 << 8)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_CLK_CFG_LAN_ID                        (1 << 7)
 #define INCA_IP_Switch_CLK_CFG_PC_ID                          (1 << 6)
-#define INCA_IP_Switch_CLK_CFG_SE_ID                          (1 << 5)		
+#define INCA_IP_Switch_CLK_CFG_SE_ID                          (1 << 5)
 /*  Module      :  SSC1 register address and bits                      */
 #define INCA_IP_SSC1                         (0xB8000500)
-/***Control Register (Programming Mode)***/ 
+/***Control Register (Programming Mode)***/
 #define INCA_IP_SSC1_SCC_CON_PRG                  ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SSC1+ 0x0010))
 #define INCA_IP_SSC1_SCC_CON_PRG_EN                              (1 << 15)
 #define INCA_IP_SSC1_SCC_CON_PRG_MS                              (1 << 14)
@@ -748,8 +748,8 @@
 #define INCA_IP_SSC1_SCC_CON_PRG_PH                              (1 << 5)
 #define INCA_IP_SSC1_SCC_CON_PRG_HB                              (1 << 4)
 #define INCA_IP_SSC1_SCC_CON_PRG_BM (value)                (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***SCC Control Register (Operating Mode)***/ 
+/***SCC Control Register (Operating Mode)***/
 #define INCA_IP_SSC1_SCC_CON_OPR                  ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SSC1+ 0x0010))
 #define INCA_IP_SSC1_SCC_CON_OPR_EN                              (1 << 15)
 #define INCA_IP_SSC1_SCC_CON_OPR_MS                              (1 << 14)
@@ -759,8 +759,8 @@
 #define INCA_IP_SSC1_SCC_CON_OPR_RE                              (1 << 9)
 #define INCA_IP_SSC1_SCC_CON_OPR_TE                              (1 << 8)
 #define INCA_IP_SSC1_SCC_CON_OPR_BC (value)                (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***SSC Write Hardware Modified Control Register***/ 
+/***SSC Write Hardware Modified Control Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_WHBCON                   ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SSC1+ 0x0040))
 #define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_WHBCON_SETBE                          (1 << 15)
 #define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_WHBCON_SETPE                          (1 << 14)
@@ -770,53 +770,53 @@
 #define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_WHBCON_CLRPE                          (1 << 10)
 #define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_WHBCON_CLRRE                          (1 << 9)
 #define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_WHBCON_CLRTE                          (1 << 8)
-/***SSC Baudrate Timer Reload Register***/ 
+/***SSC Baudrate Timer Reload Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_BR                       ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SSC1+ 0x0014))
 #define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_BR_BR_VALUE (value)          (((( 1 << 16) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***SSC Transmitter Buffer Register***/ 
+/***SSC Transmitter Buffer Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_TB                       ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SSC1+ 0x0020))
 #define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_TB_TB_VALUE (value)          (((( 1 << 16) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***SSC Receiver Buffer Register***/ 
+/***SSC Receiver Buffer Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_RB                       ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SSC1+ 0x0024))
 #define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_RB_RB_VALUE (value)          (((( 1 << 16) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***SSC Receive FIFO Control Register***/ 
+/***SSC Receive FIFO Control Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_RXFCON                   ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SSC1+ 0x0030))
 #define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_RXFCON_RXFITL (value)             (((( 1 << 6) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
 #define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_RXFCON_RXTMEN                        (1 << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_RXFCON_RXFLU                          (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_RXFCON_RXFEN                          (1 << 0)
-/***SSC Transmit FIFO Control Register***/ 
+/***SSC Transmit FIFO Control Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_TXFCON                   ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SSC1+ 0x0034))
 #define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_TXFCON_RXFITL (value)             (((( 1 << 6) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
 #define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_TXFCON_TXTMEN                        (1 << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_TXFCON_TXFLU                          (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_TXFCON_TXFEN                          (1 << 0)
-/***SSC FIFO Status Register***/ 
+/***SSC FIFO Status Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_FSTAT                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SSC1+ 0x0038))
 #define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_FSTAT_TXFFL (value)              (((( 1 << 6) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
 #define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_FSTAT_RXFFL (value)              (((( 1 << 6) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***SSC Clock Control Register***/ 
+/***SSC Clock Control Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_CLC                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SSC1+ 0x0000))
 #define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_CLC_RMC (value)                (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
 #define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_CLC_DISS                            (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_CLC_DISR                            (1 << 0)		
+#define INCA_IP_SSC1_SSC_CLC_DISR                            (1 << 0)
 /*  Module      :  SSC2 register address and bits                      */
 #define INCA_IP_SSC2                         (0xB8000600)
-/***Control Register (Programming Mode)***/ 
+/***Control Register (Programming Mode)***/
 #define INCA_IP_SSC2_SCC_CON_PRG                  ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SSC2+ 0x0010))
 #define INCA_IP_SSC2_SCC_CON_PRG_EN                              (1 << 15)
 #define INCA_IP_SSC2_SCC_CON_PRG_MS                              (1 << 14)
@@ -830,8 +830,8 @@
 #define INCA_IP_SSC2_SCC_CON_PRG_PH                              (1 << 5)
 #define INCA_IP_SSC2_SCC_CON_PRG_HB                              (1 << 4)
 #define INCA_IP_SSC2_SCC_CON_PRG_BM (value)                (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***SCC Control Register (Operating Mode)***/ 
+/***SCC Control Register (Operating Mode)***/
 #define INCA_IP_SSC2_SCC_CON_OPR                  ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SSC2+ 0x0010))
 #define INCA_IP_SSC2_SCC_CON_OPR_EN                              (1 << 15)
 #define INCA_IP_SSC2_SCC_CON_OPR_MS                              (1 << 14)
@@ -841,8 +841,8 @@
 #define INCA_IP_SSC2_SCC_CON_OPR_RE                              (1 << 9)
 #define INCA_IP_SSC2_SCC_CON_OPR_TE                              (1 << 8)
 #define INCA_IP_SSC2_SCC_CON_OPR_BC (value)                (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***SSC Write Hardware Modified Control Register***/ 
+/***SSC Write Hardware Modified Control Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_WHBCON                   ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SSC2+ 0x0040))
 #define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_WHBCON_SETBE                          (1 << 15)
 #define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_WHBCON_SETPE                          (1 << 14)
@@ -852,63 +852,63 @@
 #define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_WHBCON_CLRPE                          (1 << 10)
 #define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_WHBCON_CLRRE                          (1 << 9)
 #define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_WHBCON_CLRTE                          (1 << 8)
-/***SSC Baudrate Timer Reload Register***/ 
+/***SSC Baudrate Timer Reload Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_BR                       ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SSC2+ 0x0014))
 #define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_BR_BR_VALUE (value)          (((( 1 << 16) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***SSC Transmitter Buffer Register***/ 
+/***SSC Transmitter Buffer Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_TB                       ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SSC2+ 0x0020))
 #define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_TB_TB_VALUE (value)          (((( 1 << 16) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***SSC Receiver Buffer Register***/ 
+/***SSC Receiver Buffer Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_RB                       ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SSC2+ 0x0024))
 #define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_RB_RB_VALUE (value)          (((( 1 << 16) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***SSC Receive FIFO Control Register***/ 
+/***SSC Receive FIFO Control Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_RXFCON                   ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SSC2+ 0x0030))
 #define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_RXFCON_RXFITL (value)             (((( 1 << 6) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
 #define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_RXFCON_RXTMEN                        (1 << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_RXFCON_RXFLU                          (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_RXFCON_RXFEN                          (1 << 0)
-/***SSC Transmit FIFO Control Register***/ 
+/***SSC Transmit FIFO Control Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_TXFCON                   ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SSC2+ 0x0034))
 #define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_TXFCON_RXFITL (value)             (((( 1 << 6) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
 #define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_TXFCON_TXTMEN                        (1 << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_TXFCON_TXFLU                          (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_TXFCON_TXFEN                          (1 << 0)
-/***SSC FIFO Status Register***/ 
+/***SSC FIFO Status Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_FSTAT                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SSC2+ 0x0038))
 #define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_FSTAT_TXFFL (value)              (((( 1 << 6) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
 #define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_FSTAT_RXFFL (value)              (((( 1 << 6) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***SSC Clock Control Register***/ 
+/***SSC Clock Control Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_CLC                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SSC2+ 0x0000))
 #define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_CLC_RMC (value)                (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
 #define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_CLC_DISS                            (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_CLC_DISR                            (1 << 0)		
+#define INCA_IP_SSC2_SSC_CLC_DISR                            (1 << 0)
 /*  Module      :  EBU register address and bits                       */
 #if defined(CONFIG_INCA_IP)
 #define INCA_IP_EBU                          (0xB8000200)
 #elif defined(CONFIG_PURPLE)
 #define INCA_IP_EBU                          (0xB800D800)
-/***EBU Clock Control Register***/ 
+/***EBU Clock Control Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_CLC                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_EBU+ 0x0000))
 #define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_CLC_DISS                            (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_CLC_DISR                            (1 << 0)
-/***EBU Global Control Register***/ 
+/***EBU Global Control Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_CON                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_EBU+ 0x0010))
 #define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_CON_DTACS (value)              (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 20)
 #define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_CON_DTARW (value)              (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 16)
@@ -916,29 +916,29 @@
 #define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_CON_ARBMODE (value)            (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 6)
 #define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_CON_ARBSYNC                      (1 << 5)
 #define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_CON_1                              (1 << 3)
-/***EBU Address Select Register 0***/ 
+/***EBU Address Select Register 0***/
 #define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_ADDSEL0                  ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_EBU+ 0x0020))
 #define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_ADDSEL0_BASE (value)               (((( 1 << 20) - 1) & (value)) << 12)
 #define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_ADDSEL0_MASK (value)               (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 4)
 #define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_ADDSEL0_MIRRORE                      (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_ADDSEL0_REGEN                          (1 << 0)
-/***EBU Address Select Register 1***/ 
+/***EBU Address Select Register 1***/
 #define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_ADDSEL1                  ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_EBU+ 0x0024))
