Squashed 'dts/upstream/' content from commit aaba2d45dc2a

git-subtree-dir: dts/upstream
git-subtree-split: aaba2d45dc2a1b3bbb710f2a3808ee1c9f340abe
diff --git a/src/arm64/mediatek/mt8365-evk.dts b/src/arm64/mediatek/mt8365-evk.dts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50cbaef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/arm64/mediatek/mt8365-evk.dts
@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+ * Copyright (c) 2021-2022 BayLibre, SAS.
+ * Authors:
+ * Fabien Parent <fparent@baylibre.com>
+ * Bernhard Rosenkränzer <bero@baylibre.com>
+ */
+#include <dt-bindings/gpio/gpio.h>
+#include <dt-bindings/input/input.h>
+#include <dt-bindings/pinctrl/mt8365-pinfunc.h>
+#include "mt8365.dtsi"
+#include "mt6357.dtsi"
+/ {
+	model = "MediaTek MT8365 Open Platform EVK";
+	compatible = "mediatek,mt8365-evk", "mediatek,mt8365";
+	aliases {
+		serial0 = &uart0;
+	};
+	chosen {
+		stdout-path = "serial0:921600n8";
+	};
+	firmware {
+		optee {
+			compatible = "linaro,optee-tz";
+			method = "smc";
+		};
+	};
+	gpio-keys {
+		compatible = "gpio-keys";
+		pinctrl-names = "default";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&gpio_keys>;
+		key-volume-up {
+			gpios = <&pio 24 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
+			label = "volume_up";
+			linux,code = <KEY_VOLUMEUP>;
+			wakeup-source;
+			debounce-interval = <15>;
+		};
+	};
+	memory@40000000 {
+		device_type = "memory";
+		reg = <0 0x40000000 0 0xc0000000>;
+	};
+	usb_otg_vbus: regulator-0 {
+		compatible = "regulator-fixed";
+		regulator-name = "otg_vbus";
+		regulator-min-microvolt = <5000000>;
+		regulator-max-microvolt = <5000000>;
+		gpio = <&pio 16 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+		enable-active-high;
+	};
+	reserved-memory {
+		#address-cells = <2>;
+		#size-cells = <2>;
+		ranges;
+		/* 192 KiB reserved for ARM Trusted Firmware (BL31) */
+		bl31_secmon_reserved: secmon@43000000 {
+			no-map;
+			reg = <0 0x43000000 0 0x30000>;
+		};
+		/* 12 MiB reserved for OP-TEE (BL32)
+		 * +-----------------------+ 0x43e0_0000
+		 * |      SHMEM 2MiB       |
+		 * +-----------------------+ 0x43c0_0000
+		 * |        | TA_RAM  8MiB |
+		 * + TZDRAM +--------------+ 0x4340_0000
+		 * |        | TEE_RAM 2MiB |
+		 * +-----------------------+ 0x4320_0000
+		 */
+		optee_reserved: optee@43200000 {
+			no-map;
+			reg = <0 0x43200000 0 0x00c00000>;
+		};
+	};
+&cpu0 {
+	proc-supply = <&mt6357_vproc_reg>;
+	sram-supply = <&mt6357_vsram_proc_reg>;
+&cpu1 {
+	proc-supply = <&mt6357_vproc_reg>;
+	sram-supply = <&mt6357_vsram_proc_reg>;
+&cpu2 {
+	proc-supply = <&mt6357_vproc_reg>;
+	sram-supply = <&mt6357_vsram_proc_reg>;
+&cpu3 {
+	proc-supply = <&mt6357_vproc_reg>;
+	sram-supply = <&mt6357_vsram_proc_reg>;
+&ethernet {
+	pinctrl-0 = <&ethernet_pins>;
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	phy-handle = <&eth_phy>;
+	phy-mode = "rmii";
+	/*
+	 * Ethernet and HDMI (DSI0) are sharing pins.
