Consolidate bool type

'bool' is defined in random places. This patch consolidates them into a
single header file include/linux/types.h, using stdbool.h introduced in C99.

All other #define, typedef and enum are removed. They are all consistent with
true = 1, false = 0.

Replace FALSE, False with false. Replace TRUE, True with true.
Skip *.py, *.php, lib/* files.

Signed-off-by: York Sun <>
diff --git a/drivers/net/npe/include/IxNpeDl.h b/drivers/net/npe/include/IxNpeDl.h
index 86f69f4..f514c2e 100644
--- a/drivers/net/npe/include/IxNpeDl.h
+++ b/drivers/net/npe/include/IxNpeDl.h
@@ -637,7 +637,7 @@
  * @param imageIdPtr @ref IxNpeDlImageId* [in] - Pointer to Id of the microcode
  *                                              image to download.
  * @param verify BOOL [in]     - ON/OFF option to verify the download. If ON
- *                               (verify == TRUE), the Downloader will read back
+ *                               (verify == true), the Downloader will read back
  *                               each word written to the NPE registers to
  *                               ensure the download operation was successful.