 #define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_ADDSEL1_BASE (value)               (((( 1 << 20) - 1) & (value)) << 12)
 #define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_ADDSEL1_MASK (value)               (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 4)
 #define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_ADDSEL1_MIRRORE                      (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_ADDSEL1_REGEN                          (1 << 0)
-/***EBU Address Select Register 2***/ 
+/***EBU Address Select Register 2***/
 #define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_ADDSEL2                  ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_EBU+ 0x0028))
 #define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_ADDSEL2_BASE (value)               (((( 1 << 20) - 1) & (value)) << 12)
 #define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_ADDSEL2_MASK (value)               (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 4)
 #define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_ADDSEL2_MIRRORE                      (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_ADDSEL2_REGEN                          (1 << 0)
-/***EBU Bus Configuration Register 0***/ 
+/***EBU Bus Configuration Register 0***/
 #define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON0                  ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_EBU+ 0x0060))
 #define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON0_WRDIS                          (1 << 31)
 #define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON0_ALEC (value)               (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 29)
@@ -954,8 +954,8 @@
 #define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON0_HOLDC (value)              (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 4)
 #define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON0_RECOVC (value)             (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON0_CMULT (value)              (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***EBU Bus Configuration Register 1***/ 
+/***EBU Bus Configuration Register 1***/
 #define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON1                  ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_EBU+ 0x0064))
 #define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON1_WRDIS                          (1 << 31)
 #define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON1_ALEC (value)               (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 29)
@@ -971,8 +971,8 @@
 #define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON1_HOLDC (value)              (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 4)
 #define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON1_RECOVC (value)             (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON1_CMULT (value)              (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***EBU Bus Configuration Register 2***/ 
+/***EBU Bus Configuration Register 2***/
 #define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON2                  ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_EBU+ 0x0068))
 #define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON2_WRDIS                          (1 << 31)
 #define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON2_ALEC (value)               (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 29)
@@ -987,28 +987,28 @@
 #define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON2_WAITWRC (value)            (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 6)
 #define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON2_HOLDC (value)              (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 4)
 #define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON2_RECOVC (value)             (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON2_CMULT (value)              (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 0)		
+#define INCA_IP_EBU_EBU_BUSCON2_CMULT (value)              (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
 /*  Module      :  SDRAM register address and bits                     */
 #define INCA_IP_SDRAM                        (0xBF800000)
-/***MC Access Error Cause Register***/ 
+/***MC Access Error Cause Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_ERRCAUSE                  ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SDRAM+ 0x0100))
 #define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_ERRCAUSE_ERR                              (1 << 31)
 #define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_ERRCAUSE_PORT (value)               (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 16)
 #define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_ERRCAUSE_CAUSE (value)              (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
 #define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_ERRCAUSE_Res (value)                (((( 1 << NaN) - 1) & (value)) << NaN)
-/***MC Access Error Address Register***/ 
+/***MC Access Error Address Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_ERRADDR                   ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SDRAM+ 0x0108))
-/***MC I/O General Purpose Register***/ 
+/***MC I/O General Purpose Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_IOGP                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SDRAM+ 0x0800))
 #define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_IOGP_GPR6 (value)               (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 28)
 #define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_IOGP_GPR5 (value)               (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 24)
@@ -1019,39 +1019,39 @@
 #define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_IOGP_CLKDELAY (value)          (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
 #define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_IOGP_CLKRAT (value)             (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 4)
 #define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_IOGP_RDDEL (value)              (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***MC Self Refresh Register***/ 
+/***MC Self Refresh Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_SELFRFSH                  ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SDRAM+ 0x0A00))
 #define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_SELFRFSH_PWDS                            (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_SELFRFSH_PWD                              (1 << 0)
 #define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_SELFRFSH_Res (value)                (((( 1 << 30) - 1) & (value)) << 2)
-/***MC Enable Register***/ 
+/***MC Enable Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_CTRLENA                   ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SDRAM+ 0x1000))
 #define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_CTRLENA_ENA                              (1 << 0)
 #define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_CTRLENA_Res (value)                (((( 1 << 31) - 1) & (value)) << 1)
-/***MC Mode Register Setup Code***/ 
+/***MC Mode Register Setup Code***/
 #define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_MRSCODE                   ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SDRAM+ 0x1008))
 #define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_MRSCODE_UMC (value)                (((( 1 << 5) - 1) & (value)) << 7)
 #define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_MRSCODE_CL (value)                (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 4)
 #define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_MRSCODE_WT                              (1 << 3)
 #define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_MRSCODE_BL (value)                (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***MC Configuration Data-word Width Register***/ 
+/***MC Configuration Data-word Width Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_CFGDW                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SDRAM+ 0x1010))
 #define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_CFGDW_DW (value)                (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
 #define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_CFGDW_Res (value)                (((( 1 << 28) - 1) & (value)) << 4)
-/***MC Configuration Physical Bank 0 Register***/ 
+/***MC Configuration Physical Bank 0 Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_CFGPB0                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SDRAM+ 0x1018))
 #define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_CFGPB0_MCSEN0 (value)             (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 12)
 #define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_CFGPB0_BANKN0 (value)             (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
 #define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_CFGPB0_ROWW0 (value)              (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 4)
 #define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_CFGPB0_COLW0 (value)              (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
 #define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_CFGPB0_Res (value)                (((( 1 << 16) - 1) & (value)) << 16)
-/***MC Latency Register***/ 
+/***MC Latency Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_LATENCY                   ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SDRAM+ 0x1038))
 #define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_LATENCY_TRP (value)                (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 16)
 #define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_LATENCY_TRAS (value)               (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 12)
@@ -1059,27 +1059,27 @@
 #define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_LATENCY_TDPL (value)               (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 4)
 #define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_LATENCY_TDAL (value)               (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
 #define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_LATENCY_Res (value)                (((( 1 << 12) - 1) & (value)) << 20)
-/***MC Refresh Cycle Time Register***/ 
+/***MC Refresh Cycle Time Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_TREFRESH                  ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SDRAM+ 0x1040))
 #define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_TREFRESH_TREF (value)               (((( 1 << 13) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-#define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_TREFRESH_Res (value)                (((( 1 << 19) - 1) & (value)) << 13)		
+#define INCA_IP_SDRAM_MC_TREFRESH_Res (value)                (((( 1 << 19) - 1) & (value)) << 13)
 /*  Module      :  GPTU register address and bits                      */
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU                         (0xB8000300)
-/***GPT Clock Control Register***/ 
+/***GPT Clock Control Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_CLC                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_GPTU+ 0x0000))
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_CLC_RMC (value)                (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_CLC_DISS                            (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_CLC_DISR                            (1 << 0)
-/***GPT Timer 3 Control Register***/ 
+/***GPT Timer 3 Control Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T3CON                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_GPTU+ 0x0014))
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T3CON_T3RDIR                        (1 << 15)
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T3CON_T3CHDIR                      (1 << 14)
@@ -1090,8 +1090,8 @@
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T3CON_T3R                              (1 << 6)
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T3CON_T3M (value)                (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 3)
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T3CON_T3I (value)                (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***GPT Write Hardware Modified Timer 3 Control Register 
+/***GPT Write Hardware Modified Timer 3 Control Register
 If set and clear bit are written concurrently with 1, the associated bit is not changed.***/
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_WHBT3CON                 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_GPTU+ 0x004C))
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_WHBT3CON_SETT3CHDIR                (1 << 15)
@@ -1100,8 +1100,8 @@
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_WHBT3CON_CLRT3EDGE                  (1 << 12)
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_WHBT3CON_SETT3OTL                  (1 << 11)
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_WHBT3CON_CLRT3OTL                  (1 << 10)
-/***GPT Timer 2 Control Register***/ 
+/***GPT Timer 2 Control Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T2CON                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_GPTU+ 0x0010))
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T2CON_TxRDIR                        (1 << 15)
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T2CON_TxCHDIR                      (1 << 14)
@@ -1112,8 +1112,8 @@
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T2CON_TxR                              (1 << 6)
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T2CON_TxM (value)                (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 3)
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T2CON_TxI (value)                (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***GPT Timer 4 Control Register***/ 
+/***GPT Timer 4 Control Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T4CON                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_GPTU+ 0x0018))
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T4CON_TxRDIR                        (1 << 15)
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T4CON_TxCHDIR                      (1 << 14)
@@ -1124,7 +1124,7 @@
