Squashed 'dts/upstream/' content from commit aaba2d45dc2a

git-subtree-dir: dts/upstream
git-subtree-split: aaba2d45dc2a1b3bbb710f2a3808ee1c9f340abe
diff --git a/Bindings/i2c/samsung,s3c2410-i2c.yaml b/Bindings/i2c/samsung,s3c2410-i2c.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b204e35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Bindings/i2c/samsung,s3c2410-i2c.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0-only OR BSD-2-Clause)
+%YAML 1.2
+$id: http://devicetree.org/schemas/i2c/samsung,s3c2410-i2c.yaml#
+$schema: http://devicetree.org/meta-schemas/core.yaml#
+title: Samsung S3C/S5P/Exynos SoC I2C Controller
+  - Krzysztof Kozlowski <krzk@kernel.org>
+  compatible:
+    enum:
+      - samsung,s3c2410-i2c
+      - samsung,s3c2440-i2c
+        # For s3c2440-like I2C used inside HDMIPHY block found on several SoCs:
+      - samsung,s3c2440-hdmiphy-i2c
+        # For s3c2440-like I2C used as a host to SATA PHY controller on an
+        # internal bus:
+      - samsung,exynos5-sata-phy-i2c
+  '#address-cells':
+    const: 1
+  clocks:
+    maxItems: 1
+  clock-names:
+    items:
+      - const: i2c
+  gpios:
+    description: |
+      The order of the GPIOs should be the following:: <SDA, SCL>.  The GPIO
+      specifier depends on the gpio controller. Required in all cases except
+      for "samsung,s3c2440-hdmiphy-i2c" whose input/output lines are
+      permanently wired to the respective client.
+      This property is deprecated. Use "pinctrl-0" and "pinctrl-names" instead.
+    deprecated: true
+  interrupts:
+    maxItems: 1
+  reg:
+    maxItems: 1
+  samsung,i2c-max-bus-freq:
+    $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32
+    description:
+      Desired frequency in Hz of the bus.
+    default: 100000
+  samsung,i2c-sda-delay:
+    $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32
+    description:
+      Delay (in ns) applied to data line (SDA) edges.
+    default: 0
+  samsung,i2c-slave-addr:
+    $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32
+    description:
+      Slave address in multi-master environment.
+    default: 0
+  samsung,sysreg-phandle:
+    $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/phandle
+    description: Pandle to syscon used to control the system registers.
+  '#size-cells':
+    const: 0
+  - compatible
+  - reg
+  - $ref: /schemas/i2c/i2c-controller.yaml#
+  - if:
+      properties:
+        compatible:
+          contains:
+            enum:
+              - samsung,s3c2440-hdmiphy-i2c
+              - samsung,exynos5-sata-phy-i2c
+    then:
+      properties:
+        gpios: false
+  - if:
+      properties:
+        compatible:
+          contains:
+            enum:
+              - samsung,s3c2410-i2c
+              - samsung,s3c2440-i2c
+              - samsung,s3c2440-hdmiphy-i2c
+    then:
+      required:
+        - interrupts
+unevaluatedProperties: false
+  - |
+    #include <dt-bindings/clock/exynos5250.h>
+    #include <dt-bindings/interrupt-controller/arm-gic.h>
+    i2c@12c60000 {
+        compatible = "samsung,s3c2440-i2c";
+        reg = <0x12C60000 0x100>;
+        interrupts = <GIC_SPI 56 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
+        #address-cells = <1>;
+        #size-cells = <0>;
+        clocks = <&clock CLK_I2C0>;
+        clock-names = "i2c";
+        pinctrl-names = "default";
+        pinctrl-0 = <&i2c0_bus>;
+        samsung,sysreg-phandle = <&sysreg_system_controller>;
+        samsung,i2c-sda-delay = <100>;
+        samsung,i2c-max-bus-freq = <20000>;
+        samsung,i2c-slave-addr = <0x66>;
+        eeprom@50 {
+            compatible = "samsung,s524ad0xd1", "atmel,24c128";
+            reg = <0x50>;
+        };
+    };
+    i2c@12ce0000 {
+        compatible = "samsung,s3c2440-hdmiphy-i2c";
+        reg = <0x12CE0000 0x1000>;
+        interrupts = <GIC_SPI 64 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
+        #address-cells = <1>;
+        #size-cells = <0>;
+        clocks = <&clock CLK_I2C_HDMI>;
+        clock-names = "i2c";
+        samsung,i2c-sda-delay = <100>;
+        samsung,i2c-max-bus-freq = <66000>;
+        phy-i2c@38 {
+            compatible = "samsung,exynos4212-hdmiphy";
+            reg = <0x38>;
+        };
+    };
+    i2c@121d0000 {
+        compatible = "samsung,exynos5-sata-phy-i2c";
+        reg = <0x121D0000 0x100>;
+        #address-cells = <1>;
+        #size-cells = <0>;
+        clocks = <&clock CLK_SATA_PHYI2C>;
+        clock-names = "i2c";
+        samsung,i2c-sda-delay = <100>;
+        samsung,i2c-max-bus-freq = <40000>;
+        phy-i2c@38 {
+            compatible = "samsung,exynos-sataphy-i2c";
+            reg = <0x38>;
+        };
+    };