+	 * Only one can be enabled at a time and require the physical switch
+	 * SW2101 to be set on LAN position
+	 * mt6357_vibr_reg and mt6357_vsim2_reg are needed to supply ethernet
+	 */
+	status = "disabled";
+	mdio {
+		#address-cells = <1>;
+		#size-cells = <0>;
+		eth_phy: ethernet-phy@0 {
+			reg = <0>;
+		};
+	};
+&i2c0 {
+	clock-frequency = <100000>;
+	pinctrl-0 = <&i2c0_pins>;
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	status = "okay";
+&mmc0 {
+	assigned-clock-parents = <&topckgen CLK_TOP_MSDCPLL>;
+	assigned-clocks = <&topckgen CLK_TOP_MSDC50_0_SEL>;
+	bus-width = <8>;
+	cap-mmc-highspeed;
+	cap-mmc-hw-reset;
+	hs400-ds-delay = <0x12012>;
+	max-frequency = <200000000>;
+	mmc-hs200-1_8v;
+	mmc-hs400-1_8v;
+	no-sd;
+	no-sdio;
+	non-removable;
+	pinctrl-0 = <&mmc0_default_pins>;
+	pinctrl-1 = <&mmc0_uhs_pins>;
+	pinctrl-names = "default", "state_uhs";
+	vmmc-supply = <&mt6357_vemc_reg>;
+	vqmmc-supply = <&mt6357_vio18_reg>;
+	status = "okay";
+&mmc1 {
+	bus-width = <4>;
+	cap-sd-highspeed;
+	cd-gpios = <&pio 76 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;
+	max-frequency = <200000000>;
+	pinctrl-0 = <&mmc1_default_pins>;
+	pinctrl-1 = <&mmc1_uhs_pins>;
+	pinctrl-names = "default", "state_uhs";
+	sd-uhs-sdr104;
+	sd-uhs-sdr50;
+	vmmc-supply = <&mt6357_vmch_reg>;
+	vqmmc-supply = <&mt6357_vmc_reg>;
+	status = "okay";
+&mt6357_pmic {
+	interrupts-extended = <&pio 145 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
+	interrupt-controller;
+	#interrupt-cells = <2>;
+&pio {
+	ethernet_pins: ethernet-pins {
+		phy_reset_pins {
+			pinmux = <MT8365_PIN_133_TDM_TX_DATA1__FUNC_GPIO133>;
+		};
+		rmii_pins {
+			pinmux = <MT8365_PIN_0_GPIO0__FUNC_EXT_TXD0>,
+				 <MT8365_PIN_1_GPIO1__FUNC_EXT_TXD1>,
+				 <MT8365_PIN_2_GPIO2__FUNC_EXT_TXD2>,
+				 <MT8365_PIN_3_GPIO3__FUNC_EXT_TXD3>,
+				 <MT8365_PIN_4_GPIO4__FUNC_EXT_TXC>,
+				 <MT8365_PIN_5_GPIO5__FUNC_EXT_RXER>,
+				 <MT8365_PIN_6_GPIO6__FUNC_EXT_RXC>,
+				 <MT8365_PIN_7_GPIO7__FUNC_EXT_RXDV>,
+				 <MT8365_PIN_8_GPIO8__FUNC_EXT_RXD0>,
+				 <MT8365_PIN_9_GPIO9__FUNC_EXT_RXD1>,
+				 <MT8365_PIN_10_GPIO10__FUNC_EXT_RXD2>,
+				 <MT8365_PIN_11_GPIO11__FUNC_EXT_RXD3>,
+				 <MT8365_PIN_12_GPIO12__FUNC_EXT_TXEN>,
+				 <MT8365_PIN_13_GPIO13__FUNC_EXT_COL>,
+				 <MT8365_PIN_14_GPIO14__FUNC_EXT_MDIO>,
+				 <MT8365_PIN_15_GPIO15__FUNC_EXT_MDC>;
+		};
+	};
+	gpio_keys: gpio-keys-pins {
+		pins {
+			pinmux = <MT8365_PIN_24_KPCOL0__FUNC_KPCOL0>;
+			bias-pull-up;
+			input-enable;
+		};
+	};