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T4CON_TxR                              (1 << 6)
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T4CON_TxM (value)                (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 3)
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T4CON_TxI (value)                (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
 /***GPT Write HW Modified Timer 2 Control Register If set
  and clear bit are written concurrently with 1, the associated bit is not changed.***/
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_WHBT2CON                 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_GPTU+ 0x0048))
@@ -1132,7 +1132,7 @@
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_WHBT2CON_CLRTxCHDIR                (1 << 14)
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_WHBT2CON_SETTxEDGE                  (1 << 13)
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_WHBT2CON_CLRTxEDGE                  (1 << 12)
 /***GPT Write HW Modified Timer 4 Control Register If set
  and clear bit are written concurrently with 1, the associated bit is not changed.***/
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_WHBT4CON                 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_GPTU+ 0x0050))
@@ -1140,32 +1140,32 @@
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_WHBT4CON_CLRTxCHDIR                (1 << 14)
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_WHBT4CON_SETTxEDGE                  (1 << 13)
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_WHBT4CON_CLRTxEDGE                  (1 << 12)
-/***GPT Capture Reload Register***/ 
+/***GPT Capture Reload Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_CAPREL                   ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_GPTU+ 0x0030))
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_CAPREL_CAPREL (value)             (((( 1 << 16) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***GPT Timer 2 Register***/ 
+/***GPT Timer 2 Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T2                       ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_GPTU+ 0x0034))
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T2_TVAL (value)               (((( 1 << 16) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***GPT Timer 3 Register***/ 
+/***GPT Timer 3 Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T3                       ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_GPTU+ 0x0038))
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T3_TVAL (value)               (((( 1 << 16) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***GPT Timer 4 Register***/ 
+/***GPT Timer 4 Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T4                       ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_GPTU+ 0x003C))
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T4_TVAL (value)               (((( 1 << 16) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***GPT Timer 5 Register***/ 
+/***GPT Timer 5 Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T5                       ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_GPTU+ 0x0040))
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T5_TVAL (value)               (((( 1 << 16) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***GPT Timer 6 Register***/ 
+/***GPT Timer 6 Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T6                       ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_GPTU+ 0x0044))
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T6_TVAL (value)               (((( 1 << 16) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***GPT Timer 6 Control Register***/ 
+/***GPT Timer 6 Control Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T6CON                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_GPTU+ 0x0020))
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T6CON_T6SR                            (1 << 15)
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T6CON_T6CLR                          (1 << 14)
@@ -1175,14 +1175,14 @@
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T6CON_T6R                              (1 << 6)
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T6CON_T6M (value)                (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 3)
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T6CON_T6I (value)                (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
 /***GPT Write HW Modified Timer 6 Control Register If set
  and clear bit are written concurrently with 1, the associated bit is not changed.***/
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_WHBT6CON                 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_GPTU+ 0x0054))
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_WHBT6CON_SETT6OTL                  (1 << 11)
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_WHBT6CON_CLRT6OTL                  (1 << 10)
-/***GPT Timer 5 Control Register***/ 
+/***GPT Timer 5 Control Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T5CON                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_GPTU+ 0x001C))
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T5CON_T5SC                            (1 << 15)
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T5CON_T5CLR                          (1 << 14)
@@ -1194,25 +1194,25 @@
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T5CON_T5UD                            (1 << 7)
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T5CON_T5R                              (1 << 6)
 #define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T5CON_T5M (value)                (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 3)
-#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T5CON_T5I (value)                (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 0)		
+#define INCA_IP_GPTU_GPT_T5CON_T5I (value)                (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
 /*  Module      :  IOM register address and bits                       */
 #define INCA_IP_IOM                          (0xBF105000)
-/***Receive FIFO***/ 
+/***Receive FIFO***/
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_RFIFO                        ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0000))
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_RFIFO_RXD (value)                (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Transmit FIFO***/ 
+/***Transmit FIFO***/
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_XFIFO                        ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0000))
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_XFIFO_TXD (value)                (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Interrupt Status Register HDLC***/ 
+/***Interrupt Status Register HDLC***/
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_ISTAH                        ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0080))
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_ISTAH_RME                              (1 << 7)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_ISTAH_RPF                              (1 << 6)
@@ -1220,8 +1220,8 @@
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_ISTAH_XPR                              (1 << 4)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_ISTAH_XMR                              (1 << 3)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_ISTAH_XDU                              (1 << 2)
-/***Interrupt Mask Register HDLC***/ 
+/***Interrupt Mask Register HDLC***/
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_MASKH                        ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0080))
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_MASKH_RME                              (1 << 7)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_MASKH_RPF                              (1 << 6)
@@ -1229,23 +1229,23 @@
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_MASKH_XPR                              (1 << 4)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_MASKH_XMR                              (1 << 3)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_MASKH_XDU                              (1 << 2)
-/***Status Register***/ 
+/***Status Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_STAR                         ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0084))
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_STAR_XDOV                            (1 << 7)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_STAR_XFW                              (1 << 6)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_STAR_RACI                            (1 << 3)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_STAR_XACI                            (1 << 1)
-/***Command Register***/ 
+/***Command Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CMDR                         ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0084))
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CMDR_RMC                              (1 << 7)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CMDR_RRES                            (1 << 6)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CMDR_XTF                              (1 << 3)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CMDR_XME                              (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CMDR_XRES                            (1 << 0)
-/***Mode Register***/ 
+/***Mode Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_MODEH                        ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0088))
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_MODEH_MDS2                            (1 << 7)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_MODEH_MDS1                            (1 << 6)
@@ -1254,8 +1254,8 @@
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_MODEH_DIM2                            (1 << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_MODEH_DIM1                            (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_MODEH_DIM0                            (1 << 0)
-/***Extended Mode Register***/ 
+/***Extended Mode Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_EXMR                         ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x008C))
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_EXMR_XFBS                            (1 << 7)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_EXMR_RFBS (value)               (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 5)
@@ -1263,36 +1263,36 @@
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_EXMR_XCRC                            (1 << 3)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_EXMR_RCRC                            (1 << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_EXMR_ITF                              (1 << 0)
-/***SAPI1 Register***/ 
+/***SAPI1 Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_SAP1                         ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0094))
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_SAP1_SAPI1 (value)              (((( 1 << 6) - 1) & (value)) << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_SAP1_MHA                              (1 << 0)
-/***Receive Frame Byte Count Low***/ 
+/***Receive Frame Byte Count Low***/
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_RBCL                         ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0098))
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_RBCL_RBC(value)              (1 << value)
-/***SAPI2 Register***/ 
+/***SAPI2 Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_SAP2                         ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0098))
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_SAP2_SAPI2 (value)              (((( 1 << 6) - 1) & (value)) << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_SAP2_MLA                              (1 << 0)
-/***Receive Frame Byte Count High***/ 
+/***Receive Frame Byte Count High***/
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_RBCH                         ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x009C))
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_RBCH_OV                              (1 << 4)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_RBCH_RBC11                          (1 << 3)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_RBCH_RBC10                          (1 << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_RBCH_RBC9                            (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_RBCH_RBC8                            (1 << 0)
-/***TEI1 Register 1***/ 
+/***TEI1 Register 1***/
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_TEI1                         ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x009C))
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_TEI1_TEI1 (value)               (((( 1 << 7) - 1) & (value)) << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_TEI1_EA                              (1 << 0)
-/***Receive Status Register***/ 
+/***Receive Status Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_RSTA                         ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x00A0))
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_RSTA_VFR                              (1 << 7)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_RSTA_RDO                              (1 << 6)
@@ -1302,99 +1302,99 @@
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_RSTA_SA0                              (1 << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_RSTA_TA                              (1 << 0)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_RSTA_CR                              (1 << 1)
-/***TEI2 Register***/ 
+/***TEI2 Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_TEI2                         ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x00A0))
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_TEI2_TEI2 (value)               (((( 1 << 7) - 1) & (value)) << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_TEI2_EA                              (1 << 0)
-/***Test Mode Register HDLC***/ 
+/***Test Mode Register HDLC***/
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_TMH                          ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x00A4))
