Enable XAUI interface for B4860QDS

- Added SERDES2 PRTCLs = 0x98, 0x9E
- Default Phy Addresses for Teranetics PHY on XAUI card
	The PHY addresses of Teranetics PHY on XAUI riser card are assigned
	based on the slot it is in. Switches SW4[2:4] and SW6[2:4] on
	AMC2PEX-2S On B4860QDS, AMC2PEX card decide the PHY addresses on slot1
        and slot2
- Configure MDIO for 10Gig Mac

Signed-off-by: Suresh Gupta <suresh.gupta@freescale.com>
Signed-off-by: Andy Fleming <afleming@freescale.com>
3 files changed