Squashed 'dts/upstream/' content from commit aaba2d45dc2a

git-subtree-dir: dts/upstream
git-subtree-split: aaba2d45dc2a1b3bbb710f2a3808ee1c9f340abe
diff --git a/Bindings/phy/realtek,usb2phy.yaml b/Bindings/phy/realtek,usb2phy.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9911ada
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Bindings/phy/realtek,usb2phy.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0 OR BSD-2-Clause)
+# Copyright 2023 Realtek Semiconductor Corporation
+%YAML 1.2
+$id: http://devicetree.org/schemas/phy/realtek,usb2phy.yaml#
+$schema: http://devicetree.org/meta-schemas/core.yaml#
+title: Realtek DHC SoCs USB 2.0 PHY
+  - Stanley Chang <stanley_chang@realtek.com>
+description: |
+  Realtek USB 2.0 PHY support the digital home center (DHC) RTD series SoCs.
+  The USB 2.0 PHY driver is designed to support the XHCI controller. The SoCs
+  support multiple XHCI controllers. One PHY device node maps to one XHCI
+  controller.
+  RTD1295/RTD1619 SoCs USB
+  The USB architecture includes three XHCI controllers.
+  Each XHCI maps to one USB 2.0 PHY and map one USB 3.0 PHY on some
+  controllers.
+  XHCI controller#0 -- usb2phy -- phy#0
+                    |- usb3phy -- phy#0
+  XHCI controller#1 -- usb2phy -- phy#0
+  XHCI controller#2 -- usb2phy -- phy#0
+                    |- usb3phy -- phy#0
+  RTD1395 SoCs USB
+  The USB architecture includes two XHCI controllers.
+  The controller#0 has one USB 2.0 PHY. The controller#1 includes two USB 2.0
+  PHY.
+  XHCI controller#0 -- usb2phy -- phy#0
+  XHCI controller#1 -- usb2phy -- phy#0
+                               |- phy#1
+  RTD1319/RTD1619b SoCs USB
+  The USB architecture includes three XHCI controllers.
+  Each XHCI maps to one USB 2.0 PHY and map one USB 3.0 PHY on controllers#2.
+  XHCI controller#0 -- usb2phy -- phy#0
+  XHCI controller#1 -- usb2phy -- phy#0
+  XHCI controller#2 -- usb2phy -- phy#0
+                    |- usb3phy -- phy#0
+  RTD1319d SoCs USB
+  The USB architecture includes three XHCI controllers.
+  Each xhci maps to one USB 2.0 PHY and map one USB 3.0 PHY on controllers#0.
+  XHCI controller#0 -- usb2phy -- phy#0
+                    |- usb3phy -- phy#0
+  XHCI controller#1 -- usb2phy -- phy#0
+  XHCI controller#2 -- usb2phy -- phy#0
+  RTD1312c/RTD1315e SoCs USB
+  The USB architecture includes three XHCI controllers.
+  Each XHCI maps to one USB 2.0 PHY.
+  XHCI controller#0 -- usb2phy -- phy#0
+  XHCI controller#1 -- usb2phy -- phy#0
+  XHCI controller#2 -- usb2phy -- phy#0
+  compatible:
+    enum:
+      - realtek,rtd1295-usb2phy
+      - realtek,rtd1312c-usb2phy
+      - realtek,rtd1315e-usb2phy
+      - realtek,rtd1319-usb2phy
+      - realtek,rtd1319d-usb2phy
+      - realtek,rtd1395-usb2phy
+      - realtek,rtd1395-usb2phy-2port
+      - realtek,rtd1619-usb2phy
+      - realtek,rtd1619b-usb2phy
+  reg:
+    items:
+      - description: PHY data registers
+      - description: PHY control registers
+  "#phy-cells":
+    const: 0
+  nvmem-cells:
+    maxItems: 2
+    description:
+      Phandles to nvmem cell that contains the trimming data.
+      If unspecified, default value is used.
+  nvmem-cell-names:
+    items:
+      - const: usb-dc-cal
+      - const: usb-dc-dis
+    description:
+      The following names, which correspond to each nvmem-cells.
+      usb-dc-cal is the driving level for each phy specified via efuse.
+      usb-dc-dis is the disconnection level for each phy specified via efuse.
+  realtek,inverse-hstx-sync-clock:
+    description:
+      For one of the phys of RTD1619b SoC, the synchronous clock of the
+      high-speed tx must be inverted.
+    type: boolean
+  realtek,driving-level:
+    description:
+      Control the magnitude of High speed Dp/Dm output swing (mV).
+      For a different board or port, the original magnitude maybe not meet
+      the specification. In this situation we can adjust the value to meet
+      the specification.
+    $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32
+    default: 8
+    minimum: 0
+    maximum: 31
+  realtek,driving-level-compensate:
+    description:
+      For RTD1315e SoC, the driving level can be adjusted by reading the
+      efuse table. This property provides drive compensation.
+      If the magnitude of High speed Dp/Dm output swing still not meet the
+      specification, then we can set this value to meet the specification.
+    $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/int32
+    default: 0
+    minimum: -8
+    maximum: 8
+  realtek,disconnection-compensate:
+    description:
+      This adjusts the disconnection level compensation for the different
+      boards with different disconnection level.
+    $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/int32
+    default: 0
+    minimum: -8
+    maximum: 8
+  - compatible
+  - reg
+  - "#phy-cells"
+  - if:
+      not:
+        properties:
+          compatible:
+            contains:
+              enum:
+                - realtek,rtd1619b-usb2phy
+    then:
+      properties:
+        realtek,inverse-hstx-sync-clock: false
+  - if:
+      not:
+        properties:
+          compatible:
+            contains:
+              enum:
+                - realtek,rtd1315e-usb2phy
+    then:
+      properties:
+        realtek,driving-level-compensate: false
+additionalProperties: false
+  - |
+    usb-phy@13214 {
+        compatible = "realtek,rtd1619b-usb2phy";
+        reg = <0x13214 0x4>, <0x28280 0x4>;
+        #phy-cells = <0>;
+        nvmem-cells = <&otp_usb_port0_dc_cal>, <&otp_usb_port0_dc_dis>;
+        nvmem-cell-names = "usb-dc-cal", "usb-dc-dis";
+        realtek,inverse-hstx-sync-clock;
+        realtek,driving-level = <0xa>;
+        realtek,disconnection-compensate = <(-1)>;
+    };