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_TMH_TLP                              (1 << 0)
-/***Command/Indication Receive 0***/ 
+/***Command/Indication Receive 0***/
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CIR0                         ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x00B8))
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CIR0_CODR0 (value)              (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 4)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CIR0_CIC0                            (1 << 3)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CIR0_CIC1                            (1 << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CIR0_SG                              (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CIR0_BAS                              (1 << 0)
-/***Command/Indication Transmit 0***/ 
+/***Command/Indication Transmit 0***/
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CIX0                         ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x00B8))
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CIX0_CODX0 (value)              (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 4)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CIX0_TBA2                            (1 << 3)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CIX0_TBA1                            (1 << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CIX0_TBA0                            (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CIX0_BAC                              (1 << 0)
-/***Command/Indication Receive 1***/ 
+/***Command/Indication Receive 1***/
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CIR1                         ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x00BC))
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CIR1_CODR1 (value)              (((( 1 << 6) - 1) & (value)) << 2)
-/***Command/Indication Transmit 1***/ 
+/***Command/Indication Transmit 1***/
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CIX1                         ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x00BC))
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CIX1_CODX1 (value)              (((( 1 << 6) - 1) & (value)) << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CIX1_CICW                            (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CIX1_CI1E                            (1 << 0)
-/***Controller Data Access Reg. (CH10)***/ 
+/***Controller Data Access Reg. (CH10)***/
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA10                        ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0100))
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA10_CDA (value)                (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Controller Data Access Reg. (CH11)***/ 
+/***Controller Data Access Reg. (CH11)***/
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA11                        ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0104))
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA11_CDA (value)                (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Controller Data Access Reg. (CH20)***/ 
+/***Controller Data Access Reg. (CH20)***/
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA20                        ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0108))
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA20_CDA (value)                (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Controller Data Access Reg. (CH21)***/ 
+/***Controller Data Access Reg. (CH21)***/
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA21                        ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x010C))
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA21_CDA (value)                (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Time Slot and Data Port Sel. (CH10)***/ 
+/***Time Slot and Data Port Sel. (CH10)***/
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA_TSDP10                   ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0110))
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA_TSDP10_DPS                              (1 << 7)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA_TSDP10_TSS (value)                (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Time Slot and Data Port Sel. (CH11)***/ 
+/***Time Slot and Data Port Sel. (CH11)***/
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA_TSDP11                   ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0114))
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA_TSDP11_DPS                              (1 << 7)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA_TSDP11_TSS (value)                (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Time Slot and Data Port Sel. (CH20)***/ 
+/***Time Slot and Data Port Sel. (CH20)***/
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA_TSDP20                   ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0118))
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA_TSDP20_DPS                              (1 << 7)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA_TSDP20_TSS (value)                (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Time Slot and Data Port Sel. (CH21)***/ 
+/***Time Slot and Data Port Sel. (CH21)***/
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA_TSDP21                   ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x011C))
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA_TSDP21_DPS                              (1 << 7)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA_TSDP21_TSS (value)                (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Time Slot and Data Port Sel. (CH10)***/ 
+/***Time Slot and Data Port Sel. (CH10)***/
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CO_TSDP10                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0120))
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CO_TSDP10_DPS                              (1 << 7)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CO_TSDP10_TSS (value)                (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Time Slot and Data Port Sel. (CH11)***/ 
+/***Time Slot and Data Port Sel. (CH11)***/
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CO_TSDP11                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0124))
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CO_TSDP11_DPS                              (1 << 7)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CO_TSDP11_TSS (value)                (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Time Slot and Data Port Sel. (CH20)***/ 
+/***Time Slot and Data Port Sel. (CH20)***/
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CO_TSDP20                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0128))
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CO_TSDP20_DPS                              (1 << 7)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CO_TSDP20_TSS (value)                (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Time Slot and Data Port Sel. (CH21)***/ 
+/***Time Slot and Data Port Sel. (CH21)***/
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CO_TSDP21                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x012C))
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CO_TSDP21_DPS                              (1 << 7)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CO_TSDP21_TSS (value)                (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Ctrl. Reg. Contr. Data Access CH1x***/ 
+/***Ctrl. Reg. Contr. Data Access CH1x***/
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA1_CR                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0138))
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA1_CR_EN_TBM                        (1 << 5)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA1_CR_EN_I1                          (1 << 4)
@@ -1402,8 +1402,8 @@
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA1_CR_EN_O1                          (1 << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA1_CR_EN_O0                          (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA1_CR_SWAP                            (1 << 0)
-/***Ctrl. Reg. Contr. Data Access CH1x***/ 
+/***Ctrl. Reg. Contr. Data Access CH1x***/
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA2_CR                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x013C))
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA2_CR_EN_TBM                        (1 << 5)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA2_CR_EN_I1                          (1 << 4)
@@ -1411,37 +1411,37 @@
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA2_CR_EN_O1                          (1 << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA2_CR_EN_O0                          (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_CDA2_CR_SWAP                            (1 << 0)
-/***Control Register B-Channel Data***/ 
+/***Control Register B-Channel Data***/
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_BCHA_CR                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0144))
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_BCHA_CR_EN_BC2                        (1 << 4)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_BCHA_CR_EN_BC1                        (1 << 3)
-/***Control Register B-Channel Data***/ 
+/***Control Register B-Channel Data***/
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_BCHB_CR                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0148))
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_BCHB_CR_EN_BC2                        (1 << 4)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_BCHB_CR_EN_BC1                        (1 << 3)
-/***Control Reg. for HDLC and CI1 Data***/ 
+/***Control Reg. for HDLC and CI1 Data***/
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_DCI_CR                       ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x014C))
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_DCI_CR_DPS_CI1                      (1 << 7)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_DCI_CR_EN_CI1                        (1 << 6)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_DCI_CR_EN_D                            (1 << 5)
-/***Control Reg. for HDLC and CI1 Data***/ 
+/***Control Reg. for HDLC and CI1 Data***/
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_DCIC_CR                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x014C))
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_DCIC_CR_DPS_CI0                      (1 << 7)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_DCIC_CR_EN_CI0                        (1 << 6)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_DCIC_CR_DPS_D                          (1 << 5)
-/***Control Reg. Serial Data Strobe x***/ 
+/***Control Reg. Serial Data Strobe x***/
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_SDS_CR                       ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0154))
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_SDS_CR_ENS_TSS                      (1 << 7)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_SDS_CR_ENS_TSS_1                  (1 << 6)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_SDS_CR_ENS_TSS_3                  (1 << 5)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_SDS_CR_TSS (value)                (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Control Register IOM Data***/ 
+/***Control Register IOM Data***/
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_IOM_CR                       ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x015C))
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_IOM_CR_SPU                              (1 << 7)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_IOM_CR_CI_CS                          (1 << 5)
@@ -1450,8 +1450,8 @@
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_IOM_CR_CLKM                            (1 << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_IOM_CR_Res                              (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_IOM_CR_DIS_IOM                      (1 << 0)
-/***Synchronous Transfer Interrupt***/ 
+/***Synchronous Transfer Interrupt***/
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_STI                          ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0160))
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_STI_STOV21                        (1 << 7)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_STI_STOV20                        (1 << 6)
@@ -1461,15 +1461,15 @@
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_STI_STI20                          (1 << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_STI_STI11                          (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_STI_STI10                          (1 << 0)
-/***Acknowledge Synchronous Transfer Interrupt***/ 
+/***Acknowledge Synchronous Transfer Interrupt***/
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_ASTI                         ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0160))
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_ASTI_ACK21                          (1 << 3)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_ASTI_ACK20                          (1 << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_ASTI_ACK11                          (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_ASTI_ACK10                          (1 << 0)
-/***Mask Synchronous Transfer Interrupt***/ 
+/***Mask Synchronous Transfer Interrupt***/
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_MSTI                         ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0164))
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_MSTI_STOV21                        (1 << 7)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_MSTI_STOV20                        (1 << 6)
@@ -1479,36 +1479,36 @@
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_MSTI_STI20                          (1 << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_MSTI_STI11                          (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_MSTI_STI10                          (1 << 0)
