Squashed 'dts/upstream/' content from commit aaba2d45dc2a

git-subtree-dir: dts/upstream
git-subtree-split: aaba2d45dc2a1b3bbb710f2a3808ee1c9f340abe
diff --git a/Bindings/hwmon/baikal,bt1-pvt.yaml b/Bindings/hwmon/baikal,bt1-pvt.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d3ce64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Bindings/hwmon/baikal,bt1-pvt.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0-only OR BSD-2-Clause)
+# Copyright (C) 2020 BAIKAL ELECTRONICS, JSC
+%YAML 1.2
+$id: http://devicetree.org/schemas/hwmon/baikal,bt1-pvt.yaml#
+$schema: http://devicetree.org/meta-schemas/core.yaml#
+title: Baikal-T1 PVT Sensor
+  - Serge Semin <fancer.lancer@gmail.com>
+description: |
+  Baikal-T1 SoC provides an embedded process, voltage and temperature
+  sensor to monitor an internal SoC environment (chip temperature, supply
+  voltage and process monitor) and on time detect critical situations,
+  which may cause the system instability and even damages. The IP-block
+  is based on the Analog Bits PVT sensor, but is equipped with a dedicated
+  control wrapper, which provides a MMIO registers-based access to the
+  sensor core functionality (APB3-bus based) and exposes an additional
+  functions like thresholds/data ready interrupts, its status and masks,
+  measurements timeout. Its internal structure is depicted on the next
+  diagram:
+     Analog Bits core                     Bakal-T1 PVT control block
+  +--------------------+                  +------------------------+
+  | Temperature sensor |-+         +------| Sensors control        |
+  |--------------------| |<---En---|      |------------------------|
+  | Voltage sensor     |-|<--Mode--| +--->| Sampled data           |
+  |--------------------| |<--Trim--+ |    |------------------------|
+  | Low-Vt sensor      |-|           | +--| Thresholds comparator  |
+  |--------------------| |---Data----| |  |------------------------|
+  | High-Vt sensor     |-|           | +->| Interrupts status      |
+  |--------------------| |--Valid--+-+ |  |------------------------|
+  | Standard-Vt sensor |-+         +---+--| Interrupts mask        |
+  +--------------------+                  |------------------------|
+           ^                              | Interrupts timeout     |
+           |                              +------------------------+
+           |                                        ^  ^
+  Rclk-----+----------------------------------------+  |
+  APB3-------------------------------------------------+
+  This bindings describes the external Baikal-T1 PVT control interfaces
+  like MMIO registers space, interrupt request number and clocks source.
+  These are then used by the corresponding hwmon device driver to
+  implement the sysfs files-based access to the sensors functionality.
+  compatible:
+    const: baikal,bt1-pvt
+  reg:
+    maxItems: 1
+  interrupts:
+    maxItems: 1
+  clocks:
+    items:
+      - description: PVT reference clock
+      - description: APB3 interface clock
+  clock-names:
+    items:
+      - const: ref
+      - const: pclk
+  "#thermal-sensor-cells":
+    description: Baikal-T1 can be referenced as the CPU thermal-sensor
+    const: 0
+  baikal,pvt-temp-offset-millicelsius:
+    description: |
+      Temperature sensor trimming factor. It can be used to manually adjust the
+      temperature measurements within 7.130 degrees Celsius.
+    default: 0
+    minimum: 0
+    maximum: 7130
+additionalProperties: false
+  - compatible
+  - reg
+  - interrupts
+  - clocks
+  - clock-names
+  - |
+    #include <dt-bindings/interrupt-controller/mips-gic.h>
+    pvt@1f200000 {
+      compatible = "baikal,bt1-pvt";
+      reg = <0x1f200000 0x1000>;
+      #thermal-sensor-cells = <0>;
+      interrupts = <GIC_SHARED 31 IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_HIGH>;
+      baikal,pvt-temp-offset-millicelsius = <1000>;
+      clocks = <&ccu_sys>, <&ccu_sys>;
+      clock-names = "ref", "pclk";
+    };