+	i2c0_pins: i2c0-pins {
+		pins {
+			pinmux = <MT8365_PIN_57_SDA0__FUNC_SDA0_0>,
+				 <MT8365_PIN_58_SCL0__FUNC_SCL0_0>;
+			bias-pull-up;
+		};
+	};
+	mmc0_default_pins: mmc0-default-pins {
+		clk-pins {
+			pinmux = <MT8365_PIN_99_MSDC0_CLK__FUNC_MSDC0_CLK>;
+			bias-pull-down;
+		};
+		cmd-dat-pins {
+			pinmux = <MT8365_PIN_103_MSDC0_DAT0__FUNC_MSDC0_DAT0>,
+				 <MT8365_PIN_102_MSDC0_DAT1__FUNC_MSDC0_DAT1>,
+				 <MT8365_PIN_101_MSDC0_DAT2__FUNC_MSDC0_DAT2>,
+				 <MT8365_PIN_100_MSDC0_DAT3__FUNC_MSDC0_DAT3>,
+				 <MT8365_PIN_96_MSDC0_DAT4__FUNC_MSDC0_DAT4>,
+				 <MT8365_PIN_95_MSDC0_DAT5__FUNC_MSDC0_DAT5>,
+				 <MT8365_PIN_94_MSDC0_DAT6__FUNC_MSDC0_DAT6>,
+				 <MT8365_PIN_93_MSDC0_DAT7__FUNC_MSDC0_DAT7>,
+				 <MT8365_PIN_98_MSDC0_CMD__FUNC_MSDC0_CMD>;
+			input-enable;
+			bias-pull-up;
+		};
+		rst-pins {
+			pinmux = <MT8365_PIN_97_MSDC0_RSTB__FUNC_MSDC0_RSTB>;
+			bias-pull-up;
+		};
+	};
+	mmc0_uhs_pins: mmc0-uhs-pins {
+		clk-pins {
+			pinmux = <MT8365_PIN_99_MSDC0_CLK__FUNC_MSDC0_CLK>;
+			drive-strength = <MTK_DRIVE_10mA>;
+			bias-pull-down = <MTK_PUPD_SET_R1R0_10>;
+		};
+		cmd-dat-pins {
+			pinmux = <MT8365_PIN_103_MSDC0_DAT0__FUNC_MSDC0_DAT0>,
+				 <MT8365_PIN_102_MSDC0_DAT1__FUNC_MSDC0_DAT1>,
+				 <MT8365_PIN_101_MSDC0_DAT2__FUNC_MSDC0_DAT2>,
+				 <MT8365_PIN_100_MSDC0_DAT3__FUNC_MSDC0_DAT3>,
+				 <MT8365_PIN_96_MSDC0_DAT4__FUNC_MSDC0_DAT4>,
+				 <MT8365_PIN_95_MSDC0_DAT5__FUNC_MSDC0_DAT5>,
+				 <MT8365_PIN_94_MSDC0_DAT6__FUNC_MSDC0_DAT6>,
+				 <MT8365_PIN_93_MSDC0_DAT7__FUNC_MSDC0_DAT7>,
+				 <MT8365_PIN_98_MSDC0_CMD__FUNC_MSDC0_CMD>;
+			input-enable;
+			drive-strength = <MTK_DRIVE_10mA>;
+			bias-pull-up = <MTK_PUPD_SET_R1R0_01>;
+		};
+		ds-pins {
+			pinmux = <MT8365_PIN_104_MSDC0_DSL__FUNC_MSDC0_DSL>;
+			drive-strength = <MTK_DRIVE_10mA>;
+			bias-pull-down = <MTK_PUPD_SET_R1R0_10>;
+		};
+		rst-pins {
+			pinmux = <MT8365_PIN_97_MSDC0_RSTB__FUNC_MSDC0_RSTB>;
+			drive-strength = <MTK_DRIVE_10mA>;
+			bias-pull-up;
+		};
+	};
+	mmc1_default_pins: mmc1-default-pins {
+		cd-pins {
+			pinmux = <MT8365_PIN_76_CMDAT8__FUNC_GPIO76>;
+			bias-pull-up;
+		};
+		clk-pins {
+			pinmux = <MT8365_PIN_88_MSDC1_CLK__FUNC_MSDC1_CLK>;
+			bias-pull-down = <MTK_PUPD_SET_R1R0_10>;
+		};
+		cmd-dat-pins {
+			pinmux = <MT8365_PIN_89_MSDC1_DAT0__FUNC_MSDC1_DAT0>,
+				 <MT8365_PIN_90_MSDC1_DAT1__FUNC_MSDC1_DAT1>,
+				 <MT8365_PIN_91_MSDC1_DAT2__FUNC_MSDC1_DAT2>,
+				 <MT8365_PIN_92_MSDC1_DAT3__FUNC_MSDC1_DAT3>,
+				 <MT8365_PIN_87_MSDC1_CMD__FUNC_MSDC1_CMD>;