-/***Configuration Register for Serial Data Strobes***/ 
+/***Configuration Register for Serial Data Strobes***/
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_SDS_CONF                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x0168))
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_SDS_CONF_SDS_BCL                      (1 << 0)
-/***Monitoring CDA Bits***/ 
+/***Monitoring CDA Bits***/
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_MCDA                         ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IOM+ 0x016C))
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_MCDA_MCDA21 (value)             (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 6)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_MCDA_MCDA20 (value)             (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 4)
 #define INCA_IP_IOM_MCDA_MCDA11 (value)             (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 2)
-#define INCA_IP_IOM_MCDA_MCDA10 (value)             (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 0)		
+#define INCA_IP_IOM_MCDA_MCDA10 (value)             (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
 /*  Module      :  ASC register address and bits                       */
 #if defined(CONFIG_INCA_IP)
 #define INCA_IP_ASC                          (0xB8000400)
 #elif defined(CONFIG_PURPLE)
 #define INCA_IP_ASC                          (0xBE500000)
-/***ASC Port Input Select Register***/ 
+/***ASC Port Input Select Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_PISEL                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ASC+ 0x0004))
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_PISEL_RIS                              (1 << 0)
-/***ASC Control Register***/ 
+/***ASC Control Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_CON                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ASC+ 0x0010))
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_CON_R                              (1 << 15)
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_CON_LB                              (1 << 14)
@@ -1524,8 +1524,8 @@
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_CON_REN                              (1 << 4)
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_CON_STP                              (1 << 3)
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_CON_M (value)                (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***ASC Write Hardware Modified Control Register***/ 
+/***ASC Write Hardware Modified Control Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_WHBCON                   ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ASC+ 0x0050))
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_WHBCON_SETOE                          (1 << 13)
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_WHBCON_SETFE                          (1 << 12)
@@ -1535,29 +1535,29 @@
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_WHBCON_CLRPE                          (1 << 8)
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_WHBCON_SETREN                        (1 << 5)
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_WHBCON_CLRREN                        (1 << 4)
-/***ASC Baudrate Timer/Reload Register***/ 
+/***ASC Baudrate Timer/Reload Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_BTR                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ASC+ 0x0014))
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_BTR_BR_VALUE (value)          (((( 1 << 13) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***ASC Fractional Divider Register***/ 
+/***ASC Fractional Divider Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_FDV                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ASC+ 0x0018))
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_FDV_FD_VALUE (value)          (((( 1 << 9) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***ASC IrDA Pulse Mode/Width Register***/ 
+/***ASC IrDA Pulse Mode/Width Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_PMW                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ASC+ 0x001C))
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_PMW_IRPW                            (1 << 8)
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_PMW_PW_VALUE (value)          (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***ASC Transmit Buffer Register***/ 
+/***ASC Transmit Buffer Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_TBUF                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ASC+ 0x0020))
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_TBUF_TD_VALUE (value)          (((( 1 << 9) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***ASC Receive Buffer Register***/ 
+/***ASC Receive Buffer Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_RBUF                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ASC+ 0x0024))
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_RBUF_RD_VALUE (value)          (((( 1 << 9) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***ASC Autobaud Control Register***/ 
+/***ASC Autobaud Control Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_ABCON                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ASC+ 0x0030))
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_ABCON_RXINV                          (1 << 11)
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_ABCON_TXINV                          (1 << 10)
@@ -1567,40 +1567,40 @@
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_ABCON_ABSTEN                        (1 << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_ABCON_AUREN                          (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_ABCON_ABEN                            (1 << 0)
-/***Receive FIFO Control Register***/ 
+/***Receive FIFO Control Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_RXFCON                       ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ASC+ 0x0040))
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_RXFCON_RXFITL (value)             (((( 1 << 6) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_RXFCON_RXTMEN                        (1 << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_RXFCON_RXFFLU                        (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_RXFCON_RXFEN                          (1 << 0)
-/***Transmit FIFO Control Register***/ 
+/***Transmit FIFO Control Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_TXFCON                       ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ASC+ 0x0044))
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_TXFCON_TXFITL (value)             (((( 1 << 6) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_TXFCON_TXTMEN                        (1 << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_TXFCON_TXFFLU                        (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_TXFCON_TXFEN                          (1 << 0)
-/***FIFO Status Register***/ 
+/***FIFO Status Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_FSTAT                        ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ASC+ 0x0048))
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_FSTAT_TXFFL (value)              (((( 1 << 6) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_FSTAT_RXFFL (value)              (((( 1 << 6) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***ASC Write HW Modified Autobaud Control Register***/ 
+/***ASC Write HW Modified Autobaud Control Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_WHBABCON                 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ASC+ 0x0054))
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_WHBABCON_SETABEN                      (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_WHBABCON_CLRABEN                      (1 << 0)
-/***ASC Autobaud Status Register***/ 
+/***ASC Autobaud Status Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_ABSTAT                   ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ASC+ 0x0034))
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_ABSTAT_DETWAIT                      (1 << 4)
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_ABSTAT_SCCDET                        (1 << 3)
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_ABSTAT_SCSDET                        (1 << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_ABSTAT_FCCDET                        (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_ABSTAT_FCSDET                        (1 << 0)
-/***ASC Write HW Modified Autobaud Status Register***/ 
+/***ASC Write HW Modified Autobaud Status Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_WHBABSTAT                 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ASC+ 0x0058))
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_WHBABSTAT_SETDETWAIT                (1 << 9)
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_WHBABSTAT_CLRDETWAIT                (1 << 8)
@@ -1612,86 +1612,86 @@
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_WHBABSTAT_CLRFCCDET                  (1 << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_WHBABSTAT_SETFCSDET                  (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_WHBABSTAT_CLRFCSDET                  (1 << 0)
-/***ASC Clock Control Register***/ 
+/***ASC Clock Control Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_CLC                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ASC+ 0x0000))
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_CLC_RMC (value)                (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
 #define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_CLC_DISS                            (1 << 1)
-#define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_CLC_DISR                            (1 << 0)		
+#define INCA_IP_ASC_ASC_CLC_DISR                            (1 << 0)
 /*  Module      :  DMA register address and bits                       */
 #define INCA_IP_DMA                          (0xBF108000)
-/***DMA RX Channel 0 Command Register***/ 
+/***DMA RX Channel 0 Command Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXCCR0                   ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DMA+ 0x0800))
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXCCR0_LBE                              (1 << 31)
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXCCR0_HPEN                            (1 << 30)
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXCCR0_INIT                            (1 << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXCCR0_OFF                              (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXCCR0_HR                              (1 << 0)
-/***DMA RX Channel 1 Command Register***/ 
+/***DMA RX Channel 1 Command Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXCCR1                   ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DMA+ 0x0804))
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXCCR1_LBE                              (1 << 31)
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXCCR1_HPEN                            (1 << 30)
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXCCR1_INIT                            (1 << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXCCR1_OFF                              (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXCCR1_HR                              (1 << 0)
-/***DMA Receive Interrupt Status Register***/ 
+/***DMA Receive Interrupt Status Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXISR                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DMA+ 0x0808))
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXISR_RDERRx (value)             (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXISR_CMDCPTx (value)            (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 6)
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXISR_EOPx (value)               (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 4)
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXISR_CPTx (value)               (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXISR_HLDx (value)               (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***DMA Receive Interrupt Mask Register***/ 
+/***DMA Receive Interrupt Mask Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXIMR                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DMA+ 0x080C))
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXIMR_RDERRx (value)             (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXIMR_CMDCPTx (value)            (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 6)
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXIMR_EOPx (value)               (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 4)
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXIMR_CPTx (value)               (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXIMR_HLDx (value)               (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
 /***DMA First Receive Descriptor Addr. for Rx Channel 0
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXFRDA0                  ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DMA+ 0x0810))
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXFRDA0_RXFRDA (value)             (((( 1 << 28) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
 /***DMA First Receive Descriptor Addr. for Rx Channel 1
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXFRDA1                  ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DMA+ 0x0814))
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXFRDA1_RXFRDA (value)             (((( 1 << 28) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***DMA Receive Channel Polling Time***/ 
+/***DMA Receive Channel Polling Time***/
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXPOLL                   ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DMA+ 0x0818))
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXPOLL_BSZ1 (value)               (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 30)
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXPOLL_BSZ0 (value)               (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 28)
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_RXPOLL_RXPOLLTIME (value)         (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***DMA TX Channel 0 Command Register (Voice Port)***/ 
+/***DMA TX Channel 0 Command Register (Voice Port)***/
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXCCR0                   ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DMA+ 0x0880))
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXCCR0_LBE                              (1 << 31)
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXCCR0_HPEN                            (1 << 30)
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXCCR0_HR                              (1 << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXCCR0_OFF                              (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXCCR0_INIT                            (1 << 0)
-/***DMA TX Channel 1 Command Register (Mangmt Port)***/ 
+/***DMA TX Channel 1 Command Register (Mangmt Port)***/
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXCCR1                   ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DMA+ 0x0884))
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXCCR1_LBE                              (1 << 31)
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXCCR1_HPEN                            (1 << 30)
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXCCR1_HR                              (1 << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXCCR1_OFF                              (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXCCR1_INIT                            (1 << 0)
-/***DMA TX Channel 2 Command Register (SSC Port)***/ 
+/***DMA TX Channel 2 Command Register (SSC Port)***/
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXCCR2                   ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DMA+ 0x0888))
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXCCR2_LBE                              (1 << 31)
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXCCR2_HPEN                            (1 << 30)
@@ -1699,60 +1699,60 @@
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXCCR2_HR                              (1 << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXCCR2_OFF                              (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXCCR2_INIT                            (1 << 0)
 /***DMA First Receive Descriptor Addr. for Tx Channel 0
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXFRDA0                  ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DMA+ 0x08A0))
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXFRDA0_TXFRDA (value)             (((( 1 << 28) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
 /***DMA First Receive Descriptor Addr. for Tx Channel 1
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXFRDA1                  ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DMA+ 0x08A4))
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXFRDA1_TXFRDA (value)             (((( 1 << 28) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
 /***DMA First Receive Descriptor Addr. for Tx Channel 2
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXFRDA2                  ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DMA+ 0x08A8))
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXFRDA2_TXFRDA (value)             (((( 1 << 28) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***DMA Transmit Channel Arbitration Register***/ 
+/***DMA Transmit Channel Arbitration Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXWGT                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DMA+ 0x08C0))
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXWGT_TX2PR (value)              (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 4)
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXWGT_TX1PRI (value)             (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXWGT_TX0PRI (value)             (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***DMA Transmit Channel Polling Time***/ 
+/***DMA Transmit Channel Polling Time***/
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXPOLL                   ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DMA+ 0x08C4))
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXPOLL_BSZ2 (value)               (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 30)
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXPOLL_BSZ1 (value)               (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 28)
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXPOLL_BSZ0 (value)               (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 26)
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXPOLL_TXPOLLTIME (value)         (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***DMA Transmit Interrupt Status Register***/ 
+/***DMA Transmit Interrupt Status Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXISR                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DMA+ 0x08C8))
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXISR_RDERRx (value)             (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 12)
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXISR_HLDx (value)               (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 9)
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXISR_CPTx (value)               (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 6)
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXISR_EOPx (value)               (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 3)
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXISR_CMDCPTx (value)            (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***DMA Transmit Interrupt Mask Register***/ 
+/***DMA Transmit Interrupt Mask Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXIMR                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DMA+ 0x08CC))
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXIMR_RDERRx (value)             (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 12)
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXIMR_HLDx (value)               (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 9)
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXIMR_CPTx (value)               (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 6)
 #define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXIMR_EOPx (value)               (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 3)
-#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXIMR_CMDCPTx (value)            (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 0)		
+#define INCA_IP_DMA_DMA_TXIMR_CMDCPTx (value)            (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
 /*  Module      :  Debug register address and bits                     */
 #define INCA_IP_Debug                        (0xBF106000)
-/***MCD Break Bus Switch Register***/ 
+/***MCD Break Bus Switch Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_Debug_MCD_BBS                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Debug+ 0x0000))
 #define INCA_IP_Debug_MCD_BBS_BTP1                            (1 << 19)
 #define INCA_IP_Debug_MCD_BBS_BTP0                            (1 << 18)
@@ -1766,48 +1766,48 @@
 #define INCA_IP_Debug_MCD_BBS_BS4EN                          (1 << 6)
 #define INCA_IP_Debug_MCD_BBS_BS5                              (1 << 5)
 #define INCA_IP_Debug_MCD_BBS_BS4                              (1 << 4)
-/***MCD Multiplexer Control Register***/ 
+/***MCD Multiplexer Control Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_Debug_MCD_MCR                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Debug+ 0x0008))
 #define INCA_IP_Debug_MCD_MCR_MUX5                            (1 << 4)
 #define INCA_IP_Debug_MCD_MCR_MUX4                            (1 << 3)
-#define INCA_IP_Debug_MCD_MCR_MUX1                            (1 << 0)		
+#define INCA_IP_Debug_MCD_MCR_MUX1                            (1 << 0)
 /*  Module      :  TSF register address and bits                       */
 #define INCA_IP_TSF                          (0xB8000900)
-/***TSF Configuration Register (0000H)***/ 
+/***TSF Configuration Register (0000H)***/
 #define INCA_IP_TSF_TSF_CONF                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_TSF+ 0x0000))
 #define INCA_IP_TSF_TSF_CONF_PWMEN                          (1 << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_TSF_TSF_CONF_LEDEN                          (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_TSF_TSF_CONF_KEYEN                          (1 << 0)
-/***Key scan Configuration Register (0004H)***/ 
+/***Key scan Configuration Register (0004H)***/
 #define INCA_IP_TSF_KEY_CONF                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_TSF+ 0x0004))
 #define INCA_IP_TSF_KEY_CONF_SL (value)                (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Scan Register Line 0 and 1 (0008H)***/ 
+/***Scan Register Line 0 and 1 (0008H)***/
 #define INCA_IP_TSF_SREG01                       ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_TSF+ 0x0008))
 #define INCA_IP_TSF_SREG01_RES1x (value)              (((( 1 << 12) - 1) & (value)) << 16)
 #define INCA_IP_TSF_SREG01_RES0x (value)              (((( 1 << 13) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Scan Register Line 2 and 3 (000CH)***/ 
+/***Scan Register Line 2 and 3 (000CH)***/
 #define INCA_IP_TSF_SREG23                       ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_TSF+ 0x000C))
 #define INCA_IP_TSF_SREG23_RES3x (value)              (((( 1 << 10) - 1) & (value)) << 16)
 #define INCA_IP_TSF_SREG23_RES2x (value)              (((( 1 << 11) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Scan Register Line 4, 5 and 6 (0010H)***/ 
+/***Scan Register Line 4, 5 and 6 (0010H)***/
 #define INCA_IP_TSF_SREG456                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_TSF+ 0x0010))
 #define INCA_IP_TSF_SREG456_RES6x (value)              (((( 1 << 7) - 1) & (value)) << 24)
 #define INCA_IP_TSF_SREG456_RES5x (value)              (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 16)
 #define INCA_IP_TSF_SREG456_RES4x (value)              (((( 1 << 9) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Scan Register Line 7 to 12 (0014H)***/ 
+/***Scan Register Line 7 to 12 (0014H)***/
 #define INCA_IP_TSF_SREG7to12                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_TSF+ 0x0014))
 #define INCA_IP_TSF_SREG7to12_RES12x                        (1 << 28)
 #define INCA_IP_TSF_SREG7to12_RES11x (value)             (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 24)
@@ -1815,8 +1815,8 @@
 #define INCA_IP_TSF_SREG7to12_RES9x (value)              (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 16)
 #define INCA_IP_TSF_SREG7to12_RES8x (value)              (((( 1 << 5) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
 #define INCA_IP_TSF_SREG7to12_RES7x (value)              (((( 1 << 6) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***LEDMUX Configuration Register (0018H)***/ 
+/***LEDMUX Configuration Register (0018H)***/
 #define INCA_IP_TSF_LEDMUX_CONF                  ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_TSF+ 0x0018))
 #define INCA_IP_TSF_LEDMUX_CONF_ETL1                            (1 << 25)
 #define INCA_IP_TSF_LEDMUX_CONF_ESTA1                          (1 << 24)
@@ -1830,194 +1830,194 @@
 #define INCA_IP_TSF_LEDMUX_CONF_ESPD0                          (1 << 16)
 #define INCA_IP_TSF_LEDMUX_CONF_INV                              (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_TSF_LEDMUX_CONF_NCOL                            (1 << 0)
-/***LED Register (001CH)***/ 
+/***LED Register (001CH)***/
 #define INCA_IP_TSF_LED_REG                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_TSF+ 0x001C))
 #define INCA_IP_TSF_LED_REG_Lxy (value)                (((( 1 << 24) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Pulse Width Modulator 1 and 2 Register (0020H)***/ 
+/***Pulse Width Modulator 1 and 2 Register (0020H)***/
 #define INCA_IP_TSF_PWM12                        ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_TSF+ 0x0020))
-#define INCA_IP_TSF_PWM12_PW2PW1 (value)             (((( 1 << NaN) - 1) & (value)) << NaN)		
+#define INCA_IP_TSF_PWM12_PW2PW1 (value)             (((( 1 << NaN) - 1) & (value)) << NaN)
 /*  Module      :  Ports register address and bits                     */
 #define INCA_IP_Ports                        (0xB8000A00)
-/***Port 1 Data Output Register (0020H)***/ 
+/***Port 1 Data Output Register (0020H)***/
 #define INCA_IP_Ports_P1_OUT                       ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Ports+ 0x0020))
 #define INCA_IP_Ports_P1_OUT_P(value)               (1 << value)
-/***Port 2 Data Output Register (0040H)***/ 
+/***Port 2 Data Output Register (0040H)***/
 #define INCA_IP_Ports_P2_OUT                       ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Ports+ 0x0040))
 #define INCA_IP_Ports_P2_OUT_P(value)               (1 << value)
-/***Port 1 Data Input Register (0024H)***/ 
+/***Port 1 Data Input Register (0024H)***/
 #define INCA_IP_Ports_P1_IN                        ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Ports+ 0x0024))
 #define INCA_IP_Ports_P1_IN_P(value)               (1 << value)
-/***Port 2 Data Input Register (0044H)***/ 
+/***Port 2 Data Input Register (0044H)***/
 #define INCA_IP_Ports_P2_IN                        ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Ports+ 0x0044))
 #define INCA_IP_Ports_P2_IN_P(value)               (1 << value)
-/***Port 1 Direction Register (0028H)***/ 
+/***Port 1 Direction Register (0028H)***/
 #define INCA_IP_Ports_P1_DIR                       ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Ports+ 0x0028))
 #define INCA_IP_Ports_P1_DIR_Port1P(value)         (1 << value)
 #define INCA_IP_Ports_P1_DIR_Port2Pn (value)          (((( 1 << 16) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***Port 2 Direction Register (0048H)***/ 
+/***Port 2 Direction Register (0048H)***/
 #define INCA_IP_Ports_P2_DIR                       ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Ports+ 0x0048))
 #define INCA_IP_Ports_P2_DIR_Port1P(value)         (1 << value)
 #define INCA_IP_Ports_P2_DIR_Port2Pn (value)          (((( 1 << 16) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
 /***Port 0 Alternate Function Select Register 0 (000C H)
 #define INCA_IP_Ports_P0_ALTSEL                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Ports+ 0x000C))