+			input-enable;
+			bias-pull-up = <MTK_PUPD_SET_R1R0_01>;
+		};
+	};
+	mmc1_uhs_pins: mmc1-uhs-pins {
+		clk-pins {
+			pinmux = <MT8365_PIN_88_MSDC1_CLK__FUNC_MSDC1_CLK>;
+			drive-strength = <MTK_DRIVE_8mA>;
+			bias-pull-down = <MTK_PUPD_SET_R1R0_10>;
+		};
+		cmd-dat-pins {
+			pinmux = <MT8365_PIN_89_MSDC1_DAT0__FUNC_MSDC1_DAT0>,
+				 <MT8365_PIN_90_MSDC1_DAT1__FUNC_MSDC1_DAT1>,
+				 <MT8365_PIN_91_MSDC1_DAT2__FUNC_MSDC1_DAT2>,
+				 <MT8365_PIN_92_MSDC1_DAT3__FUNC_MSDC1_DAT3>,
+				 <MT8365_PIN_87_MSDC1_CMD__FUNC_MSDC1_CMD>;
+			input-enable;
+			drive-strength = <MTK_DRIVE_6mA>;
+			bias-pull-up = <MTK_PUPD_SET_R1R0_01>;
+		};
+	};
+	uart0_pins: uart0-pins {
+		pins {
+			pinmux = <MT8365_PIN_35_URXD0__FUNC_URXD0>,
+				 <MT8365_PIN_36_UTXD0__FUNC_UTXD0>;
+		};
+	};
+	uart1_pins: uart1-pins {
+		pins {
+			pinmux = <MT8365_PIN_37_URXD1__FUNC_URXD1>,
+				 <MT8365_PIN_38_UTXD1__FUNC_UTXD1>;
+		};
+	};
+	uart2_pins: uart2-pins {
+		pins {
+			pinmux = <MT8365_PIN_39_URXD2__FUNC_URXD2>,
+				 <MT8365_PIN_40_UTXD2__FUNC_UTXD2>;
+		};
+	};
+	usb_pins: usb-pins {
+		id-pins {
+			pinmux = <MT8365_PIN_17_GPIO17__FUNC_GPIO17>;
+			input-enable;
+			bias-pull-up;
+		};
+		usb0-vbus-pins {
+			pinmux = <MT8365_PIN_16_GPIO16__FUNC_USB_DRVVBUS>;
+			output-high;
+		};
+		usb1-vbus-pins {
+			pinmux = <MT8365_PIN_18_GPIO18__FUNC_GPIO18>;
+			output-high;
+		};
+	};
+	pwm_pins: pwm-pins {
+		pins {
+			pinmux = <MT8365_PIN_19_DISP_PWM__FUNC_PWM_A>,
+				 <MT8365_PIN_116_I2S_BCK__FUNC_PWM_C>;
+		};
+	};
+&pwm {
+	pinctrl-0 = <&pwm_pins>;
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	status = "okay";
+&ssusb {
+	dr_mode = "otg";
+	maximum-speed = "high-speed";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&usb_pins>;
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	usb-role-switch;
+	vusb33-supply = <&mt6357_vusb33_reg>;
+	status = "okay";
+	connector {
+		compatible = "gpio-usb-b-connector", "usb-b-connector";
+		id-gpios = <&pio 17 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
+		type = "micro";
+		vbus-supply = <&usb_otg_vbus>;
+	};
+&usb_host {
+	vusb33-supply = <&mt6357_vusb33_reg>;
+	status = "okay";
+&uart0 {
+	pinctrl-0 = <&uart0_pins>;
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	status = "okay";
+&uart1 {
+	pinctrl-0 = <&uart1_pins>;
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	status = "okay";
+&uart2 {
+	pinctrl-0 = <&uart2_pins>;
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	status = "okay";