 #define INCA_IP_Ports_P0_ALTSEL_Port0P(value)         (1 << value)
 /***Port 1 Alternate Function Select Register 0 (002C H)
 #define INCA_IP_Ports_P1_ALTSEL                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Ports+ 0x002C))
 #define INCA_IP_Ports_P1_ALTSEL_Port1P(value)         (1 << value)
 #define INCA_IP_Ports_P1_ALTSEL_Port2P(value)         (1 << value)
 /***Port 2 Alternate Function Select Register 0 (004C H)
 #define INCA_IP_Ports_P2_ALTSEL                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Ports+ 0x004C))
 #define INCA_IP_Ports_P2_ALTSEL_Port1P(value)         (1 << value)
 #define INCA_IP_Ports_P2_ALTSEL_Port2P(value)         (1 << value)
 /***Port 0 Input Schmitt-Trigger Off Register (0010 H)
 #define INCA_IP_Ports_P0_STOFF                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Ports+ 0x0010))
 #define INCA_IP_Ports_P0_STOFF_Port0P(value)         (1 << value)
 /***Port 1 Input Schmitt-Trigger Off Register (0030 H)
 #define INCA_IP_Ports_P1_STOFF                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Ports+ 0x0030))
 #define INCA_IP_Ports_P1_STOFF_Port1P(value)         (1 << value)
 #define INCA_IP_Ports_P1_STOFF_Port2P(value)         (1 << value)
 /***Port 2 Input Schmitt-Trigger Off Register (0050 H)
 #define INCA_IP_Ports_P2_STOFF                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Ports+ 0x0050))
 #define INCA_IP_Ports_P2_STOFF_Port1P(value)         (1 << value)
 #define INCA_IP_Ports_P2_STOFF_Port2P(value)         (1 << value)
-/***Port 2 Open Drain Control Register (0054H)***/ 
+/***Port 2 Open Drain Control Register (0054H)***/
 #define INCA_IP_Ports_P2_OD                        ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Ports+ 0x0054))
 #define INCA_IP_Ports_P2_OD_Port2P(value)         (1 << value)
-/***Port 0 Pull Up Device Enable Register (0018 H)***/ 
+/***Port 0 Pull Up Device Enable Register (0018 H)***/
 #define INCA_IP_Ports_P0_PUDEN                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Ports+ 0x0018))
 #define INCA_IP_Ports_P0_PUDEN_Port0P(value)         (1 << value)
-/***Port 2 Pull Up Device Enable Register (0058 H)***/ 
+/***Port 2 Pull Up Device Enable Register (0058 H)***/
 #define INCA_IP_Ports_P2_PUDEN                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Ports+ 0x0058))
 #define INCA_IP_Ports_P2_PUDEN_Port2P(value)         (1 << value)
 #define INCA_IP_Ports_P2_PUDEN_Port2P(value)         (1 << value)
-/***Port 0 Pull Up/Pull Down Select Register (001C H)***/ 
+/***Port 0 Pull Up/Pull Down Select Register (001C H)***/
 #define INCA_IP_Ports_P0_PUDSEL                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Ports+ 0x001C))
 #define INCA_IP_Ports_P0_PUDSEL_Port0P(value)         (1 << value)
-/***Port 2 Pull Up/Pull Down Select Register (005C H)***/ 
+/***Port 2 Pull Up/Pull Down Select Register (005C H)***/
 #define INCA_IP_Ports_P2_PUDSEL                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_Ports+ 0x005C))
 #define INCA_IP_Ports_P2_PUDSEL_Port2P(value)         (1 << value)
 #define INCA_IP_Ports_P2_PUDSEL_Port2P(value)         (1 << value)
 /*  Module      :  DES/3DES register address and bits                 */
 #define INCA_IP_DES_3DES                    (0xB8000800)
-/***DES Input Data High Register***/ 
+/***DES Input Data High Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_IHR                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DES_3DES+ 0x0000))
 #define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_IHR_IH(value)               (1 << value)
-/***DES Input Data Low Register***/ 
+/***DES Input Data Low Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_ILR                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DES_3DES+ 0x0004))
 #define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_ILR_IL(value)               (1 << value)
-/***DES Key #1 High Register***/ 
+/***DES Key #1 High Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_K1HR                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DES_3DES+ 0x0008))
 #define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_K1HR_K1H(value)              (1 << value)
-/***DES Key #1 Low Register***/ 
+/***DES Key #1 Low Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_K1LR                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DES_3DES+ 0x000C))
 #define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_K1LR_K1L(value)              (1 << value)
-/***DES Key #2 High Register***/ 
+/***DES Key #2 High Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_K2HR                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DES_3DES+ 0x0010))
 #define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_K2HR_K2H(value)              (1 << value)
-/***DES Key #2 Low Register***/ 
+/***DES Key #2 Low Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_K2LR                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DES_3DES+ 0x0014))
 #define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_K2LR_K2L(value)              (1 << value)
-/***DES Key #3 High Register***/ 
+/***DES Key #3 High Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_K3HR                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DES_3DES+ 0x0018))
 #define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_K3HR_K3H(value)              (1 << value)
-/***DES Key #3 Low Register***/ 
+/***DES Key #3 Low Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_K3LR                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DES_3DES+ 0x001C))
 #define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_K3LR_K3L(value)              (1 << value)
-/***DES Initialization Vector High Register***/ 
+/***DES Initialization Vector High Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_IVHR                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DES_3DES+ 0x0020))
 #define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_IVHR_IVH(value)              (1 << value)
-/***DES Initialization Vector Low Register***/ 
+/***DES Initialization Vector Low Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_IVLR                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DES_3DES+ 0x0024))
 #define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_IVLR_IVL(value)              (1 << value)
-/***DES Control Register***/ 
+/***DES Control Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_CONTROLR                 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DES_3DES+ 0x0028))
 #define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_CONTROLR_KRE                              (1 << 31)
 #define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_CONTROLR_DAU                              (1 << 16)
 #define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_CONTROLR_F(value)               (1 << value)
 #define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_CONTROLR_O(value)               (1 << value)
 #define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_CONTROLR_GO                              (1 << 8)
 #define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_CONTROLR_STP                              (1 << 7)
 #define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_CONTROLR_IEN                              (1 << 6)
@@ -2025,134 +2025,134 @@
 #define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_CONTROLR_SM                              (1 << 4)
 #define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_CONTROLR_E_D                              (1 << 3)
 #define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_CONTROLR_M(value)               (1 << value)
-/***DES Output Data High Register***/ 
+/***DES Output Data High Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_OHR                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DES_3DES+ 0x002C))
 #define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_OHR_OH(value)               (1 << value)
-/***DES Output Data Low Register***/ 
+/***DES Output Data Low Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_OLR                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_DES_3DES+ 0x0030))
 #define INCA_IP_DES_3DES_DES_OLR_OL(value)               (1 << value)
 /*  Module      :  AES register address and bits                       */
 #define INCA_IP_AES                          (0xB8000880)
-/***AES Input Data 3 Register***/ 
+/***AES Input Data 3 Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_ID3R                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_AES+ 0x0000))
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_ID3R_I(value)               (1 << value)
-/***AES Input Data 2 Register***/ 
+/***AES Input Data 2 Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_ID2R                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_AES+ 0x0000))
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_ID2R_I(value)               (1 << value)
-/***AES Input Data 1 Register***/ 
+/***AES Input Data 1 Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_ID1R                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_AES+ 0x0000))
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_ID1R_I(value)               (1 << value)
-/***AES Input Data 0 Register***/ 
+/***AES Input Data 0 Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_ID0R                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_AES+ 0x0000))
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_ID0R_I(value)               (1 << value)
-/***AES Output Data 3 Register***/ 
+/***AES Output Data 3 Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_OD3R                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_AES+ 0x0000))
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_OD3R_O(value)               (1 << value)
-/***AES Output Data 2 Register***/ 
+/***AES Output Data 2 Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_OD2R                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_AES+ 0x0000))
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_OD2R_O(value)               (1 << value)
-/***AES Output Data 1 Register***/ 
+/***AES Output Data 1 Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_OD1R                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_AES+ 0x0000))
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_OD1R_O(value)               (1 << value)
-/***AES Output Data 0 Register***/ 
+/***AES Output Data 0 Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_OD0R                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_AES+ 0x0000))
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_OD0R_O(value)               (1 << value)
-/***AES Key 7 Register***/ 
+/***AES Key 7 Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_K7R                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_AES+ 0x0000))
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_K7R_K(value)               (1 << value)
-/***AES Key 6 Register***/ 
+/***AES Key 6 Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_K6R                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_AES+ 0x0000))
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_K6R_K(value)               (1 << value)
-/***AES Key 5 Register***/ 
+/***AES Key 5 Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_K5R                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_AES+ 0x0000))
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_K5R_K(value)               (1 << value)
-/***AES Key 4 Register***/ 
+/***AES Key 4 Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_K4R                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_AES+ 0x0000))
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_K4R_K(value)               (1 << value)
-/***AES Key 3 Register***/ 
+/***AES Key 3 Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_K3R                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_AES+ 0x0000))
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_K3R_K(value)               (1 << value)
-/***AES Key 2 Register***/ 
+/***AES Key 2 Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_K2R                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_AES+ 0x0000))
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_K2R_K(value)               (1 << value)
-/***AES Key 1 Register***/ 
+/***AES Key 1 Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_K1R                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_AES+ 0x0000))
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_K1R_K(value)               (1 << value)
-/***AES Key 0 Register***/ 
+/***AES Key 0 Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_K0R                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_AES+ 0x0000))
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_K0R_K(value)               (1 << value)
-/***AES Initialization Vector 3 Register***/ 
+/***AES Initialization Vector 3 Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_IV3R                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_AES+ 0x0000))
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_IV3R_IV(value)               (1 << value)
-/***AES Initialization Vector 2 Register***/ 
+/***AES Initialization Vector 2 Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_IV2R                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_AES+ 0x0000))
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_IV2R_IV(value)               (1 << value)
-/***AES Initialization Vector 1 Register***/ 
+/***AES Initialization Vector 1 Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_IV1R                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_AES+ 0x0000))
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_IV1R_IV(value)               (1 << value)
-/***AES Initialization Vector 0 Register***/ 
+/***AES Initialization Vector 0 Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_IV0R                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_AES+ 0x0000))
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_IV0R_IV (value)                (((( 1 << 32) - 1) &(value)) << 0)
-/***AES Control Register***/ 
+/***AES Control Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_CONTROLR                 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_AES+ 0x0000))
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_CONTROLR_KRE                              (1 << 31)
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_CONTROLR_DAU                              (1 << 16)
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_CONTROLR_PNK                              (1 << 15)
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_CONTROLR_F(value)               (1 << value)
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_CONTROLR_O(value)               (1 << value)
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_CONTROLR_GO                              (1 << 8)
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_CONTROLR_STP                              (1 << 7)
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_CONTROLR_IEN                              (1 << 6)
@@ -2161,30 +2161,30 @@
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_CONTROLR_E_D                              (1 << 3)
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_CONTROLR_KV                              (1 << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_AES_AES_CONTROLR_K(value)               (1 << value)
 /*  Module      :  I²C register address and bits                       */
 #define INCA_IP_IIC                          (0xB8000700)
-/***I²C Port Input Select Register***/ 
+/***I²C Port Input Select Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_PISEL                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IIC+ 0x0004))
 #define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_PISEL_SDAIS(value)            (1 << value)
 #define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_PISEL_SCLIS(value)            (1 << value)
-/***I²C Clock Control Register***/ 
+/***I²C Clock Control Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_CLC                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IIC+ 0x0000))
 #define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_CLC_RMC (value)                (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
 #define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_CLC_DISS                            (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_CLC_DISR                            (1 << 0)
-/***I²C System Control Register***/ 
+/***I²C System Control Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_0                 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IIC+ 0x0010))
 #define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_0_WMEN                            (1 << 31)
 #define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_0_CI (value)                (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 26)
@@ -2207,8 +2207,8 @@
 #define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_0_SLA                              (1 << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_0_AL                              (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_0_ADR                              (1 << 0)
-/***I²C System Control Register***/ 
+/***I²C System Control Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_1                 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IIC+ 0x0010))
 #define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_1_RM (value)                (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 24)
 #define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_1_TRX                              (1 << 23)
@@ -2228,8 +2228,8 @@
 #define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_1_SLA                              (1 << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_1_AL                              (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_1_ADR                              (1 << 0)
-/***I²C System Control Register***/ 
+/***I²C System Control Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_2                 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IIC+ 0x0010))
 #define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_2_WMEN                            (1 << 31)
 #define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_2_CI (value)                (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 26)
@@ -2251,7 +2251,7 @@
 #define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_2_SLA                              (1 << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_2_AL                              (1 << 1)
 #define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_SYSCON_2_ADR                              (1 << 0)
 /***I²C Write Hardware Modified System Control Register
 #define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_WHBSYSCON                 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IIC+ 0x0020))
@@ -2277,161 +2277,161 @@
 #define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_WHBSYSCON_CLRIRQD                      (1 << 5)
 #define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_WHBSYSCON_SETAL                          (1 << 2)
 #define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_WHBSYSCON_CLRAL                          (1 << 1)
-/***I²C Bus Control Register***/ 
+/***I²C Bus Control Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_BUSCON_0                 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IIC+ 0x0014))
 #define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_BUSCON_0_BRPMOD                        (1 << 31)
 #define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_BUSCON_0_PREDIV (value)             (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 29)
 #define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_BUSCON_0_ICA9_0 (value)             (((( 1 << 10) - 1) & (value)) << 16)
 #define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_BUSCON_0_BRP (value)                (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
 #define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_BUSCON_0_SCLEN(value)            (1 << value)
 #define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_BUSCON_0_SDAEN(value)            (1 << value)
-/***I²C Bus Control Register***/ 
+/***I²C Bus Control Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_BUSCON_1                 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IIC+ 0x0014))
 #define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_BUSCON_1_BRPMOD                        (1 << 31)
 #define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_BUSCON_1_PREDIV (value)             (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 29)
 #define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_BUSCON_1_ICA7_1 (value)             (((( 1 << 7) - 1) & (value)) << 17)
 #define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_BUSCON_1_BRP (value)                (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
 #define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_BUSCON_1_SCLEN(value)            (1 << value)
 #define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_BUSCON_1_SDAEN(value)            (1 << value)
-/***I²C Receive Transmit Buffer***/ 
+/***I²C Receive Transmit Buffer***/
 #define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_RTB                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_IIC+ 0x0018))
 #define INCA_IP_IIC_IIC_RTB_RTB(value)              (1 << value)
 /*  Module      :  FB register address and bits                       */
 #define INCA_IP_FB                          (0xBF880000)
-/***FB Access Error Cause Register***/ 
+/***FB Access Error Cause Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_FB_FB_ERRCAUSE                  ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_FB+ 0x0100))
 #define INCA_IP_FB_FB_ERRCAUSE_ERR                              (1 << 31)
 #define INCA_IP_FB_FB_ERRCAUSE_PORT (value)               (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 16)
 #define INCA_IP_FB_FB_ERRCAUSE_CAUSE (value)              (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***FB Access Error Address Register***/ 
+/***FB Access Error Address Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_FB_FB_ERRADDR                   ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_FB+ 0x0108))
-/***FB Configuration Register***/ 
+/***FB Configuration Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_FB_FB_CFG                       ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_FB+ 0x0800))
-#define INCA_IP_FB_FB_CFG_SVM                              (1 << 0)		
+#define INCA_IP_FB_FB_CFG_SVM                              (1 << 0)
 /*  Module      :  SRAM register address and bits                      */
 #define INCA_IP_SRAM                         (0xBF980000)
-/***SRAM Size Register***/ 
+/***SRAM Size Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_SRAM_SRAM_SIZE                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_SRAM+ 0x0800))
-#define INCA_IP_SRAM_SRAM_SIZE_SIZE (value)               (((( 1 << 23) - 1) & (value)) << 0)		
+#define INCA_IP_SRAM_SRAM_SIZE_SIZE (value)               (((( 1 << 23) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
 /*  Module      :  BIU register address and bits                       */
 #define INCA_IP_BIU                          (0xBFA80000)
-/***BIU Identification Register***/ 
+/***BIU Identification Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_BIU_BIU_ID                       ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_BIU+ 0x0000))
 #define INCA_IP_BIU_BIU_ID_ARCH                            (1 << 16)
 #define INCA_IP_BIU_BIU_ID_ID (value)                (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 8)
 #define INCA_IP_BIU_BIU_ID_REV (value)                (((( 1 << 8) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***BIU Access Error Cause Register***/ 
+/***BIU Access Error Cause Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_BIU_BIU_ERRCAUSE                 ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_BIU+ 0x0100))
 #define INCA_IP_BIU_BIU_ERRCAUSE_ERR                              (1 << 31)
 #define INCA_IP_BIU_BIU_ERRCAUSE_PORT (value)               (((( 1 << 4) - 1) & (value)) << 16)
 #define INCA_IP_BIU_BIU_ERRCAUSE_CAUSE (value)              (((( 1 << 2) - 1) & (value)) << 0)
-/***BIU Access Error Address Register***/ 
+/***BIU Access Error Address Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_BIU_BIU_ERRADDR                  ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_BIU+ 0x0108))
 /*  Module      :  ICU register address and bits                       */
 #define INCA_IP_ICU                          (0xBF101000)
-/***IM0 Interrupt Status Register***/ 
+/***IM0 Interrupt Status Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_ICU_IM0_ISR                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ICU+ 0x0000))
 #define INCA_IP_ICU_IM0_ISR_IR(value)               (1 << value)
-/***IM1 Interrupt Status Register***/ 
+/***IM1 Interrupt Status Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_ICU_IM1_ISR                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ICU+ 0x0200))
 #define INCA_IP_ICU_IM1_ISR_IR(value)               (1 << value)
-/***IM2 Interrupt Status Register***/ 
+/***IM2 Interrupt Status Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_ICU_IM2_ISR                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ICU+ 0x0400))
 #define INCA_IP_ICU_IM2_ISR_IR(value)               (1 << value)
-/***IM0 Interrupt Enable Register***/ 
+/***IM0 Interrupt Enable Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_ICU_IM0_IER                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ICU+ 0x0008))
 #define INCA_IP_ICU_IM0_IER_IR(value)               (1 << value)
-/***IM1 Interrupt Enable Register***/ 
+/***IM1 Interrupt Enable Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_ICU_IM1_IER                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ICU+ 0x0208))
 #define INCA_IP_ICU_IM1_IER_IR(value)               (1 << value)
-/***IM2 Interrupt Enable Register***/ 
+/***IM2 Interrupt Enable Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_ICU_IM2_IER                      ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ICU+ 0x0408))
 #define INCA_IP_ICU_IM2_IER_IR(value)               (1 << value)
-/***IM0 Interrupt Output Status Register***/ 
+/***IM0 Interrupt Output Status Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_ICU_IM0_IOSR                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ICU+ 0x0010))
 #define INCA_IP_ICU_IM0_IOSR_IR(value)               (1 << value)
-/***IM1 Interrupt Output Status Register***/ 
+/***IM1 Interrupt Output Status Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_ICU_IM1_IOSR                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ICU+ 0x0210))
 #define INCA_IP_ICU_IM1_IOSR_IR(value)               (1 << value)
-/***IM2 Interrupt Output Status Register***/ 
+/***IM2 Interrupt Output Status Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_ICU_IM2_IOSR                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ICU+ 0x0410))
 #define INCA_IP_ICU_IM2_IOSR_IR(value)               (1 << value)
-/***IM0 Interrupt Request Set Register***/ 
+/***IM0 Interrupt Request Set Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_ICU_IM0_IRSR                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ICU+ 0x0018))
 #define INCA_IP_ICU_IM0_IRSR_IR(value)               (1 << value)
-/***IM1 Interrupt Request Set Register***/ 
+/***IM1 Interrupt Request Set Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_ICU_IM1_IRSR                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ICU+ 0x0218))
 #define INCA_IP_ICU_IM1_IRSR_IR(value)               (1 << value)
-/***IM2 Interrupt Request Set Register***/ 
+/***IM2 Interrupt Request Set Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_ICU_IM2_IRSR                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ICU+ 0x0418))
 #define INCA_IP_ICU_IM2_IRSR_IR(value)               (1 << value)
-/***External Interrupt Control Register***/ 
+/***External Interrupt Control Register***/
 #define INCA_IP_ICU_ICU_EICR                    ((volatile u32*)(INCA_IP_ICU+ 0x0B00))
 #define INCA_IP_ICU_ICU_EICR_EII5 (value)               (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 20)
 #define INCA_IP_ICU_ICU_EICR_EII4 (value)               (((( 1 << 3) - 1) & (value)) << 16)